bjorn said:
I just feel like I am occasionally lost on some science fair on this forum. Many always seem to get this stuff, so you have gone to the right place OSIT. To me you have to be some kind of genius to grasp it..
"Occasionally lost on a some science fair."
Hysterical Bjorn, but no, you're not the one who's lost, not at all. The internet isn't some kind of osmotic fiber: I get that, and as hysterically humorous as that is, it is also humiliatingly true and humbling to contemplate in that light, but it's also not entirely unintentional on my part.
For one thing you people are helping me. I can see now where I could not before, and I think that somewhere down inside I recognized that you people could teach me what I needed to learn. I said I was happy with my choice of where I chose to present this information. That hasn't changed.
When I thought about where I should present my thoughts on this I considered a couple of other places known for their objectivity and for their comprehension of all the properties involved in this contraption; the mathematics, physics, electrical and electronic knowledge, and other material sciences. These people however expect a golden platter, a diagramed presentation, and if they aren't handed it then they reject it and move on. Happily stamping on flowers as they blindly stumble towards the future.
Invention and creation doesn't come out of rigid formality. I can't expect some of those people to become enamored enough to actually begin to devote their own time to see if what I've presented here makes any sense to them. To cause them to begin to look at things differently and to think about what they are looking at.
I've said that this machine isn't that complex. It isn't, Ok? It just isn't. It's Alien in the sense of unknown and unfamiliar. When you first encounter something alien, like say a foreign language, you are just not going to read it once and then say; ah ha! Now I can speak French. This is the same thing.
I didn't just look at this image of the ARV by Mark McClandlish and then say; ah ha! I'm not sure I've ever had that moment. Myself and at least one or two other persons have been going over, and over, and over this thing for like a year or more. We were totally bamboozled as well. It's not like anyone should just expect to just get it.
I might not be an engineer, a nuclear specialist, or have any real knowledge of electronics, but these people did and they also just didn't get it either. One day, I did get it though. Like hey ding dong, looky here. Ya know, it's pretty strange stuff, and on top of that, this isn't something the infamous "they" want you to get. Don't expect too much help then, but you can expect the reverse as they try to bamboozle you with a cavalcade of why you're a blithering imbecile and how this could not possibly work.
That's easy to let them do because this machine is alien like. It's not something you're just going to get. You're just getting exposed to an idea of how it works. I don't think anyone should expect to just get it. There's a lesson there. People are looking to see some presentation and then expect to just get it. Well it doesn't work that way when you're deciphering some technology that isn't a proven and understood technology, let alone one that the ruling powers don't want you to get.
It's one thing to sign up for a course in aviation mechanics and get a bunch of theoretical information and schematics. You accept that this is how it works. It's quite another thing to look at something like the ARV and then try to deduce how it could work, and to do so almost alone since exposing yourself to any approved authority is going to result in an officially approved shill attack.
Now, what I tried to do was present the basic ideas which I think makes this thing work. Ultimately there are only so many ways it can work, and we know that it does work. We got the photo's and video's to prove that well enough now. So we know it works. Now how does it work?
If you attach technology to a timeline and say that this drawing is an accurate depiction; a cut-away drawing, of a flying saucer from circa 1940, then you can eliminate all technological developments after that timeline. In this case I said 1950 based on the photographic evidence. I further logically deduced from the explanations given by James King in his patent application that the McClandlish Drawing was a 2nd generation machine because King describes the directional controls for the Nazi Version with the half dome sphere's on the bottom. So even though the King patent comes later in 1967, the description of the control mechanism is clearly describing a first generation machine, possibly the whole patent as well.
The McClandlish Drawing of the ARV are derived from a first hand account. It is as accurate as we are going to get. Marks integrity is sound and well intentioned. He isn't a double agent. I say take it for a what it is: An accurate drawing by a renowned aviation and space illustrator whose knowledge and skills were freely given so that we would do something with them to help liberate humanity.
If McClandlish was to have been a forensic illustrator, then this would be a portrait drawing of a suspect. We are never going to get anything better until we actually get a manual from someone, and I would put money on the illustrations in that manual as being a dead ringer for this drawing.
Now we can sit around and hope for that manual to show up, or we just write the manual ourselves and sidestep the officially approved sources.
bjorn said:
What they are most concerned with are those who reincarnated with certain 'mission profiles'' meant to raise the Frequency resonance vibration of the planet.
Yes, yes, and yes.
bjorn said:
most importantly, Keeping in check the evolution of consciousness is their number 1 priority. (Becoming more conscious)
That's how we can truly make a difference. The UFO/Alien phenomenon is paranormal/ hyper-dimensional. Not extraterrestrial. So by becoming more aware, about ourselves and our reality. The more 4STS will find difficulty operating in our reality.
It's overwhelming the level of mind control exerted. Group Think is the number one priority. I have to agree with you in toto here on mind control. I think most people are still totally blind, and most are offended or too proud to admit they are being controlled.
bjorn said:
And like Oxajil pointed out, true UFO's are 4D craft. So they not only travel intergalactic. But also through time, dimensions and densities.
So it seems you have some more work ahead of you :P ;)
Well possibly, more work that is, but this is a true UFO. Don't mistake that just because it's made in the USA it isn't a true UFO.
First there was the speed barrier. People thought that if you went faster than 50 mph you would die, that you wouldn't be able to breath, and of course there were again all the officially approved experts saying so. Then we had the super sonic speed barrier, how to break through the compressibility of air and to go faster than the speed of sound. Poor kids these days have no idea what they are missing with those sonic booms. Ah yes, the sound of liberty right? ~Lol.
This all reminds me of the church fighting to hold back knowledge and now we are at their front door once more. We are at the front door because this is a real UFO, or one on the door stoop of being a real one. You previously brought up the effects of these machines, and you're spot on there. Those effects are real. Even being near one can and have induced teleportations, warped time, and probably some vanishing as well.