Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

And what about those no less then 3 wounds in each victim? Does English course student can do that, even if he would spend all his waking hours playing Unreal???


Dr. Joseph Cacioppo, an emergency room doctor at Montgomery, indicated he was stunned when victims began pouring in. "The injuries were just amazing. This man was brutal. There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet wounds in him," Cacioppo said of the victims he saw.

Not all of the injuries were life threatening. "Even, again, the less serious injuries, we saw one patient that had a bullet wound to the wrist, one to the elbow and one to the thigh. We had another one with a bullet wound to the abdomen, one to the chest and one to the head," Cacioppo said.
p.s off topic observation...Cacioppo? Sounds familiar ;)
Eye & ear witness said a bomb was used to open a door or a tear gas bomb was shot into the building.


Maybe a grenade was launched into the building by the SWAT team? That's the only thing that could explain the gunman's features being totally unrecognizable since even an AK47 couldn't inflict that amount of damage.
Bryan said:
Maybe a grenade was launched into the building by the SWAT team? That's the only thing that could explain the gunman's features being totally unrecognizable since even an AK47 couldn't inflict that amount of damage.
Officials said that police used tear gas cannisters, so that is probably the 'bomb' sound - and that's not going to disfigure anyone. Don't think they'd throw a grenade in since it would cause structural damage and more loss of life - though I have no proof of that, of course. His face could have been disfigured on purpose, at this point we'll probably never know.
Maybe he was disfigured on purpose. I can't see any reason why unless it was to delay identification, which would cause the media to throw an even bigger circus than they would have if he was identified immediately and getting the public's undivided attention.

The ballistic reports said one gun was used in both shootings, though that still doesn't explain the two hour gap nor the conflicting reports of what he was wearing. Maybe they found the gun used by the first shooter and gave it to him? Maybe he was reprogrammed in between shootings? The last would explain why it took two hours for him to end up half a mile across campus.
This is all too weird for it to be the way it is being described by the press...
The evidence is not clear, the xenophobic touch and the gun control...
I cannot help but wonder if there is not a strong link with what happened on April 11th in Algiers. See this article, this one or this one..

Seems that things are accelerating here... And the worst is yet to come:-(

The guy did seem to do a hell of a lot of damage with just a 9mm and a .22 pistol. Those two kids at Columbine had automatic weapons, yet the death count was well less than at Virginia. I remember seeing the video footage in Bowling for Columbine, those two kids entered a crowded cafeteria with automatic weapons...
Additional info I forgot to mention:

Many websites are being scanned. Prominent is that of MySpace and the response
of many making comments as to what each member thinks is going on. National
news is making these comments public but selects 'choice items' for the gullible
masses and steers it in a particular direction. Very interesting indeed.

You can probably be sure that the PTB is watching and testing the 'will of
the people'. All is "helpful" information for further plans? OSIT.
Barry said:
The guy did seem to do a hell of a lot of damage with just a 9mm and a .22 pistol. Those two kids at Columbine had automatic weapons, yet the death count was well less than at Virginia. I remember seeing the video footage in Bowling for Columbine, those two kids entered a crowded cafeteria with automatic weapons...
I personally think some of the fatalities were the result of the police shooting at the gunman without being able to see what they were doing, and with high caliber guns.

Chulin said:
This is all too weird for it to be the way it is being described by the press...
The evidence is not clear, the xenophobic touch and the gun control...
I cannot help but wonder if there is not a strong link with what happened on April 11th in Algiers. See this article, this one or this one..

Seems that things are accelerating here... And the worst is yet to come:-(

I don't know if there are any connections on the material level, but I'm getting a strange felling of synchronicity. It's that you mention Algiers in regards to a shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A few days ago I was reading about Marc Lépine - the son of an Algerian immigrant - and the massacre that he perpetrated at École Polytechnique in Montreal, which has much in common with the VA Tech massacre.

*It's the worst campus shooting in the country's (Canada) history.

*He also targeted the engineering department.

*Killed himself afterwards.

*Left a note. He sounds like he was programmed.

Joe said:
It is interesting also that today is the anniversary of the Columbine shooting
Kiet said:
Israeli lecturer among victims of Virginia Tech massacre
And the massacre coincided with Israel's Holocaust remembrance day:
Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door
By Associated Press
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - Updated: 03:00 PM EST

JERUSALEM - The e-mails from grateful students arrived soon after Liviu Librescu was shot to death, telling how the Holocaust survivor barricaded the doorway of his Virginia Tech classroom and saved their lives at the cost of his own.
Librescu, an Israeli engineering and math lecturer who survived the Nazi killings and later escaped from Communist Romania, was one of several foreign victims of Monday’s shootings, which coincided with Israel’s Holocaust remembrance day. (...)

Israel's remembrance day was also in the US, and there were two events in Richmond Virginia on Monday:

2 events aim to remember Holocaust, teach tolerance
Richmond-area organizers strive to keep message fresh

Richmond-area organizers strive to keep message fresh


Apr 14, 2007

Tomorrow, the Virginia Holocaust Museum and the Jewish Community Federation present "Telling Our Stories, Teaching Our Children," a memorial program featuring Holocaust survivor Bolek "Bud" Brodecki and author Lois Lowry. (...)
That there's racist tones appearing in the story seems to start gearing this towards something the Zionists and NeoCons will certainly benefit from.
Columbine happened on April 20th, 1999... the 110th anniversary of Hitler's birth.

I knew the professor was a Holocaust survivor but wasn't aware of the Holocaust remembrance.
Craig said:
Joe said:
It is interesting also that today is the anniversary of the Columbine shooting

T'isn't! Columbine happened on April 20th... but that's still interesting.
yeah, got bogus info...shoulda checked my source!

Thinking about time markers, I just had a look of the list of people who died on the 16th of April

Here is a short extract :
* April 16, 1756 Jacques CASSini, Fr astronomer (Discover rings of Saturn), dies at 79 (also founder of Paris observatory, rose line,...)
* April 16, 1879 Bernadette, st/(saw Virgin Mary at Lourdes), dies in Nevers France (Bernadette Soubiroux)
* April 16, 1988 Abu Jihad, [Khalil al-Wazzir], PLO-leader, murdered (also he was PLO number 2 leader and got assassinated by israeli agents)
"The municipality of Washington, D.C., celebrates April 16 as Emancipation Day. On that day in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia. The Act freed about 3,100 enslaved persons in the District of Columbia nine months before President Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation which presaged the eventual end of slavery to the rest of the nation. The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act represents the only example of compensation by the federal government to former owners of emancipated slaves."


Very ironic considering what the events of yesterday hold in store for the U.S. (and the rest of the world).
The municipality of Washington, D.C., celebrates April 16 as Emancipation Day.
I forgot Monday was also 'Patriots Day'. Which is mostly celebrated in New England but considered a national holiday. So yet another subtle influence on the mass mind.

A couple of weeks ago during the shootings at the CNN building a couple of my customers at my bar were saying how crazy the world is - I agreed. They then said, 'you know why right?' I held back from talking about Greenbauming and infected thinking and asked 'why.' They went on to tell me it was because of 'those people, the immigrants.' And a lot of xenophobia also seemed to be ramped up because the shooter was from South Korea. Heil Patriots.
Isn't it odd that no information seems to be forthcoming about why he shot the two people in the dorm? All I've heard is "what a great guy" testimony about the male who was shot there. Nothing about why (a motive) or about the female, and none of her friends are coming forward to offer any information about her relationship with the shooter, or what was going on there. Surely she told her friends something about him? Usually the media is all over any lurid details of a failed relationship. In the more recent reports, it has been downplayed to just a passing mention that "two people" were killed in a dorm and to have dropped the "ex-girlfriend" angle.

It was first thought it could have been a murder-suicide, so obviously nobody SAW the shooter, and at that time of day, surely people would have heard the shots, yet a lot of people in the dorm claimed to be unaware of what happened.

I realize the majority were killed in the classrooms, but the lack of information/speculation about the dorm shooting seems kinda odd to me. Although they say the same gun was used in both shootings, could it be that the first (unwitnessed?) shooting was a set-up, and then the gun given to the shooter to continue?
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