Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

Shane said:
I forgot Monday was also 'Patriots Day'. Which is mostly celebrated in New England but considered a national holiday. So yet another subtle influence on the mass mind.
Subtle to the masses, but an obvious clue to those who can see.

A couple of weeks ago during the shootings at the CNN building a couple of my customers at my bar were saying how crazy the world is - I agreed. They then said, 'you know why right?' I held back from talking about Greenbauming and infected thinking and asked 'why.' They went on to tell me it was because of 'those people, the immigrants.' And a lot of xenophobia also seemed to be ramped up because the shooter was from South Korea. Heil Patriots.
I thought the xenophobia in this country, at the moment, was directed towards illegal immigrants from Mexico and Muslims/Arabs. It's probably shifting back towards an all encompassing bigotry.

The shooter, whose name was not released last night, wore bluejeans, a blue jacket and a vest holding ammunition, witnesses said. He carried a 9mm semiautomatic and a .22-caliber handgun, both with the serial numbers obliterated, federal law enforcement officials said. Witnesses described the shooter as a young man of Asian descent -- a silent killer who was calm and showed no expression as he pursued and shot his victims. He killed himself as police closed in. [...] Based on witness interviews, police thought it was an isolated domestic case and chose not to take any drastic campus-wide security measures, university officials said. But about 9:45 a.m., a man entered a classroom building and started walking into classrooms and shooting faculty members and students with the two handguns. Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said investigators were not certain that the same man committed both shootings. But several law enforcement sources said he did. [...] "He knew exactly what he was doing," said the witness, Trey Perkins, 20, of Yorktown, Va. He said he watched the man enter his classroom and shoot Perkins's professor in the head. "I have no idea why he did what he decided to do. I just can't say how lucky I am to have made it." [...] Initial reports from the campus raised the specter of "another Columbine," in which two teenagers in Littleton, Colo., killed 13 people inside a high school in 1999 before killing themselves. But soon, the Virginia Tech rampage dwarfed Columbine to become the biggest shooting rampage by an individual in U.S. history.

Students and parents launched a frenzied round of phone calls and text messages yesterday morning, monitoring news reports and waiting for information. And the shootings prompted intense questioning of Steger and Flinchum from a community still reeling from the fatal shootings of a security guard and a sheriff's deputy near campus in August on the first day of classes and the arrest of the suspect on the edge of campus that day.

Although the gunman in the dorm was at large, no warning was issued to the tens of thousands of students and staff at Virginia Tech until 9:26 a.m., more than two hours later.

"We concluded it was domestic in nature," Flinchum said. "We had reason to believe the shooter had left campus and may have left the state." He declined to elaborate. But several law enforcement sources said investigators thought the shooter might have intended to kill a girl and her boyfriend Monday in what one of them described as a "lover's dispute." It was unclear whether the girl killed at the dorm was the intended target, they said.

The sources said police initially focused on the female student's boyfriend, a student at nearby Radford University, as a suspect. Police questioned the boyfriend, later termed "a person of interest," and were questioning him when they learned of the subsequent shootings at Norris Hall. A family friend of the boyfriend's said the boyfriend was stopped by police alongside Route 460 in Blacksburg, handcuffed and interrogated on the side of the road and later released.


Most of the wounded and killed were in the German class, and that includes the professor who was shot.

Bishop's personal Web site, apparently last updated during his time at UNC, includes photos of the smiling author, his wife and cat. His resume lists work and academic experience ranging from a 10-week stint as a Pentagon intern to a year in Germany as a Fulbright scholar, along with teaching-assistant positions and work as a freelance graphic artist.


The two [Bishop and his wife] were the only tenure-track professors in the German program, said Richard Shryock, chairman of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. [...]
Trey Perkins, 20, told the Washington Post that a gunman barged into the room about 9:50 a.m. and opened fire for about a minute and a half, getting off about 30 shots.

The gunman first shot Bishop in the head
, then fired on the students with a "very serious but very calm look on his face," Perkins said.


From Jamie Bishop's résumé:

The Pentagon: Washington D.C.
Under Secretary of Defense,
Office of Administration and Management
Summer Internship 1992, 10 weeks.

1. Functioned as a liaison for the Office of Administration and anagement and various other offices in the Pentagon. 2. Determined needs of individual Bureaus and placed students from the Pentagon’s Summer-Hire Program in positions where appropriate.


Dick Cheney was the Secretary of Defense under Bush Sr. during Bishop's internship. The entire killing spree may have been used to off one guy, without drawing suspicion to the event since he was one who didn't have any known enemies, who might know something about the dirty dealings going on during one of the previous administrations which happened to have many of the same psychopaths in major positions as in the current.
Investigators believe Cho at some point had been taking medication for depression. They are examining Cho's computer for more evidence.


Most if not all of the school shooters were on SSRIs.


So that's why TPTB want a bottle of psychotropics in every hand.
In a self defense class, I was told that if a gunman doesn't have a hold of you, your best bet is to run-- because the chance of him hitting a moving target is only about 10%, and even that is overwhelmingly likely not to be deadly.

Even if one practices enough at a shooting range, killing a real person is a while another matter. We have a deeply hard wired biological prohibition against killing, and it takes special training or circumstances to get over it. When it comes to killing a lot of people, circumstances alone are not enough -- one must be used to this kind of thing on a very deep instinctual level, to keep the heart rate down and all reflexes under control. Otherwise, to put it simply, the hands shake too much.

Because of this I don't buy that an average Joe could in a matter of minutes shoot to death 30 people with a small hand gun that he bought a month ago. This is unhumanly accurate and efficient. This is triple the number of victims in the Columbine shooting (where there were two shooters with some serious bazookas in their hands), and double that of the Texas U massacre of 1966 (where the guy was shooting from the roof using a sniper's rifle).

He obviously has, or has been, trained.

My versions:

1) he played a lot of first person shooter videogames, which are known to desensitize to violence;

2) he was trained in some secret op;

3) he wasn't the real shooter, or there were more shooters, and they are still at large.
And, to bring in the Muslim connection...

Yahoo News said:
"The Washington Post quoted law enforcement sources as saying Cho died with the words "Ismail Ax" in red ink on one of his arms, but they were not sure what that meant."
Well, an internet search reveals this...

Wired said:
"Ismail Ax." A growing consensus has it that the phrase is an oblique reference to Islamic theological history -- though so far nobody's described Cho as Muslim.
According to the report, it was written on his arm with red ink - it could have been written after his death - of course, it could have been written by him as well - and maybe it's just his 'gamer name'. Either way - we now have a very tenuous probably faked link to Islam - we'll see where it goes from here, since they are searching his computer for information as we speak.
anart said:
According to the report, it was written on his arm with red ink - it could have been written after his death - of course, it could have been written by him as well - and maybe it's just his 'gamer name'. Either way - we now have a very tenuous probably faked link to Islam - we'll see where it goes from here, since they are searching his computer for information as we speak.
I noticed the Islam link when I Scroogled Ismail before reading this. The Ax? The most obvious reference is to an ax(e) which can be used as a murder weapon. The second thing I thought of was ActiveX, a scripting language for Windows; most malware programs are ActiveX objects. The third from Scroogle: _
I notice that the A-X project came to the table in the summer of 1992.

My spidey sense is tingling.
...and again the numbers the C's warned about... the Secret code of 33, and 11 used by the Dark Side shows up. 33 Dead including the gunman, and the killing spree of Virginia Tech itself occured on 4/16 =11. 2007=9 which has 3 3's. Hmmm. This date then is a reverse 9/11!!

I read that JREF thread and it was good.


They banned Chris because they don't want anybody reading the truth and that was back in November of '06 when that thread was created.

If signs-of-the-times of the times stands for the truth about what can be done with human psychology people should at least be allowed to see what is going on. Or, the links should at least be left in his post.
I love this part: "He carried a 9mm semiautomatic and a .22-caliber handgun, both with the serial numbers obliterated". So he goes through all the trouble of erasing the serials but forgets to take the receipts out of his packsack??? You're joking right?
Rockimedes said:
I love this part: "He carried a 9mm semiautomatic and a .22-caliber handgun, both with the serial numbers obliterated". So he goes through all the trouble of erasing the serials but forgets to take the receipts out of his packsack??? You're joking right?
They really think we THAT stupid.
Unfortunately, it does works on most people.
Telly Tell said:
If signs-of-the-times of the times stands for the truth about what can be done with human psychology people should at least be allowed to see what is going on. Or, the links should at least be left in his post.
Websites that we wish to support and increase their exposure to the public, we will link to directly.

We do not support links to websites that are run for the purpose of disinformation such as the James Randi Foundation website. It increases their google ranking and makes it more likely that their lies will come to the top in any search on a given subject.
anart said:
And, to bring in the Muslim connection...

Yahoo News said:
"The Washington Post quoted law enforcement sources as saying Cho died with the words "Ismail Ax" in red ink on one of his arms, but they were not sure what that meant."
Well, an internet search reveals this...

Wired said:
"Ismail Ax." A growing consensus has it that the phrase is an oblique reference to Islamic theological history -- though so far nobody's described Cho as Muslim.
According to the report, it was written on his arm with red ink - it could have been written after his death - of course, it could have been written by him as well - and maybe it's just his 'gamer name'. Either way - we now have a very tenuous probably faked link to Islam - we'll see where it goes from here, since they are searching his computer for information as we speak.
And there is more here:

'Ismail Ax' sparks web frenzy

As for the term's meaning, one popular theory spreading across the web comes from a story in the Koran, the holy book of Islam, about Ibrahim and his son, Ismail. This theory picked up speed because many bloggers wondered if the actions at Virginia Tech could be related to terrorism.

In Islam, Ibrahim is known as the father of the prophets and, upset that people in his hometown still worshiped idols and not Allah, he smashed all but one statue in a local temple with an ax. Ibrahim's son is Ismail, who also became a prophet. Ibrahim is Arabic for Abraham, who plays a significant role in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Two theories come from literature, where Ismail is spelled Ishmael.

In one, tied to James Fenimore Cooper's novel "The Prairie," Ishmael Bush is known as an outcast and outlawed warrior, according to an essay written in 1969 by William H. Goetzmann, a University of Texas History professor. In Cooper's book, "Bush carries the prime symbol of evil - the spoiler's axe," the professor wrote.

Also, the narrator from Moby Dick, Ishmael, is considered an enigma who is well educated yet considers his time on a whaling ship worthy of time at Yale or Harvard, according to education site
And lots of blogs speculating about the meaning of Ismail Ax, like this one:

We have Rutheford's original theory that it was Islam related, which pissed a lot of people off. In fact, the story mentioned the theory:

As for the term's meaning, one popular theory spreading across the web comes from a story in the Koran, the holy book of Islam, about Ibrahim and his son, Ismail. This theory picked up speed because many bloggers wondered if the actions at Virginia Tech could be related to terrorism.

In Islam, Ibrahim is known as the father of the prophets and, upset that people in his hometown still worshiped idols and not Allah, he smashed all but one statue in a local temple with an ax. Ibrahim's son is Ismail, who also became a prophet. Ibrahim is Arabic for Abraham, who plays a significant role in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Bryan said:
I don't know if there are any connections on the material level, but I'm getting a strange felling of synchronicity. It's that you mention Algiers in regards to a shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. A few days ago I was reading about Marc Lépine - the son of an Algerian immigrant - and the massacre that he perpetrated at École Polytechnique in Montreal, which has much in common with the VA Tech massacre.

*It's the worst campus shooting in the country's (Canada) history.

*He also targeted the engineering department.

*Killed himself afterwards.

*Left a note. He sounds like he was programmed.

Hmm. Interesting connexion.

What is sure is that they are depicting an image of the Muslim world which fits to their plans. In the French newspapers there is a lot of propaganda going on, telling that Islam has become dangerous for every nation, even the Muslim ones. That this problem concerns us all, that every country is the next target, etc.

It is just too convenient for the psychopaths who are just waiting for their next move. :(
I'm loathe to use CNN as a source, but apparently VTech is having another security episode this morning....

BLACKSBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- Police officers carrying rifles and wearing flak jackets surrounded a building Wednesday next to the engineering building in which 31 people died Monday in the nation's deadliest shooting spree.

Virginia Tech police said "we had reason to believe there was a need to secure the president's office" but would not elaborate.

"It's over."

State police and an armored truck also responded to Burruss Hall, next to Norris Hall.
On close-knit campus, gunman a loner By ADAM GELLER, AP National Writer
38 minutes ago

BLACKSBURG, Va. - In the weeks before Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people, his already bizarre behavior became even less predictable, his roommate said Wednesday.

Cho, known for being so unfriendly that he rarely talked even to the students with whom he shared a suite, started waking up as early as 5:30 a.m. instead of his usual 7 a.m., his roommate, Joseph Aust, told ABC's "Good Morning America." One day he came home and fell asleep around 2 p.m., sleeping through the night.

On Monday morning, as Aust learned details of the shooting — including the description of the shooter as an Asian male in his 20s — Aust became more and more convinced the gunman was his roommate.

"I tried to make conversation with him earlier in the year when he moved in," Aust said. "He would just give one-word answers and stay quiet. He pretty much never looked me in the eye."

Aust was among many students and professors who described the killer in the worst shooting massacre in modern U.S. history as a sullen loner, and authorities said he left a rambling note raging against women and rich kids.

News reports said that Cho, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English, may have been taking medication for depression and that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic.

Professors and classmates were alarmed by his class writings — pages filled with twisted, violence-drenched writing.

"It was not bad poetry. It was intimidating," poet Nikki Giovanni, one of his professors, told CNN Wednesday. "At first I thought, OK, he's trying to see what the parameters are. Kids curse and talk about a lot of different things. He stayed in that spot. I said, 'You can't do that.' He said, 'Yes, I can.' I said, 'No, not in my class.'"

Giovanni said her students were so unnerved by Cho's behavior that she had security check on her room and eventually had him taken out of her class. Some students had stopped coming to class, saying Cho was taking photos of them with his cell phone, she said.

In screenplays Cho wrote for a class last fall, characters throw hammers and attack with chainsaws, said a student who attended Virginia Tech last fall. In another, Cho concocted a tale of students who fantasize about stalking and killing a teacher who sexually molested them.

"When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare," former classmate Ian MacFarlane, now an AOL employee, wrote in a blog posted on an AOL Web site.

"The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of."

He said he and other students "were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter."

Professor Carolyn Rude, chairwoman of the university's English department, said Cho's writing was so disturbing that he had been referred to the university's counseling service.

Despite the many warning signs that came to light in the bloody aftermath, police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Cho off.

"He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," school spokesman Larry Hincker said.

"We always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did," said another classmate, Stephanie Derry. "But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling."

With classes canceled for the rest of the week, many students left town, lugging pillows, sleeping bags and backpacks down the sidewalks.

On Tuesday night, thousands of Virginia Tech students, faculty and area residents poured into the center of campus to grieve together. Volunteers passed out thousands of candles in paper cups, donated from around the country. Then, as the flames flickered, speakers urged them to find solace in one another.

As silence spread across the grassy bowl of the drill field, a pair of trumpets began to play taps. A few in the crowd began to sing Amazing Grace.

Afterward, students, some weeping, others holding each other for support, gathered around makeshift memorials, filling banners and plywood boards with messages belying their pain.

"I think this is something that will take a while. It still hasn't hit a lot of people yet," said Amber McGee, a freshman from Wytheville, Va.

Cho — who arrived in the United States as boy from South Korea in 1992 and was raised in suburban Washington, D.C., where his parents worked at a dry cleaners — left a note that was found after the bloodbath.

A law enforcement official who read Cho's note described it Tuesday as a typed, eight-page rant against rich kids and religion. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

"You caused me to do this," the official quoted the note as saying.

Cho indicated in his letter that the end was near and that there was a deed to be done, the official said. He also expressed disappointment in his own religion, and made several references to Christianity, the official said.

The official said the letter was either found in Cho's dorm room or in his backpack. The backpack was found in the hallway of the classroom building where the shootings happened, and contained several rounds of ammunition, the official said.

Monday's rampage consisted of two attacks, more than two hours apart — first at a dormitory, where two people were killed, then inside a classroom building, where 31 people, including Cho, died. Two handguns — a 9 mm and a .22-caliber — were found in the classroom building.

According to court papers, police found a "bomb threat" note — directed at engineering school buildings — near the victims in the classroom building. In the past three weeks, Virginia Tech was hit with two other bomb threats. Investigators have not connected those earlier threats to Cho.

Cho graduated from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003. His family lived in an off-white, two-story townhouse in Centreville, Va.

At least one of those killed in the rampage, Reema Samaha, graduated from Westfield High in 2006. But there was no immediate word from authorities on whether Cho knew the young woman and singled her out.

"He was very quiet, always by himself," neighbor Abdul Shash said. Shash said Cho spent a lot of his free time playing basketball and would not respond if someone greeted him.

Some classmates said that on the first day of a British literature class last year, the 30 or so students went around and introduced themselves. When it was Cho's turn, he didn't speak.

On the sign-in sheet where everyone else had written their names, Cho had written a question mark. "Is your name, `Question mark?'" classmate Julie Poole recalled the professor asking. The young man offered little response.

Cho spent much of that class sitting in the back of the room, wearing a hat and seldom participating. In a small department, Cho distinguished himself for being anonymous. "He didn't reach out to anyone. He never talked," Poole said.

"We just really knew him as the question mark kid," Poole said.

One law enforcement official said Cho's backpack contained a receipt for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm pistol. Cho held a green card, meaning he was a legal, permanent resident. That meant he was eligible to buy a handgun unless he had been convicted of a felony.

Roanoke Firearms owner John Markell said his shop sold the Glock and a box of practice ammo to Cho 36 days ago for $571.

"He was a nice, clean-cut college kid. We won't sell a gun if we have any idea at all that a purchase is suspicious," Markell said.

Investigators stopped short of saying Cho carried out both attacks. But State Police ballistics tests showed one gun was used in both.

And two law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the information had not been announced, said Cho's fingerprints were on both guns. Their serial numbers had been filed off.

Gov. Tim Kaine said he will appoint a panel at the university's request to review authorities' handling of the disaster. Parents and students bitterly complained that the university should have locked down the campus immediately after the first burst of gunfire and did not do enough to warn people.

Kaine warned against making snap judgments and said he had "nothing but loathing" for those who take the tragedy and "make it their political hobby horse to ride."

"I'm satisfied that the university did everything they felt they needed to do with the heat on the table," Kaine told CBS' "The Early Show" on Wednesday. "Nobody has this in the playbook, there's no manual on this."


Associated Press writers Stephen Manning in Centreville, Va.; Matt Barakat in Richmond, Va.; Lara Jakes Jordan and Beverley Lumpkin in Washington; and Vicki Smith, Sue Lindsey, Matt Apuzzo and Justin Pope in Blacksburg contributed to this report.
Now everyone will be afraid of everyone else: the muslims, the loners, the gueit ones, people on antidepresands, etc, etc....
Kevin of Cryptogon unearthed something interesting (full article --->>>

a short quote:
Cho’s parents live in a townhouse development in Centreville, a suburb of Washington. They own a dry-cleaning shop nearby.

His older sister, Sun-Kyung, graduated from Princeton University in 2004. A source, who asked to be identified as a senior Administration official, said she works for McNeil Technologies, a firm contracted by the State Department to manage reconstruction efforts in Iraq.
Check what he has to say about McNeil Technologies and their owner, Veritas Capital. Greenbaum indeed.

And BTW, WhatReallyHappened posted pic of an 'asiatic' guy very different from Cho being arrested by some fat police, i think yesterday.

And this from the comments on that article
As a firearms instructor I tell you it sounds fishy. Most people (unless heavily trained and highly skilled) suck with handguns. For example: Recent LA police shooting: 112 rounds fired from close range, nicked the suspect (who was NOT shooting back) once.

So you’re telling me this college kid, a troubled loner, fatally shoots 32 people with a 9mm Glock 19 and a .22 caliber Walther? Was he a professionally trained assassin?

You don’t learn how to shoot from playing X-Box. Something doesn’t add up.
And another BTW: the shooting sounds from the phone-video shown on CNN sounded more like an M16 than like a handgun to me.
Michael Kennedy, who also graduated from Cho's high school was involved in another shooting rampage at a Sully District Police Station in Chantilly, Va. in May of 2006. He killed two police officers and then the 18 year old was shot and killed. It's also interesting Chantilly is the home of Dulles International Airport.

Seems this high school was fertile ground for Greenbauming.

Danger signs festered below aloof surface
On Tuesday, police investigators in Fairfax County looked into whether there was any connection between Cho and another Westfield High School graduate who went on a deadly shooting rampage last year.

Michael Kennedy, armed with an AK-47, fired more than 70 rounds in the parking lot of the Sully District police station on May 8, killing Detective Vicky Armel and Master Police Officer Michael Garbarino. Kennedy, 18, was shot to death by police.

Though Cho and Kennedy lived in the same town and graduated from the same high school, Officer Courtney Thibault of the Fairfax County Police Department said investigators found no connection between the two young men. "It's just a horrible coincidence," she said. "It's hard to believe."
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