"Pizzagate" Explodes

I just watched it, thank you for sharing. At around 21.00 he says:

Which is pretty close to what the C's say about 4th density STS beings.

To me, Bernard comes across as sincere. You can see he's still full of emotion and still carries guilt from his past actions as a banker, and that he's dedicated to share his experiences with others. His general awareness that there are evil forces at the top, either influenced or directed by entities from a "4th dimension" could be pretty close to the truth.

When coming back to life after his heart attack, the archetype he saw in his mind's eye was that of a crying mother, symbolizing the mothers of the children who suffered at the hands of evil (or symbolizing 'the sacrifice of the innocent' as the interviewer says), and it played a part in him gaining more awareness of the impact of actions by evil on others, whereas before he 'turned' his conscience 'off'.

While war, famine, chaos and suffering can feed 4D STS beings, I think they also provide important lessons for individuals and humanity as a whole. It was interesting that he said that we're all free and we can use our free will. And if I remember correctly from the Wave, the more knowledge and awareness we gather, the better able we are to act on our free will and to make decisions and act in ways that won't serve as 'food for the moon'. Hope this post makes sense! Overall, an interesting interview.

I agree. Like most 'convertees', however, he's on a mission to 'fix the world' - through, he believes, blockchain/crypto-currencies and intitiatives like this one, whereby people organize en masse to 'declare their old contract with the Evil Ones null and void'. All power to missionaries like him, but because of the very nature of the system he describes, it means it is not his world to 'fix'. It's their world. It was at the time of Paul, and so it is very much still today. The free will Bernard speaks of is ever-present for individuals to choose, and through which to 'wake up into reality', to move from 'sin' (enmeshment with materialism) to 'faith' (living righteously, taking right actions, with 'the faith of Jesus', 'dying to the world'), as Paul described it.

"That's all well and good, Niall, but what do we DO about the situation?"

I just outlined enough work to do for at least one lifetime!
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To me, Bernard comes across as sincere. You can see he's still full of emotion and still carries guilt from his past actions as a banker, and that he's dedicated to share his experiences with others. His general awareness that there are evil forces at the top, either influenced or directed by entities from a "4th dimension" could be pretty close to the truth.

I must say i am on the fence regarding the sincerity of Ronald Bernard. There doesn't seem to be much to any information available that corroborates his story. Perhaps indeed he is hiding it to prevent harm to himself and his family. I did find some articles in the Dutch press putting him in the anti-semitism corner due to his appeal to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and that is why some legitimate public associates of his in his bank project (de Blije B) parted ways with him due to bad press they received.

However i came across a very interesting article by a Dutch man Martin Vrijland (put in the conspiracy theory - corner by the MSM, with videos deleted by Google from his website), who dissected the 3 interviews with Bernard by Irma Schiffers of Vrije Media-TV. This Martin Vrijland seems quite legit (Ronald Bernard, Irma Schiffers, Ad Broere, de Coöperatie Vrije Media: AIVD vangnetten voor waarheidszoekers?) but perhaps someone in The Netherlands knows this way better than me. What caught my attention was that he thinks the videos are mostly based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnosis techniques, designed to mislead the public and sow confusion, probably to get money for his still non existing bank project or else i think he could be used as a decoy in some way to further obfuscate the picture of the shady and dark world of high finance/secret services/arms dealing/child trafficking/ritual abuse etc that undoubtedly exists (truths mixed in with lies, perhaps a bit like the Cathy O'Brien-business?). Anyway, Vrijland is convinced that Ronald Bernard is a fraud using NLP techniques throughout the interviews to completely cancel any capacity for critical thinking of the audience. The article is very interesting, it also includes videos of Derren Brown, the British mentalist, illusionist and author, to drive home just how mind control in that area works. I have put the article through DeepL translation into English in case someone is interested in reading it.

I did find one more story of three years ago by a journalist who went to work for Ronald Bernard after seeing his testimony and described her experience after she quit. She points out several interesting things about Bernard that just don't add up and is of the opinion that he is spreading disinformation. ( https://steemit.com/whistleblower/@Mayb/i-just-quit-working-for-dutch-whistleblower-ronald-bernard-here-s-why ). (Not sure if this link works. It is on the website Steemit and then type in the search bar the words 'ronald bernard mayb', the second hit brings you to the article i refer to)

So who knows. Just thought I'd mention it. However, there is of course truth in what he says as pointed out by Oxajil and Niall:

Like most 'convertees', however, he's on a mission to 'fix the world' - through, he believes, blockchain/crypto-currencies and intitiatives like this one, whereby people organize en masse to 'declare their old contract with the Evil Ones null and void'. All power to missionaries like him, but because of the very nature of the system he describes, it means it is not his world to 'fix'. It's their world. It was at the time of Paul, and so it is very much still today.
While war, famine, chaos and suffering can feed 4D STS beings, I think they also provide important lessons for individuals and humanity as a whole. It was interesting that he said that we're all free and we can use our free will. And if I remember correctly from the Wave, the more knowledge and awareness we gather, the better able we are to act on our free will and to make decisions and act in ways that won't serve as 'food for the moon'.

One last thing, interestingly, in this thread Session 4 July 2020 NLP is discussed amongst others in this post:

NLP is also insidiously used in most modern media, like the news with bold wording, also eye and body emphasis on specific words or phrases... and late night shows, sitcoms, SNL type variety shows, etc, they all utilize laughter to soften approach to discordant subject matter such as character distortion or to lighten reaction against obscenity.

Ronald Bernard video 3 once more filled with NLP techniques
Martin Vrijland, 23 August 2017

Yesterday Irma Schiffers came with the third interview of self-proclaimed ex-banker Ronald Bernard. Earlier I wrote that the videos are mainly based on Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques (NLP techniques) and conversation hypnosis techniques. However, this third video, which would already have been produced at the time of the 2nd interview (which can be seen from the previews at the end of video 2), seems to have been adapted at the last moment (as can be seen from the close up recordings in the penultimate part). This may have been because there was quite a bit of commotion in alternative media land, after my unexpected articles about Ronald, Irma Schiffers, Ad Broere, the Coöperatie De Vrije Media (DVM) and the entire alternative media that uncritically took over the roost of these interviews with Bernard. My articles caused quite a stir and I was approached with anxious caution by some names from those alternative media (such as Coen Vermeeren and Anton Teuben).

The unmasking of many big names therefore seems near and this will possibly lead to considerable disillusionment among many followers. I already described this in my previous article (click here). Others will continue to defend themselves tooth and nail and do everything they can to bring down the messenger Martin Vrijland, because they are committed to this secret service. However, I think I have to warn you about this sophisticated game that seems to serve as a safety net for the awakened.

The interviews of Irma Schiffers and Ronald Bernard play to a large extent into the gut feelings of 'truth seekers'. They satisfy the viewer with practically everything you have ever read if you have been following the alternative media for some time. This is a large target group and so Ronald generously throws in terms such as 'the protocols of the sages of Zion', '13 satanic bloodlines' and comes up with stories about 'near-death experience' and 'satanic ritual child abuse'. Ronald has really experienced it all. He almost had to sacrifice a child himself. That would have led to him stepping out of the world. In the third "interview" (which again is not a real interview, but again mainly an NLP show), Ronald does a little bit
...Ronald's gonna put a scoop on it. He is said to have heard firsthand about organ trafficking; organs being torn from living children in India. Were you not yet convinced of the drama Ronald went through? Don't worry; in the third film Ronald once again conjures up a fit of crying from the top hat and alternates between acted emotion: from sweet and endearing to anger and 'speaking harshly'; it all comes down to the smooth. Ronald really cares about children. Ronald really cares about the world and is a real world improvementist. So give your money to the Blije B(ank).

In the first interview with Irma Schiffers he says at 14:40 min.
"I played at the highest level for about 5 years and then it was over and done with." However, in the 3rd interview he says on 23:42 min
: "then you are talking about a period from 1982 until the end of 1994". That's 12 years. So somewhere in Ronald's timeline something is not right. But Ronald must not have prepared his story badly and so of course he meant that he was at the 'highest level' for 5 years. When he tells this he looks to the left with his eyes in front of the viewer; which in the NLP refers to a 'constructed auditory'; which means as much as 'a made-up story.

But that's not all. In the first video Ronald also says that money was laundered from the Iraq war. He talks about this from 8:40 min. in that video and explains that Iraqi dollars were released from a boycott with Iraq. This would have been a result of the illegal trade in oil. So in this case Bernard gives the impression that he laundered the money that the Iraqi government received through its illegal oil sales. He then says
; "Then you were invited (for example in Germany) and there were whole rows of money carts. And then you think 'yes, ..money chariots, ..can, ..transports, ..busy company' (hand gestures); 'come along' (again busy with hand gestures) and when they were all full to the ridge with dollars and they say 'this is all cash and that has to go' (hand gestures) 'take care of pounds, take care of German marks, take care of this, that and with sister and all that and it has to go there'...now processing cash'. So here Ronald creates the impression that Germany or German banks bought oil from Iraq at the time of the boycott in the Kuwait War (the first Gulf War of 1990-1991) and that that oil was paid for in notes and ended up on huge piles in the cellars of those banks. It seems very unbelievable that all this happened in stacked loads of stationery. Anyway, it is an unbelievable story that a former car dealership was used there as a money launderer for billions of dollars in stationery. In fact, it is practically impossible to believe that this would have happened that way. The reason you might believe it is twofold. On the one hand it is a consequence of the NLP techniques; on the other hand it is a consequence of the 'feel good' elements that satisfy your knowledge of conspiracies.

So how old is Ronald? If you say that your banking career started in 1982, we're talking about 35 years ago. So in 2017 Ronald must be at least 55 years old, but we don't see or hear his age anywhere. Of course, Irma Schiffers doesn't ask about it either. But Ronald still had a career before his alleged banking period and let's assume that this must have taken a few years as well. So that should mean that Ronald would have to be somewhere between 60 and 65 years old. Maybe Ronald has a rope over his shaved (actually grey) head? However, it is not the intention to clarify Ronald's CV. The intention is that by using NLP techniques (based on many hand gestures, like waving away, pointing backwards, small-format gestures, large-format gestures, etcetera, conscious sentence constructions and word choices) you will feel guilty if you ask critical questions or doubt the story. That is the power of Ronald's NLP movies facilitated by Irma Schiffers. Of course there is a whole team behind it that is responsible for the professional camera-, light-, sound- and editing work.
But the De Vrije Media (DMV-TV) came out of nowhere, without a penny and could do all this (and urgently needs your money to do more interviews and research like this).

The raised finger shown in the profile picture and Ronald's look at this raised finger gives in your subconscious the command: Pay attention! Focus on what I am saying. This is very important and it is the truth (finger pointing up). My advice to you is: Pay attention!

The interviews of Irma Schiffers with Ronald Bernard would have been watched 13 million times worldwide! But if you watch on YouTube, that number seems slightly exaggerated. On the YouTube channel of the largest controlled alternative media site in the world, that of Alex Jones (Infowars.com), the counter at the time of writing is just under 54 thousand. But you can also find a video of the Vigilant Citizen channel that has been watched 450 thousand times. Translations to other languages cannot be found, but it is possible that YouTube filters that country-specific. Suppose it is true that Ronald's films have been watched so many times, then it is even worse that he gets away with it. The Machiavelli prize would certainly adorn him.
There seems to be clear deceit and deceit with not only the purpose of recruiting members for his new bank, but also the (much larger) purpose of serving as a safety net for the awakened. Ronald had to become the country's own Alex Jones, but with a 'slightly more Calvinistic' appearance.

This third interview of "Ronald Bernard" is mainly a repeated NLP attempt to program your subconscious through hand gestures and conversation techniques. I could go through every hand gesture, every voice tone and every conversation topic step by step to interpret the technique, but that goes too far for this article. My goal is to give the reader an indication of what is going on. Waving hand gestures, for example, are meant to erase your thoughts. Bringing the fingers together means that something is marginal; a disposable gesture instructs your subconscious to throw away or reject a thought or character respectively; raising a finger and focusing your eyes on that raised finger gives the subconscious signal "focus only on what I have to say". And so throughout the entire film you can recognise dozens of recurring hand gestures and conversation techniques that take the listener out of his critical thinking mode and bring him into focus on what Ronald has to say. In this way, Irma and Ronald's video could be used in a master class NLP training course to analyse exactly how the listener is played. Ronald and Irma pull out all the stops to save their case. And of course they are going to be succesful for most of it,because the films are supported by all the major alternative media outlets at home and abroad. And there, too, the same maxim applies as in mainstream media propaganda: "Make the lie big, repeat it often and everyone will believe it".

An example of how this NLP works can be seen from about the 8th minute in the interview (which I will post below). The power of NLP technique can be compared to that of illusionists like Dynamo and Victor Metz or Hans Klok. It's always about the focus of your attention. There is a storyline in which hypnotic anchors are laid. This means that certain words are linked to hand gestures that evoke an association in your subconscious. In this case Ronald tries to program your subconscious with 'the organic meal'. This evokes the association 'good for you'. So he compares his stories from the first 2 videos with 'an organic meal'. In doing so, he focuses you on his hands and makes a big movement by moving the hands up and down wide and round. Your subconscious is programmed with 'organic meal' (message: 'good for you') is beautiful and positive (wide hand movements). The criticism of Ronald is 'the arsenic'. That word has been chosen very consciously and is an NLP technique to clearly evoke in your subconscious a strong association with 'poisonous behaviour' or 'poisonous attacks'. The hand gesture of rubbing the fingers that Ronald makes is a small movement and serves as an 'anchor' in your subconscious that makes the 'poisonous scatterers' small and nihilistic. In the NLP large hand movements are always meant to give your subconscious the message 'important', 'large' or 'remember this' and small hand gestures such as those where the index finger and thumb are held a few inches apart, give the unconscious message 'small', 'marginal', 'not significant' and the like. Rubbing the fingers with the fingers thus yields the unconscious programming of the viewer, with the message 'marginal poison scatterers'. You can also, for example, hold two hands up and inwards.
Ronald does this for example from 8:07 min. He then focuses your attention on his hands and says: "That is often a...uhm...energetic mechanism...which sometimes...people don't even notice...works through them". Notice the deliberate delay in his speaking and holding the hands up (which gives the viewer extra focus) and then moving the hands down. This gives in your subconscious the hypnotic anchor of 'pushing down', 'pushing to the belly' and gives the association with 'the lower abdomen' or 'below the belt'. So the NLP effect of this method is that every form of criticism has to be pushed away.
Just analyzing these few seconds from the video shows how crammed Ronald's videos are with these techniques. For example, if you continue at 8:19 a.m. in which Ronald says, "Because if I'm telling the truth..." There he makes from that just suppressed underbelly (the place where the poison spreaders are) a spreading and opening movement with his hands. This evokes the NLP association in your subconscious with 'open', 'big', 'important'. This 'anchor' is therefore placed through the simultaneous pronunciation of the word 'truth' with the open movement. (Read more below the video)

The reason I pay as much attention to Ronald Bernard's videos is because it is damn hard for the untrained eye to see through the NLP techniques and not to lose oneself completely in the unconscious programming. Just as it is quite difficult to sit in the audience with Rasti Rostelli and not end up under hypnosis. It happens to you as it were; even if you think you can't be hypnotized. NLP is a form of hypnosis in which the listener does not end up in a visible trans, but is programmed without being aware of it. In the video below, Derren Brown shows perfectly how someone can be brought to a complete change of mind in a conversation of a few minutes through NLP and hypnotic anchors. The technique is based on a lot of touch and hypnotic anchors. In NLP and when addressing groups of people, for example, you have to do it without touch and with hand gestures that then put these anchors in place. (Watch and read more under the movie)

In the video below, Derren Brown shows, for example, how easy it is to erase someone's memory with a simple waving hand gesture (which we also see Ronald Bernard making on a regular basis). There is a whole arsenal of techniques for bypassing people's conscious thinking and programming, without people realizing it. Ronald Bernard completely deploys these tactics. (Watch and read more under the video)

Of course there are always people who will say that Derren Brown's films are acted, but it's not for nothing that there are so many NLP courses on the market. Courses in which people are taught how to "convince" others and get things done. You will be swamped and played with it on all sorts of levels on a daily basis. The fact that sales people, advertising agencies and the mainstream media apply these techniques is still up to that point. The fact that we now see it very sophisticated in these films by Irma Schiffers and Ronald Bernard and that this is being disseminated throughout the alternative media is quite shocking.

A good example of a detailed explanation of NLP techniques in the media was given by the maker of the video below. I would like to do the same kind of analysis again with Ronald Bernard's video, but then I would have to reserve quite some time to make, render and upload such a video. For that you need a slightly heavier PC and more internet bandwidth than I have now. So first I'll leave it at the analysis above and give the NLP analysis below as a reasonably good example of how hangars and conversation techniques play on the subconscious of the viewer. It is important that the viewer of such movies does not allow himself to be programmed with the NLP image of 'poison scatterer', 'low energy' or 'an energetic mechanism' programmed by Ronald when he has critical thoughts about his stories. The NLP techniques with which his interviews are completely constructed are precisely intended to disable that critical thinking capacity.
So my advice is not to garden in the stories. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Ronald knows how to take the viewer with him by using his voice and emotion to create a story that you probably take seriously if you can't see through the NLP techniques and acting. He does this by telling stories about, for example, a team of psychiatrists who have approached his "inner circle" to verify his stories and they would have concluded that he is really traumatized. A story that proves a story is still a story and not proof. You do it with stories and I forgive you if you garden in them. But please, appeal to your intuition and pierce this actor's hidden hypnosis techniques. In that context, I will place the black and white image from my previous article once more and ask you to make one more attempt to discover the hidden image. To do this, focus on the 4 dots for more than 10 seconds and then look at the ceiling with your eyes flashing. You will discover that the mainstream media play the role of the black and that the alternative media play the role of the white, making the picture complete. And while you think that white represents 'the truth', it turns out that the thesis and anti-these of lies (mainstream media) and 'truth' (alternative media) still mask the hidden image.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
it means it is not his world to 'fix'. It's their world. It was at the time of Paul, and so it is very much still today. The free will Bernard speaks of is ever-present for individuals to choose, and through which to 'wake up into reality', to move from 'sin' (enmeshment with materialism) to 'faith' (living righteously, taking right actions, with 'the faith of Jesus', 'dying to the world'), as Paul described it.

I agree, well said!

or else i think he could be used as a decoy in some way to further obfuscate the picture of the shady and dark world of high finance/secret services/arms dealing/child trafficking/ritual abuse etc that undoubtedly exists (truths mixed in with lies

Yeah, that's possible. There could be truth mixed with lies (conscious or not).

Thanks for sharing the info you found, Laurs! Regarding the two posts by the journalist who quit her job, she raises some interesting questions regarding the people associated with the bank. Regarding the article where the author says Bernard is using NLP techniques, I'm not convinced.

The author used to be an international salesmanager and I couldn't find information that shows he's an expert in NLP and hypnosis and recognizing such techniques. I understand they can be subtle movements and you have to be well trained. Unless I missed it, the author also doesn't provide evidence or information regarding when and where and how Bernard allegedly could've or would've received training in NLP techniques and acting. Assuming the author is correct, I would personally wonder why Bernard didn't tell this story earlier or why he didn't take a course in English (he has difficulty sharing his thoughts in English compared to Dutch) as that would've been more effective in spreading a false message.

In any case, when it comes to interviews like these, you compare what you hear with what you already know about the world. You can't tell if it's complete truth without evidence. Whether or not NLP techniques are used, people can still apply critical thinking. People who don't have their critical thinking mode on, will be taken in, whether the person is using NLP techniques or not. The author assumes that the gestures he identified (such as raising a finger) lead to the listener being taken out of his critical thinking mode.

Regarding his comment on MSM and alternative media, there is truth and there are lies in both medias. It takes a network to find the truth in any given situation.

In short, I'm not convinced by this author's article that he's using NLP techniques, but I agree that we should always have our critical thinking mode on. FWIW.
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"Netflix’s 'Cuties' (Sept. 9) is advertised as a “coming of age tale.” The problem is, the little girls being sexualized in this film are 11-years-old. Director Maïmouna Doucouré appears to have deleted her account following backlash."

Even some of my liberal, former co-workers in the Entertainment Industry are shocked and upset by Netflix's promotion of the "Cuties" film judging by their social media accounts. Netflix recently changed the synopsis to omit the word twerking and soften the plot line obviously in response to the flak they're getting for pushing this film.

Like the Ted Talk that attempted to portray pedophilia as a lifestyle and not a willful choice to abuse powerless children, Amazon is also pushing "I, Pedophile", that by all accounts is a sympathy-provoking, don't pass judgement, excuse-ridden documentary of pedophilia.

Here is an excerpt from Amazon's "I, Pedophile" synopsis: Pedophiles have long been the most demonized people in society. New research is showing that understanding the condition, and addressing it, are the first steps in lowering instances of child sexual abuse. This documentary does not seek to vilify or condemn pedophiles or to undermine the concerns and fears of parents or society but rather to understand pedophilia and its complex causes.
Even some of my liberal, former co-workers in the Entertainment Industry are shocked and upset by Netflix's promotion of the "Cuties" film judging by their social media accounts. Netflix recently changed the synopsis to omit the word twerking and soften the plot line obviously in response to the flak they're getting for pushing this film.

Like the Ted Talk that attempted to portray pedophilia as a lifestyle and not a willful choice to abuse powerless children, Amazon is also pushing "I, Pedophile", that by all accounts is a sympathy-provoking, don't pass judgement, excuse-ridden documentary of pedophilia.

Here is an excerpt from Amazon's "I, Pedophile" synopsis: Pedophiles have long been the most demonized people in society. New research is showing that understanding the condition, and addressing it, are the first steps in lowering instances of child sexual abuse. This documentary does not seek to vilify or condemn pedophiles or to undermine the concerns and fears of parents or society but rather to understand pedophilia and its complex causes.

The twitter Woke mob stays silent on this while they pretty much want to cancel everything. Where is the outrage? I think it's very telling.
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In the video below, Derren Brown shows, for example, how easy it is to erase someone's memory with a simple waving hand gesture (which we also see Ronald Bernard making on a regular basis). There is a whole arsenal of techniques for bypassing people's conscious thinking and programming, without people realizing it. Ronald Bernard completely deploys these tactics. (Watch and read more under the video)

Of course there are always people who will say that Derren Brown's films are acted, but it's not for nothing that there are so many NLP courses on the market. Courses in which people are taught how to "convince" others and get things done. You will be swamped and played with it on all sorts of levels on a daily basis. The fact that sales people, advertising agencies and the mainstream media apply these techniques is still up to that point. The fact that we now see it very sophisticated in these films by Irma Schiffers and Ronald Bernard and that this is being disseminated throughout the alternative media is quite shocking.
That video from Derren Brown wasn't acted. It is real. You could see it from his face and even hear from Simon Pegg's voice that he was still in a deep trance at the end.

It wasn't hand-waving that did the damage though - it was the handshake pattern interrupt (where he grabbed Simon Pegg's hand and put it on the table) that did the damage.

Watch the video again, and you will see a definite change before/after. Look at his eyes and the muscles of his jaw. The configuration of his mouth...

After that he used inflection-based analogical marking to enhance the phonetic ambiguities and the shoulder-touches to anchor them to a feeling of deep joy and excitement that he had earlier evoked in Simon Pegg - purely by asking him to remember what it felt like...

I've not yet looked at the other videos here, but this one is definitely real!

Interestingly, I looked at Wikipedia after my earlier post on NLP and was amazed at how much they were trying to trash it as "pseudoscience"... Methinks that for them to go to such effort, they really don't want folks to find out about it!
Watched the second Derrin Brown video. Interesting...

He uses a technique I haven't seen before: He uses a simple NLP confusion induction to trigger a mild trance and a subconscious eye accessing response while they try to resolve the ambiguity...

He then interrupts it by waving his hand just in front of their eyes, and causing their eyes to follow his hand - thereby interrupting the eye accessing mechanism (an unconscious action). It triggers an instant trance! Wow!

Same expressions on their faces as with the Simon Pegg video.

Note how, in the initial verbal interaction with each person, he uses (and anchors) a very complex command for them to get confused, lose their "train of thought" and forget where they are going...

Was not able to extract anything meaningful from the Ronald Bernard video because I don't understand Dutch (?). NLP (conversational hypnosis) is normally 90% words and 10% other stuff. All I could detect was that the guy is very expressive in terms of tonality and hand motions...
The twitter Woke mob stays silent on this while they pretty much want to cancel everything. Where is the outrage? I think it's very telling.

The Twitter Mob is starting to pick-up steam regarding "Cuties"- not in a positive way. Whether it will be a casualty of cancel culture remains to be seen. According to Variety, Netflix has apologized for the promotional poster showing Tween girls in sexually suggestive poses and highlights some social media accounts condemning the film's inappropriate p.r. campaign.

UPDATE: Looks like Forbes, IndieWire and the Hollywood Reporter are now on the story, with an emphasis on Netflix's "poor marketing."
The Twitter Mob is starting to pick-up steam regarding "Cuties"- not in a positive way. Whether it will be a casualty of cancel culture remains to be seen. According to Variety, Netflix has apologized for the promotional poster showing Tween girls in sexually suggestive poses and highlights some social media accounts condemning the film's inappropriate p.r. campaign.

UPDATE: Looks like Forbes, IndieWire and the Hollywood Reporter are now on the story, with an emphasis on Netflix's "poor marketing."

Netflix content has been rather tired lately so I stopped paying the bill about a month or so ago. I'm not surprised they're taking PR blows like this, I bet if they lose subs from widespread cancelations that they'll get a bail out of some kind for playing their part in peeling off our various layers of outrage and concern after the MSM memory holes this news event with some other mass event of distraction.
Netflix refuses to speak against pedophilia and understands that the film cuties is not for everyone. I guess that being Woke and standing up for diversity means accepting pedophiles. Otherwise you are not inclusive.


But they stand against white supremacy and racism. Which is just a codeword for wanting to break up the family unit.
Even some of my liberal, former co-workers in the Entertainment Industry are shocked and upset by Netflix's promotion of the "Cuties" film judging by their social media accounts.
I read today that 650 girls were auditioned for this. I wonder if that's standard or if there was some nefarious purpose behind auditioning so many. It seems like an obvious "opportunity" to gather, at the very least, information on a lot of pre-teen girls. Scary.

I have also encountered, multiple times, liberal friends recoiling at pedophilia-normalization stories (while adamantly denying that the Left has anything to do with it). These have been 50-and-older people. I know one "on fire" liberal activist who is angry when shopping for her granddaughter and finding so many "hooker clothes" on sale for little girls.
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