Pokemon Go.

[quote author=C.A]A: We told you that "HAARP" was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete "order on the surface of the planet" in either 3rd or 4th density.

Q: (L) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?

A: Yes, in its early stages.

Q: (T) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a continental scale?

A: Back up system.

Q: (L) So, they don't need the towers to operate the HAARP system, but they are there as the backup?

A: Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.

They mean UMTS towers right? By now you can find those literally spanning over half of the globe I believe. I don't know if Russia is using some alternative or the same?


You can't play Pokemon Go without those towers I believe. Kind of freaky to think that they use something that is associated with cute and innocent to anchor 4STS frequencies.

I never could have imagined that Pokemon would had some role to play in some sinister 4STS plot and with that planetary destruction. :lol:
I've been waiting for the South Park dudes to weigh in and they finally have. I was a bit too old to have any appreciation for Pokemon when it first came out but I was the perfect age to appreciate Chinpokomon:

Pokémon Go has taken over the world, so it's obviously going to be skewered on South Park next season. Right? The answer isn't what you'd expect.

That was among the topics that South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have been asked repeatedly during the past week. But Parker revealed Friday during the South Park: Season 20 Comic-Con panel that fans shouldn't expect to see an episode devoted to the gaming phenomenon — because they've already done it.

"We did it in 1999!" Parker said. "We did an episode called 'Chinpokomon.'"

Parker went on to explain the plot of the season three episode: the South Park kids, fallen under the spell of the Chinpokomon fad, bought popular Japanese merchandise that had chips in them which sent the kids' locations to Japan. The entire thing was orchestrated by Japan to overtake the U.S. government by infiltrating the system through the children and orchestrate an attack on Pearl Harbor.

"They ripped off our f—king thing!" Parker said with a laugh. "So we're suing them for our f—king idea."

"I'll bring that up on Sunday at the Pokémon Go panel," moderator Chris Hardwick said with a laugh.

Many view Chinpokomon as one of the finer early South Park episodes and it was nominated for an Emmy. Basically the Pokemon stand-ins are not only blatant marketing devices designed to brainwash kids into getting their parents to spend more money on them, but through repeated phrases and vectors like bombing Pearl Harbor in a video game, and eventually a full-on indoctrination camp, they steer the kids toward overthrowing their own government. I think if Pearl Harbor hadn't been chosen as a humorous and obvious/antiquated target from history the whole thing might have been way more unsettling than it was funny.

Not only is the current Pokémon Go an all-too-frightening example of life imitating art (or satire/parody/whatever), but now that Oliver Stone has come out and said Pokémon Go could lead to totalitarianism, some people are dismissing him by citing Chinpokomon and saying he watched too much South Park!
There's another series of comments by the Cs that should be included in our consideration of this Pokemon business:

15 August 1998 said:
Q: (L) There is this internet site in Mexico which puts up
this information about the alien bases. [Reads excerpt]
It says that in the areas where there are these bases,
there is often a lot of strange phenomena. I would like
to know if you can identify the source of this information
as he does not identify himself or where he is getting
this stuff? He does not even have an e-mail option on his
A: You can test verity of all such information based upon
that which you already know or have "put together."
Q: (L) Can you give me an approximate number of aliens
currently interacting with, or on, or under our planet as
a whole?
A: "Aliens?" What constitutes such?
Q: (L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra-
terrestrials, Ultra-terrestrials, and so forth.
A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies
occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be
located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their
inherant portals, you know!
Q: (L) This guy thinks that there is a rather limited number
of aliens, and that people ought to get together and
resist this threat because our numbers are greater. Is
that, in fact, correct?
A: Not point. The question of the hour is: what is the
Q: (L) Okay, what is the motive?
A: Build a house step by step, and when it is finished, you
can move into the neighborhood and out of the motel.
Q: (L) Oh jeez. So, these are a bunch of aliens hanging out
in 'motels' waiting for their house to be built. That
does not sound good.
A: Many of you have recently become "bedazzled" by the
"information superhighway," and its accompanying computer
hardware. Gee, we wonder why?

Q: (L) Well, you told us to network. We have been networking
like crazy, digging up information, reading and comparing.
Yes, there is a ton of garbage out there, but if we don't
ask, how will we know?
A: Point was: who is manipulating thee? Not so much you
specifically, but the others? So many kids and kids-at-
heart are thunderstruck by techno-sensory toys. Those
cellular phones, those pagers and the Christmas toy
computers... They are like, so cool!

Q: (L) So what are you implying about these techno toys?
A: Ponder.
Q: (L) Give me a clue. A word, something to point me in the
right direction.
A: Fuzzy jello-brained kids.
Q: (L) Are you saying that pagers and cell phones, and techno
toys that kids get for Christmas can have effects on them
that turn their brains to jello?
A: In a figurative sense. All this technology represents a
Brave New World. Like Huxley said: Woe is to those who
have been led to eat their brains for lunch.

Q: (L) My kids have pagers. Are pagers, in particular...
A: What do you think comprises the signal content?
Q: (L) I don't know. What does comprise the signal content?
A: Microwaves.
Q: (L) What do these microwaves do to the individual?
A: Contour brain cell structure.
Q: (L) Do they emit a signal continuously, or only when they
are being used?
A: Wave cycle low to high.
Q: (L) Well, that's not good. How close does the pager have
to be to you to have this effect?
A: Four meters. Cell phones too and television and computer
screens can be transmitted through thusly.

Q: (L) Is there any kind of device that we can build or
purchase that can emit a blocking signal?
A: Knowledge protects. {As in knowing what they are and what they do and turning the damn things off unless absolutely needed.}
Q: (L) When you say 'contouring brain cell structure,' what
would be evidence or results of such effects?
A: Increasingly narrow outlooks and being unable to employ
discriminatory thinking.

Q: (L) Confusion?
A: No. Just lack of depth and breadth to one's mental and
psychic abilities.
Even when one uses no wireless device, he's still surrounded with microwave towers. Silk and/or Faraday cages seems to attenuate those harmful radiations:

session 3 January 2009 said:
Q: .... (Ark) You were asking about this WiFi, and it's bad, but I want to ask about this USB stick with the little antenna on our Asus? It radiates microwaves like cellphones. Is it strong?

A: Also bad. You would be surprised what tiny things can do. In all cases, however, there are remedies and safety measures.

Q: (S) Well, this kind of my question. Because we have cell phones that are so evil, right? The problem is that even if you never use a cell phone, there are towers EVERYWHERE. If a cell phone is on and it's close to you, that's worse, but... (L) You can't escape it all. (S) So we can obviously turn off the evil stuff, but... (L) I think there's also the stuff out there for cancelling that is dietary {like minerals}, or something you can do.

A: Silk is always good.

Q: (Ark) But coming back to this USB stick and little antenna which is probably very weak, what would be the distance from this that you would consider to be safe?

A: 2 meters.

Q: (Ark) Oh, so this is really weak. (S) Is it the same for WiFi? (discussion of evil microwaves and what to do)

A: Consider a "Faraday cage" for ___ until she is stronger

While cell phone and pagers safe distance is 4 meters, USB sticks (3G sticks) require 2 meters to be safe.
I don't know if Russia is using some alternative or the same?
Один в один. Уж будьте уверены. У меня прямо из окна кухни такую видно. Метров 100 до нее. Наши дебилы точно так же поскачут за этими мифическими уродцами как и ваши, когда у нас запустят эту дрянь. А может уже запустили? :umm: Я просто не интересовался. Ранее объявляли что запуск будет в июле.

One to one. You can be sure. I have right from the kitchen window this seen. About 100 meters before it. Our morons just jump over these mythical monsters like yours, when we will launch this stuff. Or already launched? :umm: I'm just not interested. Earlier it was announced that the launch will be in July.
Laura said:
There's another series of comments by the Cs that should be included in our consideration of this Pokemon business:

15 August 1998 said:
Q: (L) There is this internet site in Mexico which puts up
this information about the alien bases. [Reads excerpt]
It says that in the areas where there are these bases,
there is often a lot of strange phenomena. I would like
to know if you can identify the source of this information
as he does not identify himself or where he is getting
this stuff? He does not even have an e-mail option on his
A: You can test verity of all such information based upon
that which you already know or have "put together."
Q: (L) Can you give me an approximate number of aliens
currently interacting with, or on, or under our planet as
a whole?
A: "Aliens?" What constitutes such?
Q: (L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra-
terrestrials, Ultra-terrestrials, and so forth.
A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies
occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be
located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their
inherant portals, you know!

Q: (L) This guy thinks that there is a rather limited number
of aliens, and that people ought to get together and
resist this threat because our numbers are greater. Is
that, in fact, correct?
A: Not point. The question of the hour is: what is the




Redwood Regional Park Oakland CA.

Earthquakes Where The Fault Lies- San Andreas Fault & Hayward Fault

I just read this:

Pokemon Go sure is popular. So popular it set a new iTunes App Store record.

Apple on Friday confirmed Pokemon Go was downloaded more times in its first week than any other app in history. The company declined to give an official tally on the number of downloads or say which app previously held the record.

Pokemon Go has become a cultural phenomenon since it launched July 6 in the US. The free mobile game lets users see tiny creatures called Pokemon through their phones, as if they existed in the real world. It has gotten people to rack up miles of walking in an effort to catch them all. It took Pokemon Go only four days to become the No. 1 free app in the US App Store.

Not a good sign! People often use their phones (as far as I know) by using WhatsApp, which is an app that is like instant text messaging, and the Facebook app, Twitter app, Instagram app etc. Now with the Pokemon Go thing people are becoming even more engaged with their phones.
Stockholm Pokémon hunter impaled on metal fence spike
As for the dangers of 3G, wifi etc., there's this excellent presentation by Dr. Devra Davis at the University of Melbourne, which is also worth sharing far and wide IMO:


There's this ted talk by a former silicon valley employee where he recounts his suffering:


And of course there is this excellent Sott article that goes into many details: EMF pollution: The health impacts of wireless RF radiation

...and these are just the nuts-and-bolts physiological aspects (what's known at least), I think the psychological implications are even worse. People literally fry their brains by habitually engaging in such activities (Pokemon, mindless chatting on what's app, compulsively looking at their "feeds" etc.) - destroying the little will-power and clear thinking that was left.
Or already launched? :umm:
Оказывается в России уже вовсю функционирует. Я отстаю от жизни. :shock: Вот инцидент в Воронеже.

Or already launched? :umm:
Is in Russia already operates. I'm behind the times.:shock: Here is the incident in Voronezh.
In Voronezh there was a mass brawl during a game in Pokemon Go
Disassembly adolescents occurred in the center of Voronezh.

About the fight with the participation of four journalists Notepad Voronezh" informed reader Nicholas. According to the man teenager aged 15-17 years staged a showdown on the street Pyatnitsky July 23 at 11:00.
- The guys running around with phones in hand, to the screen all the time watched, - says Nikolay. Then something have not divided, began a verbal altercation, which escalated into a fight. Their local residents pilfered. I then went and asked what is staged, say for Kanto chase, said that this pokemon is.
The police reported that they had not received information about the incident on the street Pyatnitsky.
Recall that Voronezh is included in the top cities among the crazy fans of Pokemon Go. According to the company "Beeline", on July 20, the number of fans in our city has reached 213 thousand people.
Surely the picture Laura posted of the men in the pool floating an electrical connection on flipflops is staged??? The other end of the extension cord must not be plugged in right???
Can anybody really be this stupid and/or reckless??? This is definitely an Darwin Award winner if it is real. It is literally unbelievable stupidity.
Oxajil said:
Not a good sign! People often use their phones (as far as I know) by using WhatsApp, which is an app that is like instant text messaging, and the Facebook app, Twitter app, Instagram app etc. Now with the Pokemon Go thing people are becoming even more engaged with their phones.

Last week I had coworkers tell me that they were developing pains in their wrist from the repeated flicking motion of playing the game. :headbash:
shellycheval said:
Surely the picture Laura posted of the men in the pool floating an electrical connection on flipflops is staged??? The other end of the extension cord must not be plugged in right???
Can anybody really be this stupid and/or reckless??? This is definitely an Darwin Award winner if it is real. It is literally unbelievable stupidity.

Looks ridiculous. Hopefully they weren't stupid enough to plug it in, but...
Here is one of the comments, which includes some stats on pool deaths:

Adam Frucci
1/07/08 6:17pm

Actually this is Alabama's response to the supreme court challenge over death by lethal injection as cruel and unusual. Just invite the convicted over for a beer and burger, and voila!

Seriously mythbusters aside, some people do get fried in their pools.

Following are the causes of electrical deaths in the United States

associated with pools in the years 1990-2002.

28 Plugged-in radios or stereos, extension

cords or power tools

13 Underwater pool lights

10 Pool pumps

9 Sump pumps, pool vacuums or pressure washers

A really sad story about Syrians using Pokemon Go themes to draw attention to their plight.

'Come and save me': Syrians harness the power of Pokemon Go to bring their plight to the world

A sad-eyed Pikachu Pokemon Go character sits amidst the rubble on a Syrian street, while a Charizard dragon from the smash hit game is perched alongside gun-toting militants.

The striking montages are the work of Syrian Khaled Akil, who is one of several activists and artists using the international frenzy over Pokemon Go to draw new attention to the plight of their battle-scarred country.

In the images posted on Akil's website, characters from the wildly popular smartphone app are placed into news photographs of scenes from the conflict in Syria, which is now in its sixth year and has killed more than 280,000 people.

One image appears to show the aftermath of bombardment, with the facades sheared from buildings and smoke rising from the blackened carcass of a car.

A child walks across the rubble strewn throughout the street, atop which sits the yellow Pikachu character, his tall ears flopping down.

I'm not convinced that this will actually make any difference. People are too busy with their faces glued to their phones to notice anything.
[quote author= Casper]Stockholm Pokémon hunter impaled on metal fence spike

People never protests. But they sure gather with the thousands to catch pokemon. And many are even willing to risk their lives for it.

Some found a death body, others got lost in a cave. Walked of a cliff, car accidents and this fellow you mentioned got freaking impaled.

I never saw all those things happening in the cartoon. :lol: But it’s all kind of symbolic if you ask me.

And this is just the first game of it’s kind. And very primitive if you consider all the possibilities. I reckon in the times to come we will see more people outside chasing after imaginary things through augmented reality. Earth is going to transform in one massive open asylum.

All those people who never showed any interest in their reality seem to replace reality all together with some augmented fantasy. They really are disintegrating. In fact they are all becoming nuts.
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