After over thirty years of work, the one thing that has become evident is that the
energies of Creation emanate “downward”, and our individuality as human beings
is merely an expression of the “Theological Dramas”, so to say. To attempt to
exert our will or to make our voice travel “upward”, against Creation is, in
essence, an attempt to violate the Free Will of Creation, i.e. Hubris. This is why
praying, rituals designed to “change” reality, “positive thinking” with the “intent”
to change something “up there”, in order to receive the benefits “down here”, is
always doomed to produce more strife, misery and suffering globally.
As I searched through the literature in hundreds of fields of study, the chief thing
that became apparent to me is that mankind is in the iron grip of an uncaring
control system that raises him up and brings him low for its own mysterious
purposes. No group, no nationality, no secret society or religion, is exempt.
I needed answers. I couldn’t live haunted daily by this grief for humanity and the
many horrors of history. That was the motivation for the Cassiopaean experiment.[...]
There was something strange and mysterious going on here on Earth, and I wanted to know
the answers. So I undertook the channelling experiment that resulted, after two
years of dedicated work, in what is known as the Cassiopaean Transmissions.
In spite of the fact that we hold an “open opinion” regarding the source of this
material, the answers we received from the Cassiopaeans - us in the future - were
intriguing, to say the least. The closest analogy to the view of reality presented by
the Cassiopaeans is graphically explicated in the movie, The Matrix, wherein our
reality is presented as a computer program/dream that “stores” human beings in
“pods” so that they are batteries producing energy for some vast machine
dominating the world.[...]
The difference between the metaphor of The Matrix and the view of the
Cassiopaeans is that they propose a para-physical realm as another layer in the
structure of space-time from which our own reality is projected, looping over and
over again in endless variations. You could say that the hyperdimensional realms
are the “future” in a very real sense.
This para-physical reality of hyperdimensional space - the realm of the Matrix
programmers - is inhabited, according to the Cassiopaeans, by beings of both
positive and negative polarity who have “graduated” from our reality, but not
necessarily in the sense of “dying” and going to a strictly ethereal realm. It is,
effectively, a world of the future that creates our present by projecting itself into
the past. What is important to realize is that if we think about the future in terms of
probable futures, or branching universes, then what we do now, whether we wake
up from the Matrix or not, determines what kind of future we experience,
individually and collectively.
While these ideas might seem more suited to science fiction than science proper,
in fact, some of the most well-known physicists have proposed models and
research programs that in no way contradict this hypothesis. They may one day
demonstrate the mathematical proof of such a perspective.[...]
The phenomenon that these ideas speak to more directly is that of
hyperdimensional realities wherein mental energies or consciousness energies are
amplified and can be interactive with the environment: technology that suggests
not only power for transport that is partly physical, partly “ethereal”;
communication that is also partly physical and partly ethereal, as well as powers of
“manifestation” that might seem impossible to us in our present state of
technology. All of these properties do belong to hyperdimensional existence, and
such a state of being has been reported for millennia as being the “realm of the
gods”, including Dragons and Serpents, and critters of all sorts.[...]
It was also pointed out by Morpheus that any human being who was plugged
into the system could be used as an “agent” by something similar to a downloaded
program that was designed to activate them in a certain way. A similar state of
affairs seems to be the actual case in our reality, with the Controllers acting from
some hyperdimensional space of which we have but limited awareness, and even
less access.
The option that does seem, realistically, to be open to us is to choose our
alignment and prepare ourselves for the emanations that are traveling “downward”
to be better received. This is the essential point of Castaneda’s Don Juan when he
One of the greatest accomplishments of the seers of the Conquest was a construct
he called the three-phase progression. By understanding the nature of man, they
were able to reach the incontestable conclusion that if seers can hold their own in
facing [human] petty tyrants, they can certainly face the unknown with impunity,
and then they can even stand the presence of the unknowable.
“The average man’s reaction is to think that the order of that statement should be
reversed,” he went on. “A seer who can hold his own in the face of the unknown
can certainly face petty tyrants. But that’s not so. What destroyed the superb seers
of ancient times was that assumption. We know better now. We know that nothing
can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with
impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors
acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable.”32
All around us we see the result of this error: the idea that we can exert our will
and voice upward to change what is “above” us in order to change our reality. This
idea is at the root of rites and rituals, demanding, pleading, visualizations, tapping,
“workings”, and so forth. People who think that “meditating on compassion”, or
“feeling the feelings of all beings”, is going to result in the “sonic entrainment of
the heart’s rhythm [being] braided into more complex and coherent patterns”,
which will then enable the person to “create a diamond imperishable body for use
as a teaching vehicle down here on earth”, have missed the entire point.
To compare such ideas to the true work of Seeker of Ascension is simply ignorant.
What seems to be true is that before the seeker of Ascension can ever achieve
the point of being able to think even momentarily about “the oneness of all
beings”, or the “feelings of all beings”, or be in possession of “super-awareness”,
he or she has spent many, many years in the struggle to “face petty tyrants”, or to
fully realize objective reality in a step by step process that includes action in
concert with understanding.
They have repeatedly exposed themselves to as many “unpleasant experiences”
as they can find, all the while struggling to master their emotions, desires, and
physicality. It is the work of making the physical vehicle “down here” receptive to
what one chooses to align with “up there”, as opposed to trying to forcibly change
something “up there” in order to have it “down here”. This process is very much
involved with what is called “discernment”.