"Pizzagate" Explodes

New movie is out!
Dead Sea (2024)

You wouldn't suspect. Trailer looks okay, as young adult[?, 17-18?] photogenic cuties - Ladies in distress - are present. Action and acting looks almost amateurish, nearly a B-movie, but it makes you keep watching. There is a given stereotypical drama:
- Are you watching your kids?
So it keeps an 'okay-ish interest' as you suspect nothing, just a light-intensity movie experience. When you are dead-tired in the afternoon, just came home from work with a barely functioning brain and find enough energy to decide maybe wanna go through your movie backlog..

The entire movie is strange in pace and direction. Doesn't give much clues with the camera - no cuts how the heroine in distress is reaching for the saving weapon - doesn't prepare visually like all Hollywood movies, action is thrown right into your face. Gives you the raw picture of the Super-Rich Peoples World's Cruelty. Somehow, not directly with the movie alluding, it made me think of the atrociously evil Squid Game (TV Series), which was made by Illuminati, I think, to mock the very existence and life of The People. Standard WEF practice:

Strange that there is this new company - big logo right at the beginning of both movies - that apparently sponsored Clawfoot 2023 as well. Weird. Both are low key horror / victim Girl's Revenge movies. Both have cuties, which is the main driver of entertainment. How the girls heroically step up and save themselves. Only[!] regards Lady-Heroism these two are similar to Damsel (2024).

This is like going to theater in the Victorian & modern eras. Three quality pieces of art I listed. Except now the WEF rules the world and the going gets very weird & 'throw-up inducing'.

When I see Pizzagate scenes in movies they give me this "rollercoaster-experience": first my guts go chill. With a sinking feeling my soul feels numb 'fast frozen with shock'. Quickly then I heat up with revulsion and anger and the imagery makes me want to throw up. So strongly that it feels like ejecting all organs 'my entire inside' to be turned outside. As if the body I'm wearing is a glove and the vomiting makes my entire insides, spirit and soul completely turned inside out like socks. Then when its done, I still wanna throw up more..

Dead Sea (2024)

Our heroine damsel in distress is busy saving herself and her young, ignorant girlfriend, who was the initiator that got the two in this mess, when she encounters the "Dear Doctor's" laptop running in real-time the Dark-Web Illuminati Network Auction. It shows merchandise on display, - live / ongoing on-line auction with bets incoming from all over the world - continually changing photos of girls of all ages - to be used for organs, or shipped to become damage groups etc... - shown realtime via "photo-album-on-play" and when the bets are placed and time is up, the big words SOLD appear stamped on the girls photos. All kinds of conditions: beaten and shackled abductee on mattress in what looks like a container, little girls with cloth bunny rabbit, then suddenly our heroine's photo pops up as well. Just like how the "Dear Doctor" made it with his mobile phone camera half an our ago.

Two times one of the movie-villains, "Dear Doctor" exclaims:
- We are saving the world!
He needs to work fast, because a super-rich client is waiting a brand new liver for his teenage girl...

Sound of Freedom (2023) was way darker than this and at the time I was reading Kerth Barkers book and I was under its shocking influence, so I couldn't watch Sound of Freedom just "skip-watched" it in a couple minutes, because the explicitly strongly allusive content made me want to throw up. Then I need to eat properly - and keep it down - so I can work, so... But I watched Dead Sea (2024) , which is a thankfully shorter Pizzagate experience.

Educative parts in Dead Sea (2024):
First the coast guard emergency hotline lady, she sounds very professional. We see an excellent, detailed US coast guard action - amazing scenes by what looks like real coast guard heroes and their tactical commando approach to even minute action. How they are conducting themselves in the face of mortal danger. Gives really thankfully a sigh of relief. Great poignant scene at the very end with the heroine as she is flown away. At least we get a happy ending!!!!
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This woman's experiences didn't come up in a search. Apologies if it was already posted.

Jennifer Guskin shares similar stories as Cathy O'Brien, Susan Ford and Cisco Wheeler et al. Towards the end she names names. Mostly the usual suspects with an interesting twist. A pizza restaurant in the DC area is also mentioned.

Dr. Lindsey Dee suggests that you shouldn't object to pedophiles "because you're compassionate and rational." She suggests that it is a "human diversity" (*buzzword*) "sexual orientation" (*buzzword*) we should accept. Does she not recognize how this opens the door wide open to abusers who pretend to be virtuous?

Sounds like that Gov running with Kameltoe Harris as VP. He's signed into law bills to support them. That probably hasn't gotten much press.
"It goes all the way to the top and it will blow your mind" Pete Chambers.

I've been waiting to see what comes out and I think he's talking about the Diddy case. I sincerely hope this is serious and does go all the way to the top. To me, these are the most horrific crimes happening in the US and anyone with a conscience and conviction will do all they can to stop it. Its one huge network with all the names we've already heard over the years,

I'm reminded in this article of the file marked Insurance in the Podesta laptop which was the information about Hillary C and Huma A torturing a young girl while others stood around and watched (hideous stuff). In the Diddy case the watchers will be prosecuted as well.

"Many of you came here thinking, hoping, or perhaps believing that I may start naming names. That day will come, but it won't be today. The day will come when we will name names other than Sean Combs, and there's a long list already.

Buzbee hinted at an even larger web of individuals and corporations tied to the case, explaining that Combs allegedly had enablers in various industries. "The names will shock you," Buzbee stated at the press conference, alluding to well-known financial institutions and Big Pharma companies that may have facilitated or profited from this horrific culture of exploitation.

One of the most disturbing claims Buzbee made was how victims (minors) were reportedly lured into situations, drugged, and then sexually assaulted while bystanders watched without intervening.

These victims were then paid off and threatened into silence. “Typically paid 10 grand in cash and told to leave,” said Buzbee. “There was a concerted effort to keep this quiet. But the silence is about to end.”
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