Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

Maybe this is a clue that he was progammed (abused) from an earley age:
AP, SEOUL, South Korea - Cho Seung-hui was a worry to his family because he didn’t speak much as a child, his uncle said Thursday, and there were even concerns he might be mute.

But there were no early indications that the South Korean student who killed 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech had serious problems, said the uncle, who requested to be identified only by his last name, Kim.

Cho “didn’t talk much when he was young. He was very quiet, but he didn’t display any peculiarities to suggest he may have problems," Kim told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “We were concerned about him being too quiet and encouraged him to talk more."
Fifth Way said:
Maybe this is a clue that he was progammed (abused) from an earley age:
AP, SEOUL, South Korea - Cho Seung-hui was a worry to his family because he didn’t speak much as a child, his uncle said Thursday, and there were even concerns he might be mute.

But there were no early indications that the South Korean student who killed 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech had serious problems, said the uncle, who requested to be identified only by his last name, Kim.

Cho “didn’t talk much when he was young. He was very quiet, but he didn’t display any peculiarities to suggest he may have problems," Kim told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “We were concerned about him being too quiet and encouraged him to talk more."
From Hare's Without Conscience:

Hare said:
"Pyschopaths don't generally get along with one another. [However,] as long as their interests are complimentary, they make a formidable pair. ... Sometimes a psychopath and a borderline psychotic [Cho] join in a bizarre but deadly partnership, with the former using the latter as a killing tool." (Hare, 65)
In short, it's SOP psychopathic behavior. Add modern technology to the equation and we get manchurian candidates, 'suicide' bombers, etc. ad nauseum.
hkoehil said:
In short, it's SOP psychopathic behavior. Add modern technology to the equation and we get manchurian candidates, 'suicide' bombers, etc. ad nauseum.
Yes, but it seems that from the things this young man has said, and his machine-like reported behavior as he was shooting, that a bit more than a psychopath using a borderline is occurring here. Greenbaum programming is the best explanation I can come up with at this time. Granted, when you're considering 'Dr. Green' you are considering a psychopath using a borderline, but the difference is that the psychopath has CREATED the borderline with ritual abuse and mind programming. I think it is an important distinction to make.

[added later]

AP said:
In other developments Thursday:

• Gov. Timothy Kaine appointed an independent panel to look into the tragedy and how authorities handled it. The panel will be led by former Virginia State Police superintendent Gerald Massengill and will include former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge.
Ohhhh yeah - here we go.
Contents of post deleted by admin due to noise factor.

Andrew Lobaczewski said:
One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis.[...]

Observation of the ponerization processes of various human unions throughout history easily leads to the conclusion that the initial step is a moral warping of the group’s ideational contents. The contamination of ideology can be analyzed by means of its infiltration by more earthly foreign contents, thereby depriving it of healthy support in trust for and understanding of human nature. This opens the way for invasion by pathological factors and the ponerogenic role of their carriers. [...]

Any human group affected by the process described herein is characterized by its increasing regression as regards natural common sense and the ability to perceive psychological reality. Someone treating this in traditional categories could consider it an instance of “turning into half-wittednessᾠ or the growing of intellectual deficiencies and moral failings. A ponerological analysis of this process, however, indicates that pressure is applied upon the more normal part of the association by pathological factors in the person of their carriers.

Thus, whenever we observe some group member being treated with no critical distance, although he betrays one of the psychological anomalies familiar to us, and his opinions being treated as at least equal to those of normal people, although they are based on a characteristically different view of human matters, we must derive the conclusion that this human group is affected by ponerogenic process. We shall treat this in accordance with the above described first criterion of ponerology, which retains its validity regardless of the qualitative and quantitative features of such a union. [...]

Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material to give birth to the conviction that these not-quite-normal people are unique geniuses, it starts subjecting its more normal members to pressure characterized by corresponding paralogical and paramoral elements, as expected. For many people, such collective opinion takes on attributes of a moral criterion; for others, it represents a kind of psychological terror ever more difficult to endure.
Christophera said:

The Montreal gunman called himself 'angel of death'

After the crash, Attias was filmed pacing and bouncing around the crime scene yelling, "I am the Angel of Death."

They are not alone. One faction of programmers has an MO now. Although it appears the Asian contingent is far more deadly. Shall we watch the competition to see who can get the world to take notice of HOW this is done? In secrecy, the mumerings of the collective question if the fear of fear is greater than the fear of death, driving us to avert our head and find cognitive distortions to package things in dissonant spasms.

It is happening all over the world. Do any here see the patttern of the circadian rhythm? Four of the shootings in the US were on the 21st of the month. The same number, or near, appears here often.

Their biorhythms are being exploited to drive their emotions with general, conditional and perhaps recipricol instructions sourcing phylogenetic, basic reptilian instincts.

If a treatment existed for their torment, and they knew of it, I bet 9 of 10 would chose the treatment, over murder and death.

But, there appears to be little interest in an actual treatment although one exists.
I'd be interested to see, in VERY specific terms, how your proposed "actual treatment" functions.

Please, DON'T spare any details on all points.
Bryan said:
A bullet fired from a handgun at the back of one's skull is unlikely to make it all the way through the face, and if it does the exit wound couldn't possibly be large enough to cause disfigurement.
I was told that hollow point bullets or 'cut' bullets (with a spiraled cross etched on them) produce up to 10 times more damage than usual ones. There were holowo point bullets on the photographs that he send to NBC. It is very likely that those were used in the shooting. In this case, it IS possible taht his face was disfigured.
Christophera said:
The actual treatment functions by virtue of our instincts, in their basically infinite ways, specific to each individual and as how one person might be understood by another despite that wide variety. That understanding leads to essentially what would be termed, "counter instructions" to those given to the individual as far back as early childhood perhaps, with some, which actually lead the person/subject, via conditionally triggered evolutions of general instructions which are slowly cued with post hypnotic performance and recognition over a period of time.

Persons surrounding the subject provide reinforcement and social fulfillment via the natural rewards of normal, happy healthy relationships. I would probably place a person with latent homicidal/suicidal tendancies with recovering drug addicts who had been given specific post hypnotic instruction to interact positively, reciprocally with the subject and escalate the recovery via naturally felt and perceived positive feelings about relationships which would represent the "new life" of the subject in many ways. Naturally reinforcing the new life as something real and desired. This could become very involved if manipulation of sexuality has occurred which I think is quite uniform with persons who are capable of mass murders.

What is interesting is I feel that drug addicts would consent to being apart of a program and treatment that would manipulate them towards sexual relationships that had natural parameters via conditions that they naturally recognize with the associated positive feelings and outcomes one expects form this aspect of life. The more messed up the subject, the more different, representative feelings they would need to experience and respectively deepen the reinforcement needed.

That is how it actually functions within the human mind and instincts generally.

Treatment would need perhaps the better part of a year in a special community of functioning people that establish a lifestyle with the subject together. There would be no follow up needed as the post hypnotics would include strong suggestion to immediately return for therapy, IF, any of the old thought patterns return.

There is a lot of detail to it, basically as infinite as our instincts, so I hope you get the picture.
Yes, I think I do get the picture. Thanks for the response.
Christophera said:
In this case the information would be very deep spiritual knowledge having to do with the purpose of life. A very good thing to know, .......... a subject our society happens to be very weak on these days.
Now, please, tell me

a) what is the the purpose of life


b) whom did you learn it from? Drug addicts?
What is wrong with the questions that Ark asked? You may not have liked it but there is nothing bad about them. They are quite reasonable. Cynical is a description that is subjective, I did not see any cynicism there.
Christophera said:
Persons surrounding the subject provide reinforcement and social fulfillment via the natural rewards of normal, happy healthy relationships. I would probably place a person with latent homicidal/suicidal tendancies with recovering drug addicts who had been given specific post hypnotic instruction to interact positively, reciprocally with the subject and escalate the recovery via naturally felt and perceived positive feelings about relationships which would represent the "new life" of the subject in many ways. Naturally reinforcing the new life as something real and desired.
had the distinct impression that they liked the idea and feel that some might want to become permanently involved with post hypnotic progamming within the recovery programs as tools of the therapists.
This intervention plan runs exclusively on external influence from a therapist. The way you describe it, it involves purely mechanical and non-specific suggestions, which are inserted into a fundamentally passive individual through hypnosis. It doens't seem to involve the in-depth understanding of the situation, IMO.

Taking that into account, the 'tools of the therapists' bit sounds very manipulative.

You basically suggest throwing two individuals with compromised nervous system and psychological landscape together, and expect tham to fix one another, running on a pre-implanted suggestion from a therapist. It would be fair to preempt this treatment plan, if it ever were to make it into practice, with a caveat: 'Patient, heal thyself'. This is what most people attempt to do anyway.

christophera said:
Interesting that SOT maintains administrators with such cynical attitudes that they feel they need to and must ask such questions or feel it is okay to do so in the way done.
It is more interesting that you feel the need to attack the questioner instead of fully answering the question. I agree with FreeTrinity's take on this as well - you are hypnotizing machines to behave the way you want them to - it goes directly against developing a conscious core - against waking up from this sleep - it is manipulation and, quite frankly, it seems not only creepy, but dangerous.

Very telling that you cannot answer Ark's non-cynical question without an emotional backlash. If you've had such success and are so confident about this 'treatment' of yours, then why are you coming across as so defensive?

How can something that has a million definitions be a purpose of anything? What is your definition of "love"? Love of who or what? And whose purpose is it?
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