Pokemon Go.

mkrnhr said:
If one combines this with the dangers of "visualization" as described in TSHOTW1, then to the electromagnetic soup we're living one can suppose that some devices, like Pokémon Go, can be used by some hyperdimensionals as a shortcut in the information field to interact with certain individuals. After all, the mind is open to an inner perception where some nonphysical creatures can share the usual space and time, with a blurred perception of reality (mental blocking is off by default, in addition to situational and self awareness). It goes beyond the phone being a receptacle for communication from someone you don't see, which could also be a portal for communication from non-3D "entities".

It looks like playing the game, people are agreeing to be an agent of the matrix.

bjorn said:
Pokemon Go’s official privacy policy makes this clear:

We collect and store information about your (or your authorized child’s) location when you (or your authorized child) use our App and take game actions that use the location services made available through your (or your authorized child’s) device’s mobile operating system, which makes use of cell/mobile tower triangulation, wifi triangulation, and/or GPS. You understand and agree that by using our App you (or your authorized child) will be transmitting your (or your authorized child’s) device location to us and some of that location information, along with your (or your authorized child’s) user name, may be shared through the App…

We collect certain information that your (or your authorized child’s) mobile device sends when you (or your authorized child) use our Services, like a device identifier, user settings, and the operating system of your (or your authorized child’s) device, as well as information about your use of our Services while using the mobile device.

Niantic reserves the right to share some of the information it collects, in what it claims is a “non-identifying” form, with third parties “for research and analysis, demographic profiling, and other similar purposes.” This would be a lot of sensitive information to entrust even to a CEO with a good record of respecting the privacy of strangers. And in fact, in the very first week of Pokemon Go’s release, Niantic caused a brief privacy scare when it was discovered that the app asked for far broader access to users’ Google accounts than was necessary. The company responded almost immediately:

“We recently discovered that the Pokémon Go account creation process on iOS erroneously requests full access permission for the user’s Google account. … Google has verified that no other information has been received or accessed by Pokémon Go or Niantic.”

Which makes me think that on a higher level people are agreeing to be connected to the controllers, spied on, spy on others, all for a tacit 'reward' (the location of which is most likely manipulated to gather data).
If playing the game gives the makers full access to your phone, then what access do higher entities have to you by the same agreement?

Keit said:
Local police received complaint from a woman, who said that after entire day of playing Pokemon Go, at night she was raped by a Pokemon. And all of this happened when her husband was sleeping near her. She went to the police after she didn't receive any support from her husband, who called her insane. After police she also went to a fortune teller, who told her that "Pokemons became part of human reality and now exist on "higher planes".

From the perspective of UFO/hyperdimentional interaction it also provides a fantastic camouflage for any interactions or even window fallers. The reports of interactions with 'aliens' always carries a cultural and personal bias in what you see. More so the emotional connotations of the imagery.

Zadius Sky said:
and then he goes into how it's a perfectly healthy hobby for everyone to participate in. He even tried to encourage me to play it. :shock:

It was jarring to see in person how one tend to normalize the game into a positive thing.

So players reality is augmented, and fully open to any and all manipulation by agreeing to the 'rewards' the game offers.


It's not a Pokemon on his neck, it's a hyperdimentional controller camouflaged as a Pokemon using the energy of 100 million people all buying the same illusion.
Zadius Sky said:
Earlier today at work, I was in an elevator with a professor (I didn't ask which subject), who's in his 50's. I noticed he was playing Pokémon and I unwittingly asked him why was he playing it since I was curious. He said that his students got him started on it last month and he felt grateful for that. I then pointed out the news reports on the dangers and the craze surrounding the game, but he waved me off, saying "that is just people taking the craze and making it something ridiculous", and then he goes into how it's a perfectly healthy hobby for everyone to participate in. He even tried to encourage me to play it. :shock:

It was jarring to see in person how one tend to normalize the game into a positive thing.

I am noticing exactly the same thing - people are saying that the game is harmless fun, and actually good for you, and even that it is bringing people together!!

RedFox said:
Which makes me think that on a higher level people are agreeing to be connected to the controllers, spied on, spy on others, all for a tacit 'reward' (the location of which is most likely manipulated to gather data).
If playing the game gives the makers full access to your phone, then what access do higher entities have to you by the same agreement?

Yep, unfortunately, that may well be the intent behind this whole game, and as usual, people are falling for it without a second thought.
It seems that all the Pokemon creatures appeared in specific designated locations in the map. And they show up certain time and stayed certain length of durations.
This means, maybe all the Pokemons are actually aliens in disguised shapeshifters.
Just my speculation.
Kay Kim said:
It seems that all the Pokemon creatures appeared in specific designated locations in the map. And they show up certain time and stayed certain length of durations.
This means, maybe all the Pokemons are actually aliens in disguised shapeshifters.
Just my speculation.

Could you please elaborate on what you mean as ''aliens in disguised shapeshifters''?
Hello Hindsight Man,

I said it is just my speculation.
It could be greys, anunnaki, reptilians or some other entities who can changes their body.
Or just projections from 4D STS.

it is strange,
I had hard time posting this using my I pad, somehow it was not working, I have tried about 10 times and it even would't let me save as draft.
so, now I am using my laptop, hope it work.
manitoban said:
Zadius Sky said:
Earlier today at work, I was in an elevator with a professor (I didn't ask which subject), who's in his 50's. I noticed he was playing Pokémon and I unwittingly asked him why was he playing it since I was curious. He said that his students got him started on it last month and he felt grateful for that. I then pointed out the news reports on the dangers and the craze surrounding the game, but he waved me off, saying "that is just people taking the craze and making it something ridiculous", and then he goes into how it's a perfectly healthy hobby for everyone to participate in. He even tried to encourage me to play it. :shock:

It was jarring to see in person how one tend to normalize the game into a positive thing.

I am noticing exactly the same thing - people are saying that the game is harmless fun, and actually good for you, and even that it is bringing people together!!

RedFox said:
Which makes me think that on a higher level people are agreeing to be connected to the controllers, spied on, spy on others, all for a tacit 'reward' (the location of which is most likely manipulated to gather data).
If playing the game gives the makers full access to your phone, then what access do higher entities have to you by the same agreement?

Yep, unfortunately, that may well be the intent behind this whole game, and as usual, people are falling for it without a second thought.

Sounds like a global Stockholm syndrome.
Kay Kim said:
Hello Hindsight Man,

I said it is just my speculation.
It could be greys, anunnaki, reptilians or some other entities who can changes their body.
Or just projections from 4D STS.

it is strange,
I had hard time posting this using my I pad, somehow it was not working, I have tried about 10 times and it even would't let me save as draft.
so, now I am using my laptop, hope it work.

I know that is not the topic, but I wanted to say to me this happened twice.

For the first time (on another forum), when we presented the experience in energy work, and when I appeared tinnitus. One of the members of the Forum said that this is a signal connection with the afterlife world and spirits. I made two comments.

At first I quoted otolaryngology: "In patients with noise in the ear, there is a change in brain activity in the limbic system (hippocampus), part of the brain that controls emotions, and can lead to changes in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates body functions of the body."

In the second I made clear that I do not want to be a spokesperson or media, nor allow any occupation.

The first comment I sent without problems. When I wanted to send another comment line went dead, and I could no longer access this forum. I've been trying for almost three hours. I persisted, and then I remembered that I have another browser (which prefer my sons) and through it establish a connection and send comment. When I pressed enter, I heard a tremendous explosion (like a lightning strike in the vicinity), but it was a sunny day, and the dogs were quiet (or when it thunders over the distant mountains flee the house).
So even today I do not know what it was, whether the explosion was outside of me or in my mind.

The second time it happened on this forum when I wanted to send that my "picture book" (spirals and waves).
I wrote a comment in the specified "window" upload pictures in attachment and pressed send, but the connection is constantly interrupted. This time I knew what was going on so I constantly repeat: I will send, my will is to send..... At that time I was still in a "preview", but when the connection is finally established appeared only text without attachments, or only some of the images. Finally, in the "preview" was all right, but when I confirmed, on the forum appeared only text with the first and last image (and thus lost its sense), so I had to send back.
Sometimes you have to be persistent / stubborn. :)
New development in the Netherlands, the police in Rotterdam will conduct an experiment to enroll Pokemon Go players as neighborhood watch:

Rotterdam police bring in Pokemon Go players to catch crooks

August 11, 2016

Rotterdam police are planning to use Pokémon Go players as extra eyes and ears to help catch crooks, RTL news (Google translate) said on Thursday.

By using special ‘lures’ to attract players to crime hot spots, the police hope to discourage criminals and bring in more people to spot suspicious situations, the broadcaster said.

‘For example, we could use lures close to shops around closing times,’ beat police officer Kor de Jong told RTL. ‘All those Pokémon Go players would then put off criminals.’

‘We are placing lures at locations where, for example, a flasher was spotted or there have been a string of robberies or bike thefts,’ he said. Players who spot something suspicious are then urged to contact the police directly.


Rotterdam police have also asked active Pokémon Go players if they would like to take part in a WhatsApp group with the police and neighbourhood watch teams, RTL said. They have already reportedly spotted a bike thief and shared a photo, allowing police to pick him up.

De Jong has spent €100 buying 180 lures which will be used in the coming period. ‘We will use them when necessary,’ he said. ‘If it is a success, more budget could be freed up to buy more lures.’

De Jong has also asked game maker Niantic if the police could also identify locations as potential Pokéstops, which have a key role in the online game. The company told RTL that they have had very many requests and none are being considered at the moment.

Original source (in Dutch):
Kika said:
Kay Kim said:
Hello Hindsight Man,

I said it is just my speculation.
It could be greys, anunnaki, reptilians or some other entities who can changes their body.
Or just projections from 4D STS.

it is strange,
I had hard time posting this using my I pad, somehow it was not working, I have tried about 10 times and it even would't let me save as draft.
so, now I am using my laptop, hope it work.

I know that is not the topic, but I wanted to say to me this happened twice.

For the first time (on another forum), when we presented the experience in energy work, and when I appeared tinnitus. One of the members of the Forum said that this is a signal connection with the afterlife world and spirits. I made two comments.

At first I quoted otolaryngology: "In patients with noise in the ear, there is a change in brain activity in the limbic system (hippocampus), part of the brain that controls emotions, and can lead to changes in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates body functions of the body."

In the second I made clear that I do not want to be a spokesperson or media, nor allow any occupation.

The first comment I sent without problems. When I wanted to send another comment line went dead, and I could no longer access this forum. I've been trying for almost three hours. I persisted, and then I remembered that I have another browser (which prefer my sons) and through it establish a connection and send comment. When I pressed enter, I heard a tremendous explosion (like a lightning strike in the vicinity), but it was a sunny day, and the dogs were quiet (or when it thunders over the distant mountains flee the house).
So even today I do not know what it was, whether the explosion was outside of me or in my mind.

The second time it happened on this forum when I wanted to send that my "picture book" (spirals and waves).
I wrote a comment in the specified "window" upload pictures in attachment and pressed send, but the connection is constantly interrupted. This time I knew what was going on so I constantly repeat: I will send, my will is to send..... At that time I was still in a "preview", but when the connection is finally established appeared only text without attachments, or only some of the images. Finally, in the "preview" was all right, but when I confirmed, on the forum appeared only text with the first and last image (and thus lost its sense), so I had to send back.
Sometimes you have to be persistent / stubborn. :)

I work in I.T. ...and I have to say there is a certain level of nonsensical voodoo involved when it comes to overcoming glitches.

I have a screen that sometimes won't wake from sleep. It's a known bug with the laptop docking station that I use.

If i'm not first looking at the screen and clicking, the monitor will never come out of sleep unless I swap a cable to resolve the issue once and for all.

I'm sure there is a logical explanation behind the issue, but without fail, if I click umpteen times onto the mouse as I turn on the monitor... it works... If I don't click, or don't look at the monitor when I wake the laptop from sleep mode, it will never work and the screen gets stuck in a grey state. I suspect the movement or visual activity the video card is attempting to process stimulates the screen to wake from sleep mode.

A certain level of user perception, in my honest opinion, is often the missing link when it gets technology to work the way you want it to. That in and of itself is enough to have me convinced that the Cs are 100% correct when it comes to technology being a hot bed for negative entities and attachments.

It also makes sense that things will break or glitch when you're trying to spread any thought provoking communications to a wider audience, in some attempt to dissuade or deter you from completing your task.

In my field, being dissuaded simply isn't an option, so maintaining 'user resilience' against the machine is key, especially when you have to rely on it to talk to the right people (here for example) or get paid.

This link here expounds on the topic more appropriately, in case you haven't read it yet: https://thecasswiki.net/index.php?title=Technology
Hello Kika,

I admire fortitude of your mind.
Indeed, it was weirdest incident that explosion you heard in sunny day that your second comment in using your another browser.

In my case, this is my second time too. The first time it happened in last year, when my introduction in Newbies section, I could not post it, I tried few more times but didn't work, even though other websites work fine that time.'
I didn't think anything odd that time, because I never joined any other forum before, so thinking maybe I did something wrong. Then I tried again next day, then it went through.

And I have noticed that similar incidents happened to others too.
We never know what caused thing like that to happened.
Maybe something is trying to prevent us from posting certain ideas?
Woman tells police she was RAPED by a Pokemon Go character after she felt an ‘assault’... and the virtual reality game detected the creature in her bedroom
By Simon Holmes 11 August 2016 :shock:
Police say a young woman has lodged a formal complaint that she has been raped - by a Pokemon.

She told officers that she had been sexually assaulted by a giant Pokemon in her apartment in the Russian capital city of Moscow.

The married woman, whose name has not been released, had reportedly been playing Pokemon GO before she fell asleep.

She claimed that she woke up to find a huge Pokemon lying on top of her body and says it was raping her.


Was it you? The monsters can be found and captured in cities and towns across the globe

The woman says the Pokemon disappeared when she jumped out of bed - but says the Pokemon GO app on her phone could still detect the same virtual character's presence on her bed.

She woke up her husband to tell her what had happened who told police officers that he did not believe her and told her to see a psychiatrist.

Russian news website Bloknot reports that the police did not believe her either and that the woman then went to see a psychic who was unable to help her.

Ivan Makarov, the woman's friend, said:
"She says there are too many Pokemon at her place and even the dog can sense them. She says the dog barks whenever she plays Pokemon GO."

Mr Makarov said that his friend had eventually accepted her husband's advice, in desperation, and had booked an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Pokemon GO, a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game for iOS and Android devices, has become a huge craze since it launched in July 2016.

Players use GPS to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokemon, who appear on screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player.

Someone stole my Pokemon! Police interrupted by Pokemon 999 call
zin said:
Kika said:
Kay Kim said:
Hello Hindsight Man,

I said it is just my speculation.
It could be greys, anunnaki, reptilians or some other entities who can changes their body.
Or just projections from 4D STS.

it is strange,
I had hard time posting this using my I pad, somehow it was not working, I have tried about 10 times and it even would't let me save as draft.
so, now I am using my laptop, hope it work.

I know that is not the topic, but I wanted to say to me this happened twice.

For the first time (on another forum), when we presented the experience in energy work, and when I appeared tinnitus. One of the members of the Forum said that this is a signal connection with the afterlife world and spirits. I made two comments.

At first I quoted otolaryngology: "In patients with noise in the ear, there is a change in brain activity in the limbic system (hippocampus), part of the brain that controls emotions, and can lead to changes in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates body functions of the body."

In the second I made clear that I do not want to be a spokesperson or media, nor allow any occupation.

The first comment I sent without problems. When I wanted to send another comment line went dead, and I could no longer access this forum. I've been trying for almost three hours. I persisted, and then I remembered that I have another browser (which prefer my sons) and through it establish a connection and send comment. When I pressed enter, I heard a tremendous explosion (like a lightning strike in the vicinity), but it was a sunny day, and the dogs were quiet (or when it thunders over the distant mountains flee the house).
So even today I do not know what it was, whether the explosion was outside of me or in my mind.

The second time it happened on this forum when I wanted to send that my "picture book" (spirals and waves).
I wrote a comment in the specified "window" upload pictures in attachment and pressed send, but the connection is constantly interrupted. This time I knew what was going on so I constantly repeat: I will send, my will is to send..... At that time I was still in a "preview", but when the connection is finally established appeared only text without attachments, or only some of the images. Finally, in the "preview" was all right, but when I confirmed, on the forum appeared only text with the first and last image (and thus lost its sense), so I had to send back.
Sometimes you have to be persistent / stubborn. :)

I work in I.T. ...and I have to say there is a certain level of nonsensical voodoo involved when it comes to overcoming glitches.

I have a screen that sometimes won't wake from sleep. It's a known bug with the laptop docking station that I use.

If i'm not first looking at the screen and clicking, the monitor will never come out of sleep unless I swap a cable to resolve the issue once and for all.

I'm sure there is a logical explanation behind the issue, but without fail, if I click umpteen times onto the mouse as I turn on the monitor... it works... If I don't click, or don't look at the monitor when I wake the laptop from sleep mode, it will never work and the screen gets stuck in a grey state. I suspect the movement or visual activity the video card is attempting to process stimulates the screen to wake from sleep mode.

A certain level of user perception, in my honest opinion, is often the missing link when it gets technology to work the way you want it to. That in and of itself is enough to have me convinced that the Cs are 100% correct when it comes to technology being a hot bed for negative entities and attachments.

It also makes sense that things will break or glitch when you're trying to spread any thought provoking communications to a wider audience, in some attempt to dissuade or deter you from completing your task.

In my field, being dissuaded simply isn't an option, so maintaining 'user resilience' against the machine is key, especially when you have to rely on it to talk to the right people (here for example) or get paid.

This link here expounds on the topic more appropriately, in case you haven't read it yet: https://thecasswiki.net/index.php?title=Technology


Thanks for the Technology reference. I think that should be on the forum reading list for sure. I was also in the IT field as a programmer/applications developer and have been interested in the STO use of technology.

If we look at this Pokemon phenomena in light of what the Cs are saying about "overpowering" I think we can find the balance this time around maybe. If it wasn't for the computer we wouldn't be here posting.

One of my favorite session topics was the Cs mention of the nature of computers:

Session 19 November 1994
Q: (L) What does the cosmic retrieval system retrieve?

A: Remember computer was inspired by cosmic forces and reflects universal intelligence system of retrieval of reality.

Q: (T) This is a computer network, yes or no?

A: Strange thought pattern.

Q: (T) What you have described, on a very large scale, sophisticated...

A: Grand scale, close.

Q: (T) Can I access it through our earthly computer system?

A: In a sense, but not directly as of yet. But just wait. [Break]

For me this has always meant that it is the use of technology that determines whether it is STS or STO. Obviously Pokemon is questionable at this point. As Palinurus has posted a possible STO application such as the Rotterdam Police request for assistance and it has been ignored by Niantic.
Hi Zin and Kay Kim

Yes, something strange happens. I also have some foundation of IT (hardware and software), so for me the computer is not totally "mystery box". Perhaps there is a topic (a strange experience with IT equipment)?

Zin thanks for the link, I did not read it until now. This gave support to some of my thoughts and confirm that I have my teenagers gave good advice. In order to give a "motherly advice" not to look too much like a preaching or paranoid I told them this:
"The guys in your life be careful at all, which pander and feed your laziness. All that is offered to you, explaining that you will not need to invest your energy and work, sooner or later will prove harmful either to your body, psyche, emotions and soul. "

Kay Kim at that point I was not brave at all. I was very scared, "Jesus, what have I done!" But then I quickly gathered and said: "Good boys, you already know that I have no knowledge or experience in this business, and you, the bad guys, f**k you! I stand by my decision." So I somehow resolved and got over it. :)

I've consistently found that when the gremlins get involved, bugging the system so sharing important thoughts becomes interrupted, (we get this all the time in the SOTT Radio Show), that perseverance makes all the difference. Stick with it; keep tuned in through annoying drop-outs and distortions, re-type those vanished paragraphs, don't lose track of that insight while you fiddle with a glitching modem, etc.

It's like we deliberately choose to not go along with the controllers. I think on a not so very deep level, that simple choice can be a huge deciding factor. The predator is lazy and will give up after a while.
Very thought provoking conversation going on here. Something that came to mind was John Keels experiences with just regular, land line telephones during the 60's. In one example, someone called his associates, several times and copied Keels voice perfectly. The speculation here, it was a 4d source, manipulating people. I'm sure he gives other examples but this is the only one that comes to mind at the moment. So years pass and now the telephone has become a much more sophisticated devise perhaps introduced by 4ders. The capabilities for affecting and controlling people are far more sophisticated and encompassing then the old phones of course. Is the cell phone providing direct access to the 4d realm? Perhaps mini portals are created around every cell phone user and what comes through depends how open and vulnerable the person is. Could a "astral" entity seduce/rape a person during sleep? Well that is a very old, and well reported story so we know it happens and more recently the accounts from Karla Turner come to mind. The woman reporting rape by a pokeman creature dont seem so far fetched and could well be true seen in this light. Why not take the form of some cartoon, the woman was playing the game ALL DAY after all.
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