Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

Bryan said:
Here's an interview from someone who was shot who describes the shooter the same way as the witness, maroon hat (beret?) and leather jacket.
Some israeli soldiers wear red berets.

British paratroopers wear maroon berets. Consider that the boy scout movement emerged in GB, and has militaristic origins.
Can we all see that the media is in a frenzy to repeat this (fear, then support)
message over and over, ad-infinitum and will this message continue on for awhile?

Are there are MANY who are jumping on this bandwagon as if drawing attention to
themselves, as if in a show of support? It seems similar to 'support the troops" in
the push for supporting the (unjust) war against the terrorist? Isn't this the same
pattern repeating itself?

It is interesting to see that "they" are asking us to be sending 'prayers',
'help', 'support', 'love', 'clergy', 'money', etc. of which if we act on this
might we be sending 'buckets of love/light' into that direction because
we are emotionally at loss to explain or understand why this horrible
act has occurred? Isn't this akin to 'feeding the moon'?

My thoughts in this direction is very odd indeed, but I can't help wondering.

The media is expounding on this downward spiraling message as if to distract everyones
attention as if to put everyone into a deep sleep, so as to steer attention away
from the Bush administration's culpability by further delaying the Gonzales meeting?

Does anyone know WHEN the next (appropriately timed) date, if ever, will be set for
Gonzales to appear before the Senate Judicial Committee?

I am quite frankly getting sick of this whole end-game but quite frankly this end-game
seems to be working quite well for the masses, or so it seems?

a correspondent just told me that three bullets in each of the wounded are consistent with the professional's work: two shots in the trunk, one control shot in the head.
dant said:
Does anyone know WHEN the next (appropriately timed) date, if ever, will be set for
Gonzales to appear before the Senate Judicial Committee?

I am quite frankly getting sick of this whole end-game but quite frankly this end-game
seems to be working quite well for the masses, or so it seems?


It has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 19, 2007. And they titled him the 'The Honorable Alberto Gonzales' ~sigh~
The vulgar plot thickens.

NBC news has received a package from the shooter that was mailed BETWEEN shootings evidently. :rolleyes: Click upper right side for latest video.

Yes, after killing two innocent people, he had time to buy log chains, locks, take photos, stop at the instant processing center, type a couple of letters, [meet with the PTB], and possibly have coffee before the next mission.

Americons eat this like pac man. Isn't it SO convenient that it was mailed between shootings?
MSNBC just reported two people shot at Univ. Missouri - no details - just got an email alert that reads:

msnbc said:
MSNBC Breaking News: KSDK TV: At least two people shot at University of Missouri

Find out more at
Strange thing is when I follow the link, I can't currently find the story on that page - odd. Upon going to the local site, looks like it was a road rage incident ending on campus - would have never made the national news on any other day.
oh gawd.... I hate to think "the programming is complete" and they
are 'released'. Please tell me I am wrong...
Doesn't look like it - I updated my post right after your reply - --- Strange thing is when I follow the link, I can't currently find the story on that page - odd. Upon going to the local site, looks like it was a road rage incident ending on campus - would have never made the national news on any other day.
Geez... you scared the living jeepers outta me ;) I was beginning to wonder tho... double-geez.
So preventing a true understanding of how they conduct disinformation decreases JREF's google ranking?

His thread was totally right on 5 months before the Virgina Tech shootings and they ban him so he won't bring it up and make them look bad. Not linking to this helps JREF. At least do the (dot) diasablement to the url if you are that worried about "google ratings", but keep the link.

Chris, I think, has a site about the "circadian rhythm" which I've read about some in school. Apparently everything alive in nature is responsive to this cycle. He posts 2 page links to that site in the JREF thread.
Planet Earth?


Found this link telling the story on Missouri, which happened no where near a school. May be that reporters are jumping the gun on additional shootings to increase their traffic for advertiser dollars. I heard on the cable brain tube the MSNBC office became erratic when the package came in.

tellytell said:
Not linking to this helps JREF. At least do the (dot) diasablement to the url if you are that worried about "google ratings", but keep the link.
This has little to do with this thread and is noise. If you would like to be on the Jref site, then please go there, if you would like to remain on this forum, then please read and abide by the forum rules. We work very hard to keep a high signal to noise ratio on this forum and if future posts of yours are noise, they will be removed. Please be courteous and abide by the spirit and rules of this forum.
Well, they have video of him saying some pretty weird things.

I would expect to see it on MSNBC soon, and then on everything else. It will probably be playing for months.
One of the discussion points of this has been the length of time between the first event and the second. Somehow the police were supposed to know the future and react to an event they had absolutely no data to support.

The result of this hindsight will be to lock the screws down a little tighter because it will be expected that the police reaction in situations such as these will be to have a hair trigger and respond with overwhelming force. Welcome to the *real* police state...

I can see it now. A "dark skinned ethnic" (probably a Muslim, too) walks up to a vending machine and inserts his money for a candy bar. The machine is not forthcoming with the selected treat and jams. The ethnic starts to curse at the machine and pound it with fists and shake the machine, and other manifestations of "rage against the machine" (pun intended).

The poor soul walks away still muttering to himself in a foreign tongue (or what sounds to a passerby as a foreign tongue). Soon the hair trigger swat team descends upon him but he doesn't quite grasp why there is this incredible response over a vending machine. He reaches into his pocket to get out his wallet to show an ID, but the swat team presumes that he is reaching for a weapon (after all, you cannot be too safe) so shoots him dead on the spot. (If you can have preemptive war, you can have preemptive executions too...)

The quick reaction team discovers to their dismay that the poor slob was harmless, so plant a gun on him that police have been known to carry just in case. News interviews of his friends and neighbors all note that they cannot understand how such a nice quiet man could go on a rampage.

I don't know... This whole story increasingly feels like we collectively fell down the rabbit hole.
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