Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine


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Sorry but I saw a video last week where the tschechen attacked a convoy of the UAF and one of the kill soldier was a female. They may be kept in the rear of the battle and work on the logistic and transport but they still are in the operation theater and may go to combat zone.

I try to find the video but at this moment I can't access Southfront.
I've seen MANY videos and I'm yet to see one where women in uniform were present.

However my focus was on the "imagery" on that Twitter channel. The pictures try to convey that these pretty women are out there battling. Sorry, I don't buy it. A few yes, but 15% of the force or more NO.

Russia Negotiator Charges It Now Has Evidence of ‘Biological Weapons Components’ in Ukraine That Show ‘Good Reason’ for Invasion​


Diplomatic relations between Russia and Ukraine appear to be deadlocked amid a Putin-authorized invasion of his Eastern European neighbor, as a high-ranking Russian negotiator charges that the Ministry of Defense has evidence of Ukraine developing biological weapons components.’

RIA Novosti reported that data obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense on Ukraine’s purported development of biological weapons components “confirm that the Russian Federation had good reasons for conducting a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine,” said Leonid Slutsky, head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs and a member of the Russian delegation at the talks with Ukraine.
March 9, 2022, from Silent Partner Substack email, Russian discovery of a plan by Ukraine to attack the Donbass area this month, documents with original signatures of the command of the National Guard. If legitmate, which seems to be the case, another shock.

On top of the biolabs and the last years of attacking citizens in Donbass? Pre-emptive strike?

"The Russian MoD obtained original documents of a combat order from the Ukraine National Guard indicating that the rogue state had been preparing an offensive operation against Donetsk and Lugansk (Donbass) for March of this year." From Substack 'Silent Partner'

Biden's Ukraine: The Ultimate Question

Silent Partner references The Saker article on this planned offensive.

The notes, provided by the Saker, are from a briefing by Major General Igor Konashenkov, SPOX for the Russian Ministry of Defence.

  • The documents contain the secret order by National Guard commander Colonel-General Nikolai Balan. The order is dated January 22, 2022.
  • The order is titled “On organizing the training of a battalion tactical group of the 4th operational brigade to perform combat (special) tasks in the joint forces operation as part of a brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine".
  • The document is addressed to the heads of the northern Kiev, southern Odessa, and western territorial departments of the National Guard of Ukraine.
  • The order explains the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for offensive operations in the so-called “Joint Forces Operation” zone in Donbass.
  • The document approves the organizational structure of the battalion-tactical group of the 4th operational brigade of the National Guard, the organization of its comprehensive support, and reassignment to the 80th separate air assault brigade of Ukraine.
  • Since 2016, this formation of the air assault troops of Ukraine has been trained by American and British instructors under the "NATO standard" training programs in Lvov.
  • As many as five paragraphs are devoted to how to carefully select personnel and their psychological curation so as to ensure a high level of motivation. Servicemen are provided with “visual agitation, information and propaganda materials, flags, and printing products".
  • All events of joint combat training of the nationalists are ordered to be completed by February 28 in order to further ensure the fulfillment of combat missions as part of the Ukrainian “Joint Forces Operation” in Donbass.
The document contains the original signatures of the officials of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine responsible for the tasks.

Both Ukraine and the West have previously insisted they had no plans for an attack.

The ultimate question seems to be:

How deeply were the US and NATO involved in the planning and preparation of a secret operation to storm the Donbass in early March?

This was all in Russian: Briefing by Russian MFA Spokesperson Maria Zakharova
[Брифинг официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой]
Maria Zakharova mentioned among other things the issue of US military bio research in Ukraine. She also brought up the support and encouragement from some governments in Europe for people to go and fight with and for the Ukrainian radicals. Copenhagen and London were given special attention. She mentioned that the support has a long history as they received radicals from Caucasus back in the 90s. Zakharova recalled that Danes had fought alongside SS in Russia during WWII in Division Viking and Nordland. They were not alone, 1,200,000 people from Europe fought with SS. What happens repeats the pattern from WWII. She pointed out the consequences of these people returning from Ukraine and how that will affect society. Among other consequences are the economic, which already before the current situation were dire, and now will only be worse. At the same time, what the countries are doing is not going to be forgotten, it will influence future relations.

Then I opened a major Danish paper. They praised the local Secret Service for having made prophetic predictions over the last 12 years about Russia. However, the politicians did too little, the paper argues, and therefor the military is weak and lacks funds...

The local debate is limited, but those who actively argue for a more objective and nuanced perspective are learning more and are getting better argument. That is a positive development.
Now the reconnaissance aircraft, a few days earlier the MIG-29 jets, the ammo supply, the role as the logistical hub. Is the US trying to frame Poland to start an international war with Russia?
I got impression that MIG jets was like cynical clear response to US with "hold on" words. Maybe the "impression" is a keyword... Now I have doubt. I still have hope that last attemption to cut off american's TVN media was a sign of changement in foreign policy. On the other hand as nation we have strong prejudice to Russia.

Unfortunately this often completely makes us blind to the reality.

I think gov knows what is on the table but hatred to Russia is still primary motivation.
I am reading a post by Alexandr Dugin on facebook. What he says, gives an idea of what Russia is doing.

The ideology of the new Russia

Last thing. It is important to understand that Russia, which claims that it is fighting Nazism in Ukraine and insisting on denazification, is, in fact, acting from the position of the Fourth Political Theory. It is obvious that Moscow does not rely on liberal globalism, with which, on the contrary, it has entered into a deadly confrontation. The liberal West and, more broadly, global capitalism under the rule of the world oligarchy is the main enemy of Russia as a pole, civilization, and culture. The struggle for multipolarity cannot be based on liberalism, that is, on the ideology of the enemy.

Modern Russia has nothing in common - except for the relatively recent past - with communist ideology. Communism collapsed precisely because it lost its inner vitality. The Russian and Eurasian factor, tradition, religion and communal spirit were not included in the Marxist dogmatics, that is, the de facto existing National Bolshevism was not comprehended and accepted. This gave rise to contradictions between what the USSR was and what its party elite thought dogmatically.

But the modern political regime in Russia cannot be called nationalistic either – the way is Russian, not Ukrainian. And this would be a contradiction, since various ethnic groups and cultures participate in Russia-Eurasia, easily integrated into the Empire, but opposed to direct artificial Russification, turning into a nation.

That is, none of the three Western political ideologies exists in modern Russia and cannot exist. However, today it has no ideology at all.

And yet, the struggle today is with nationalism as an ideology - and quite specific. But it is impossible to fight ideology without ideology. Because in this case, no one will be able to understand or explain - with what exactly, why and on what basis this struggle is taking place.

There is only one way out: to reject the West and its civilization as something universal, and return to our own roots, to our history, to our fundamental worldview, to our Tradition, of which all Eastern Slavs (and Great Russians, and Ukrainians, and Belarusians) were a part. There is no better political science system than the Fourth Political Theory (as well as its versions - Slavophilism, Eurasianism, traditionalism, conservatism, etc.). Only it is capable of substantiating our struggle against Ukrainian Nazism and liberal globalism, and everything else is not. An ideological vacuum in such conditions can lead to fatal consequences.

It is quite curious that he uses the term The fourth political theory...
BAM. Gotcha !

Of course, this is not news for us - but good to have a document to fall back on, how the US via Department of Defense supported the development of biological weapons in the Ukraine. Signed in Kiev, 29 August 2005.


"Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby [<- Wikipedia] JUST LIED TO THE WORLD
US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

A publicly-available
document📎 shows a $15MN agreement signed between the US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry to support research into biological weapon research in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa. The US govt provided materials and training for “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response, and improving biological material protection, control and accountability”. Details were withheld from public disclosure, but “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with the US Defense Dept. Checkmate. Time to reveal what really went on there for almost two decades?"


In case the document disappears from the US gov server, I attach the pdf file below.


If true, then Russia must have been aware of these whereabouts for a long time... not just recently. Yet, that didn't make Russia invade Ukraine, though. So, there had to be far more urgent threats behind Russias recent decision to invade, taking everyone else by surprise.

Like an imminent threat of nuclear attacks from Ukraine onto Russia planned for mid-end of spring 2022, e.g. after Ukraines secret plan to frontally attack Donbas first, which was planned for 8 march 2022. Also the modifications on Ukrainian missiles / nuclear missiles with special 20 liter tanks attached, in order to spread biological weapon payloads over large areas. That surely must have played into, what I believe, Russia jumping into highest alert, choosing to go into Ukraine and start serious springtime cleaning. In order to prevent a Third World War with nuclear and biological weapons spreading across Europe and Russia. Because I am sure NATO would immediately have sprung into military action with more "support" of the same evil... under the disguise of a Ukrainian war on Donbas and Russia, with Nazi elements going pathologically berserk. Who else would come of the idea planning to release nuclear weapons onto Russia, if not crazy psychopaths ?

Well those you find aplenty in Ukraine's nazi infested areas... groomed for decades for that purpose. While for the zionistic infiltrated US, Ukraine and even Europe, are if it goes bad, just collateral damages, necessary in order to achieve their longtime goal; to bring down Russia. It almost sounds like the revenge of a twisted, fanatic (hive) mind.

What a crazy world.


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