Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

just read this article int the LAtimes.


at the end it says:

"Responding to the violence at Virginia Tech, President Bush said he has directed federal officials to conduct a national inquiry on how to prevent violence by mentally disturbed people.

Members of the departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services will travel across the country and meet with mental health professionals, educators and state and local leaders, and then will make recommendations, the White House said Friday.

The inquiry is the subject of Bush's weekly radio address today. The White House took the unusual step of releasing the text a day early.

"We can never fully understand what would cause a student to take the lives of 32 innocent people," Bush's text says. "Our society continues to wrestle with the question of how to handle individuals whose mental health problems can make them a danger to themselves and others." "

Apparently they're not interested in preventing/curing such "health problems" (aka programming) but in the question of how to HANDLE people who are a danger to society........well that could include many scenarios, couldn't it?
Bernhard said:
just read this article int the LAtimes.


at the end it says:

"Responding to the violence at Virginia Tech, President Bush said he has directed federal officials to conduct a national inquiry on how to prevent violence by mentally disturbed people.

Members of the departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services will travel across the country and meet with mental health professionals, educators and state and local leaders, and then will make recommendations, the White House said Friday.

The inquiry is the subject of Bush's weekly radio address today. The White House took the unusual step of releasing the text a day early.

"We can never fully understand what would cause a student to take the lives of 32 innocent people," Bush's text says. "Our society continues to wrestle with the question of how to handle individuals whose mental health problems can make them a danger to themselves and others." "

Apparently they're not interested in preventing/curing such "health problems" (aka programming) but in the question of how to HANDLE people who are a danger to society........well that could include many scenarios, couldn't it?
Texas was the trial run. Dubya & Co. just needed an excuse to finally implement the final solution: _
Bernhard said:
just read this article int the LAtimes.[...]"Responding to the violence at Virginia Tech, President Bush said he has directed federal officials to conduct a national inquiry on how to prevent violence by mentally disturbed people.
..starting with himself! :P :P :P
From "Ponerology":

Lobaczewski said:
We need to understand the nature of the macrosocial phenomenon as well as that basic relationship and controversy between the pathological system and those areas of science which describe psychological and psychopathological phenomena. Otherwise, we cannot become fully conscious of the reasons for such a government’s long published behavior. A normal person’s actions and reactions, his ideas and moral criteria, all too often strike abnormal individuals as abnormal. For if a person with some psychological deviations considers himself normal, which is of course significantly easier if he possesses authority, then he would consider a normal person different and therefore abnormal, whether in reality or as a result of conversive thinking. That explains why such people’s government shall always have the tendency to treat any dissidents as “mentally abnormal
So i just caught up the last five pages of this thread, and something i saw interestingly enough, was that the direction and focus of it was altered, several times, by christophera and his gallywag of troll supporters.

Interesting Observation.

I also must admit I was a bit surprised to see someone so new to the forum contributing a lot of data and evidently well read on the material. Doesn't happen a lot, so i guess it tripped by suspicion programming.
Bernhard said:
"We can never fully understand what would cause a student to take the lives of 32 innocent people," Bush's text says. "Our society continues to wrestle with the question of how to handle individuals whose mental health problems can make them a danger to themselves and others." "
here is another one along the same lines, from Christopher Caldwell, an editor of The Weekly Standard , the neocon doctrinal trailblaizer, and a syndicated columnist:


"Loner" is the epithet most commonly attached to him[Cho] since the
slayings. But perhaps we can learn more about him, and the meaning of
his act, if we think of him not as a loner, but a loser.

[..] as social and technological progress spreads, so does certain
people's awareness that they are cut off from it -- that it fails to
nurture, reward and (especially) take notice of them. For a small
minority -- the radical losers -- the experience is unbearable.

[..] When one examines the actual ideologies in the name of which
people kill themselves, the distinction between madman and political
fighters fades.

[..] It has been a commonplace of news coverage since the massacre to
delineate sharply Cho's act from more political ones. One
psychiatrists told the NY TIMES that suicide bombers are picked for
their stability, while mas iillers tend to have mental problems. This
disnitction rests on value judgements about what kind of slaughter is
justified and what not -- judgements that probably loose their force
the closer you get to the flying shrapnel. Just as suicide bombers
could be described as mentally disturbed, cho can be described as a
member of an organized resistance, even if the cause he served existed
only in his sad, demented head.


So first they were recasting people with legitimate grievances against the system as 'terrorists", you know, those that 'hate our freedoms'. And now they will use Cho's case to prove that all terrorists are either mentally ill, or sore losers -- whatever way it suits them. And of course you see where it is going.
freetrinity said:
Bryan said:
How can one person be all those things?
not all, it's either\or, i.e., 'versions'.
This is a good point - he wasn't all of these things - he was each of these things at different times. It's actually a clue - these descriptions which are so contradictory if looked at from the perspective of a normal person. If he was splintered enough by the probable ritual abuse programming, different 'versions' of him could be all of these things.
two things:

a) cryptogon, the blog which (to me) broke the connection of cho's sister to the PTB and about which i posted here, has had a rash of cointelpro activity on his VT-shooting thread, so much so that he closed the comments and called people to order, his first time IIRC.

b) also found via cryptogon, in the comments on his VT-shootings post, here is a link to a website with a summary of weird "coincidences" and contradictions around the VT shooting and related events. see it here: http://www_DOT_legitgov_DOT_org/virginia_tech_shooting_oddities_DOT_html

the mods have spared me posting an answer to some of the more obviously "blunderous" things said here by telly.
On some earlier pages of this thread someone said “I am afraid to think, programming is completed� I think that may be right. But not programming of “Greenbaumed� individuals but; as I have understand C’s; programming of whole population. Take over is about to begin, or maybe it is already in progress (they said “amalgamation� )

I was watching CNN last night, some special emission on Virginia accident, and like everything on that television it was superficial, disgusting and unhuman.I don’t see humans on that television, just images of humans. One thing prevailed in show and “smart comments� that they always have: “Gun control and how guns should not be so easy to get� . Guns? But people kills people not guns. Guns are just a tool. Not a word about why that Cho feels that way, how he come to idea to kill people, why? Except stereotype idiotic comments from “psychiatrics� and such individuals. Whole idea behind US government and their authorities about this accident could be phrased in a few very simple sentences: “Dear citizens, your are idiots. We gave you guns to play with it, but it sims that you are so idiotic that you don’t know how to play with the guns. We will take the guns of you now (and a few more fascistic measures, just to be sure that someone doesn’t begin to think “I am not an idiot� )� Programming is complete, in USA for sure.

How he can kill 30 people with two pistols? I mean how technically he can do it alone? It must be hard even for a small team of specialists. Maybe his just another Lee Harvey Oswald. One more thing stuck on my attention, everyone who died, died at the very spot? No one dies of wounds later? So, who is dead, he is dead immediately and not one person dies from injuries in hospital later? That should be unusual. And again maybe am not so good informed.
name said:
a) cryptogon, the blog which (to me) broke the connection of cho's sister to the PTB and about which i posted here, has had a rash of cointelpro activity on his VT-shooting thread, so much so that he closed the comments and called people to order, his first time IIRC.
good info

since no event has all negative consequences, whenever events like these transpire, i like to look for the unintended positives.

here it seems that some people in the US might look at the daily death-tolls from iraq a little differently and be more anti-war than before.
after all, against the constant carnage in iraq, this shooting is barely a blip on the radar, if considered from an objective, non-emotional point of view.

i know it's not going to be many, for this the nonstop media brainwashing is just too strong, but for what it's worth, i think a certain amount might wake up a tiny bit more.
this comes on the heel of the VTech tragedy:


Noble Resolve 07: Four days of “simulatedᾠ nuclear terrorist scenarios in the US & Europe

From April, 23 to April 27, the elite echelon of the military are running Noble Resolve 07, a four-day marathon of “simulatedᾠ terror attacks across the US and Europe. This includes a simulated detonation of a “looseᾠ ten-kiloton nuclear weapon Virginia harbor, smuggled in by a “foreign nation.ᾠ [..]

Nobody will pay attention now, moreover, the initiative suddenly may look very appropriate and even desirable to those who appreciate safety above freedom (and will get and deserve neither) :(
Can't forget that 911 happened during "simulations."

a few more red herrings thrown in for good measure:

1) a bizarre picture of an Asian guy in the marine camo, presumably Cho, gets uploaded to Wikipedia, then quickly taken down. A person who uploaded the picture states that he pulled it from a myspace profile that he found right after the murderer's name was announced. He was positive that it was Cho's profile. The myspace profile has since gone dead. This seems to tenuously connect Cho to the VTech ROTC, or at least suggest taht there was some training involved.

a saved picture is here:


Wikipedia discussion of the picture is here:


2) Before the shooter was ID-ed, social networks, acting out on rumors, went into action and pulled a livejournal blog and a facebook page of VTech student Wayne Chiang, who was 1) Asian, 2) liked guns and had pictures of them in the blog, 3) had problems with girlfriend, 4) wrote about depressive issues.


plenty of people showed up with death threats and similar harassment.

The raw content of his blog IMO is rather repulsive. He appears to have waited for the rumors to heat up before dispelling them. He also seemed to, at least in the beginning, to be enjoying his fame. He is giving interviews to networks and touting gun freedom and constitutional rights. His comments seem crass and airheaded. After a while it appears the situation got out of control and under his skin, this is where he starts talking about 'remembering the tragedy' etc.

Just too much noise that is sending people on a wild goose chase
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