Predictions and Prophecies

Could Kamala Harris be the next US president?

Reading the facts and comments in the "Failed Trump Assassination Attempt" and "Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back" threads I think the American people walked into a fatal choice. It appears that the Trump assassination attempt was planned to end with only a minor wound with the goal of rousing Trump supporters and boy did they succeed, also they need to dose events for some reason.


The next step is to make Kamala Harris president of the USA and voila! You have the ingredients for the predicted "American Civil War II."
Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

They are not going to kill Trump at the moment, they need him as the leader of the other side. Remember, they need to dose events for a reason. For example, it took two years from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the collapse of the USSR.

Possibly they let us choose the path so as not to violate our free will.
A: If someone opens a door, and behind it you see a pot of gold, do you worry whether there is a poisonous snake behind the door hidden from view, before you reach for the pot of gold?
A: No! Traps don't exist either. Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged.

Now, as many already realized Biden did not give his message live on TV. Don't know what happened to him, but they need him "alive" for the moment to give legitimacy to Kamala's candidacy and then possibly with his death give the other side the emotional impact they need.


The story so far. Thomas Matthew Crooks was the fool who failed, the inexperienced one who wanted to go down in history. DEI policy led to USSS failure. Trump was saved by divine providence to stand up fist in the air and incite the fight... fight, fight. And Kamala, flying the feminist flag, is projected as president of the United States. I can't wait for the Netflix adaptation.

Babylon the great whore.

First America then the world. In a recent post Laura compared the similarity of Nazi Germany and Biden and Kamala's America:


Procopius' attitude towards Justinian and Theodora can be summed up as the worst thing that could happen to the Byzantine Empire.

History repeats itself?

Before marrying Justinian, the nephew of Emperor Justin (r. 518-527), in 525, Theodora left the sands of the Hippodrome (where she performed pornographic circus acts) behind to travel to North Africa as the concubine of a mid-level official. When the relationship broke up she returned, passing through Alexandria, where she possibly converted to Christianity.

Harris [30 yo] was dating 60-year-old Willie Brown, at the time the Democratic speaker of the California State Assembly, when he placed her on the California Medical Assistance Commission in 1994. The position paid over $70,000 per year, $120,700 in current money, and Harris served on the board until 1998.​
Harris and Brown, started dating in the spring of 1994, showing up arm-in-arm at numerous high-profile functions, including Brown’s lavish parties and celebrity galas. He has been separated but not divorced from his wife Blanche Vitero since the 1980s and has maintained a string of girlfriends over the years.
Kamala Harris launched political career with $120K ‘patronage’ job from boyfriend Willie Brown

Now the Biden-Harris marriage is turning out to be the worst thing that could happen to the American Empire.


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Could Kamala Harris be the next US president?

Reading the facts and comments in the "Failed Trump Assassination Attempt" and "Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back" threads I think the American people walked into a fatal choice. It appears that the Trump assassination attempt was planned to end with only a minor wound with the goal of rousing Trump supporters and boy did they succeed, also they need to dose events for some reason.

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The next step is to make Kamala Harris president of the USA and voila! You have the ingredients for the predicted "American Civil War II."

They are not going to kill Trump at the moment, they need him as the leader of the other side. Remember, they need to dose events for a reason. For example, it took two years from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the collapse of the USSR.

Possibly they let us choose the path so as not to violate our free will.

Now, as many already realized Biden did not give his message live on TV. Don't know what happened to him, but they need him "alive" for the moment to give legitimacy to Kamala's candidacy and then possibly with his death give the other side the emotional impact they need.

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The story so far. Thomas Matthew Crooks was the fool who failed, the inexperienced one who wanted to go down in history. DEI policy led to USSS failure. Trump was saved by divine providence to stand up fist in the air and incite the fight... fight, fight. And Kamala, flying the feminist flag, is projected as president of the United States. I can't wait for the Netflix adaptation.

Babylon the great whore.

First America then the world. In a recent post Laura compared the similarity of Nazi Germany and Biden and Kamala's America:

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Procopius' attitude towards Justinian and Theodora can be summed up as the worst thing that could happen to the Byzantine Empire.

History repeats itself?

Before marrying Justinian, the nephew of Emperor Justin (r. 518-527), in 525, Theodora left the sands of the Hippodrome (where she performed pornographic circus acts) behind to travel to North Africa as the concubine of a mid-level official. When the relationship broke up she returned, passing through Alexandria, where she possibly converted to Christianity.

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Kamala Harris launched political career with $120K ‘patronage’ job from boyfriend Willie Brown

Now the Biden-Harris marriage is turning out to be the worst thing that could happen to the American Empire.
Thank you Puma for collaborating on what could happen. There you mention the balance that of course everything is based on the choice of the people (you should do what the vast majority of people ask for) in this case what certain groups of people ask for although many of us are not invited, we are a minority or We are not interested in the politics of the world to decide what the sum of the parts affects everyone, therefore in many cases many of these things happen without our consent and without our participation.
So following the Cs line of "simple karmic understandings" there is a balance in the bigger picture of things and people have the choice whether it is respected or not, the same will come in uninvited (since psychopaths only see what they want to see). "Illusions", said like this, here the wave comes into play and the transition changes, a world with few survivors who unfortunately some will remain and many others will be distributed including the jump to 4 density.
Is it like that?
I'm glad you referenced David Icke, Chetofloj. I was interested in his work for many years; he's remained consistent and insightful on some issues over a very long career, though the 'raging prophet' persona he's adopted in the last few years has been a real turn-off; the messenger drowns the message. But I've always asked myself what he did in the early 1990's after the Wogan TV experience, when he went to America, and before he became a public conspiracy researcher. I've noticed the similarities with Laura's work too, though Laura's work is on a completely different level!
Another seer is added to the list of "prophets" it reminds me of a writing by Laura about the last days that there will be many prophets and seers but it will be because God sent his deceiving spirit so that such people proclaim themselves seers or prophets... Now I read The article that caught my attention was the one that talks about a deadly virus that would come from Antarctica... (is it the same one that the Cs said could be released in the Olympic Games or the one that comes from space? The subject also mentioned a devastating event for something that would impact the Earth. This may also be evident that the man in question knows about the inscription that could have been by Fulcanelli on the Cross of H. or even Laura's own work of "The Horns of Moses" since we know that many copy Laura's work and give it a slight change of roles and additions, as may be the case with David Icke. Well the Cs said to pay attention, I hope that help is also on the way (if we do not forget the story of the prodigal son who returns from a distant country)
Since this post by Laura is about prophecies, I wanted to give a space to the Hopi Indians. Hopi Prophecy:
On a very ancient stone there is a map that many claim has written what our future could be. And hidden in the desert there is a secret... a secret associated with that stone and a prophecy from the ancient Hopi tribe that warns... My people await the arrival of Pahana, the true lost White Brother, just as all our brothers await him. He will not be equal to the white men we know today, who are cruel and greedy. We had been warned of his arrival many years ago, but we are still awaiting his arrival. “He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of the sacred table that our wise men now guard. This piece was given to him when he left, this will identify him as the True White Brother."
Since this post by Laura is about prophecies, I wanted to give a space to the Hopi Indians. Hopi Prophecy:
On a very ancient stone there is a map that many claim has written what our future could be. And hidden in the desert there is a secret... a secret associated with that stone and a prophecy from the ancient Hopi tribe that warns... My people await the arrival of Pahana, the true lost White Brother, just as all our brothers await him. He will not be equal to the white men we know today, who are cruel and greedy. We had been warned of his arrival many years ago, but we are still awaiting his arrival. “He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of the sacred table that our wise men now guard. This piece was given to him when he left, this will identify him as the True White Brother."
Could this be the Kantek Mother Stone that the Cs said?
In these years there has been no public interest in Laura on this topic and I do not believe that the Cs endanger anyone since it is known that the elite is very interested in obtaining her (illusions).
As I have read, the Cs said that Laura would get it, I wonder how? since only someone with a similar frequency and SAD can obtain it.
Or did the Cs actually give false clues to confuse the captors? but without a doubt Laura would have her participation regarding the Grail, I wonder how?
I'm glad you referenced David Icke, Chetofloj. I was interested in his work for many years; he's remained consistent and insightful on some issues over a very long career, though the 'raging prophet' persona he's adopted in the last few years has been a real turn-off; the messenger drowns the message. But I've always asked myself what he did in the early 1990's after the Wogan TV experience, when he went to America, and before he became a public conspiracy researcher. I've noticed the similarities with Laura's work too, though Laura's work is on a completely different level!
Jordan Maxwell made the claim that David Icke took his work
I put for your consideration a series of prophecies where he speaks of a second attack against Trump. It starts at minute 18.


At minute 12 he explains that he wants to talk about the Olympics and possible terrorist attack but fears they will take away the sound of the video like they did in TikTok So he wants to be discreet and trust the security agencies.

He asks us to pray because in the Olympics he sees fire and injured people, he sees something major happening in that event. He sees a green colored train, he thinks it is leaving from Germany to Paris because they have that color there. The train is loaded with explosives in its belly and asks for prayer that it doesn't happen. He does not know when it will happen.

I don't know if there is this service of a green train to Germany from Paris, maybe someone can confirm.

After a biblical jargon he talks about the second attempt on Trump minute 18:04

Then he talks about a terrorist attack coming from the southern border. Terrorists poison the water from Alabama to Houston and people panic because there is no water to drink.

Unlike the video where he talked about the first attempt on Trump, this one is getting more circulation. So, maybe there will be a change of plans if more people are aware of these events that have potential. Who knows.​

At minute 12 he explains that he wants to talk about the Olympics and possible terrorist attack but fears they will take away the sound of the video like they did in TikTok So he wants to be discreet and trust the security agencies.

He asks us to pray because in the Olympics he sees fire and injured people, he sees something major happening in that event. He sees a green colored train, he thinks it is leaving from Germany to Paris because they have that color there. The train is loaded with explosives in its belly and asks for prayer that it doesn't happen. He does not know when it will happen.

I don't know if there is this service of a green train to Germany from Paris, maybe someone can confirm.

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After a biblical jargon he talks about the second attempt on Trump minute 18:04

Then he talks about a terrorist attack coming from the southern border. Terrorists poison the water from Alabama to Houston and people panic because there is no water to drink.

Unlike the video where he talked about the first attempt on Trump, this one is getting more circulation. So, maybe there will be a change of plans if more people are aware of these events that have potential. Who knows.​
Yes, I checked and this is the Green train that goes to Paris. I think is the only green train in Germany. Germans can confirm.

The next step is to make Kamala Harris president of the USA and voila! You have the ingredients for the predicted "American Civil War II."
Well, not necessarily...

The Republicans have proven in 2020 to be not capable of fermenting a revolution. After election fortification and blatant display of power in Washington, they had good reason to revolt, because the regime kept rubbing it in their eyes that they took everything and have all the (military) power, that they will implement everything that Republicans are afraid of, and there is nothing that can stop it anymore. Plus, all the Covid restrictions that Republicans opposed.
And yet, they did nothing. The most revolutionary thing that Trump Supporters did was the 6th of January "capitol tour", which was a big dumb on their side and a clear push by intelligence agencies to make them go crazy. Yet, they weren't even armed.
The establishment had to try really hard to make it look like something more than it actually was.

4 years later, and the passiveness of Republicans turned out to be the correct choice, because Sleepy Joe kept making a total fool of himself, economy collapsed to the point that majority of Democrat voters cannot deny it, and blatant attacks on Trump right before the election only made him stronger.

However, the other side, the Democrats, has a proven record of being able to get into a revolutionary fever if they get the right nudge. Entire Trump presidency was constant prodding and nudging for an overthrow. They were the first ones to believe that the election was stolen. Nothing stops them from going there again.

So imagine if we get a repeat of 2020, but this time, the election won't be rigged against Trump, but blatantly in favor of him. Doesn't matter that Trump is going to win anyway, that's not the point. The point is that those that don't want him to win have all the reason to think he didn't.

And then, when radicals will start going crazy, when Republicans will feel actually threatened and Trump has no choice but to use force, only then it can start.

Otherwise, Trump's death would have been enough. Covid would have been enough. 2020 would have been enough.

But, again, Republicans have proven that, even if someone like Kamala would have won, they would have done nothing.
But, again, Republicans have proven that, even if someone like Kamala would have won, they would have done nothing.
I think some type of revolution or civil war is much more likely after a severe economic collapse - which a lot of people think Trump is set to take the blame on if he gets into office.

They are also working hard at creating actual food shortages (or maybe just meat shortages?). If it is famine they are after, that too can have unintended consequences in a heavily armed country.
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