Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

Rs: Your analysis is not far off the mark. This is in fact what *has* been happening
over the last several years and *has* been publicized in various cities and towns.
Sometimes "they" get away with and sometimes they don't. I suspect it will get more
and more brazen now.
rs said:
The quick reaction team discovers to their dismay that the poor slob was harmless, so plant a gun on him that police have been known to carry just in case. News interviews of his friends and neighbors all note that they cannot understand how such a nice quiet man could go on a rampage.

I don't know... This whole story increasingly feels like we collectively fell down the rabbit hole.
The gun comment brings to mind the report that the serial numbers on the guns were filed off. Yet, the receipt for the gun purchase was in his backpack - wwhhaaaaaa? Why would this kid file off the serial numbers if he was going to go on a suicidal rampage - he's lived in the U.S. long enough to know how these things end. Guns to be used in crimes, from which the criminal walks away, have their serial numbers filed off, right? Guns planted, do too....

Of course, with this completely non-believable 'package' sent to nbc - it's difficult to tell where the walls to the rabbit hole are anymore - unless they had two of this kid and needed the 36+ hours to make the videos and write the letters - (which is so far out in conspiracy land to make even me roll my eyes). One of the other many things that seems out of place is he keeps saying he hates rich kids - yet he's a college student who could afford two handguns, a cell phone, computer and his sister went to Princeton? And is it just me, or do the pictures they're showing from the 'nbc package' and the initial picture of this kid not look like the same person - maybe the initial ones are old from school id or something, but - odd.
Found this while doing some research - reminds me of other disinfo projects.

_ said:
From - message board where lots of people have been posting
Copied from speakeasy board

"...was a fwd from and EMS person down at tech..."

-----Original Message-----
From: X
Sent: Mon 4/16/2007 2:01 PM
To: Y
Subject: RE: VT shootings


Yes, I responded to assist with the shootings. Thanks to an
overwhelming number of other responders, I didn't treat any of the
patients. However, I think I have a clearer version of the story than what
has been released on the news. I'm not sure on the total body count
though. While the news is currently reporting 22, I've heard as many as
40. As far as those injured, I have no idea. I do know that Montgomery
Regional and NRV had to go on diversion because they were
overwhelmed by numbers of patients.

Approximately 7 of the more critical patients were transported to
Roanoke Memorial and Lewis-Gale. The shooter is among those dead.
To the best of my understanding (from first-hand accounts) this all
started with an ex-boyfriend finding his girlfriend in bed with another
guy. He then shot them, killing the guy immediately and the girl died at
RMH. The shooter then went to Norris hall and entered a classroom
opening fire.

This does hit close to home on a number of levels. Everything from
the fact that we all lived in that dorm to classes that we took in Norris
Hall. It's still hard for me to believe that something so tragic occured. It
makes last August's events with Morva look like child's-play.


The bf-gf angle was reported in more obscure terms earlier in the day by
people who heard from relatives on campus. Of course, wait until police
report the conclusions before accepting anything as fact.
We get a lil pseudo-validation with the "Yes i was an EMT there..." and then the "ex-boyfriend" angle pushed.

From what's been promulgated this guy was such a loner, didn't talk to anyone, gave one word responses if any... how could he have had a girlfriend? Deliberate Disinfo is the fingerprint our wonderful intelligence agencies...
Just watched the videos they're releasing on - this kid is speaking in monotone while raging against everything - if he's not programmed, I'm not typing this. It's incredibly sad - for him - and for us. The news anchor is an idiot of course - sheeesh, and it's really only the beginning of what we may be seeing over the next few years. The shooter speaks about doing this for his sons and daughters - for the innocent and weak who can't fight back against 'you' - I can't help but think the 'you' he's talking about is the programmers - but, still - all in monotone.
anart said:
The shooter speaks about doing this for his sons and daughters - for the innocent and weak who can't fight back against 'you' - I can't help but think the 'you' he's talking about is the programmers - but, still - all in monotone.
I thought the same thing - that the 'you' was probably those who really did torture this kid, his programmers. Knowing whatever kind of mind programming and torture Cho went through is probably beyond anyone's imagination. It no doubt would leave one emotionally dead.

There was an article on the Signs page showing how many 32 Senseless Deaths Iraqi's experience all the time. This made me think how the United States is really a macrocosm of Cho. Emotionally dead inside - mind programed - slaughtering innocents - thinking it is doing good in the world. Cho was probably manipulated and inflicted with some real pain to create such a monster, however I can't see that pain being close to what amounts to the cumulative pain felt by all those families and friends involved. And the same with the US. Just as America was was manipulated and wounded by 9/11, the resulting pain and suffering they have brought to the world is way beyond anything Americans can know.

Cho wasn't Korean, he was a perfect template of an American.
anart said:
Just watched the videos they're releasing on - this kid is speaking in monotone while raging against everything - if he's not programmed, I'm not typing this.
Yes, I thought it looked like he was talking through clenched teeth, and couldn't get the words out clearly, but definitely a monotone. I'm not surprised the footage turned up. Like the 9/11 clips, we need something to watch for weeks and weeks to extract the maximum amount of loosh out of everybody. I thought it was curious that he didn't make mention more specifics of what he was going to do, just referred to "this" in a vague way (I may not have seen all the clips) and waved guns around. Maybe the footage was supposed to be "generic" in case the plan changed.

I still can't but wonder if the dorm shootings were done by someone else involved in the "plot," as that part of it still does not make sense. Why not just go on a rampage there if that's what you're planning eventually? And why those two particular people? As somebody else mentioned, the shooter was such a loner it's doubtful he had a girlfriend. The only women mentioned were those he stalked a couple years ago. Also, if you're going to shoot two random people, why go all the way up to the fourth floor (isn't that where it happened?) instead of closer to the ground where you could get away quicker?

The two shootings just seem so....unrelated, other than the fact that they were both "shootings" and supposedly the same gun was used. :/
Shar said:
Also, if you're going to shoot two random people, why go all the way up to the fourth floor (isn't that where it happened?) instead of closer to the ground where you could get away quicker?

The two shootings just seem so....unrelated, other than the fact that they were both "shootings" and supposedly the same gun was used. :/
He went to the second floor.

Indeed, it is very uncommon for a rampage killer to take a premediated break between the shootings, according to one quoted expert.
anart said:
Just watched the videos they're releasing on - this kid is speaking in monotone while raging against everything - if he's not programmed, I'm not typing this.
How you can say that and not want to show people exactly what JREF is doing is a paradox. How can google ratings be more important than people understanding what JREF does in attempts to maintain the reasonable appearances of its denial?

Any way the shooter was certainly programmed and memory control, via what I've termed "INFERENCE ONE" is the first step to programming. When it begins at childhood the severity obviously would increase given the information from the short sentence of the linked scan below.

There is an appalling lack of information on the effects of hypnosis on children. This, ........ must be the key to hiding this phenomena from our society.


Relating potentials for hypnotic performance to results of research, practice and experiments of hypnosis. Christopher A. Brown 8/17/01


The first sentance of page 175 of EMOTIONS and MEMORY, 1964, by David Rappaport,

"The general tendency" of the subject to forget the events of the trance after emerging from it."


(1) of the same paragraph states that, "The hypnotist can successfully suggest that no posthypnotic amnesia develop".

Basis 2 Restated; Suggestion conducive to remembering is successful or generally, suggestion effecting memory has effect against a general tendancy.


The first note page 175, EMOTIONS and MEMORY, Note #8 states (first note below main text) that the results of memory described "in general are valid only with subjects who are able to reach the somanmbulistic stages ofhypnosis."


Logical inference of BASIS 1 with BASIS 2, is that; suggestion to forget will have a greater effect on memory because of the general "tendency to forget". Research confirms with observations of behavior consistent with general hyperamnesia at the top of page 176, the end of a footnote that begins on page 175 stating;

"we find hypnotized people indignantly denying they have been hypnotized."


If the tendancy is to forget following hypnosis that induces a trance to the level of somanmbulism and suggestion effecting memory is successful then suggestion to forget will be more effective than suggestion to remember.


If we take the potentials mentioned in the below about "Hypnosis on children" (bottom right corner) we can see that IF a child is placed in a somnambulistic trance AND the INFERENCE ONE is employed, they will nver be able to remember how they are controlled.

Then when the issues of gaining compliance with instruction to commit extreme antisocial violence such as mass murder from the subject are obviously needed, this page from the book "Human Behavior" by Bernard and Berelson, I believe, shows how cognitive appreciation for the consequences can be diminished. At the middle of the page "Resolution to contraditory findings".

From a soon to be member of the Forum:

Something that puzzled me is that apparently days before there was a threat of bomb on Virginia Tech:

Http: //

"Others, who were nearer the place where the gunfire took place thought that it was a question of a bomb threat like the
ones that were received last week."

What a coincidence that with this type of "massacre" we always have a trial run of some type nearby. (9/11 parallels?)

One of the possible explanations offered for this strange coincidence was that the Virginia Tech assassin was measuring the response time of the authorities in advance of his rampage, but this does not explain why there were other false bomb alerts after the massacre both in Virginia Tech (yesterday) as well as in the universities of Texas and Minnesota today (see links below in Spanish). This would suggest that we are dealing with a campaign of distraction.

Interestingly, I can't find any reports of the Texas or Minnesota bomb alerts on google.

Joe said:
One of the possible explanations offered for this strange coincidence was that the Virginia Tech assassin was measuring the response time of the authorities in advance of his rampage, but this does not explain why there were other false bomb alerts after the massacre both in Virginia Tech (yesterday) as well as in the universities of Texas and Minnesota today (see links below in Spanish). This would suggest that we are dealing with a campaign of distraction.
FWIW, there was a bomb threat today at one of the high schools a couple miles from here. My coworker said her son was pissed cause she made him go to school anyhow cause they just had one about a week ago that turned out to be a false alarm.
Shar said:
Joe said:
One of the possible explanations offered for this strange coincidence was that the Virginia Tech assassin was measuring the response time of the authorities in advance of his rampage, but this does not explain why there were other false bomb alerts after the massacre both in Virginia Tech (yesterday) as well as in the universities of Texas and Minnesota today (see links below in Spanish). This would suggest that we are dealing with a campaign of distraction.
FWIW, there was a bomb threat today at one of the high schools a couple miles from here. My coworker said her son was pissed cause she made him go to school anyhow cause they just had one about a week ago that turned out to be a false alarm.
Same kind of thing (bomb threats) happened at Wake Tech, the community college in Raleigh, when I was there.
rs said:
One of the discussion points of this has been the length of time between the first event and the second. Somehow the police were supposed to know the future and react to an event they had absolutely no data to support.

The result of this hindsight will be to lock the screws down a little tighter because it will be expected that the police reaction in situations such as these will be to have a hair trigger and respond with overwhelming force. Welcome to the *real* police state...
I think the shooting in the dorm was deliberately made to look like a domestic dispute. That's why Cho didn't go to Norris Hall immediately to continue his rampage. They needed to make it look like the campus and local police failed to respond appropriately so future interventions from DHS and the military will look necessary.

It seems like the rumor about Cho being a jilted lover was for distraction. Also, why of all the dorms at Tech did he pick the one with an RA who was practically the saint of the campus?

Another thing that hasn't been mentioned here... in yesterday's Roanoke Times a student who was in a nearby classroom said that the reason so many people stayed put is because there was construction going on in the building and the shots sounded like a jackhammer.

Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There will be no action this week, they say.

Joe said:
One of the possible explanations offered for this strange coincidence was that the Virginia Tech assassin was measuring the response time of the authorities in advance of his rampage, but this does not explain why there were other false bomb alerts after the massacre both in Virginia Tech (yesterday)
yes, they are now tying those fake bomb threats to him, as well as the incident at Burgess hall (next to Norris) that was cordoned by the police ne[t day. Apparently they found ANOTHER bomb threat, in the vicinity of the rampage site or even right near the gunman's body. Which is, just WAY too convenient.

Another impossibly tight fit: the security camera in the gun shop where he purchased one of his guns (the one that had a receipt) had a security camera. It just happened to store digital images for 35 days. The auhtorities were able to recover the video, which shows an apparently sane and balanced young man legally buying a gun. Another two days, and this piece of evidence would have been gone. Somebody is putting a double layer of straw down, or so it looks like.

Another thing:

One of the very first eyewitness reports has a curious detail in it:

\\\Virginia Tech student Chen Chia-hao told Taiwan cable TV channel
CTI that the shooting rampage on Monday morning began after the
gunman, believed to be a student from China, killed his girlfriend in
the student dormitory after an argument.

"They had a big quarrel in the West Ambler Johnston Hall and he
shot her. Then the RA (dorm supervisor) came, and he shot the RA,"
Chen told CTI by phone. [..]

"He opened fire to the back of his head and blew up the front part
of his head, which has made it difficult to identify him," he said.\\\

Committing suicide by shooting oneself in the back of the head is theoretically possible but hardly the most obvious choice. Bone can send the bullet going a weird way. Shooting in the mouth, under the jaw or in the temple is more common, and that too can theoretically produce disfigurement, especially if hollow point bullets are used.

All mentions of this go back to this taiwanese guy Chen Chia-hao, who spilled the beans to a Taiwan TV channel. It is being reported in NZ, australian and asian news portals, but not in western media.

This report was made in the first day of the tragedy, when the gunman have not yet been identified. As you see it pushes the lover's quarrel angle, which was abuzz in the student networks on Monday. It has since been proven that the alleged shooter has no connections to the first girl taht was shot in the dorm. Without that, BTW, the version that the two murders are connected doesn't hold that well -- it doesn't correspond to a pattern, and the police is still not ready to decisively link it, even though for the media it is already a done deal.

So, the Chen Chia-hao's report obviously went to promote that line, but ... the detail about being shot 'in the back of the head' is completely unnecessary either way you look at it. Either something got lost in translation, or it is an info leak that hasn't been cleaned up yet.

BTW, any mentioning of the shooter as being a 6-foot tall asian is gone. Cho was pretty short.

He did, however, habitually wear a maroon VTech baseball cap (and maroon IS the color of VTech, I have a t-shirt to prove it :)), which may explain "the maroon beret" that the eyewitnesses described.
freetrinity said:
Committing suicide by shooting oneself in the back of the head is theoretically possible but hardly the most obvious choice. Bone can send the bullet going a weird way.
A bullet fired from a handgun at the back of one's skull is unlikely to make it all the way through the face, and if it does the exit wound couldn't possibly be large enough to cause disfigurement.

Shooting in the mouth, under the jaw or in the temple is more common, and that too can theoretically produce disfigurement, especially if hollow point bullets are used.
That reminds me of a very graphic photo of a suicide I saw years ago. The man did manage to severely disfigure his face, but it was because he propped a sawed-off double barreled shotgun under his chin. There's no way the guns Cho used could have severely disfigured his face, no matter where he shot.

This report was made in the first day of the tragedy, when the gunman have not yet been identified. As you see it pushes the lover's quarrel angle, which was abuzz in the student networks on Monday. It has since been proven that the alleged shooter has no connections to the first girl taht was shot in the dorm. Without that, BTW, the version that the two murders are connected doesn't hold that well -- it doesn't correspond to a pattern, and the police is still not ready to decisively link it, even though for the media it is already a done deal.
Whether or not Cho actually committed the first murder doesn't matter to the press because claiming he was responsible for both and that campus and local police are at fault for failing to take more drastic measure after the first shooting is what is needed to complete the clampdown on civil liberties.

BTW, any mentioning of the shooter as being a 6-foot tall asian is gone. Cho was pretty short.
I noticed that too when reading the Roanoke Times. He was mentioned as being a small guy, so I assumed that meant he was quite short like most Asians and nowhere near 6'.

He did, however, habitually wear a maroon VTech baseball cap (and maroon IS the color of VTech, I have a t-shirt to prove it :)), which may explain "the maroon beret" that the eyewitnesses described.
I wonder if he habitually wore the cap backwards? That's the only way it could be mistaken for a beret. Also, the official account of his attire in the Roanoke Times is now jeans, black leather jacket, and ammo vest. No mention of a Boy Scout type outfit.
Why not just go on a rampage there if that's what you're planning eventually? And why those two particular people?
Maybe they where his programmers/handlers?

Sometime ago I read a piece of research that connected those kind of shootings with the intake of anti-depressants. Apparently all perpetrators of recent time where taking them. I was wondering about that when I heard this story first. Sure enough I read this morning on the train he did too. Chemical triggers come to mind. Hmmmm...
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