Psychopaths being switched on... Virginia Tech Shooter - Greenbaum?

hoangmphung said:
This thread has evolved into something else. I smell something fishy. Can I say trolls...?
I would agree. As far as this 'love is all you need' nonsense, I will quote Henry from an earlier thread on which a person who is no longer allowed on this forum repeated ad-nauseam certain 'newage ideas about 'love and light' and gurus and such.

Henry said:
There are certain questions where we have more or less made up our minds. It would take some substantial new data to have us rethink our positions. But if that data were shown to us, we would look at it. Trouble is, most people don't come here with data, they come here with their opinions. Opinions aren't worth a damn. If you want to know why, you can search on the subject in the forum.

There are certain teachings and ideas that we have, through our many, many years of research, been able to put in the box of disinformation. If someone comes here and starts putting forward those ideas, they will be asked to do the research necessary to understand why we have moved beyond those topics and why we don't talk about them any longer. They need to do the reading and research to understand what we have to say about it. Then, if they have some new data that we are not aware of, they are welcome to contribute, but if they want to rehash old topics that we have already been through, we don't have the time.

This is a forum for active and ongoing research. It isn't a debating society.
Thus, if Tellytell is sincere about staying on this forum as a member and not just as Christophera's backup - then he needs to do some research on what we do here and what we are about.

As far as this is concerned -
Christophera said:
The interaction for them is practice with thinking in ways that are fulfilling and basing the feeling on successsful, functional interactions.
These people are not 'practicing ways that are fulfilling' - they are hypnotized - they are asleep -they are cogs in the machine - they are not creative, they are not alive in any real sense when their behavior is being determined by post-hypnotic suggestion. Some serious study of Gurdjieff's work is in order if you are to contribute sincerely to this forum. If you are not here to contribute sincerely then you are making noise.

Christophera said:
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed into murdering like machines rather than programmed to careful, compassionate and function in life. This is after living an addiction thinking their own free was in control and not semiotics taught for corporate profit through media mind control and conditioning.
You are replacing one programming with another and here you admit it openly - thank you for at least doing that. Do not, however, attempt to convince us that these people are any more 'functional or fulfilled' after you are through with them then they were before - they are machines, they are asleep, they are programmed - period.

It strikes me that this may be the fundamental difference in this conversation, between you and the majority of this forum - the majority of this forum is working VERY hard to wake up and remove ALL programming and you spend your life instilling more programming that you consider, subjectively, to be positive. You have hypnotized the sheep to think they are lions, kings, fulfilled or even 'in love' - yet they are still sheep and still food for the moon, as we all are until we remove ALL programming and wake up. Again, some serious study of Gurdjieff seems necessary if you are even vaguely sincere about contributing to this forum. If not, it is probably best you go elsewhere - which is actually fine, there are many forums on which your research and your work will be supported and valued, there is nothing wrong with that - but it is not the purpose of this forum.
Christophera said:
I can't speak for anyone else but what I find objectionable is the fact that people are being programmed into murdering like machines rather than programmed to
I find it objectionable that you consider ANY programming to be helpful in any way. As anart pointed out, that kind of action, no matter your justifications for it, is reprehensible. People should NOT be programmed for anything. It serves no purpose other than to contribute to entropy. If that is your wish, then perhaps your presence is better spent on another forum.
Christophera said:
They are deprogrammed because their curative programming ramps into their natural program where upon the progams ar eover and instint remains, proper ones. it is a simple concept but it appears you do not want to understand it. So do you propose drugs or execution for them? And, if drugs, how do you assure they remain medicated?
Again, Some serious study of Gurdjieff's work is in order if you are to contribute sincerely to this forum. If you are not here to contribute sincerely then you are making noise. Your ignorance of Fourth Way Work is showing and resulting in circular arguments propped up by straw men. The mentioning of drugs or execution for them is ludicrous and an example of a straw man - easily knocked down but it bears no relation whatsoever to what I have said - on any level. I think you know this, but you are being manipulative. Or, perhaps you are unaware of this, and simply uninformed.

Christophera said:
It is clear you have assimilated the stndard western program, that programming is avoidable and bad. You will not have an unconscious mind if programming is not in existence and that is a perspective I see modern psychology taking. A serious mistake.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Are you even familiar with Gurdjieff? We are ALL programmed machines until we Work not to be - you seem to not even know enough about the topic to discuss it.

Ca said:
As I've said your inability to recognize that programming is natural and cannot be removed has caused you to assert an oxymoron. The division between the unconscius and conscious is necessary. Programming the unconscious is necessary, it is called "learning".
No, actually, your inability to grok what I'm talking about is directly linked to your lack of knowledge about the enormous body of information on which this forum is based. I understand now why you have been so obstinate and unable to clearly answer any questions posed to you - you are speaking a different language and truly have no idea what we're talking about.

Ca said:
Your left brain fantasy is rooted in fear of the unconscious. You assert we can be conscious of the unconcious. You try first. People will visit you in catatonia.
I understand what you really mean but are afraid to say because you are programmed to disagree. What you really mean to say is that we need to wake up to the very best of our instincts, to understand them and nurture them consciously.
:lol: Apologies, but that is really humorous. To put it simply, so you can understand; no, you do not understand what I really mean. You could, if you did some Work, but you do not now. That is your choice.

Ca said:
Considering the blunders you've asserted, I'll continue just as I am going.
That is absolutely your perogative, and I'm sure you will enjoy yourself, just not on this forum.
Christophera said:
How did you get programmed to reject 86% percent of human mental capacity and accept that it should be neglected and not taught anything?
Another straw man argument - Beau never said that - you are manipulating.
getting back to the VTech shooter, the official versions of his condition include:

psychotic (schysophreniac)
and autistic thrown in for good measure:

Well, it's obvious that "something" is up and it's really turning on a lot of people locally here:

"Police strained by rash of shootings in county"
hoangmphung said:
This thread has evolved into something else. I smell something fishy. Can I say trolls...?
I thought that from Telly's first post with the link to a JREF debate.

freetrinity said:
getting back to the VTech chooter, the official versions of his condition include:

psychotic (schysophreniac)
and autistic thrown in for good measure:

How can one person be all those things? If he were Autistic he wouldn't have cared enough about his lack of relationships with other people, which is what the official explanation is heading towards, to want to go on a rampage as a form of vengeance.

Shar said:
Well, it's obvious that "something" is up and it's really turning on a lot of people locally here:

"Police strained by rash of shootings in county"
Those aren't ordinary robberies or conflicts since overkill was apparent.
Just my 2 cents worth... methinks the word "Greenbaum" really got some people going. Seemed to me that there was a HUGE effort to change the subject. The amazing thing is, they might not even be aware of it!

Bryan said:
Azur said:

May I ask you a question, in good faith?

You've signed on, what 5 days ago, and have already posted 47 messages. You seem to be pretty sure that your opinion is solid, and have even submitted an article (unless I mistake you for someone else).
What, do you mean an article in the suggestion forum? If that's what you mean then no, I haven't. I did, however, post a site in the product suggestion forum.

So: how did you come to be here, and secondly, why did you choose now?
I found the SOTT site a few years ago when I was searching for info on psychopaths. I read the news and original articles avidly for a while then drifted away, coming back occasionally. Why now? I hadn't been around much for a long time but hearing about the VT shooting I was certain that it had something to do with Greenbaum programming, so I came around to see if the SOTT team had picked up on it. I certainly didn't plan on posting 47 messages in 5 days; the first was posted because there wasn't a lot of info online about it at the time so I thought I would post a couple of details mentioned by a witness for the members here who were following the story.

Sorry, Azur, if you think I'm overreaching my bounds here or something.
No, no, not at all. I was actually impressed with your knowledge of the material as a new user. It's why I asked.

Bryan said:
Azur said:
You seem to be insinuating something here. What is it? Be frank...
Is that sarcasm? The only thing I was insinuating was that people I've known who had addictions either: A) came from troubled family backgrounds and losing themselves in substance abuse was their way of dealing with the pain;
or B) seemed to be psychopathic and had a need for constant stimulation of some kind.
Apologies Bryan, I completely misunderstood the last sentence from your previous post (which was in the context of answering CA).
Azur wrote: << Anyone want to lay odds that the shooter will be the first Asian Al-Qaeda member on record? >>

I can safely assume you mean East Asians, Azur? If you can stomach Fox News or perhaps Sky News once in a while, it really is instructive. According to them, Al Qaeda has recruited half of the Philippines and Indonesia, and they're in Thailand, too.

According to Fox, there are Al Qaeda cells and sympathizers all over the USA, living next door just like on the TV show 24. In the wake of VT, Fox has been loudly promoting more security, even arming teachers in schools. They've been showing VT students blaming the police, which as Bryan pointed out sounds like a prelude to making the police state more overt.
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