Predictions and Prophecies

St. Hildegard, Parravicini and J.J. Benitez on the collision of a comet with the Earth.

The Prophecies

Both St. Hildegarde (1098-1179) and Benjamin Parravicini (1898-1974) spoke of the fall of a comet that would change the history of mankind. It seems that both had a common vision that in a period of war it would be stopped by the collision of a celestial body with the Earth.

Parravicini's prophecy about the collision of a celestial body with the Earth was mentioned before.

In the following prophecy the psychography seems to indicate a cometary bombardment in the Caribbean, Gibraltar and North America.

View attachment 98363

On the other hand, St. Hildegarde, the Teutonic prophetess, considered the mother of natural history, wrote the following:

"Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean (USA) that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent, by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger (China) and a Lion (Russia) .”

"The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues.

The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. For in none of these cities does a person live according to the laws of God.

Peace will return to Europe when the white flower again takes possession of the throne of France. During this time of peace the people will be forbidden to carry weapons and iron will be used solely for making agricultural implements and tools."
WE ARE WARNED: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny

Now the prediction

In 2021 the writer and researcher J.J. Benitez, famous for his fictional novel "The Trojan Horse" (about time travel to the time of Jesus) said in an interview that a meteorite would hit the Earth in 2027. Benitez said this not as a prophecy but, according to him, on information provided to him by a military man:

Q: You claim that the U.S. military has spread the coronavirus. What proof do you have?
A: I have one piece of information from one of the military. I have no more.

Q: And one source is enough to support this accusation?
A: Yes, because I checked and requested information about that source and my contact told me that it was highly credible.

Q: What interest did the Americans have in extending Covid?
A: Sinking Europe's economy.

Q: And, by the way, their own, right?
A: It doesn't matter. It is collateral damage and the American economy has not collapsed, but the European economy has.

Q: So what role does China play in all this?
A: China was a cover. According to this information, when they manufacture the virus they plant it and one of the places they chose to spread it was China.

Q: You also state that the coronavirus is a trial for something terrible, what do you mean?
A: Hopefully, I am wrong. If I were not, it would be the arrival of a huge meteorite in 2027.

Q: Why in 2027?
A: This is the information I have received. It would cause 1.2 billion deaths in 48 hours.

Q: So we have six years left.
A: Let's hope I'm wrong!
A huge meteorite will arrive in 2027 and cause 1.2 billion deaths".

J.J. Benitez subsequently stated that his novel titled "Gog" (2018) was based on true information and that he would never have wished to write

According to the author, the most important thing about this supposed novel "is what is intuited, not what is read"...

In another Interview he stated:

Q: you have explained in several interviews that what you tell in the novel is real, that an apocalyptic meteorite will fall in 2027?
A: I hope I'm wrong, but I have received some information through different channels and paths that point to the fact that it might happen in August 2027. A very large meteorite, bigger than Everest, can hit the Atlantic Ocean and cause in 48 hours 1000 or 1200 million deaths,

Q: practically extinction?
A: Not extinction but something very serious and also cause the darkening of the sun for a series of years that would be chaos.

Q: Do you know if governments are working on an anti-meteorite plan?
A: I suspect they are and I suspect they know about it. Not long ago NASA warned about a meteorite that could arrive in 2027 and they are doing tests and a number of things, hopefully I'm wrong.

NASA did an exercise in 2018 of a hypothetical impact in 2027

Asteroid's chance of Earth impact in 2027 now 96%
I wanted to leave my 2 cents I have analyzed some of the prophecies of Parravicini nicknamed by some "the Nostredamus of America" and there is a figure that has become very popular and in recent times that has caused a lot of propaganda as well as interests of those who want to hang or attribute themselves to that figure that certainly for me has not yet appeared is the psychography of the "Gray Man".
Parravicini also in many prophecies has given much prominence to the figure of Jesus and his return.
there is a figure that has become very popular and in recent times that has caused a lot of propaganda as well as interests of those who want to hang or attribute themselves to that figure that certainly for me has not yet appeared is the psychography of the "Gray Man".
Hi Chetofloj

Many in Argentina think that the "Gray man" is the President Milei. I already commented on that prophecy in a previous post. If you like, you can tell us your theory on why you think it has not yet appeared.​

i discovered the stigmatisee jahenny. the book on her is freely available on archive and is VERY interesting.

Hi Heinrich

Yes, it is very interesting. I saw a video where they talked about the similarity of the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941 and Benjamin Parravicini, but when I investigated its veracity I found that it was St. Hildegarde who spoke of the comet while Marie-Julie spoke of a possible Third World War and the three days of darkness.

In the past, the Cs have talked about the three days of darkness.
Q: (L) Sheldon Nidle has written a book called "Becoming a Galactic Human." He has said that the Earth is going to go into a photon belt sometime this summer, that there is going to be 3 days of darkness, and the poo is going to hit the fan, so to speak, the aliens are going to land in the late summer or the fall, and they are all coming here to help us. Could you comment on these predictions?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is a fleet of aliens going to land on Earth and be announced by the media in 1996?

A: No.

Q: (P) In 1997?

A: No.

Q: (L) Could you comment on the source of this book: "Three days of Darkness," by Divine Mercy?

A: Source?!?

Q: (L) Well, is there going to be 3 days of darkness in 1998 like it says?

A: Why does this continue to be such a popular notion? And, why is everyone so obsessed with, are you ready for this, trivia...? Does it matter if there is three days of darkness?!? Do you think that is the "be all and end all?" What about the reasons for such a thing?... at all levels, the ramifications? It's like describing an atomic war in prophecy by saying: "Oh my, oh my, there is going to be three hours of a lot of big bangs, oh my!!"

Q: (L) Well, you didn't say it wasn't going to happen in the fall of 1998. Is it?

A: First of all, as we have warned you repeatedly, it is literally impossible to attach artificially conceived calendar dates to any sort of prophecy or prediction for the many reasons that we have detailed for you numerous times. {Note: the 'fluid' nature of the future. Probability, etc.} And we have not said that this was going to happen.

Q: (L) I know that you are saying that this 3 days of darkness is trivial considering the stupendous things that are involved in realm crossings. But, a lot of these people are interpreting this as just 3 days of darkness.. then wake up in paradise. I would like to have some sort of response to this question.

A: Trust us to lead you when and how it is appropriate. You should already know that to attempt apply 3rd density study and interpretations to 4th density events and realities is useless in the extreme... This is why UFO researchers keep getting 3 new questions for every 1 answer they seek with their "research." If you will trust us, we will always give you not only the most correct answers to each and every inquiry, but also the most profound answers. If the individual does not understand, then that means they are either prejudiced, or not properly tuned in.

I understand that Cs tell us that interpreting 4D events by applying 3D reasoning is useless. Which makes me suppose that what Marie-Julie Jahenny saw (and other prophets) on many occasions are 4D events that she adapted to her reasoning and the paradigm or time in which she lived in order to be able to capture these events in writing and for others to understand.

WW3 prophecy seems more an interpretation /assumption of others rather than something she wrote accurately.

In these paragraphs it is interpreted that the first punishment was WW1
Our Lord: “I filled the whole earth with My blessings, I sent sufferings, the chastisements to bring back My poor people to the faith. Very few were affected, very few have understood the greatness of the punishment that strikes the poor land that was once the beautiful Kingdom of My Blessed Mother.”
My little children, I always come with my black veil that I have not taken off since the great punishment that fell on this poor land that gave us so many martyrs to crown in Heaven, so much suffering of my poor children!"

And then it is interpreted in the following paragraphs that Marie-Julie Jahenny speaks of WW2 and WW3, the latter stopped by God
Our Lady: "My little children, I want to say: still today the cruel and barbaric souls have not disarmed their rage, their fury against the poor children of my kingdom. My little children, a hatred in the heart leads them, an insatiable vengeance is still against the poor children of my Kingdom, an ambition at times terrible. There is an agreement among themselves as to renew the terrible sufferings that have passed. (I.e. WW2) But I guard my Kingdom. In their efforts and their vengeance I will drive them back. They will come back again. (i.e. WW3) My divine power will stop their anger but they will do much harm. My little children, I want to warn you so that you will not be surprised.”

It is also interpreted that "the cruel and barbaric souls" were the Germans and their vengeance is embodied in the Nazis.

As for the days of darkness, Marie-Julie said on September 20, 1880.
The Holy Spirit said: “There will be two days of horrible darkness, distinct from those advertised. The sky will be purple and red, so low that the clump of tall trees will be as lost. These two days will warn you, as an authentic proof of His goodness, as proof of descent from the wrath of God on earth. You will not be free from the darkness. So far, no soul has mentioned it, because those are not many who were made aware. To resist all these signs, holy water is a strength and consolation, and the candle, but with wax. All those that are not of this paste will not help.”

In several paragraphs related to the two days of darkness, Marie-Julie speaks of the use of a wax candle for protection. It reminds me of the episode where the Jews' houses are marked with lamb's blood so that they can survive the Plagues of the Lord.
Exodus 12: 23 When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.

Also the wax candle can symbolize knowledge according to what the Cs have told us that light is knowledge and knowledge is love. Also reminds me of the wise virgins:
A: Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins.
(L) So, it's very, very important if people want to make this transition to be like the wise virgins: keep the faith, and keep doing, keep putting one foot in front of the other day after day even though they don't see any immediate benefits for themselves. Is that what we're getting to here?

A: Yes.

Now after these two days of darkness the prophetess speaks of three other days (different according to her) The three days of darkness start with a big earthquake:
“Will be on a Thursday, Friday, and a Saturday. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady.”
“My children” said the Virgin Mary, “mind my words ... In these days of mourning, there will be another earthquake as strong as many others, less strong than in many other places. It will be easy to notice: everything will shake except the piece of furniture on which will burn the wax candle. You will all group around, with the crucifix and my blessed image."
During these three days, I will protect their cattle from starvation. I will keep them because there must not be a single door ajar. The hungry animals shall be satisfied by me, without any food.”

September 20, 1882​
Our Lady: “The Earth will be covered in darkness, and Hell will be loosed on Earth. The thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in my Power, to die of fear. During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be opened, because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible colour it will have in those days of punishment without dying at once...The sky will be on fire, the earth will split... During these three days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other light will shine...”

"The sky will be on fire" reminds me of the scene in the movie Greenland where meteor ingress is imminent. Ancient cultures called it the wrath of God.

January 4, 1884​
Our Lord again warned: “There will be three days of physical darkness. For three days less one night, there will be a continual night. The blessed wax candles will be the only ones that give light in this terrible darkness: only one will suffice for three days, but in the homes of the wicked, they will not give any light. During these three days and two nights, the demons will appear under the most hideous forms. You will hear in the air the most horrible blasphemies.

What if what the prophet saw were window-fallers ?
Hola Chetofloj

Muchos en Argentina piensan que el "hombre gris" es el presidente Milei. Ya comenté esa profecía en una publicación anterior. Si quieres, puedes contarnos tu teoría de por qué crees que aún no ha aparecido.​

Hola Heinrich

Sí, es muy interesante. Vi un vídeo donde hablaban de la similitud de las profecías de Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941 y Benjamin Parravicini, pero cuando investigué su veracidad descubrí que era St. Hildegarda que habló del cometa mientras Marie-Julie hablaba de un posible Tercera Guerra Mundial y los tres días de oscuridad.

En el pasado, los C hablaban de los tres días de oscuridad.

Entiendo que los C nos dicen que interpretar eventos 4D aplicando razonamiento 3D es inútil. Lo que me hace suponer que lo que Marie-Julie Jahenny vio (y otros profetas) en muchas ocasiones son eventos 4D que adaptó a su razonamiento y al paradigma o tiempo en el que vivió para poder capturar estos eventos por escrito y para otros para entender.

La profecía de la Tercera Guerra Mundial parece más una interpretación/asunción de los demás que algo que ella escribió con precisión.

En estos párrafos se interpreta que el primer castigo fue la Primera Guerra Mundial

Y luego se interpreta en los siguientes párrafos que Marie-Julie Jahenny habla de la Segunda y Tercera Guerra Mundial, esta última detenida por Dios

También se interpreta que "las almas crueles y bárbaras" eran los alemanes y sus la venganza está encarnada en los nazis.

En cuanto a los días de oscuridad, dijo Marie-Julie el 20 de septiembre de 1880.

En varios párrafos relacionados con los dos días de oscuridad, Marie-Julie habla del uso de una vela de cera como protección. Me recuerda el episodio en el que las casas de los judíos están marcadas con sangre de cordero para que puedan sobrevivir a las Plagas del Señor.

También la vela de cera puede simbolizar el conocimiento según lo que nos han dicho los C la luz es conocimiento y el conocimiento es amor. También me recuerda al virginii sabii:

View attachment 98468

Ahora bien, después de estos dos días de oscuridad, la profetisa habla de otros tres días (diferentes según ella). Los tres días de oscuridad comienzan con un gran terremoto:

20 septembrie 1882

"El cielo estará en llamas" me recuerda la escena de la película Groenlandia donde la entrada de meteoritos es inminente. Las culturas antiguas lo llamaron la ira de Dios.

4 ianuarie 1884

¿Y si lo que vio el profeta cayera una ventana ?
Well, the first thing I did was look at the psychographies that mention the central figure "The Gray Man" and I found that none of them mention that he would be "political" therefore the attributions that have given Milei fame do not fit in any way. forced since in reality it has all the characteristics of being an instrument of the new World Order that in fact there is plenty of evidence.
Then we see how the vast majority of people, due to their hypnotic state, are fooled with strategies of people in power (especially Freemasonry) who want to align and create a figure using mechanisms of a consumerist format of videos, magazines and "a lot of propaganda." "to make him "popular", a leader a "messianic character" and all that the New World Order sells, that is, lies and more lies that are welcomed by the sleepy society.
For me, the Gray Man according to my study will not be popular nor will he appear on the public scene to attract the masses.
It will not be political nor will it have anything to do with "economies" or money, much less with religions.
The Gray Man would represent that new Man that the Cs describe about their transition with the Wave.
But I clarify that I am still skeptical of everything "metaphysical", it's just my 2 cents of thoughts.
I think these predictions came true, possibly the main event was the failure of Microsoft around the world that affected banks and airports.​

A cargo ship in the Americas, probably Mexico, suffers an accident, collides with the pier or seawall, there are total material losses but no human losses, it is something very strong, very ugly.

The ship is called Antillean, the Antilles is "the group of islands that border the Caribbean Sea from the coast of Venezuela to the Florida peninsula"​

Record high temperatures are broken in northern Mexico, exceeding 50⁰ Centigrade.

Heat reached 51⁰C in California.

In the United States, the banking system collapses for hours, even days, a total chaos because there will be no money. A hacker is responsible.

Within this set of predictions there was also talk of a very powerful earthquake in the Middle East region or Turkey as well as a catastrophe in a prison in Mexico.​
Hi Chetofloj

Many in Argentina think that the "Gray man" is the President Milei. I already commented on that prophecy in a previous post. If you like, you can tell us your theory on why you think it has not yet appeared.​

Hi Heinrich

Yes, it is very interesting. I saw a video where they talked about the similarity of the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941 and Benjamin Parravicini, but when I investigated its veracity I found that it was St. Hildegarde who spoke of the comet while Marie-Julie spoke of a possible Third World War and the three days of darkness.

In the past, the Cs have talked about the three days of darkness.

I understand that Cs tell us that interpreting 4D events by applying 3D reasoning is useless. Which makes me suppose that what Marie-Julie Jahenny saw (and other prophets) on many occasions are 4D events that she adapted to her reasoning and the paradigm or time in which she lived in order to be able to capture these events in writing and for others to understand.

WW3 prophecy seems more an interpretation /assumption of others rather than something she wrote accurately.

In these paragraphs it is interpreted that the first punishment was WW1

And then it is interpreted in the following paragraphs that Marie-Julie Jahenny speaks of WW2 and WW3, the latter stopped by God

It is also interpreted that "the cruel and barbaric souls" were the Germans and their vengeance is embodied in the Nazis.

As for the days of darkness, Marie-Julie said on September 20, 1880.

In several paragraphs related to the two days of darkness, Marie-Julie speaks of the use of a wax candle for protection. It reminds me of the episode where the Jews' houses are marked with lamb's blood so that they can survive the Plagues of the Lord.

Also the wax candle can symbolize knowledge according to what the Cs have told us that light is knowledge and knowledge is love. Also reminds me of the wise virgins:

View attachment 98468

Now after these two days of darkness the prophetess speaks of three other days (different according to her) The three days of darkness start with a big earthquake:

September 20, 1882

"El cielo estará en llamas" me recuerda la escena de la película Groenlandia donde la entrada de meteoritos es inminente. Las culturas antiguas lo llamaron the wrath of God.

January 4, 1884

What if what the prophet saw were window-fallers ?
Here is a video that clarifies the false Prophecy of Don Orione. In fact this person says that the Gray Man will be someone who expresses his respect to the Virgin and although the boy already has a notable Catholic tone, perhaps if we extract the programmed parts and we change it for feminine expressions that even link a lot to Laura's research on feminine potential, we see that the HG could be related to the new man after making the transition, the one who will help in the great test, the one who carries the DNA as opposed to Nephalim influence or subversive gene.

@Ana Beatriz since this is an English speaking forum, would you use an online translator so that we can understand what you are posting?

And I see that you haven't introduced yourself in the Newbies section. Please do, just telling us a bit about yourself, how you found the forum and if you've read any of Laura Knight-Jadczyk's books and/or articles. If you are not sure what to say, you can just look at what others have posted on that board to give you an idea. :-)
I'm sorry. I am not an expert and I also do not speak English. I use the translator to read the latest updates, but I already found Google Translate to be able to answer. In the future when I want to leave an opinion I will translate it first. Thank you very much for the comment. The only thing I mentioned was that I hadn't seen or heard Melania during the whole attempted murder thing, but later she wrote a letter that was on the news.
Again, thank you very much.
I'm sorry. I am not an expert and I also do not speak English. I use the translator to read the latest updates, but I already found Google Translate to be able to answer. In the future when I want to leave an opinion I will translate it first. Thank you very much for the comment. The only thing I mentioned was that I hadn't seen or heard Melania during the whole attempted murder thing, but later she wrote a letter that was on the news.
Again, thank you very much.
Thank you, @Ana Beatriz and no apologies are needed. I understand what a time-consuming thing it is to have to translate what is read and written on forums that are not in one's mother tongue and I am always impressed by those who do this. It takes a while to get used to the way things are done on any forum. And thank you for posting an introduction.
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