a for survialism in australia(my country) it can be though for those who dont know what they are doing but for those that do their is more that they will need to survie is the bush i would say more than 75% is unused land and only 20% at the most is unliveable to those who know how to survie
fact- 5 million kangroos have to be killed each year because they eat the grass that the sheep eat (there is plenty of kangroos in the bush)(the bush is the australian version of a forest we only have few actual forests the rest is the bush)
but for those in other countries it is hard for me to say how they would survie without finding a large enough large to farm but not be noticed or discovered
it is also important to be prepared to survie get some camping equipment and books on survial and stock you on abit of food and some gold/silver and you shall have a good chance of survial until it all calms down (when the country has new money, employement, plenty of food and riots have stopped)
i myself have brought a 10 kilo bag of rice for $12 and i plan on getting more just not right away leave it about a month so no one get suspicious and asks questions and i am getting new camping gear which i can use even if a crash doesnt happen and printing hard copies(paper) of hardcore natural survial info i found of the internet from camping and survial nuts just as a form of insurance
but those who are in taking this approach remeber(bad spelling) to take with you a large amount of vit C and salt because without these two or at least be able to obtain it you will die for sure. And i also suggest that you learn now how to make your own bows and arrows completely out of natural materials found in nature(including bow string) using only a knife and how to use them to hunt
fact- 5 million kangroos have to be killed each year because they eat the grass that the sheep eat (there is plenty of kangroos in the bush)(the bush is the australian version of a forest we only have few actual forests the rest is the bush)
but for those in other countries it is hard for me to say how they would survie without finding a large enough large to farm but not be noticed or discovered
it is also important to be prepared to survie get some camping equipment and books on survial and stock you on abit of food and some gold/silver and you shall have a good chance of survial until it all calms down (when the country has new money, employement, plenty of food and riots have stopped)
i myself have brought a 10 kilo bag of rice for $12 and i plan on getting more just not right away leave it about a month so no one get suspicious and asks questions and i am getting new camping gear which i can use even if a crash doesnt happen and printing hard copies(paper) of hardcore natural survial info i found of the internet from camping and survial nuts just as a form of insurance
but those who are in taking this approach remeber(bad spelling) to take with you a large amount of vit C and salt because without these two or at least be able to obtain it you will die for sure. And i also suggest that you learn now how to make your own bows and arrows completely out of natural materials found in nature(including bow string) using only a knife and how to use them to hunt