Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

Christophera said:
Bryan said:
Christophera said:
Most people who have objections to this proposal do so because of some unidentified fear.
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed out of certain behaviors like machines rather than assisting the person to overcome the addiction of their own free will like psychoanalysis or biofeedback could.
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed into murdering like machines rather than programmed to careful, compassionate and function in life. This is after living an addiction thinking their own free was in control and not semiotics taught for corporate profit through media mind control and conditioning.
I find people being programmed into murdering like machines objectionable, but I would find people "programmed to careful, compassionate and function in life" to be objectionable since programming negates free will and by default can not be STO.

Now I agree that the media encourages endless, mindless, rampant consumption but have found in my own experience that indivuals with addictions often have other problems in their lives; they aren't just brainwashed into addiction the way you are suggesting.

BABA POINTED OUT, "LOVE is essentially self-communicative: those who do not have it catch it from those who have it.... No amount of rites, rituals, ceremonies, worship, meditation, penance and remembrance can produce love in themselves. None of these is necessarily a sign of love. On the contrary, those who sigh loudly and weep and wail have yet to experience love. Love sets on fire the one who finds it. At the same time it seals his lips so that no smoke comes out.

There is nothing that love cannot achieve,
and there is nothing that love cannot sacrifice.

Love can attain what the intellect cannot fathom."
What exactly makes Meher Baba an expert on what love actually is? His take on it sounds like the same empty platitudes that have been recycled in some form or another (New Age, self-help, etc.) ad nauseam.

As for love attaining what the intellect can not fathom, the C's have said knowledge is love.
Christophera said:
Post hypnotic scripting which takes advantage of memory barriers is absolutely ethical and commonplace for other uses and should be so with this one as it is clear that modern psychology has no tool to work directly with the unconcious and gain its cooperation for its true purposes.

BTW, all subject woud recieve suggestion to enter that same state without gas and following inductions would attempt to reduce quatities while added more suggestion to enable trance induction very easily.

Most people who have objections to this proposal do so because of some unidentified fear.
You seem to know a lot about this. Have you ever experienced it yourself?
Bryan said:
Christophera said:
Bryan said:
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed out of certain behaviors like machines rather than assisting the person to overcome the addiction of their own free will like psychoanalysis or biofeedback could.
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed into murdering like machines rather than programmed to careful, compassionate and function in life. This is after living an addiction thinking their own free was in control and not semiotics taught for corporate profit through media mind control and conditioning.
I find people being programmed into murdering like machines objectionable, but I would find people "programmed to careful, compassionate and function in life" to be objectionable since programming negates free will and by default can not be STO.

Now I agree that the media encourages endless, mindless, rampant consumption but have found in my own experience that indivuals with addictions often have other problems in their lives; they aren't just brainwashed into addiction the way you are suggesting.

You seem to be insinuating something here. What is it? Be frank...
Christophera said:
Azur said:
Christophera said:
Did you consider that one individual has been treated for quite a while and has developed a very well known performance record at post hypnotic interactions with people.
Are you saying here that your own limited and subjective experiences here encapsulate all the possibilities of the human experieces (and psychy?).

Christophera said:
The interaction for them is practice with thinking in ways that are fulfilling and basing the feeling on successsful, functional interactions.
And here is where I have to stop interpreting you. When you say "fulfilling", it is a show-stopper. It is a judgment of how others should perceive and/or find "joy" as an end game to their existence.

You may have good intent, but I am not sure it is clear of tainted perception.
The real actions don't become clear until simple, general instruction are understood.

If someone is simply told in a somnambulistic trance, "Everthing you do, every day will be fulfilling to you as long as it truly leads to your happiness in living with and understanding others in harmony, bringing great function."

What judgement is involved there besides the one that gives the person the power to find the way to happiness in doing something that is necessary?

Relax, ....... every hypnotist that has ever seen my instructions asks, "Can I have a copy of that?"
May I have the privilege of sending you one of these:


Not only did you evade my question, you seem to evade them all. Why is that? Is there something you are holding onto for dear life internally?
You make me laugh and many others who are very clear about your way of thinking, which is exactly what we are moving away from. New age is exactly what we are here to show is the uncle scam.
What exactly is it you are moving away from? What's an uncle scam?

See, Blitz from africa has graduated from one of your best universities, only to show that capacity to "think" but also to step back from it to show how it is false. And not the way. And so when he gets on stage to speak the truth, he knows how you think and your limitations and false views.
What university would that be? What exactly does he speak on stage? Do you believe thinking is false and not the way?

And Grand Puba has moved more mind than you ever will in your best 100 future lives.
Oh, and now you're psychic too... or God.

You failure to recognize or grasp Meher Baba also fails to feel why the Sikh (who stood up against the British) also lived Meher Babas wisdom. But there comes a time when those who are true to love cannot simply sit in fear and apathy while the unawareness running things in its onesided trip rejects the truth process and all the infinite potential it brings.
It seems that you are implying that pouring buckets of love on the world - even on to those who reject it - will transform and save everyone, even the bad guys. Is that correct?

Something which is here to break out of your habits and ruts, including your beliefs and negative thinking.
You sure know a lot about someone from a few dozen internet forum posts, eh?

To have aversion to water because someone pissed in your cup is your own unawareness. Having an aversion to love, the word that points to it, and those who live it beyond your dualistic thinking is also unawareness.
So someone who rejects your notion of love - including and especially disagreeing with the notion of forced "love" - has an aversion to it and unawareness?

Yor so far have rejected the black man, the native american, the sufi, and so on and so on. You cannot be helped, and mo one is here to convince you.
All cultures and religions have notions of what love is. That doesn't necessarily mean they are right. If so many of them were right, how could the world have ended up where it is now, especially if love is the answer?

I am just happy to find those who are out there, ready to build and unify with attitudes and positive thinking not stuck in mind onbly of the west.
It seems to me you think logic is "Western thinking" and that loving everything is "Eastern thinking", and somehow logic is negative.

The subject object union is the way.
The what?

And where love starts is where your mind stuff ends, you cannot go further. My team is just in the middle, where music does more for people than your way of thinking.
So you're saying that music that tells people to indiscriminately love everyone, even if they don't want it, does more for people than critical analysis?

We reach more people too, and you know what? They love us. Why because we are not the ones pushing the scion cars, we can see that the towers were built to demolish, we can feel the need for change and you don't need a degree to teach yoga.
OK, so you're implying everyone who doesn't think like you promotes particular models of cars, doesn't feel the need for change, and thinks yoga instructors need a degree?
Azur said:
You seem to be insinuating something here. What is it? Be frank...
Is that sarcasm? The only thing I was insinuating was that people I've known who had addictions either: A) came from troubled family backgrounds and losing themselves in substance abuse was their way of dealing with the pain;
or B) seemed to be psychopathic and had a need for constant stimulation of some kind.
.., we can feel the need for change and you don't need a degree to teach yoga.
You don't need a degree to bring death and destruction either! 8| It may be that degrees in this society are overrated??? Perhaps they don't teach people how to actually think? Perhaps they can't - with some people?

Teaching people to THINK, however is very important. And, you don't need a degree for that either (although in mainstream 'education', it is a requirement, and to teach in university then (normally) a doctorate is required).

I think you may find that THINKING (and not 'loving') is a requirement, both for knowledge as well as progression along any spiritual path. Suprisingly, most modern (and past) advocates 'spiritual' paths seemed to have discouraged THINKING in any form and even punished people who wished to do so. Don't become one of these people. You have an option. Thinking is very important. You will never trully understand Love unless you incorporate the thinking process. Don't let these things slip by...
Azur said:

You seem to be insinuating something here. What is it? Be frank...
He is? I thought he was being quite straightforward. What did he say that you figured was an insinuation?

BABA POINTED OUT, "LOVE is essentially self-communicative: those who do not have it catch it from those who have it....
It would appear that medical evidence regarding psychopathy (and the general history of humanity on this planet) contradicts this statement.
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