Session 4 July 2020

Maybe this 'raw intent' that is seen from the basic living organisms has a consciousness that is driving them and/or is given to them. This would be from the Cosmic Information System (CIS) or Cosmic Mind (some would say this is God) that has been proposed by the C's, etc. So although these organisms don't have a brain or any parts which we can point to as giving them consciousness, maybe the consciousness is unseen and 'lent' to them from the Cosmic Mind.

Beautifully put!
Micro-organisms do have an uncanny ability to serve a unified higher function, like cells in a body do. It's amazing that on the one hand, they're tiny expressions of consciousness, and individually are mostly automatons, but on the other, they are unified in purpose as a collective, react to their environment, adapt, and seemingly work as if they know they're part of something bigger and need to make sure the whole thing works. If our individual cells had much free will, I don't think the organism would function - cells can't just decide not to perform their function on a whim. But I agree that there's something driving them, almost as if they were connected by wifi to a "controller", which could be our soul perhaps if they are our own cells, or for other microorganisms some other source from which this "intent" you describe originates.

Which makes things like cancer especially curious. Why do some people get it, and others don't, or fight it off? Viruses the same thing. Some people succumb to illness, others do not. I don't think it's all a bio-electro-chemical stroke of luck. I think that whatever animates and unifies them also has the ability to keep corruption/interference in check. So if for example your FRV, or energy state, or consciousness is impeded - with bad diet, lies, etc, and your consciousness is responsible to keep your body unified and working well, then your defenses can lapse, and in the absence of a good "controller", the purely biochemical defenses are not enough to prevent corruption/disease from taking hold.

Which of course begs the question - do WE serve a higher purpose, as if cells in a body? We have free will, so we can't be counted on to be mostly autonomous or guided "cogs in a machine" so to speak. I dunno, perhaps at 3rd density, becoming individuated, we stop being quite so harmonious and unified as lower density life is because of a unified "control field" for the bunch of them. However, if we were to get to a point where we can consciously align with one another because we reached a level where we can choose and actualize a common intent/understanding/direction, then we can serve a higher function as part of a higher organism. And then we can also individually be better off, because we become almost like an immune system onto ourselves - unified.

So it's kinda weird in a way - we start out unified when we're microorganisms, guided by a consciousness that directs our purpose with very little if any free will of our own. Then as we develop more and more free will and become more individuated, we stop being so unified and things become more chaotic as everyone just does their own thing to a large degree. And then later on, through developing our knowledge/conscience/will, we channel our efforts towards the same aim, and once again can unify in purpose, becoming something that is more than the sum of its parts.

The C's speak of themselves as unified thought forms, which makes me think that it's almost like we were babies and our life was directed by our parents (an overruling consciousness/intent/will). Then we became adolescents (3d humans) and got all hormonal and weird and the parents abdicated much of their will to us so we can explore and develop our own. And then later we become grown ups, and once again our will is aligned with a "higher level consciousness", except instead of it being a high level controller of low-level lifeforms, we are that consciousness, unified and collinear.

This is a very fascinating discussion. I have spent a lot of time thinking about how the universe works; and indeed, I studied biology and molecular genetics because I wanted to understand the building blocks of life. However, I knew that wasn't enough because I saw the need to understand things from the top down too - hence, I minored in Philosophy/Religious Studies.

Even then I sensed that something was missing from all the physical explanations as it seemed far too mechanistic and sterile, without spiritual force; while with philosophy/religious studies I saw contradictions in every religion and practice that didn't make sense to me, especially when I began to study history and reading about the Crusades and the killing of people in the name of "their" God etc. It struck me as insanity even then, as a twenty-year-old.

I couldn't then put my finger on exactly what it was, but I realized that some very important knowledge was not available for me to come to any kind of "unified theory of existence" that made any sense. And there was something about Darwinism that really bothered me, thirty years ago, in that I couldn't understand what kind of God would ever create beings whose overall purpose of existence was to evolve faster and better than all other beings in a great race to eventually "rule them all" (taking it to the extreme). That just didn't mesh with the evidence I could see with my own eyes, all the millions of different species of life directly in front of me, existing in harmony. I mean, REALLY?!

And then here were the humans, the supposed "top of the pyramid" exerting our "dominance" and in the process poisoning everything and killing off species left and right trying to make a "better world" where we can control every single thing in it to our liking, while the evidence was clearly showing that disrupting ecosystems as we are doing would ultimately lead to the demise of ALL life were we to continue...

I think it was then that it clicked within me that most people just didn't see the same things that I did. I was already witnessing psychopathy in our society, but I didn't understand then what it was, or how to deal with it. But I did realize that I was actively seeing a schism evident within humans themselves, that many were not cognizant of their effects upon their surroundings and weren't open to changing their ways even when they were demonstrably wrong. I could see, even then, that some people were not able to understand that doing what they were doing would eventually lead to their non-existence (or at least their descendants), were their activities taken to their extremes.

I saw all of this then, and it was in trying to understand what I was seeing that I eventually found my way here. But what ScioAgapeOmnis wrote above about humans "graduating" to exercise free will to express themselves as they will, leading to individuation and eventually "growing up" to again become something greater than ourselves...

I once had a vision where I saw that all-that-is separated himself into many different pieces, each of them imbued with his own creative essence, as so many creation stories have stated. And each of these beings would "play" with other parts of God with full knowledge that they were all indeed part of the same whole. And as each of these great beings further divided themselves, they were still in full cognition of who they were ultimately, and they all existed in loving harmony...however, they were ALL THE SAME!! There was no real creation going on, just "hanging out" and enjoying each other's company.

Even when taking on material form at first, beings still had connection - if not directly with god, then with our own soul collectives. Bees in a hive, or ants in a hill, or birds in a flock - all shared a group soul. Though each individual was now capable of experiencing different things as an individual being, the soul complex still processed what happened collectively.

It was only after reaching a certain threshold of experiences where we were bound to become human when we were given free will; and with that, we could develop individual identities. However, there was a price to pay for that: in order to properly exercise free will, you couldn't have that direct connection with all-that-is, at least not all the time, or you would always know what to do and wouldn't really learn anything!! We HAD to be allowed to make mistakes, even ones that could eventually lead to our extinction as a being, otherwise there would never be any further creation as those "mistakes" and different pathways we followed will eventually be processed as something novel to take forward into the NEXT creation!!

So, those of us who "make the jump" from 3D to 4D connection again: when we do so, every single one of us will have had novel experiences during all of our lives here that none of the others has had, so we are truly "unique". When we do "hook up" again after this journey, we will STILL HAVE INDIVIDUATION while being a part of the whole again! I think I read in the "Wingmakers" material a term that they used was, we become the "Sovereign Integral". We go from, "I AM", to: "I AM. WE ARE."

As we go forward from 4D to 5D to 6 and 7, even though we are amalgamating our beings again, we will still have our own individual soul pattern that will express itself as part of that whole being, but in harmony with the rest. And that interplay is what will allow each and every one of us to have our own individual say in how we want to express ourselves in the NEXT creation!!

Could it be that every single one of us is a future universe in training?

Bah, here I am pontificating, trying to understand a tesseract when I still can't even draw a straight line between two points. I may as well be back in my college dorm room getting stoned with my roommate, trying to get some useful insights about reality while staring at my Hieronymus Bosch poster. I swear, I wasted a whole month that night....but this stuff is fun to think about, as long as it remains an exercise and doesn't become dogmatic!
NLP ... IS the Jedi Mind Trick (yes, it’s real)

For those that don’t understand this quote: The conversational hypnosis part of NLP didn’t just serve as inspiration for the Jedi Mind Trick in the Star Wars films. George Lucas liberally used the Jedi Mind Trick on the audience in all his films to increase dramatic effect.

In addition to the ubiquitous quote, “I have a bad feeling about this!” that preceded anything bad happening, the most perfect example of the Jedi Mind Trick in action came from The Empire Strikes Back...

Picture, if you will, the scene where Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are enmeshed in battle, and Darth Vader has just casually informed Luke Skywalker about his parentage...

If you can think back to this scene, you will probably remember being both confused and unsure about how to process what you have just heard...

Can Darth Vader be trusted? (He IS a bad man...)
What are the implications of this if it is true?
Where does this take the story from here?

At this point, Darth Vader issues a deep trance hypnotic induction ON THE AUDIENCE:

”Search your feelings!”

Yes, it is said to Luke Skywalker, but it acts on the audience.

At this point EVERYONE watching suddenly becomes aware, AND FOCUSSED ON, their own personal reaction to his previous statement.

(This induction technique is called a “Transderivational Search” and is a classic, hard core, NLP hypnotic induction. It very briefly, but very strongly, induces a short-term deep hypnotic trance.)

Now, while everyone in the audience is temporarily lost in trance, evaluating their feelings about the new revelation, Darth Vader then issues the following hypnotic command: “You KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!”

The part in upper case was specifically said with command tonality... Rewatch if in doubt!

At this point, EVERYONE watching suddenly goes, “Ooooohhhh...”

There is no-longer ANY doubt...

The command has hit their/your unprotected subconscious, and gone straight in!

It saved Lucas having to film a bunch of flash-back scenes...

Now, the above description uses a transderivational search to unlock/unprotect the subconscious, and then, while unlocked, uses command tonality to issue a command DIRECTLY to the subconscious.

Nobody has a clue that they have just been hypnotized!

Welcome to modern hypnosis!

It’s not like the old days when they would say, often with an eastern European accent, “Look into my eyes...”

Now, this is only a tiny aspect of NLP, but it demonstrates how meticulous and clinical the model really is...

About 70% of NLP addresses optimizing/fixing your own personal relationship with your own subconscious.

I found it invaluable in retrofitting many of my missing instincts due to my Aspergers condition.
For Ketone Cop
Thank you for sending me this message
I am currently living in great solitude because of the confinement: the people I used to see don't want to see anyone anymore.
And anyway, I can't tell them about everything we talk about in this forum.
They are nice people, but to whom I have nothing more to say.
I guess it's a movement that's going to happen more and more, as things go on.
Besides, my two stained-glass workshops only work if you wear a mask. That's a no for me.
And that's the hardest part for me, the creative side canceled...
And it's very weird because I go to my workshop where I could do something else, because I have all the material and I don't feel like it anymore, in a way.
Move on, but what???
I feel like I'm suspended between two worlds.
So, thank you very much for sending me this message.
You're talking about Zero Hedge and that member who created a new website...
Could you give me the address of this site?
I'm passionate about everything "Extra-Terrestrial".
I've been copying a lot of files on this for years and I'm really interested in it.
In fact, I'm spending my time now putting all these files and photos in order.
I won't need them in D4 anymore...but since I'm still in D3, I'm putting them in order.

Tenderness for you and all the others on this forum

Translated with (free version)

Oh, no no no NO NO Channa!!!

Trust me, THIS is the place to be, not that channel I mentioned!! All that you ever need is here, all the knowledge and care to boot. And there is no where else you can get any better information about aliens or hyperdimensional existence than here, especially given that there is a dedicated network here to help you deal with the information. If you truly want more though, check out the recommended reading list for any books you haven't read yet. Lots of great nuggets there!

That channel I mentioned is owned and run by an IT technician, and he only adds people he personally invites. It's a pretty rough place; calling the language used there "colorful" would be an understatement. Imagine Richard Pryor and George Carlin facing off on stage while under the influence of bath salts and that might be close....

I do like the people there though. ALL of them are seeking for truth. Several of them are doing "The Work" without ever having been exposed to Gurdjieff. In fact, there are a few of them who I think may be ready for the information here. The IT tech that runs the place, in fact, has actually read Gurdjieff and is very familiar with a lot of the writings here (he actually turned me on to a "Fourth Way" song I shared recently in the "FRV songs" thread). I recommended "The Wave" to him.

I like to share information with them, much like others here do with me. It's sort of an "as above, so below" kind of thing, I think. I've learned so much on how to communicate with people on the levels they are ready to hear things, it's been a godsend. Not ready to hear about hyperdimensional realities? OK, but how about that the wheat and corn you are eating might be causing your alopecia?

What I find really interesting about that group is how each member that I have encountered seems to be alone in his thoughts within his family or friends or is isolated in a "Blue City" with noone around them to communicate their experiences with except on-line. As people congregate here to share their experiences, so is it also happening with others who have caught the "Truth Bug". That's why I write sometimes that I'm optimistic that there are more people ready to move forward on their journey than many may believe. Don't forget how isolated many are now after being removed from MSM accounts and message boards. Just because it doesn't seem there are many like us out there doesn't mean they don't exist.

I still feel like there will soon be that "Hundredth Monkey" that could potentially awaken humanity as a whole towards a better future. Maybe it's wishful thinking. But after yesterday at work, seeing people I thought were brain-dead finally waking up after being pushed beyond their tolerance limits with the mandatory temperature the psychopaths continue their rampage and push more and more of us against the wall, that alone may be the spark needed for us to "gel" as a species. Or so I hope.

Tenderness to you too, Channa. And there's a hell of a lot of that here for everyone.
I'm sure the C's might say I'm so wrong I'm not even wrong, but my thought is that if infinite means infinite, then "the all" would at some "point" also have to level up so to speak, right? cause it would just keep on going? Or is it that "the all" actually has a definiteness to it, and within that infinite things can happen?

They say there's only 7 densities, and I totally understand that these concepts are incomprehensible in totality from 3D perspective, but saying there's only 7 seems to give it boundaries in my mind, even if it's a cycle and ultimately endless. Does "the all" ever change or grow? Inquiring minds would love to know 😂
So although these organisms don't have a brain or any parts which we can point to as giving them consciousness, maybe the consciousness is unseen and 'lent' to them from the Cosmic Mind.
An implication of this is that every single living cell contains the antenna/mechanism/interface necessary to connect to the cosmic mind! (Interesting no?)

One other fun thought...

Depending on your view of whether an egg cell is alive, it could be said that every single living cell has been alive SINCE THE FIRST LIVING CELL EXISTED!

The idea is that cells are never created. They divide!

So, every cell is the result of a previous cell splitting in two: It not a new cell, it is instead, half of the prior cell that divided!

It means that every cell is a fractional part of every cell that ever came before it. It also means that the same life energy that infused the first living cell, drives every cell alive today! It ALSO means that every living cell is related to every other living cell. :cry:

I shouldn’t drink and type...
For those that don’t understand this quote: The conversational hypnosis part of NLP didn’t just serve as inspiration for the Jedi Mind Trick in the Star Wars films. George Lucas liberally used the Jedi Mind Trick on the audience in all his films to increase dramatic effect.

In addition to the ubiquitous quote, “I have a bad feeling about this!” that preceded anything bad happening, the most perfect example of the Jedi Mind Trick in action came from The Empire Strikes Back...

Picture, if you will, the scene where Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are enmeshed in battle, and Darth Vader has just casually informed Luke Skywalker about his parentage...

If you can think back to this scene, you will probably remember being both confused and unsure about how to process what you have just heard...

Can Darth Vader be trusted? (He IS a bad man...)
What are the implications of this if it is true?
Where does this take the story from here?

At this point, Darth Vader issues a deep trance hypnotic induction ON THE AUDIENCE:

”Search your feelings!”

Yes, it is said to Luke Skywalker, but it acts on the audience.

At this point EVERYONE watching suddenly becomes aware, AND FOCUSSED ON, their own personal reaction to his previous statement.

(This induction technique is called a “Transderivational Search” and is a classic, hard core, NLP hypnotic induction. It very briefly, but very strongly, induces a short-term deep hypnotic trance.)

Now, while everyone in the audience is temporarily lost in trance, evaluating their feelings about the new revelation, Darth Vader then issues the following hypnotic command: “You KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!”

The part in upper case was specifically said with command tonality... Rewatch if in doubt!

At this point, EVERYONE watching suddenly goes, “Ooooohhhh...”

There is no-longer ANY doubt...

The command has hit their/your unprotected subconscious, and gone straight in!

It saved Lucas having to film a bunch of flash-back scenes...

Now, the above description uses a transderivational search to unlock/unprotect the subconscious, and then, while unlocked, uses command tonality to issue a command DIRECTLY to the subconscious.

Nobody has a clue that they have just been hypnotized!

Welcome to modern hypnosis!

It’s not like the old days when they would say, often with an eastern European accent, “Look into my eyes...”

Now, this is only a tiny aspect of NLP, but it demonstrates how meticulous and clinical the model really is...

About 70% of NLP addresses optimizing/fixing your own personal relationship with your own subconscious.

I found it invaluable in retrofitting many of my missing instincts due to my Aspergers condition.

NLP is also insidiously used in most modern media, like the news with bold wording, also eye and body emphasis on specific words or phrases... and late night shows, sitcoms, SNL type variety shows, etc, they all utilize laughter to soften approach to discordant subject matter such as character distortion or to lighten reaction against obscenity.
They say there's only 7 densities, and I totally understand that these concepts are incomprehensible in totality from 3D perspective, but saying there's only 7 seems to give it boundaries in my mind, even if it's a cycle and ultimately endless. Does "the all" ever change or grow? Inquiring minds would love to know 😂

So, humanity has been stuck on level "3 minus" for 300,000+ years, sleeping in darkness, and you want more floors to the building? Only a relative handful make it each "graduation" to the next level up. Perhaps when enough of us learn the lessons required to climb out of this mess, the Universe will see fit to add more hurdles - but for now, my hands are full enough with 7 density levels.

Correction: my hands are full enough trying to master this ONE density level!😸
NLP is also insidiously used in most modern media, like the news with bold wording, also eye and body emphasis on specific words or phrases... and late night shows, sitcoms, SNL type variety shows, etc, they all utilize laughter to soften approach to discordant subject matter such as character distortion or to lighten reaction against obscenity.

Once I learned it, I found I couldn’t watch TV any more due to constantly being triggered every time someone casually threw in a subliminal command.

Even radio isn’t safe - they can mark the patterns by shifting their position relative to the microphone, and subliminally, that marks an embedded pattern/statement as something for your subconscious to process separately.

(The emphasis of certain words or phrases within a larger communication is called Analogical Marking. Your subconscious picks up on the marking, and extracts the sub stream into its own parallel self-contained block. It then processes this block trying to determine its meaning before presenting it to your consciousness. If properly constructed, this block never reaches your consciousness, and gets discarded - but by then, your subconscious has already processed any commands it may contain... Subliminal communication is another major part of NLP!)

This is another fascinating subject!

Despite its weaponization in mainstream media, NLP presents an empirical model of the human mind that bridges the gap between neural networks and semantic reasoning.

It is the key to understanding what we experience as human consciousness, and also, because it embeds so much of perceptual psychology, it describes the brain’s role in our perception and understanding of our reality.

In addition, it also presents a model of how the mind can interact with the body - and the immune system - both from a diagnostic and control perspective.

And it does this in an immediately testable and usable manner.

Overall, for me, it was a very rewarding area of study.

A word of warning though - many of the groups professing to teach this stuff are ruthlessly exploitative, operating a cult-like pyramid scheme, and rely on seminars where they subject the audience to a brutal barrage of hypnotic patterns and commands.

Now, these seminars DO accelerate learning! But, after meeting someone who had spent his entire life’s savings on these seminars, and who craved more, I concluded it was safer to learn this stuff from the books - despite it taking an order of magnitude longer to master.
So, humanity has been stuck on level "3 minus" for 300,000+ years, sleeping in darkness, and you want more floors to the building? Only a relative handful make it each "graduation" to the next level up. Perhaps when enough of us learn the lessons required to climb out of this mess, the Universe will see fit to add more hurdles - but for now, my hands are full enough with 7 density levels.

Correction: my hands are full enough trying to master this ONE density level!😸

It's not that I want more floors, but that my mind wants to know if the building ever becomes something more than a building 😅

Once I learned it, I found I couldn’t watch TV any more due to constantly being triggered every time someone casually threw in a subliminal command.

I had that very same experience. Once you understand the 'program' and its operating vehicles you can not 'unsee it'.

(The emphasis of certain words or phrases within a larger communication is called Analogical Marking. Your subconscious picks up on the marking, and extracts the sub stream into its own parallel self-contained block. It then processes this block trying to determine its meaning before presenting it to your consciousness. If properly constructed, this block never reaches your consciousness, and gets discarded - but by then, your subconscious has already processed any commands it may contain... Subliminal communication is another major part of NLP!)

Here's one great Neil Kramer's essay about TDS:

Hypnotic Handshakes & Jedi Mind Tricks

The basic routine goes something like this. Most people are very habitual and ritualistic in their daily behavior. Everything works by pattern recognition, based on the prevailing social norms and the individual’s catalog of personal experience. Critical thinking is rarely required.
Aware of the rigidity of these behavioral mechanisms, the Jedi* mind trick operates by unexpectedly interrupting the customary train tracks of consciousness and diverting the subject to a predetermined destination, subtly implanted into the subject’s unconscious mind.

A good contemporary practitioner of the Jedi mind trick is illusionist Derren Brown, probably best known in the UK, where he is the undisputed heavyweight of mind magic. His mental, physical, and psychic abilities seemingly reach way beyond the limits of normal human experience. His TV shows are major events and get regularly dissected and pored over in excited office banter the next day.
What is interesting to me is how a study of Brown’s craft can provide a deeper insight into the manipulation techniques pouring out of the TV & Internet and thus reduce the likelihood of being programmed.

Derren Brown’s most beguiling performances center around his apparent control over the minds of his guests. He apparently reads their thoughts, controls their behavior, spontaneously hypnotizes them, and makes himself invisible to a chosen subjects. Pretty compelling stuff that leaves the viewer wondering how on earth he achieves this strange wizardry. Have a look around YouTube and you’ll get the idea.
His mind tricks use a slick combination of psychological techniques – such as mirroring, NLP, eye accessing cues, cold reading etc – but the real focus is on exploiting the subject’s ignorance of their own subconscious and unconscious processes.

Only a tiny fraction of the stuff that the senses take in is processed as consciously perceived information and events. That is, 99% of the perceived world is soaked up into our minds and sits there – largely unprocessed – separated out from our ordinary conscious ruminations. But even the unconscious observer sees all. Everything goes in; every gesture, thought, image, word, smell, touch, and feeling. Everything is permanently recorded. Whether the conscious mind has access to it or not, is immaterial. And this colossal torrent of information doesn’t go into the regular filing system. Instead, it goes into a mysterious storage facility (that we don’t have convenient access to) from where it exerts a profound influence over our daily behavior.

Derren Brown is no doubt aware of the works of Milton H. Erickson, the American psychiatrist who specialized, amongst other things, in medical hypnosis. Erickson’s unconventional use of hypnotic technique, coupled with his radical theories on the subconscious, provide an intriguing range of practical possibilities for the eager illusionist.

One of Erickson’s trademark procedures was the confusion technique (which is depicted in popular culture in the movie Star Wars as the Jedi mind trick). When a person is confused, their conscious mind is busy and occupied, and is very much inclined to draw upon unconscious learning (or prescribed instructions) to make sense of things. A confused person is in a trance of their own making and therefore goes readily into that trance without resistance. Confusion might be created by ambiguous words, complex or endless sentences, pattern interruption or a myriad other techniques to incite transderivational searching.

A transderivational search (often abbreviated to TDS) is a psychological and cybernetics term, referring to a kind of search conducted for a “fuzzy” match across a broad field.

TDS is a fundamental, automatic and unconscious part of human language and cognitive processing. Arguably, every word or utterance a person hears, and everything they see, feel, and take note of, results in a very brief trance while TDS is carried out to establish a contextual meaning for it. The skilled illusionist can utilize this process to create or deepen a trance.

Examples Of TDS Triggers Leading statements:

“And those thoughts you had yesterday…” The mind cannot process hearing this phrase, without at some level searching internally for some thoughts or other that it had yesterday, to establish the subject of the sentence.

“The many colors that fruit can be.” This starts the mind considering – even if briefly – different fruit sorted by color.

Textual ambiguity

“Do you remember line dancing on the steps?” Without sufficient context, some statements may trigger TDS in order to resolve inherent ambiguity in the interpretation of a posed question. Do I remember a bygone fad called “line dancing on the steps”? Do I remember personally engaging in dancing in the past? Do I remember my routine practice dancing by focusing on the steps of the dance? Do I tend to forget about dancing when I am standing on steps?

“Penny-wise and pound the table dance to the beat of a different drummer.” The mixing of cliché and stock phrases may trigger TDS in order to reconcile the discrepancies between expected and actual utterances in sequence.

The Hypnotic Handshake: In The Room And Through The Screen

Erickson’s “hypnotic handshake”** is a technique that induces a TDS trance in the subject from a specific kind of handshake intentionally performed outside the normal protocols of social etiquette.

It works like this. Many actions are learned and operate as a single chunk of behavior: shaking hands and tying shoelaces being two good examples. However, if the behavior is diverted or frozen midway, the person literally has no mental space for this. He is stopped in the middle of unconsciously executing a behavior without a corresponding pattern. The mind crashes, suspending itself in trance until either something happens to give a new direction, or it reboots itself. A skilled hypnotist uses that momentary confusion and suspension of normal processes to induce a TDS trance.

By interrupting the pattern of a normal handshake in a particular manner, the hypnotist causes the subject to wonder what is going on. If the handshake continues to develop in a way which is out-of-keeping with expectations, a simple, non-verbal trance is created, which may then be reinforced by the hypnotist. All these responses happen naturally and automatically without telling the subject to consciously focus on an idea.

Confusion is a tool used by hypnotists to put the subject into an altered state. The slumbering brain state induced by injudiciously watching TV and surfing the net achieves exactly the same thing. This is how the Empire implants its messages deep into the minds of the great unwashed masses. To the unconscious observer, the messages are not properly perceived at the point of entry. They are nevertheless permanently recorded in precise detail and influence the individual emotionally, intellectually, and physically with their latent memes.
For this to have impact on a mass scale, people need to also believe that they are finite, separate, the world happens “out there”, and they are essentially powerless. Once this is achieved, the covert messaging is much more readily absorbed. The isolated little human seeks comfort and reassurance wherever he can find it. If the mind is suitably controlled, the thrill of a new gadget, the delight of a new snack food, the consolation of a new TV drama, and the platitudes of government, may constitute all the solace required to get through another day. The prescribed messaging sinks in and no-one is any the wiser.

This deception can be swiftly dismantled with one simple mental gear shift: for the common man to cease regarding his mind as some plain old fiddle churning out the tunes of unseen dubious impresarios – and instead to recognize it as an exquisite Stradivarius violin that is at its greatest when playing the authentic and beautiful music of his own making.

As for the hypnotic handshake/Jedi mind trick, after reading this, the chances of it ever working on you will be virtually zero.


* Jedi. The Jedi are a monastic, spiritual, and academic organization in the fictional Star Wars universe. Jedi study, serve and utilize a mystical power called the Force, in order to help and protect those in need. For many generations the Jedi served as a paramilitary for the Galactic Republic and the galaxy at large to prevent conflict and political instability including playing a leading role in the later Clone Wars.

** The hypnotic handshake. The various descriptions of Erickson’s hypnotic handshake (including his own very detailed accounts) indicate that a certain amount of improvisation is involved, and that watching and acting upon the subject’s responses is key to a successful outcome. The most important thing is that the normal handshake is subverted in such a way to cause puzzlement, which may then be built upon. Here’s one account of how it works.

Initiation. When I begin by shaking hands, I do so normally. The “hypnotic touch” then begins when I let loose. The letting loose becomes transformed from a firm grip into a gentle touch by the thumb, a lingering drawing away of the little finger, a faint brushing of the subject’s hand with the middle finger – just enough vague sensation to attract the attention. As the subject gives attention to the touch of your thumb, you shift to a touch with your little finger. As your subject’s attention follows that, you shift to a touch with your middle finger and then again to the thumb. This arousal of attention is merely an arousal without constituting a stimulus for a response. The subject’s withdrawal from the handshake is arrested by this attention arousal, which establishes a waiting set, and expectancy. Then almost, but not quite simultaneously (to ensure separate neural recognition), you touch the under-surface of the hand (wrist) so gently that it barely suggests an upward push. This is followed by a similar utterly slight downward touch, and then I sever contact so gently that the subject does not know exactly when – and the subject’s hand is left going neither up nor down, but cataleptic.

Termination. If you don’t want your subject to know what you are doing, you simply distract their attention, usually by some appropriate remark, and casually terminate. Sometimes they remark, “What did you say? I got absentminded there for moment and wasn’t paying attention to anything.” This is slightly distressing to the subjects and indicative of the fact that their attention was so focused and fixated on the peculiar hand stimuli that they were momentarily entranced so they did not hear what was said.

Utilization. Any utilization leads to increasing trance depth. All utilization should proceed as a continuation of extension of the initial procedure. Much can be done non-verbally; for example, if any subjects are just looking blankly at me, I may slowly shift my gaze downward, causing them to look at their hand, which I touch and say “look at this spot”. This intensifies the trance state. Then, whether the subjects are looking at you or at their hand or just staring blankly, you can use your left hand to touch their elevated right hand from above or the side – so long as you merely give the suggestion of downward movement. Occasionally a downward nudge or push is required. If a strong push or nudge is required, check for anesthesia. (Erickson & Rossi – Hypnotic Realities)

This article revisits and expands upon the original published version from April 2007 by Neil Kramer.
I had that very same experience. Once you understand the 'program' and its operating vehicles you can not 'unsee it'.

Here's one great Neil Kramer's essay about TDS:

Excellent review, but I would say that the handshake interruption is separate from a TDS and MUCH more dangerous.

TDS triggers a light trance while the person briefly waits for an internal representation to be created, or a memory to be retrieved. They are still partially conscious, but their attention is directed inwards. This light trance can easily be deepened or directly utilized by subliminal commands, but in itself is relatively harmless. A direct command given in TDS will often break the trance without inducing any amnesia.

Pattern interruption, when applied to a totally unconscious activity, will immediately put the person “on hold” in a totally unconscious state. During the pattern interruption the person can be in the deepest of trance states, and vulnerable to direct commands. Even worse, on resumption of normal processing, the depth of the state transition would normally automatically induce total amnesia of what took place during the interrupt.

(Major state changes generally trigger total amnesia of the events immediately preceding the state change as the brain discards the previous context. A major aspect of most meditation practices is learning how to be able to retain that context through even the deepest state changes...)

Similarly, the confusion response is also slightly different from a TDS (but is also often stacked on top of the TDS to increase its potency).

The confusion response typically involves the use of ambiguity and/or some violation of the person’s model of reality that triggers a “fugue” state while the subconscious struggles to resolve conflicting interpretations of what it is receiving. The resulting trance is often deeper, and lasts longer than the result of a TDS.

The subconscious finds these fugue states highly uncomfortable, and welcomes any (often subliminal) command that breaks the fugue state - even if the command is totally unrelated to the fugue, and results in the deepening of the trance.

“Now... While you are wondering, can you tell me how it would make you feel if...”

This was one of Erickson’s most lethal inductive moves. When giving a lecture, he could wipe out an entire audience in seconds.

In a regular TDS there is no fugue state and the trance is internally triggred. A confusion response relies on a fugue state that is externally triggered.

All of these responses can be layered and stacked to achieve increased effectiveness.

To the uninitiated, these attacks can be devastating.

This is nothing like the hypnosis of old and nobody is totally immune because these patterns use the brain’s internal mechanisms against itself.
An implication of this is that every single living cell contains the antenna/mechanism/interface necessary to connect to the cosmic mind! (Interesting no?)

That seems to be the case.

Here is one of the sessions and quotes I was thinking about. Specifically, that “DNA is a sort of receiver”. And a comment to add to this is that it is a receiver of the Cosmic Information System and Cosmic Mind (All information in reality/’God’/Gravity). The last bit of the this last sentence is a combination of many comments in other C’s sessions.

(Pierre) About DNA and information... A salamander that loses a limb grows exactly the same limb. Is it right to think that this organized cell differentiation cannot only be due to the DNA within the cells?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) There's an external factor. This external factor is the information field?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Information field and DNA of the salamander for example, do they interact?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, how do they interact?

A: DNA is a sort of receiver.

Q: (Pierre) Is it right to assume that the information field can therefore modulate DNA activity?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, so DNA is an intermediary between the information field and the organism.

(L) That's why there are people who can have terrible genetic mutations and yet manifest no symptoms...

(Pierre) Yeah, because DNA is a kind of toolbox. Only some of them are activated because of the connection, because of the information received from the information field. Two cells right next to each can do totally different things even if they have the same genetic code because the information field modulates what part of the DNA is activated and which part is deactivated. So, there is a tremendous potential in every cell.

(Chu) That's why they also said previously that viruses are thoughts made manifest. The way I understand it is that they can manifest a thought but you have to have the receiver. So not everyone will catch the same virus. Same with any disease really...

(L) Yeah, some can have the virus in their body and it's completely inactive. And other people can be taken down in no time at all. Reading these genetics books is just mind-boggling.

(Pierre) In previous sessions, the Cs mentioned that some of us (Laura and Joe) were growing additional strands of DNA. In that session, it was mentioned that the Cs were not referring to physical strands of DNA. So, can the Cs clarify what kind of additional strands they're talking about?

A: DNA codons that are otherwise truncated. Think transposons that jump and restore original or new codes.

Q: (L) So, basically you're saying that DNA can be changed? Well, we know it can, because I read the books. But in other words, you're saying that it can be changed by changes in your thinking, understanding, and level of knowledge?

A: Information is the most important factor.

Q: (L) You mean gathering information, researching, and learning is the most important factor?

A: Yes and applying what is learned.

Q: (L) So information is like filling up the gas tank, and applying what you've learned is like starting the engine and pushing on the gas pedal?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That makes me think of something. The key for DNA transformation, the most important factor, is information. At the same time, DNA is the intermediary or the receiver to the information field. It evokes to me some kind of mirroring where the individual gathers information in the world which then improves his connection to the information field and allows him to gather even more information? Like a circle?

A: Yes. It is like building an antenna.

Q: (L) So the more knowledge you gather, your antenna changes. But it depends upon using it because building the antenna is a product of using what you've learned.

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's what makes the changes.

(Artemis) You can't just sit around and read and do nothing about what you're learning all day. You have to do something.

This was another session where DNA was discussed that I was thinking about.

Session 11 October 2014

And in terms of what I think ScioAgapeOmnis was getting at in response to you in the discussion about ‘intent’, etc this is something I would add that is related in an off-hand way to a person building there antenna and also to the end of SHOTW, Fulcanelli, Paul and the book ‘Paul’s Necessary Sin’.

I was searching around some time ago and found a book that I started reading called ‘A Guide to Mystical France’ by Inman. In that book the author quoted another book, ‘The Symbolism of the Christian Temple’ by Jean Hani, as follows:

The deeper significance of the pilgrimage… is that it symbolizes the inner pilgrimage we make to the centre of our being. The inner Being is separated from the body and soul, through which we feel; separate also from the mind with which we reason. It is here that resides our human essence… Those of us who, through the grace of God, are aware of this inner Being, are conscious of, and able to see, as with the eye of God, both the world within us and the world outside us.

This reminded me of a post I made and also this exchange in the ‘Paul’s Necessary Sin’ thread and I ordered the book, since I wanted to see the context and any other information provided, and have been reading it.

Yes, I will agree with that. However, the question is how to achieve this connection with something higher, with God?

I think it is a lifetask. It is through gathering as much knowledege as possible, working on one's being, cleaning the stables, until the inner voice is being heard that can be identified as coming from a higher source, and from one of the STO side. But I am sure a much more specific answer, with appropriate examples and illustrations, can be given to this specific and most relevant question, and it should come from someone more experienced and knowldgeabkle in these matters than a theoretical physicist.

The author first explains how the circle and square where used in the creation of the old cathedrals. And then:

pg 20 said:
The circle and the square are primordial symbols. At the highest level, in the metaphysical order, they represent Divine Perfection in its two aspects: the circle or sphere, the points of which are equidistant from the center, which is without beginning or end, represent the infinite unity of God, His Infinity, His Perfection, while the square or cube, the form of every stable foundation, is the image of His Immutability, His Eternity. At a lower level, in the cosmological order, these two symbols summarize the whole of created Nature in its very being and dynamism: the circle is the form of heaven, more especially of the activity of heaven, the instrument of divine Activity, which regulates life on earth, the figure of which is a square because, relative to man, it is in a way ‘immobile’, passive, and ‘offered’ to the activity of Heaven. We have here a double symbolism, at once cosmological and ontological: Heaven and Earth – the cosmological order - are the external forms, the last stage, if one wishes, of manifestation or Creation, the two poles of which are the Universal Essence and the Universal Substance, {my note: I think the universe where consciousness plays the full role (5-7D) and the material universe of (1-3D). With 4D possibly being a mix of both the material and consciousness – variable physicality, etc and possibly what the author is speaking of when he speaks of Heaven (4D STO), in terms of the C’s cosmology.} represented in the corporeal order by the Sky and the Earth respectively. Man is the center of this creation; he synthesizes it and establishes a link between the Upper (Essence-Heaven) and the Lower (Substance-Earth): and this relation is symbolized, precisely, by the sign of the cross.

In terms of the cross he explains why this is for man and also the connection of the cross and the old cathedrals and their design.

So although single organisms my be driven by ‘intent’ and have a role to play in reality and creation via a connection to the Cosmic Information system/consciousness, I think ScioAgapeOmnis was speaking from the standpoint of mankind and specifically to the potential of mankind, a person that could be an 3D STO candidate, and this relates to what this author might have in mind.

I haven’t yet gotten to the initial quote from ‘Mystical France’ that made me interested in the book.

I’m about 50 pages into this book and for me it has been connecting many dots and starting to explain many questions I’ve had in the past, such as:

Why role or place does ‘divine art’, such as the old cathedrals, play in what was written in the book ‘Speculum Mentis’ about art, etc.?

How were the old churches designed and to what purpose? Is it possible that these churches were designed to facilitate something in an individual and also in relation to having some role to play with The Wave?

The book also seems to be connecting to many things from the ‘Paul’s Necessary Sin’ book and thread, for me at least. I intend to start a thread on the book soon, since for me it has been very thought provoking.
This is all so fascinating! It must be why the C’s have warned about consuming popular music or tv, and that no one is immune, and we really would do well to stay away as much as possible. Even if you know all this stuff, and are doing the Work, and critically think often, your subconscious is still doing stuff outside of your cognition and absorbing all kinds of junk that affects your thinking.

Conversely, I think reading and consuming logical and rational critical thinkers on a regular basis also sneaks into your subconscious. And over time, even if you don’t remember 99% of what you read except certain takeaways, it gets up in there and over time influences your thinking whether you realize it or not. Not just the details of what was read, although those too, but the hygiene of the thought process of the author. The way the ideas are approached and laid out, the process of exploring and reasoning about any topic is absorbed, and makes you better or worse at it yourself without even consciously realizing it.

That’s why Laura always says “you can’t fix the way you think with the way you think”. I think if you just expose yourself to certain kind of thinkers, and consciously remember none of what you read, you will still become a much better thinker yourself over time. We really are a sponge!

So we should all do our best to expose ourselves to quality thought as often as possible, it’s like a shower for your subconscious. Keep chipping away at that recommended reading list! :)
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