Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

What comes after the conflict
There was a Twitter thread in which it was asked what comes after Ukraine

There were some who figured aliens would come, some were indicating major impactor from space, several were onto the idea of the four horsemen, but some believing the plague (Covid) had already passed. There were those who concluded that based on fertilizer shortage, there would be food shortage and famine. Some imagined it would be like the roaring 1920s. Some were sure that there would be more natural catastrophes, like storms or volcanoes. Economic collapse was another - of course. There were also some who thought the conflict would spread. A few were waiting for the return of Christ.
Perhaps it is a bit similar to this experiment: 17,205 People Guessed The Weight Of A Cow. Here's How They Did. The average guess was 1287 pounds and the actual weight was 1356 pounds.
Screenshot 2022-03-09 154258.jpg
Compared to the Twitter question. It is quite possible that the people who responded and taken as a whole are onto something. One average would in this case be that the effects will be felt for years.

Mozilla blocked my RT app..​

Why does Mozilla block some add-ons from running in Firefox?​

While most add-ons are created with the best intent to provide useful and delightful features, they can also be used to compromise personal data and security.

When we become aware of add-ons that pose a risk to your security and privacy according to our Add-on Policies, we take steps to prevent them from running in Firefox. Add-ons may be blocked proactively because they violate our policies, or in response to an abuse report.

But i still get RT, sputnik, maybe bc
Last edited:

Mozilla blocked my RT app..​

Why does Mozilla block some add-ons from running in Firefox?​

While most add-ons are created with the best intent to provide useful and delightful features, they can also be used to compromise personal data and security.

When we become aware of add-ons that pose a risk to your security and privacy according to our Add-on Policies, we take steps to prevent them from running in Firefox. Add-ons may be blocked proactively because they violate our policies, or in response to an abuse report.

But i still get RT, sputnik, maybe bc
It's a risk for your brain ;-)


US bans Russian energy imports​

A senator earlier explained that it’s the ‘cost of standing up for freedom’ as oil and gas prices threaten to hike further

I think it's fair to say that Putin saw this coming and that he also knew that the US would, out of necessity, have to re-establish a dialog with Venezuela. This may turn out to be one of of Russia's first major victories on the global level. When the US sanctioned Venezuelan oil, this created a need for the US to turn to Russian oil. The predictable response of the US banning Russian oil puts Washington in the position of needing extra reserves from either Venezuela or Iran. Since US infrastructure is already setup for Venezuelan oil, it is a natural fit, but the US will have to lift their embargo. US officials met with Maduro this past weekend for this purpose. It goes without saying that Venezuela has experienced economic devastation due to US sanctions. The amount of suffering the people there have had to endure is simply godawful. Over the last number of years, Russia and Venezuela have developed significant ties. Maduro has recently pledged military support for Russia's incursion in Ukraine, and likewise Russia has provided military support and assistance for Venezuela. The West will of course paint this as two dictators working together, but this result may very well lead to a major improvement in the lives of millions of Venezuelans who have struggled to survive. By their fruits you shall know them.

Pepe escobar discusses some of this in his latest piece:

Russia's judo kick to the western financial gut

In short, it looks like Putin isn't just looking to stabilize Ukraine from it's self-destructive ties with NATO. Russia is also fighting a global battle to relieve some of the mass suffering the US has imposed around the world.
"Brave" (Chromium) is a much better browser than Firefox. Firefox is getting heavy and not as reliable.

Zelensky appears to be drinking too much or perhaps over doing with drugs.

(Update 9:10am ET): In what may be a repeat of yesterday's "buy the Ukraine ceasefire speculation, sell the lack of follow through", moments ago futures spiked to session highs when Ukraine president Zelensky's deputy chief of staff Ihor Zhovkva echoed what the president told ABC in the Monday night interview, saying that Ukraine is ready for a diplomatic solution and will discuss neutrality, but need a security guarantee...

“Surely, we are ready for a diplomatic solution,” Ihor Zhovkva, Zelenskiy’s deputy chief of staff, told Bloomberg Television on Wednesday. Guarantees should come from Ukraine’s neighbors, he said, without specifying further.

But just as quick as the initial euphoria arrived, it fizzled after a Bloomberg headline indicated that Ukraine isn't willing to go with two of Putin's three demands, namely relinquishing Crimea and accepting Donetsk and Lugansk as independent republics:
And finally:
Which also seems like a dead end, because as JPMorgan said last night, "Ukraine is no longer insisting on NATO membership, though EU membership would give similar protections."

So on net, looks like another non-starter, but at least some negotiating back and forth, now that Ukraine's core demand for membership in NATO appears to no longer be on the table.
If they call this negotiation then you do need to be drunk to believe it.

Poland appears to be in a similar position with those promised Migs. First it was "We will", then it was "We can't". Then it is "It is being considered", then it is "We give them to US". Then US says .....

The Pentagon has dismissed Poland’s plan to hand the US its MiG-29 fighter jets to boost Ukraine’s fight against Russia, as Moscow officials said they were ready to provide humanitarian corridors on Wednesday morning for people fleeing Kyiv and four other cities.

Washington appeared surprised by the announcement by Polish foreign minister, Zbigniew Rau, who said on Tuesday that his government was “ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MiG-29 jets to the Ramstein airbase and place them at the disposal of the government of the United States of America.”

The Pentagon appeared to reject the proposal, saying it was not “tenable”.

In a statement, the US Department of Defense said the prospect of the jets departing from the base in Germany “to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine raises serious concerns for the entire Nato alliance”.
The last sentence is the best. Is the US suggesting that handing the planes from Poland is not a problem but from Germany it is ??? What is the difference ? Oh I get it, US wants the Pawn to give it so that it can be sacrificed if something happens.


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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
Photo : Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Written by Piero Messina
The Ukrainian National Guard was in the process of attacking the Donbass regions. This was claimed by the Russian Defense Ministry which in the course of the combat actions of these days came into possession of classified documents attributed to the Kiev General Staff.
The Ukrainian military operation against the two self-proclaimed republics of Donestk should have been triggered in March. The documents reconstruct the attack plans and are considered secret orders given by the commander of the Ukrainian National Guard, Colonel General Nikolai Baden.
The documents are dated January 22 of this year and were addressed to the heads of the northern Kiev, southern Odessa and western territorial departments of the National Guard of Ukraine, commanders of the military units 2269, 3018, 3077.
By order of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, the battalion tactical group of the 4th operational brigade was being trained to perform combat (special) tasks within the framework of the Joint Forces operation as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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Ukrainian National Guard Was About To Attack Donbass - The Secret Documents Found By The Russian MoD
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The order , brought to the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, explains the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for offensive operations in the so-called “Joint Forces Operation” zone in Donbass.
The document approves the organizational structure of the battalion-tactical group of the 4th operational brigade of the National Guard, the organization of its comprehensive support and reassignment to the 80th separate air assault brigade of Ukraine.
The Russian Defense Ministry points out how since 2016, this formation of the air assault troops of Ukraine has been trained by American and British instructors under the “NATO standard” training programs in Lvov.
“Thus, only one question remains unclear so far: how deeply the US leadership and its NATO allies were involved in the planning and preparation of the operation to storm the Donbass by the Ukrainian joint force grouping in early March. All those who care so much about peace in Ukraine today.” – the Russian MoD commented on Telegram.
Agree. But for now those MIGs will eventually take off from Poland, not from Ramstein. This was ironic response to embarrasing proposal. Poland gov just confirmed what reiterated few times before: right now they will not send any jets or hard weapon.

Sending jets will be violation of international law. In this context - suicide mission as direct agression. If they want us dead they will do at least with accompanion of nato but not alone.

Btw... Embarassing is also that local media is trying to make serious case out of it or manipulate news to achieve as much sensation as possible... as usual 😒

Interesting take I saw on Telegram

Here’s the TL;DR about the Polish MiG-29’s and the US:

It was basically a game of geopolitical “Hot Potato”.

The Americans wanted Poland‘s surplus MiG-29‘s to be handed over to Ukraine.

The Americans further wanted those MiGs to be flown by “European” pilots (not necessarily Ukrainian pilots) and if they could not be based on Ukrainian soil, then potentially fly these MiGs out of Polish bases, where they would be protected by NATO, and not get blown out of the sky by Russian air defenses.

The Russians have said that they would view any third country helping the Ukrainians as an enemy.

So on hearing the Americans’ “suggestion“, the Poles were like, “Fuck that, we’re not getting involved in this shit!“

So they got clever—they said to the US, “You can have our MiGs for FREE—we’ll send them to your base in Germany and you give them to the Ukrainians. After all, we are giving them to YOU, America! So what YOU do with the goddamn planes after we give them to you is YOUR business!”

The Americans then said, “Get the fuck out of here!”

In other words, the Poles called the Americans’ bluff.

This kind of shows the level of stupidity of the Americans – and the level of cowardice. They want somebody else to start the war, they don’t have the balls to do it themselves.


(Edit: I added a little nuance and clarity.)
In short, it looks like Putin isn't just looking to stabilize Ukraine from it's self-destructive ties with NATO. Russia is also fighting a global battle to relieve some of the mass suffering the US has imposed around the world.
Well said! I had this thought: If Trump was A New Hope and Biden/COVID is the Empire Strikes Back then perhaps we’ve entered the Return of the Jedi part of the show? 🤔

Reminiscence of a Future cross-posting a Larry Johnson article calling out the dark side (Hilary, Soros, etc…) in this post:

Larry Johnson On Soros and Clinton.​

George Soros and Hillary Clinton Are Cheering to Go to War with Russia (Link to the Original and Larry's Blog).
Let me make this very simple. If you live in West you have been flooded with a massive propaganda campaign portraying Ukraine as a Jeffersonian democracy yearning to breathe free and Russia has the ultimate evil empire. Neither is true. Two of the most high profile voices advocating a fight with Russia are Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Got that? If you are wearing the Ukrainian flag and signing on to this doomed cause you are on the side of Hillary Clinton and George Soros.

Here’s what Hillary said recently on the Rachel Maddow show:
Former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called to arm up an insurgency to repel Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, joining a growing number of pundits and officials suggesting that Washington should hand Russia its own costly, years-long occupation akin to the US (or indeed Soviet) experience in Afghanistan.
Clinton made her case during a Monday night appearance with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, recalling that during the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s, resistance fighters “had a lot of countries supplying arms and advice,” which, she continued, “didn’t end well for the Russians.”
“So, I think we have to watch this carefully. We have to provide sufficient military armaments for the Ukraine military and volunteers. And we have to keep tightening the screws,” Clinton added.

Basically, she’s saying do what we’ve always done - arm terrorists; prop them as heroes 😡 She should focus on tightening her own screws… psychopath can see further than the back of her hand.

And then there is George Soros, who collaborated with the Nazis in World War II:
I have witnessed Ukraine transform from a collapsing part of the Soviet Union to a liberal democracy and an open society. It has faced countless acts of Russian aggression, but has persisted.
— George Soros (@georgesoros) February 26, 2022
Allowing Putin to succeed on his quest will send a message across the world that nations can simply be created or dissolved by brute force. We must #StandWithUkraine, as they stand for us.
— George Soros (@georgesoros) February 26, 2022

The mainstream media, which largely ignores the tidal wave of illegal immigrants flooding our southern border, are quite keen to protect Ukraine’s border. The mainstream media and the political establishment in Washington, DC denounce the “horrors” on the ground in Ukraine but are deaf and mute when it comes to the Trump supporters that are being held as political prisoners in DC jails. Even though there is clear evidence that at least two Trump supporters were killed by police on January 6, there is no credible demand to investigate and hold the murderers accountable.

If you are 38 years old or younger, you probably remember very little about the lies told by the George W. Bush Administration to whip up the fury of the American people and launch an unjustified war in Iraq in 2003. I remember. I have not forgotten.

If you want to stand in solidarity with Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham know this–when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. And the fleas they are carrying threaten the very security of this Republic.
To reinforce those currently already in play in the Ukraine, new proxy Jihadie Ratlines reinforcements out of Turkey; dressed, armed, primed and ready.

As if nazi fascists were not enough, these guys will be staged on CNN soon, no doubt, as freedom fighters for Ukrainians while shooting them in the back. Expect the White Helmets to be reanimated and arrive any day.

New from The Washington Potty Post regarding the darlings of Syria:

OMG, accusing the Russians of what they're guilty of. It literally makes me ill reading this horror story. I hope the Russians wipe this filth and the neo-nazis off the face of the earth
"Brave" (Chromium) is a much better browser than Firefox. Firefox is getting heavy and not as reliable.

Zelensky appears to be drinking too much or perhaps over doing with drugs.

If they call this negotiation then you do need to be drunk to believe it.

Poland appears to be in a similar position with those promised Migs. First it was "We will", then it was "We can't". Then it is "It is being considered", then it is "We give them to US". Then US says .....

The last sentence is the best. Is the US suggesting that handing the planes from Poland is not a problem but from Germany it is ??? What is the difference ? Oh I get it, US wants the Pawn to give it so that it can be sacrificed if something happens.

Oh, @Hi Henry as we Poles have known this very well for 30 years! The US Army will fight Russia to the last Polish soldier. Far away from the US of course, and preferably on Polish territory and with Polish taxpayer money. And the people, and the citizens who pay taxes? They are unimportant. Maybe we'll give you planes, maybe infantry support, maybe tanks, and certainly moral support, and in the end, if you get Russia angry with you, you'll be all alone, because there's nothing to defend in Poland and it's not worth it for us and NATO!
In other words, psychopaths are leaving the Polish nation at the mercy or disfavor and wisdom of Vladimir Putin.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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