Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

freetrinity said:
Bryan said:
A bullet fired from a handgun at the back of one's skull is unlikely to make it all the way through the face, and if it does the exit wound couldn't possibly be large enough to cause disfigurement.
I was told that hollow point bullets or 'cut' bullets (with a spiraled cross etched on them) produce up to 10 times more damage than usual ones. There were holowo point bullets on the photographs that he send to NBC. It is very likely that those were used in the shooting. In this case, it IS possible taht his face was disfigured.
I didn't know that about hollow point bullets. Thanks for informing me, Trinity.
anart said:
christophera said:
Interesting that SOT maintains administrators with such cynical attitudes that they feel they need to and must ask such questions or feel it is okay to do so in the way done.
It is more interesting that you feel the need to attack the questioner instead of fully answering the question. I agree with FreeTrinity's take on this as well - you are hypnotizing machines to behave the way you want them to - it goes directly against developing a conscious core - against waking up from this sleep - it is manipulation and, quite frankly, it seems not only creepy, but dangerous.
I agree.

ScioAgapeOmnis said:

How can something that has a million definitions be a purpose of anything? What is your definition of "love"? Love of who or what? And whose purpose is it?
"Love" has often been used as a justification for committing injustice, including genocide. The same is true for "The Greater Good". People who are extremely STS often use one or both of those as the rationale for their actions.
Bryan said:
"Love" has often been used as a justification for committing injustice, including genocide. The same is true for "The Greater Good". People who are extremely STS often use one or both of those as the rationale for their actions.
The "I hit you because I love you" syndrome :\

Speaking of Greenbaums being switched on though,

hXXp:// said:
HOUSTON (AP) - A NASA contract worker took a handgun inside an office building Friday at the Johnson Space Center and fatally shot a hostage before killing himself, police said. A second hostage escaped with minor injuries. The gunman shot himself once in the head more than three hours after barricading himself on the second floor of Building 44, which houses a laboratory.
Let me guess, he was just a "copy cat" right? Or just a coincidence? I think more evidence that something is "going off". Why would they be activating these guys now? Distraction? Or maybe this is testing the waters before activating a whole bunch of them at the same time soon?
C's said:
Q: (T) OK, the question is, is the fellow that just shot three professors in San Diego, I think it was, the University, before they read his thesis, because he was afraid they would throw his thesis away, and make it look bad, and flunk him. Was he a Greenbaum?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Why did they turn him 'on' at that point?
A: Not correct concept. What if: those programmed in the so called "Greenbaum" projects are preprogrammed to "go off" all at once, and some "malfunction," and go off early?
And this is only "Greenbaum". But as we know, the CIA, other intelligence agencies, and other government and various secret groups have been kidnapping and programming people and experimenting with mind control for many decades now, so there are many possible "programmed" people running around that can be turned on by various groups for various nefarious purposes. And there are many techniques to program and control, some could be done remotely. If satellites can beam channeling messages in your head, there is no reason they cannot beam other messages, which can pretend to be your own thoughts, and those "receptive" to them could be fooled. Or perhaps on frequencies that you don't consciously pick up, like hypnotic suggestions - and we do know that the masses are under a mass hypnosis, and one of the ways it is maintained is all those strobing lights. So I guess the possibilities are pretty open, and something tells me that this is only the beginning.

I wonder, can the people that are programmed to go off - can this be "timed"? Or do they require a trigger? Because the future is open so how would they know exactly WHEN is the best time for them to go off, decades ahead of time? It makes more sense that there would be a "mass trigger" for such people. But taking that as a hypothesis, what could be a good enough trigger to be received by everybody who is programmed to receive it?
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Bryan said:
"Love" has often been used as a justification for committing injustice, including genocide. The same is true for "The Greater Good". People who are extremely STS often use one or both of those as the rationale for their actions.
The "I hit you because I love you" syndrome :\

Or perhaps on frequencies that you don't consciously pick up, like hypnotic suggestions - and we do know that the masses are under a mass hypnosis, and one of the ways it is maintained is all those strobing lights.
I see strobe lights everywhere now. On wireless and radio towers. In the infrared camera in stop lights. Even on the tops of school buses for some reason. And on the topic of the strobes, I glanced at one on the top of a bus the other day and immediately felt an intense pain in the back of my skull, like I had been hit really hard with something. I'm not sure how the strobe could trigger something like that.

I wonder, can the people that are programmed to go off - can this be "timed"? Or do they require a trigger? Because the future is open so how would they know exactly WHEN is the best time for them to go off, decades ahead of time?
They're STS so they think their plans are going to go off without a hitch since they are the Masters Of The Universe, at least in their minds, so some of the Greenbaums could be on a timer like a bomb.

It makes more sense that there would be a "mass trigger" for such people. But taking that as a hypothesis, what could be a good enough trigger to be received by everybody who is programmed to receive it?
Maybe it's going to happen as a domino effect; there could be embedded triggers in the videos/notes left by the other Greenbaums as well as triggers in the news coverage on these events.

May I ask you a question, in good faith?

You've signed on, what 5 days ago, and have already posted 47 messages. You seem to be pretty sure that your opinion is solid, and have even submitted an article (unless I mistake you for someone else).

So: how did you come to be here, and secondly, why did you choose now?

Azur said:

May I ask you a question, in good faith?

You've signed on, what 5 days ago, and have already posted 47 messages. You seem to be pretty sure that your opinion is solid, and have even submitted an article (unless I mistake you for someone else).
What, do you mean an article in the suggestion forum? If that's what you mean then no, I haven't. I did, however, post a site in the product suggestion forum.

So: how did you come to be here, and secondly, why did you choose now?
I found the SOTT site a few years ago when I was searching for info on psychopaths. I read the news and original articles avidly for a while then drifted away, coming back occasionally. Why now? I hadn't been around much for a long time but hearing about the VT shooting I was certain that it had something to do with Greenbaum programming, so I came around to see if the SOTT team had picked up on it. I certainly didn't plan on posting 47 messages in 5 days; the first was posted because there wasn't a lot of info online about it at the time so I thought I would post a couple of details mentioned by a witness for the members here who were following the story.

Sorry, Azur, if you think I'm overreaching my bounds here or something.
Christophera said:
Most people who have objections to this proposal do so because of some unidentified fear.
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed out of certain behaviors like machines rather than assisting the person to overcome the addiction of their own free will like psychoanalysis or biofeedback could.
Christophera said:
Did you consider that one individual has been treated for quite a while and has developed a very well known performance record at post hypnotic interactions with people.
Are you saying here that your own limited and subjective experiences here encapsulate all the possibilities of the human experiences (and psyche)?

Christophera said:
The interaction for them is practice with thinking in ways that are fulfilling and basing the feeling on successful, functional interactions.
And here is where I have to stop interpreting you. When you say "fulfilling", it is a show-stopper. It is a judgment of how others should perceive and/or find "joy" as an end game to their existence.

You may have good intent, but I am not sure it is clear of tainted perception.
SAO said:
It makes more sense that there would be a "mass trigger" for such people. But taking that as a hypothesis, what could be a good enough trigger to be received by everybody who is programmed to receive it?
According to the greenbaum lecture there is an Omega 'self destruct' program. How ever the omega trigger is given it may well be a universal signal or frequency. If you mean a the possible timing, at the time of a world wide-impacting catastrophe there will be widespread panic and uncertainty. There would certainly be broadcast messages of a 'final' nature that maybe trigger the Omega program. The last thing the PTB want when they are evacuating the elite few underground is a coordinated humanist group networking of survivors so this would be perfect timing to 'set off' as many distracting psychopaths as possible.
At present the urgent problem facing humanity is to devise ways and means of eliminating competition, conflict and rivalry in all the subtle and gross forms which they assume in the various spheres of life.

It’s funny that Meher Baba says we have to figure out how to eliminate competition when our whole society seems based on the premise that competition is good. In fact, it is a term of praise to say that some person, or group, or country has a "competitive edge" over some other person, or group, or nation. This competitive edge is really only another way of promoting the falseness of separativeexistence. This edge, in actuality, is the cutting edge of the knife of separateness that cuts the heart into pieces, leaving it bleeding.
Was that a fraud to use love that way? And if so, does that disable you from using it properly? .......And why are you here?
What exactly is that a response to? You quoted the entire message. If you are responding to my comments on what extremely STS individuals call "love", then how could that be using love properly, unless the love is meant to be only for the self?
Let's see... a man beats his wife and says it's because he loves her and her behavior caused it anyway. Is that how STO or one who hopes to be an STO candidate loves?
The Nazis claimed that genocide was justifiable because it was for "the greater good" and they did it out of love for the "Ayran" race and God (since God is obviously a bigoted white man who didn't really intend for other races/ethnicities and gays to exist). Is that how STO or one who hopes to be an STO candidate loves?

Why are you here? You've interrupted this thread twice on behalf of Christophera, the first time to post a link to a JREF discussion where he mentions his hypnotic technique for addictions, and yet again on his behalf not long after he posted. You seem to be here to inject discussion of Chris' method into a topic that isn't really about that. Yes, programming methods like Greenbaum's use hypnotic suggestions but his work isn't quite on topic since it's supposed to be a form of therapy.

Also, I find your signature to be vulgar and somewhat offensive, and your MySpace page almost reads like a parody of a seeker or "New Age" site.
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