What do you think and has anyone experienced this with a device whose intensity and frequency could be known?
I am currently doing this and am on my ninth session out of 10.
I have two friends who have experienced this at the same time as me.
My needs were not sleep but rather a problem of low blood platelets for several years. The white blood cells are also out of balance without showing any apparent symptoms. No infection, no anemia, no allergies.... I mentioned to the doctor that maybe I could have traumas that I don't remember that affect the platelets.
I have done emotional work on certain situations that could affect the "blood" and nothing has been conclusive in terms of blood results except that I have an inner sense of peace and detachment.
I have made dietary changes to reduce inflammation and to reduce the porosity of the intestine. This has certainly helped other systems but has not yielded any results in the blood tests.
To follow up on my research, I wanted to try PEMF to see if my body could give me other information when receiving the treatments. According to me, 10 sessions are not enough to change a blood problem in depth but it can release certain traumas. I did 4 sessions for trauma and detoxification.
From the second session, the tips of my fingers and toes were hurting. After asking questions to the doctor who offers these treatments, I received the answer that it is the extremities that are farthest from the heart so the circulation can be slower if the circuits have been atrophied. The electromagnetic pulses help the circulation in general.
It reminded me that my fingers freeze up quickly in the winter and even in the summer after sports. Now after the 4th session, I felt my left hand warming up during the PEMF treatment and I visualized the blood flow going to my fingertips clearing the circuits and clearing the memory of the cold in my fingers. (I recently went hiking and my fingers didn't go numb after the sport).
I had a positive result in my toes. However, there was some pain when the circuits came back to life.
Some dreams went up.
As for the blood results, I don't know but I visualize that my body is regenerating by a frequency that it needs for its balance.
After the 4th treatment, I asked to change the protocol in order to help the nerves and tendons because I fell and some tendons are very sensitive as well as the nerves that were affected in one hand. This frequency is very soothing for me. I take my days one at a time. This protocol (nerves and tendons) seems to have helped a little hip pain I had that is no longer there.
In every work I have done to balance myself, there have been passages of pain when the neurological pathway was cleared for better circulation. I give the body a rest before moving on to the next step. So the videos I listened to on the PEMF advised us of this too. Small dose at the beginning and increase as you go along. Maintain a regularity.
The treatment I receive is one hour per week. It's not free. It has a 30 min. detox protocol and one or two others (2x15min or 30 min.) for specific needs. If I had a mat at home to do PEMF, I would do 2 X 30 min. a day or every other day instead of an hour a week.
I will end my comment by saying that you need to be informed because there are different intensities and different frequencies. Dr. Pawluk's videos have helped me. I will keep reading and searching in order to get more information.