Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Looks like Russia is slowly locating where these heroic neo-nazi warriors are located to figure out the best way to take them out.

Russia has all the time it needs to map out the opposition because the war is at a standstill half the time due to capitulation talks. I wonder when Putin his patience will run out. But it should be clear by now that he is seizing every opportunity to end this war without further bloodshed.
Dear Friends,
When you post a media from a site or on a topic that can be banned
, be kind to provide enough detail, so those in information encircled countries can try to look for it elsewhere. In this case there was enough, but at the same time it could also have been easier.

In the above case, it said "Video is not available. This video is not available in your country."

1) I then tried to insert the Youtube code "6BE2uobFCCk" after YouTube. Youtube did not give any information.
2) Then I used Webtunnel.org. It would not let me see the video, but the title was visible in the address field. It was Former "UN Inspector Scott Ritter on What The Hell Is Happening"
3.) This I typed up in a search field of a browser. This gave me a few mirrors. It led to Former UN Inspector Scott Ritter on What The Hell Is Happening

Later I tried "Lee Camp Scott Ritter interview". It gave me a couple of different interviews, from which I could have tried to find the right one. It would probably have worked too, and might even have been easier.
I could also have tried some Twitter accounts, but if people post and retweet a lot there is a lot to scroll through, though I did find
which refers to a Ukrainian news outfit angry about what he is saying and launches a smear campaign.

China is speaking about the biolabs, posted March 8:

He is giving details of many locations in the world. And China has an ax to grind with the US over the Wuhan blame game.
Thank you for the information. Sorry for the hassle. I should of given more of an explanation on the video. I was in a hurry and that never works out well. Initially, I had heard of Scott Ritter through The Duran and liked the information he gave out and was happy to see a new interview with him on another channel. But, the censorship is getting worse and so more attention needs to be given.
NATO posted on march 8, a tweet with a female soldier wearing a neo-Nazi badge.

Aryan cults, esoteric Nazism and identity politics

The tweet was removed since:

The Ukranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also tweeted a woman soldier with the black sun - except that they haven't removed the tweet as of now. See the last picture here:

Screenshot in case it goes down:

Last edited:
The below is one example and it hasn't gotten any better:

To Putin apologists

At what point do you wake up?
Are you going to pretend that Finland and Sweden are part of the Rus too?
Or that nuclear brinksmanship is a joke?

Again, I’m no Kremlinologist. But I’m guessing the average Russian oligarch or FSB general would rather not die in a nuclear war over Ukraine. Ukraine! Way more fun to hang out with Ms. Chelyabinsk 2021.
And history suggests strongman regimes collapse very suddenly - especially when the collapse comes from the elites rather a popular uprising. One minute you’re giving orders, the next you’re on a one-way hall pass to Lubyanka, conveniently connected via underground tunnel to the Kremlin.
Too bad, comrade.
We will see.
If I remember correctly, Alex Berenson was also on Fox News some months ago with Robert Malone and said to Robert something like: "Oh, stop pretending/lying that you're the inventor of mRNA technology, you got nothing to prove that". To which Robert later responded that he thought that Berenson was probably controlled opposition. Berenson's latest above shows that that's maybe exactly what he is, or, he's just an imbecil.
That's not good, especially for Poland. Ria Novosti, today:

Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov: NATO planes from Poland conduct reconnaissance for the Ukrainian military

MOSCOW, March 9 - RIA Novosti. NATO reconnaissance aircraft are on round-the-clock duty in Polish airspace and supply information to the leadership of the Ukrainian forces, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.

"The leadership of the Ukrainian armed forces is trying to make up for the lack of information about the air situation by obtaining data at the air force command post in Vinnitsa from E-3A aircraft of the AWACS-NATO system," Konashenkov said.

According to him, these aircraft are on round-the-clock duty in the airspace of Poland.
Voyageur wrote:

To reinforce those currently already in play in the Ukraine, new proxy Jihadie Ratlines reinforcements out of Turkey; dressed, armed, primed and ready.

As if nazi fascists were not enough, these guys will be staged on CNN soon, no doubt, as freedom fighters for Ukrainians while shooting them in the back. Expect the White Helmets to be reanimated and arrive any day.

New from The Washington Potty Post regarding the darlings of Syria:

Well don't wanna sound arrogant but if they're looking for a glorious death most probably they'll receive it by the hands of Mother Russia. I guess those behind these so called freedom fighters contract mercenaries and marauders are trying to wreck havoc on Russian army in Ukraine as if it were another Syrian battleground scenario. It isn't and these marauders and their puppet masters will discover it the HARD WAY. Pepe Escobar was talking also about a numerous group of contract killers having a rendezvous in Poland, getting ready, but for what? They'll discover it for sure if they're asking for it.

Unfortunately if the west will go ahead with this plan there will be a lot deaths among innocent people by the hands of the west's hired mercenaries. Most probably Russia knows about this, I'd even say they were expecting the west to try to wage a proxy war in Ukraine through hired goons and me hopes that Putin and Co. figured out a countermeasure against west's psychopathic proxy warfare.

Just my two cents.

Edit: added Voyageur's quote.
The Ukranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also tweeted a woman soldier with the black sun - except that they haven't removed the tweet as of now. See the last picture here:

Screenshot in case it goes down:

View attachment 56368
I think this is part of Information Warfare of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They are pushing these pictures of pretty women with clean gear to draw sympathy to Ukrainian's plight. My guess these photos were made before the fighting began. I strongly doubt they are anywhere close to front lines where fighting is happening.

According to the latest survey, more than 15% of the regular Ukrainian army are women.
On paper but I doubt in the field.

Manipulation of the Western viewer with "eye candy". :lol2:
That's not good, especially for Poland. Ria Novosti, today:

Looking at the map


to "see" what is happening inside Ukraine NATO would fly on the Poland-Ukraine border. Best place to do that. I'm sure Russia is watching this from Belarus and their own equipment.

U.S. intelligence officials claimed Tuesday that Vladimir Putin is ‘desperate’ to end the conflict over Ukraine, with some privately suggesting he could set off a tactical nuclear weapon in a Ukrainian city to get the job done.

Heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the Director of National Intelligence all spoke at a House Select Committee on Intelligence hearing, and all claimed Putin is frustrated with the slow pace of the invasion.

The intelligence officials also claimed that up to 4000 Russian troops have been killed in the past two weeks.

Fuelled by his disappointments, Putin could resort to using a small nuke, they intimated, as insane as that sounds.

I know who I would suspect of this, for sure not Russia.

Not how they personalize this operation,
" Vladimir Putin is ‘desperate’ to end the conflict"
"Putin could resort to using a small nuke, "

When US was in Iraq it wasn't , "Bush used full force to attack Iraq"
There is a good little video on the Saker from a person in Sevastopol explaining a few interesting things about this conflict which I haven't seen elsewhere. He gives some good advice and brings some realism into the picture. He advises against telling Ukrainians wanting to flee what to do as they must decide for themselves since they are on the spot and thus more likely to be connected to the reality on the ground. 10 minutes long but sobering facts about Ukraine and the conflict such as that there were 11 million pensioners in Ukraine before the conflict started and many who care for these thus staying there instead of fleeing.

Unable to embed the video as it is not a known format to me.
Sending jets will be violation of international law. In this context - suicide mission as direct agression. If they want us dead they will do at least with accompanion of nato but not alone.

Not necessarily - it may also be that Poland will be alone wihout NATO

A Ukrainian lesson for Poland
In this situation, the current Polish authorities find themselves between a rock and a hard place. After all, there is no doubt that we are the next victims of Western provocation. Instructions and orders from Washington and London tell us to provoke Russia, to de facto participate in the conflict on the side of the Kiev junta, and all this without realising that if any Polish action is recognised as an act of aggression against Russia - then NATO can freely consider itself released from its obligations under the very loosely circumscribed Articles 4 and 5 of the Pact
Source: sputnik pl (use nordvpn from poland)
Unable to embed the video as it is not a known format to me.
Unfortunetly video player on page that You posted do not have share button, so i won't share direct link to that source.

But if You need to know format of that video then container is just .mp4.
Codec used in that video is h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 854x480.
Its hosted on bitchute.
I think this is part of Information Warfare of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They are pushing these pictures of pretty women with clean gear to draw sympathy to Ukrainian's plight. My guess these photos were made before the fighting began. I strongly doubt they are anywhere close to front lines where fighting is happening.

Sorry but I saw a video last week where the tschechen attacked a convoy of the UAF and one of the kill soldier was a female. They may be kept in the rear of the battle and work on the logistic and transport but they still are in the operation theater and may go to combat zone.

I try to find the video but at this moment I can't access Southfront.
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