
I would like Polish users (but also others who can comment) to write what they think or know about the activities of Mr. Maciej Maciak, whom I have mentioned on the forum, among others, here:
I trusted him to some extent, but I have doubts that he is not being steered to identify "Russian influence".
I would like Polish users (but also others who can comment) to write what they think or know about the activities of Mr. Maciej Maciak, whom I have mentioned on the forum, among others, here:
I trusted him to some extent, but I have doubts that he is not being steered to identify "Russian influence".
I think secret services may be watching him and observing how the DiP movement is developing and then act according to those info. Ofc it is also possible that Maciak is already recruited, who knows; it's possible since they recently stopped banning him on yt like before. Why now, after how DiP is growing and right before the election? Why does he have so much freedom in his actions?

I guess there are several options: 1) they already know it's not gonna threaten the system so they ignore it, they know DiP is not gonna collect enough signatures to fully participate in the elections etc, 2) they do it on purpose and wait for it to develop to act accordingly, 3) the whole movement was created to lure "awake" people and then vanish into the thin air changing nothing and wasting everyone's time, again dividing antisystem 4) secret services are incompetent and don't do anything.

I guess we will have some idea when it becomes clear if people managed to collect enough signatures to register an electoral committee. I hope they manage because i'm curious what happens next and how it will all turn out.
I've read a very good article today about Poland as a West neo-colony. It accurately describes how Poland today lives in her own reality, detached from the objective. It also answers why the general population perceives Russia as some kind of enemy, It's rooted in the most primary motivations, a subject of generation-lasting social programming.

Neocolonialism, or proletarianization states and nations. Its rise and fall [fragment]

Forms of neo-colonialism

(...) The greatest degree of neo-colonial dependence occurs when the entire - or almost all - population of a neo-colonial state believes that foreign powers actually care about its development and that such a state truly enjoys full sovereignty. It can be said that this is perfect neo-colonialism. This requires the colonialist state to have great skills in using propaganda, manipulating perception, keeping millions of people in false beliefs about their real situation and creating convincing facades, the true meaning of which most do not understand. This became possible, first of all, thanks to the "mass destruction" media, which create a false image of the situation and instill false beliefs about reality, and secondly, the possibility of artificially increasing consumption. Generally, the idea is to create a very convincing illusion of development and prosperity, so that the inhabitants of the neo-colony genuinely believe that everything is as it should be. Thanks to this, they are fully satisfied with the situation and do not try to change it. Without a doubt, an example of such a neocolony is Poland, economically, politically and ideologically colonized mainly by the USA, Germany and Israel (which countries I called the "Bermuda Triangle" in one of my lectures). But of course other Western former colonial powers – including Great Britain, the Netherlands and France – are also involved in this process. Therefore, let us take a closer look at this issue on the example of Poland.

Techniques for generating false consciousness

The essence of false consciousness is the discrepancy between what we subjectively consider to be the "obvious obvious" and how things actually are. In the case of the Polish neo-colonial mentality, it is about the false belief that Western countries - to put it as simply as possible - "wanted good for us", i.e. that they actually wanted to liberate our region from Russian and communist slavery, about our sovereignty and political freedom, for our economic development and prosperity, so that we can "live like in the West". Behind this was extremely professional and sophisticated propaganda, mainly American, which raised the American lifestyle to the rank of an objective and absolute ideal for all humanity. This ideal is, of course, democracy, free markets and consumerism. The falsity of this belief, of course, lies in the fact that Western countries were least concerned about us, but rather about the possibility of taking control over our region and exploiting it, and above all about preventing, for example, Poland from actually becoming the "second Japan", that is, competition for the German economy, for example. This is a brief summary of Poles' beliefs about the actual situation.

In order to carry out the operations of neo-colonization of Poland and our region, it was first necessary to properly furnish and position human - including Polish - heads. Hence, in the post-war years, consumption in Western countries began to be fueled literally at any cost, in order to show the inhabitants of socialist countries that life is better under capitalism and democracy. And of course, the standard of living of the average citizen grew faster and better there. But the costs of this process were, of course, kept secret. And these included, first of all, reprinting the dollar and exporting the resulting inflation around the world, which was made possible by the fact that the dollar was the world's reserve currency after the war and the means of international settlements. In addition, American companies exploited everything they could, using various international institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. So Americans could live beyond their means, while others bore the cost. But for propaganda purposes it worked perfectly. The machinery of the American film industry did everything in its power to, under the guise of producing feature films or TV series, actually promote the American "way of life". Viewers around the world watched attractively shot and interestingly told stories, and at the same time their eyes and ears absorbed specially staged images of happy people - because they had access to unlimited consumption. It was probably the best thought-out and conducted marketing in the world! What's more: when it comes to Poles, almost no one seems to understand to this day that it was only marketing, aimed at making Poles want to be similar to Americans in everything. And that in this way an almost unlimited demand for everything American was created... The Germans used a similar strategy, but the cinematography obviously played a smaller role here, because Poland is closer to Germany and you could even go there or see something brought from the Federal Republic of Germany by friends. Essentially, it was about creating a perception that the West was paradise. There was no mention of the debts of the Western countries, which they incurred to finance this artificial prosperity machine; there was no mention of the private debts of people enslaved by consumerism; there was no mention of the epidemic of addictions, depressions, suicides, disintegration of interpersonal bonds or even mental degradation of people; about environmental pollution and tons of garbage; about the growing power of private corporations, whose policy Noam Chomsky once called corporate totalitarianism. All the costs of this operation of building one large western Potemkin village were carefully hidden, and if anyone talked about them, it was a "Kremlin agent" spreading "communist propaganda".

Hence, the collapse of the USSR had the status of a parousia for Poles, as it was celebrated as the coming of the American messiah who would liberate Poles from Russian and communist captivity, and then lead them to the paradise of Western democracy and consumerism. History ended, Good defeated Evil, caring for national interests was stigmatized as primitive selfishness disturbing the harmonious cooperation of all nations in this earthly paradise, where everyone supposedly became just brothers and sisters enjoying democracy and prosperity. And the elites of Western countries counted the profits, which were gigantic. Because, of course, it was necessary to give the newly acquired neocolonies a sense of prosperity; you had to make money on them after all. Hence, instead of tanks, representatives of foreign companies came and built their factories and markets here, so that the indigenous people had a place to earn money and then had money to buy foreign products. The construction is as simple as a flail. And the population did not feel conquered and exploited, because they believed in the perfectly constructed myth of "liberation" and "regaining independence", confirmed by the successive improvement of their own standard of living. The media have also been colonized by foreign capital or people who were completely indoctrinated with Western propaganda, and people pointing to what was really going on were simply not invited or ridiculed. Mock debates and discussions were organized in which regime experts took part. A total embargo was imposed on information that could expose the neo-colonial nature of Western policy. Poles reveled in consumption, so what more could you want?

Here we reach the main problem of neo-colonialism. Most modern people are outraged by the statements of colonial countries that they raised the civilization level of the indigenous people, which was undoubtedly a fact from the point of view of material culture. Metropolises built roads, public buildings, schools and hospitals. However, these same people do not see a problem in the fact that global free trade benefited a handful of the richest post-colonial elites - they were and are often exactly the same people, the same families, the same companies who currently exploit cheap labor all over the globe, offering in return the opportunity to purchase its products... In one word: consumption above all! And this is the essence of neo-colonialism: participation in consumerism at the price of blocking one's own production possibilities. In the most advanced version of neo-colonialism, as is the case in Poland, people's minds are so controlled that they do not feel the need to have their own industry, because foreign products are better anyway. So why have your own?

Very weird development. I wonder if it'll soon start to be a norm not only in Wrocław but also in Poznań or Rzeszów. I'm not sure if the US Military Police members belong to Polish jurisdiction, I'm afraid they do not.

The US Military Police will patrol the streets in Wrocław! Why this surprising decision?

Provincial Police Commander in Wrocław, Superintendent. Dariusz Wesołowski met the 9th commander of the 773rd Military Police Battalion of the United States (Military Police USA) - Lieutenant Colonel Doris J. Reed.

- The meeting was an excellent opportunity for these very experienced officers to exchange the knowledge they had acquired over the years of service and various types of experience that resulted from it. It ended with quite a constructive conclusion, promising further fruitful cooperation for the safety of residents - Asp. pcs. Łukasz Dutkowiak, spokesman for the Provincial Police Headquarters in Wrocław.

We will soon see what has been agreed on housing estates in Wrocław. Military Police USA will patrol the streets in Wrocław. Łukasz Dutkowiak explains where the idea for joint patrols of Polish Police and US Military Police officers came from.

- Since various interesting places in Lower Silesia are visited every year by millions of tourists coming from the farthest corners of the world, including many people from the United States of America [KS: Creative explanation!], as well as many people taking part in training, conferences and business meetings, an idea was created for a new interesting initiative – explains the spokesman of the Police Headquarters in Wrocław.

Supreme Audit Office reported on the COVID-19 pandemic management by the government. Too bad the government was able to withdraw SAO's prosecution power. Some highlights:

Ineffective management of the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund, lack of transparent procedures in the allocation of funds, as well as chaos in contracting vaccines or failure to withdraw a defective product batch - these are some of the conclusions resulting from the Supreme Audit Office's audit of the Covid-19 Counteracting Fund and the National Vaccination Program. There are applications to the Constitutional Tribunal and the Central Anticorruption Bureau.

- The Supreme Audit Office negatively assessed the contracting of some COVID-19 vaccines, worth an estimated PLN 8.4 billion, out of PLN 13.9 billion of all contracted vaccines. [KS: 1.92 billion USD, 3.18 billion USD]

- Negatively assessed the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector's supervision over the storage and distribution of vaccines. GIF also did not take any action to withdraw some of the vaccines that were found to have quality defects, including those that were life- and health-threatening. As a result, 117,600 doses of such vaccines were given.

- The report shows that after 18 days of operation of the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund, its legal and organizational form changed and, consequently, it was excluded from the public finance sector.

- It became a Fund operated by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, which means that the management of its funds was no longer subject to the provisions of the Public Finance Act and the Parliamentary control provided for in budget acts.

- The COVID-19 Countermeasure Fund has become a tool for financing virtually any scope of tasks. From the purchase of health care services, medicines, medical equipment to the construction of roads and the purchase of garbage trucks. In the second half of 2022, its funds were also used to pay a coal allowance, allowances for households for the use of certain heat sources, an electricity allowance, and compensation for energy companies and natural gas sellers.

More on that here: Raport NIK: chaos w działaniach Funduszu Przeciwdziałania Covid-19, wadliwa dystrybucja szczepionek
A well-put and short summary of recent government scandals in Poland gives a picture of the corruption and a total lack of transparency. The guy is a Pole but speaks in English for a larger social media reach.
Results from sunday's parlementary election in Poland (Tass):


Poland’s ruling party in the lead after 95% of votes counted​

Law and Justice party gathered 35.98% of the votes, while the opposition Civic Coalition collected 30.17%

MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party gained the most votes in the recent elections after 95% of the votes were counted, according to data from the country’s National Electoral Commission that was released on Monday.
It gathered 35.98% of the votes, while the opposition Civic Coalition collected 30.17%. Two other opposition parties, the Third Way and Lewica, got 14.44% and 8.48%, respectively. The opposition’s combined result will enable them to get most of the seats in the lower house of the Polish parliament and sets them on course to form the cabinet.
The turnout reached record 73.66%. The electoral commission will wrap up the vote count on Tuesday."

EU leaders were mostly "pleased" by these results at first glance, but maybe they'll need to somehow revise their judgement... (Source):


Tusk-ruled Poland not the pro-EU paradise Brussels is hoping for​

Poland’s exit poll results may have been well received in several European capitals, with many hailing it as a possible end to the tug-of-war with Brussels should the current opposition form a government, but the charm of former European Council president Donald Tusk may not be all that it seems.

Most foreign media described the possible ousting of the conservative ruling Law and Justice (PiS) government as the wind of democratic change in Polish politics, hoping that Donald Tusk’s Civic Platform (PO), if it returned to power, would put an end to the country’s conflict with the EU and return it to the EU’s mainstream on most matters.

The charm of the former European Council president may prove misleading, though.

“The current opposition’s coming to power does not mean that Warsaw’s position on several key issues would change as dramatically as Brussels may expect,” Sławomir Domaradzki, a political analyst at Warsaw University, told Euractiv.pl.

One issue is migration, as Poland and Hungary were the two countries that fiercely opposed the Commission-proposed migration and asylum reform. PiS has refused to accept asylum seekers, nor has it agreed to contribute financially to managing the financial burden.

‘Is it still Donald Tusk or maybe Donald Trump?’

During the election campaign, the PiS threatened the Polish people that Tusk would succumb to EU pressure and allow thousands of irregular migrants into Poland if he came to power.

“PO basically says ‘yes’ to all the proposals by the EU institutions,” PiS MEP Zdzisław Krasnodębski told Euractiv.pl, adding that he expected the opposition to approve the EU migration pact if it forms a government.

However, Tusk’s party denied this.

“We will certainly not agree to any solutions that would lead to the rising number of migrants in Poland,” PO spokesman Jan Grabiec told Euractiv.pl.

As Poland received millions of war refugees from Ukraine, many of whom have stayed there, it should not be forced to accept even more migrants, he said.

The Polish political scene has a rather unified view on migration, with all the parliamentary parties, from the ultra-conservative Confederation party to the Left, opposing relocations. Still, in recent months, Tusk surprised most of his fellow opposition politicians with his harsh tone on migration.

In July, he posted a video that slammed the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) government for letting in thousands of migrants “from Islamic countries” while opposing the EU relocations scheme as an alleged threat to Poland’s security. “Polish people must regain control over their country and its borders,” the video title said.

Poland must oust the PiS government to deter the threat around the corner, Tusk said, referring to Muslim immigrants coming to Poland.

After publishing the video, he was accused of fuelling racist bias by other opposition parties.

“Is it still Donald Tusk or maybe Donald Trump?” asked Left MP Maciej Konieczny, calling Tusk’s statement “madness.”

Uncertainty on other issues

While Tusk may surprise the EU institutions with his stance on migration, the same can be said of his economic policy, as some unpopular decisions have overshadowed his legacy as prime minister between 2007 and 2014.

When PO was in power with Tusk as prime minister, it raised Poland’s retirement age to 67, while PiS lowered it to 65 for men and 60 for women when it came to power in 2015.

During the election campaign, PiS did indeed take aim at Tusk, arguing that he would raise the retirement age again and sell off most state-owned companies to foreign firms.

Despite Tusk’s charisma and popularity, concerns about his economic policies remain.

Those fears were fuelled by a statement by liberal economist Bogusław Grabowski, whom Tusk appointed to his economic council in 2010 when he was prime minister. In an interview earlier this year, Grabowski called for longer working hours, the privatisation of state-owned energy companies, and for Poland to adopt the euro.

PiS government spokesman Piotr Müller claimed that, if Tusk became head of the government, “he would stand in front of the prime minister’s chancellery with a sign saying ‘Poland for sale’”.

Tusk, however, distanced himself from Grabowski’s “private views”, saying they “have nothing to do with PO’s program”, according to the Polish Press Agency (PAP). He pledged that “we will not raise the retirement age after winning the elections”.

“PiS-linked media will try to convince you that a PO victory in the next election means raising the retirement age. No, it doesn’t. We will not raise the retirement age after winning the elections,” he said.

While Tusk left no doubt about his plans regarding the retirement age, his position on privatisation remains unclear. Asked about it during the pre-election debate, he only pointed to the examples of the PiS government’s selling state companies to foreign giants, including Saudi Aramco.

Euractiv.pl did not get a response from PO politicians on the party’s stance on privatising major state assets and its plans for managing key economic sectors."
EU leaders were mostly "pleased" by these results
Really weird elections I must say. You can see the sentiment on Forex, PLN is tanking to the EUR right now. Why so much negativity then? The old government will probably do all it can to not let go of the power. Especially that the new one (a coalition) might be more aligned with German interests, rather than Anglo - Saxon. Taking into account that the President is also a notary of the old government, it's possible that the new government will lack decisiveness or it will not be created at all, resulting in re-elections... It looks like a very bumpy road ahead for Poland and a lot of internal conflicts resulting in social unrests. Not to say that the new government could be better than the old, but possibly fewer "war harpies" there.
Really weird elections I must say. You can see the sentiment on Forex, PLN is tanking to the EUR right now. Why so much negativity then? The old government will probably do all it can to not let go of the power. Especially that the new one (a coalition) might be more aligned with German interests, rather than Anglo - Saxon. Taking into account that the President is also a notary of the old government, it's possible that the new government will lack decisiveness or it will not be created at all, resulting in re-elections... It looks like a very bumpy road ahead for Poland and a lot of internal conflicts resulting in social unrests. Not to say that the new government could be better than the old, but possibly fewer "war harpies" there.
Yes KS.
I only voted for KO because they seem more pro-European and a little less pro-war. Unlike PIS which is pro-American and pro-war.
But still it is a "choice between syphilis and gonorrhea".
Really weird elections I must say. You can see the sentiment on Forex, PLN is tanking to the EUR right now. Why so much negativity then? The old government will probably do all it can to not let go of the power. Especially that the new one (a coalition) might be more aligned with German interests, rather than Anglo - Saxon.
I've seen exchange rates being affected by elections pretty often. I'd say the drop of the value of the Polish currency is likely caused by the fact that there is no clear winner, and we have a hung parliament situation, i.e. no single party or existing coalition has the majority of votes. This means that there will be political infighting going forward, which makes the market uncertain. Especially that, as you said yourself, PiS isn't likely to let go of the reigns and accept that they aren't the main decision-maker anymore. A similar situation took place in the UK when they had a hung parliament: GBP dropped in value for a bit too.

If I was to place a bet I'd say that a new government will be created by the opposition parties ganging up and forming a coalition to become a counterweight to PiS. But PiS will remain a strong enough player to disrupt their operations. In other words: pretty messy times ahead :nuts:
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Just for clarification, I think what you mean was EUR is tanking to PLN. In fact PLN gained a lot value after the election results ;-)
Doh, you're actually right! For some reason I got mixed up. I buy PLN frequently as I visit Poland very often and since the amount I get for converting GBP has been much lower after the election I thought PLN nose dived. But if it was cheaper I would have gotten more. My reasoning skills went AWOL there it seems! :whistle:
Found in ukrainian's news (mriya.news):


A new dispute has arisen between Warsaw and Kiev. The Poles are threatening to blockade the border.​

07:35 05.11.2023Telegram review

A new dispute has arisen between Warsaw and Kiev. The Poles are threatening to blockade the border.

Trucks may become a new problem in relations between Kyiv and Warsaw, reports Do Rzeczy. The reason is the excessive liberalization of EU laws in relation to carriers from Ukraine. Poland has already threatened to block three customs terminals on the border: in Korczew, Doroguska and Grebenna.

Representatives of Polish business put forward three demands: the introduction of permits for commercial transportation of cars from Ukraine, the release of Polish cars from the Ukrainian electronic queue and the ban on registering companies in Poland if their finances are located outside the European Union."

I find it a little odd that Walesa should carry such a message...


Former Polish President Lech Walesa said that, according to his information, in Poland after...​

03:45 05.11.2023Telegram review

Former Polish President Lech Walesa said that, according to his information, terrorist attacks are being prepared in Poland after the elections.

“Not everything in Poland ended with elections. I have information that a number of events are planned, including those of a terrorist nature. The party that lost the elections is capable of anything not to give up power,” Walesa wrote on Facebook."
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