Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

The second phase, you say. And the guys in Yavorov the other day did not know. We had to must warn in advance, otherwise they were offended and have left someone where.
A new phase of the special operation in Ukraine: about some signs
19.03.2022 - 17:30

Military photojournalist Vitaly Rybin in his author's Telegram channel "Notes of a Photojournalist" shared his opinion that with the beginning of the use of the latest Russian weapons, the second phase of the special operation of the Russian Army in Ukraine has started.

"The second phase of the military operation has begun. Russia used "Daggers" for the first time and began to destroy entire brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, now the fighting will be tougher.

At today's briefing of the Ministry of Defense, information was announced about the use of the Bastion and Dagger complexes as part of a special military operation. This is the first officially confirmed use of these types of weapons in a real conflict.

This fact, as well as the emerging information about the successful use of cruise missiles against the mercenary base near Lviv and the location of the 79th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Nikolaev, indicate that Russia, with a high degree of probability, has begun the second phase of its own. And now, unlike the first stage, the course of warfare is not based on the classical concept of a large-scale offensive, but on the principles of "new generation" armed conflicts, when instead of a ground offensive, priority is given to the use of high-precision long-range weapons and mobile special-purpose sabotage groups.

Such an approach, although it will require more time for the complete demilitarization of Ukraine, will significantly reduce the possible losses of regular ground formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the military operation is beginning to look more and more like a tough modern war by all the rules, which is very frightening for the Ukrainian leadership, which is increasingly turning to NATO with a request to create a no-fly zone. However, predictably, there is no question of any no-fly zone."

Вторая фаза. А ребята то в Яворове на днях и не знали. Надо заранее предупреждать, а то теперь обиделись и разъехались кто-куда.
According to the channel, the Russians used it for the first time in the special operation or even in general.

IMO they need to be reminded every minute :evil:.

Here is a short video about such a missile:

Back in 2018 when Putin introduced this game-changing weapon and more in his annual state-of-the-nation address he said, ''Nobody listened, listen to us now''.

This was a message clearly addressed to NATO and its puppeteers. Now, they are seeing this weapon and its godlike striking abilities in action. And there is nothing they can do to counter it. The tide has turned.
The Atlantic Council, a mouthpiece of NATO, is beginning to realize that they do not have a Putin problem, but a Russian problem.


Ukrainian naval mines adrift in Black Sea, Moscow warns​

The explosives have detached from their cables and may ultimately get into the Bosphorus and the Mediterranean, the FSB has said
Ukrainian naval mines adrift in Black Sea, Moscow warns

FILE PHOTO. A naval mine explodes during a military exercise in the Black Sea off Varna, Bulgaria. © Getty Images / Hristo Rusev
Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) issued a formal maritime warning on Saturday about a dangerous situation that is developing in the Black Sea. In response to Russia’s offensive, Ukraine had placed anchor mines along its coastline, but a number have since detached from their cables and are adrift at sea, it said.
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine have once again demonstrated a complete disregard for international law and for human lives, including those of citizens of the European Union,” the FSB said in a statement.
According to the agency, after Russia launched a large-scale military operation against the country in late February, the Ukrainian Navy created a minefield outside each of the Black Sea ports of Odessa, Ochakov, Chernomorsk, and Yuzhny. The FSB claims the mines deployed are for naval or river use and were produced by the Soviet Union in the first part of the 20th century.
Aid convoys struggling to reach ‘encircled’ Ukrainian cities, UN claims
Read more
Aid convoys struggling to reach ‘encircled’ Ukrainian cities, UN claims

“With the onset of stormy conditions, the cables connecting the mines with their bottom anchors began to break. The mines are now drifting freely in the western part of the Black Sea,” it said.
The situation is likely to get even more hazardous, given the southward trajectory of the surface currents in the area, the FSB has warned. “It is not possible to rule out that the detached mines will drift into the Bosphorus and further into the Mediterranean Sea,” it added.
Moscow attacked its neighbor following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk ceasefire agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of the breakaway regions within the Ukrainian state.
Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev says the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two rebellious republics by force.
I was thinking about the extreme reaction of the West toward Russia, and why it is so...

The aggression of the U.S. and western countries is obvious. And with this aggression comes propaganda, lies, abuses, corruption; and in this atmosphere it all comes down to force and power. This has become the Wests identity.

So, any country can see what's coming from the West and what they are about. And it may be a matter of time before the next small country falls before the runaway aggression.

But the aggressors have to invest time in plotting, infiltration, funding, ect. for their schemes to come to fruition.

So, anyone could predict what was about to happen despite news coverage that always acts as cover for these nation crushing schemes. The pattern is there.
And in conquest after conquest, they believed everyone were chumps. Minions to their plots and stratagems - those who stood in their path.

So, because of pride, arrogance, they became snared in their own plots, recklessly thinking nothing could stop them.

But someone would. And knew the way it would transpire, because their pattern repeated. And so it came down to timing.

And so, for all the plotting, staging, sophistication, and heavy investments, the efforts were for naught. And they felt played. But that is their mindset - they played themselves. And the only thing Putin can be guilty of is being a competent, decisive leader - out of league with these fools drunk on power. That is why they are so mad.

And in desperation, pile on the madness in denial.
it could be a hypersonic missile kindzal

Just a thought watching that footage but it could easily be confused for a meteor fireball which means the reverse could also be true.

So this is what it looks like when a missile flies by at Mach 11.

Putin is reminding NATO, that it has an advantage in absolute cutting-edge conventional weaponry. The Kinzhal missile is 13 times as fast as a tomahawk, with 3x the payload and is also nuclear-capable.

According to the channel, the Russians used it for the first time in the special operation or even in general.

IMO they need to be reminded every minute :evil:.

Here is a short video about such a missile:

Yes, it looks like Russia used that specific high tech missile for the first time in a real war scenario in Ukraine:

But wait! You haven’t seen anything yet, since the infamous new and groundbreaking russian „Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle“, travels at a whopping speed of 20-27 Mach while also doing all sorts of incredible maneuvers! Which translates into a speed between 15,345 and 20,716 Miles per hour, which is literally almost in the lower limit of a meteorite striking the earth! Which is and has been a pretty interesting fact for me ever since Putin first presented it in 2018. So basically it likely can look and behave pretty much as a meteorite/fireball striking the earth.
Not all knows, that the people of about 190 nationalities live in Russia.
In Russia there are Buddhist, Muslim and Heathen republics.
They are Yakuts, Buryats, Tatars, Chechens, Mordvins, Kalmyks, Komi and many others. Many of them have own languages, but all speak Russian.
Russian is just state of mind.
Eva Bartlett posted legal opinion from Chris Black (Canadian lawyer) on Russia's entrance into Ukraine:

International Criminal Lawyer on “The Legality of War”​

Very apt & timely article by international criminal lawyer, Christopher Black.


“In my opinion Russia acted in accordance with international law under Article 51 of the UN Charter for the following reasons;
First, the Kiev regime was mounting a major offensive with NATO’s help against the Donbass Republics with the intent of destroying them. Intensive shelling had already begun days before Russia acted, the shelling of civilian buildings and infrastructure, which resulted in scores of thousands of civilians fleeing into Russia. During that period the Kiev regime also attempted to assassinate a leader of the Republics with a car bomb. Russia had no choice but to protect the Donbass peoples and since the Security Council could do nothing, and the EU and NATO were supporting the Kiev offensive against the Donbass, Russia was the only nation that could act.
The request for military assistance from the Donbass Republics also compelled Russia to send in its forces to help push back the Kiev forces from the territories of the Republics.

Second, Russia itself had been attacked multiple times by Kiev regime forces. Saboteurs were sent into Crimea time and again to carry out raids, assassinate officials, to destroy infrastructure. They even cut Crimea’s water supply, a crime against humanity. Just a few days before Russia acted a Kiev reconnaissance unit invaded Russia but was detected and destroyed. Russia had every right under The Caroline Doctrine to go after the attackers and to prevent further attacks.

…In this case the threat was more than imminent. It was on-going and increasing. The only effective and proportional defensive response was to destroy the offensive forces being deployed. These forces include not only Kiev regime government forces but also the nationalist, Nazi brigades supporting and spearheading the Kiev offensive and all the NATO equipment being supplied to them to conduct the Kiev offensive.

Thirdly, the deeper issue was the imminent threat to Russia from NATO posed by its continuous expansion to the east, its continuous build up of forces and offensive structure pointed at Russia and the completion this September of the American missile systems in Poland, Romania and Ukraine which could then be used to launch a nuclear attack against Russia.

We remember that in the past few months the NATO nations have conducted military exercises that included practicing launching nuclear attacks on Russia. We also remember that the USA has a first strike nuclear war policy, claiming the right to use nuclear weapons wherever and whenever they deem fit. It was evident that they were practising attacks because that was and is their intention.

Russia demanded the Americans withdraw those systems, and to withdraw NATO from Eastern Europe. They flatly refused. Ukraine talked of acquiring nuclear weapons and threatening Russia with them. It would take time for them to manufacture but there was nothing to stop the Americans from giving them nuclear weapons, under their control, as the Americans have done with Germany, for instance.

Russia could do nothing, keep the peace, and watch, as the weapons for its destruction were installed and made ready to fire; to commit suicide in other words, or it could defend itself. It warned the US that it would do so, and had the right to do so, the same right the Americans always claim to have, but again Russia was ignored. It had to act or face destruction and subjugation.

We remember that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962, the Americans threatened to invade Cuba and to attack the USSR because nuclear missiles had been placed in Cuba to protect it against American aggression. President Kennedy established the precedent principle that when a nation feels its existence is at stake from nuclear weapons it has the right to use force to protect itself pre-emptively. Russia is acting on the same principle.

Lastly, the NATO powers have lately relied on their bogus legal doctrine of “responsibility to protect” that they invented after the fact to try to justify their aggression against Yugoslavia. No such doctrine exists in international law but they claim the right to use it nevertheless. It applies, according to them, when a military action is justified, though illegal, “for legitimate humanitarian reasons.’ They were warned that this false doctrine could be turned against them. Russia has not referred to it at all, but if NATO can rely on it for their wars of aggression, then surely Russia can rely on it to justify their military action to defend the Donbass, and themselves.

When one takes account of all the factors that governed the Russian decision to send its forces into Ukraine it is clear that in law they had the legal right to do so whereas the United States continues its illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and Syria to this day and the NATO media powers and governments say nothing, because they are all complicit in those invasions.
If the United States and the NATO alliance had complied with international law in the first place as set out in the UN Charter, the world would not be in this mess. They caused this, not Russia. The responsibility is entirely theirs and they will be judged for it.”
The Legality Of War
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@Laurentien2 @seek10 Although the news is poorly narrated, here is some truth to it apparently, if they would have more or less 100,000 US soldiers currently in Eastern Europe in the border areas according to Jens Stoltenberg and 40,000 soldiers would be under direct NATO command, he said Thursday at a news conference, I saw the news in various Western media as well.
Minute 33:40:
God, it makes me sick just listening to this litany of lies he's spewing:barf:
Yes, it looks like Russia used that specific high tech missile for the first time in a real war scenario in Ukraine:

But wait! You haven’t seen anything yet, since the infamous new and groundbreaking russian „Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle“, travels at a whopping speed of 20-27 Mach while also doing all sorts of incredible maneuvers! Which translates into a speed between 15,345 and 20,716 Miles per hour, which is literally almost in the lower limit of a meteorite striking the earth! Which is and has been a pretty interesting fact for me ever since Putin first presented it in 2018. So basically it likely can look and behave pretty much as a meteorite/fireball striking the earth.

Here are some very important (and IMO correct) points and thoughts about what the russians just did there. Listen closely:

If I would be in the prediction business, I would predict something like the following:

- The Russians, with that hypersonic missle strike, just send a very clear warning to the Empire of Lies, NATO, Psychopaths, or however you want to call them, that says something like: „you better stop what you are doing, or we will increase the heat“

- Since it is pretty unlikely that the empire of lies will heed that warning, I think it is likely that we will see more of those (and other) new hypersonic type missiles used in Ukraine

- It could very well be that if that still isn’t enough for the empire of lies that the russians will then use the new big daddy „Avangard“ and other bigger systems within Ukraine

- If the empire of lies still doesn’t stop then, I think it is entirely possible that Russia could take another VERY bold step in targeting sites outside of Ukraine, within NATO territory, such as in Poland with those missiles. That is a very bold and dangerous move though, which I‘m not certain if Putin would try to risk. Although I‘m pretty confident that the empire of lies can’t and won’t do much about it.

- If that still doesn’t stop the empire of lies, it could be that Putin gets even bolder and takes out every NATO missile „defense system“ within the NATO states, one at the time, starting with the closest ones to russian borders, successively hitting ever more of those systems, if NATO doesn’t stop.

Sufficient to say that the last two points are so very bold that it would make the Psychos in the west go so completely crazy/bonkers and desperate that we can’t even imagine it at this point!
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