Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Two interesting discussions from two US veterans of the US military , apologies it has been shown before, but, I thought the juxtaposition was interesting.

Colonel Wilkerson. from RT Going Underground interview. His political analysis, than at the end of the interview talks about the climate crisis,. vaccines Covid, world drought in Africa, go figure!

And this from the Grey Zone with Colonel MacGregor. the first hour and analysis makes a point between the differing opinions. Such differing opinions, the language is important. IMO his assessment is very informative, and based in reality.

- It almost looks like Putin used the Corona hysteria to his advantage by turning the tables from the very start. From what he said there, I would speculate that Putin went along with the Corona Hysteria specifically in order to use the measures and systems that will and have been used/created during the Corona hysteria, in order to later use the same strategies/systems to stabilize and coordinate economic, social, political and geopolitical measures more effectively. If so, that's another quite brilliant move! So I would speculate that he had a bunch of longer term objectives and plans already set in place and viewed the Corona-Business through that lens, from the get go: "how could I use it to further those long term plans?"

That's likely true. Infact, I'd hazzard a guess that Putin knew the West would try to use a virus to usher in the great reset years in advance and had his moves planned to include that probabability. The info in the coronavirus timeline was freely available and I'd imagine that Putin could very well have had a finger on that pulse in his study of the West for over 20 years.
Here are some very important (and IMO correct) points and thoughts about what the russians just did there.
An intelligent reaction on Alex Christoforou said
Darren Bester
The Russians are sending the NATO pilots landing in Ukraine a message... the flight time of the Kinzal is measured in mere minutes when launched in Russia and targeting western Ukraine... any aircraft delivering weapons to Ukraine may be struck on the runway! There is simply not enough time to land, unload and leave if Russia is using hyper-sonic missiles. Trains and vehicle convoys are equally vulnerable.
But wait! You haven’t seen anything yet, since the infamous new and groundbreaking russian „Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle“, travels at a whopping speed of 20-27 Mach while also doing all sorts of incredible maneuvers! Which translates into a speed between 15,345 and 20,716 Miles per hour, which is literally almost in the lower limit of a meteorite striking the earth! Which is and has been a pretty interesting fact for me ever since Putin first presented it in 2018. So basically it likely can look and behave pretty much as a meteorite/fireball striking the earth
Even a Kalibr is almost too fast for the ground-based observer to spot. This could have been a slow Kinzhal.
Since the Avangard (3x faster than Kinzhal) is coming down from high altitude at a more or less similar angle (but two or three times slower) than the Chelyabinsk meteorite we could actually see an Avangard hitting its target!
(Of course if the Avangard could do horizontal flying like the Kalibr, our brains would never be able to register it, as it would cross the sky in ~2 seconds.)
Out of curiosity, are you being subtly hironical or did you not realize that more than a Cho Ku Rei, it is actually a VERY mundane drawing drawn on purpose by a plane, and pointing towards Ukraine?
Well, too many times when I thought of mundane reasons, something else came out. So I was open to the possibilities. I thought it is waste of energy and time for going to that far to draw a fun pattern like that in sky by a military plane, when the real war was going on.
The Deep State is working overtime thinking up all the ways to 'get Russia'!

The United States intends to completely disable GPS in Russia????????? ??: https://avia-pro.net/news/ssha-namereny-polnostyu-otklyuchit-gps-na-territorii-rossii

Access to GPS may disappear in Russia.

The GPS global positioning system may cease to function in Russia in the coming days. The possibility of disconnecting Russia from the global positioning system is currently being considered by the United States of America as another measure of influence on Russia. Information on this subject was voiced by the general director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

“Did you know that today, as part of the sanctions, the United States is considering the possibility of disconnecting the Russian Federation from GPS. Do you know about it? Do not know. And I can tell you that such a question is being considered.”- said Dmitry Rogozin.

The Russian GLONASS system can indeed replace the GPS system, however, not all devices are able to work without problems with the domestic global positioning system.

In the United States, such information has not yet been commented on, however, this can really become one of the measures of forceful pressure on Russia. This, by the way, does not exclude the possibility that the Russian side will take similar measures against the United States by turning off the GLONASS system over this region.

Подробнее на: The United States intends to completely disable GPS in Russia
Most probably yes, but if the West wants to keep playing the victim, it better not show off its hypersonic sticks and stones!
And yet it is not the "people" from the place on earth we refer to as the geographical "West" as many are from in this forum who would "want" to pull the victim card in this conflict, it is the 4D STS puppet masters who know how to play the game of pushing buttons on people triggering negative emotions, cashing in on the overall reckless defensive display of emotional weakness, vulnerability, ignorance, irrational responses out of knee jerk primal reactions to the death of your next of kin soldier or friend, comrade, etc, releasing so much negativism in the "air", say, they are feasting in the open field road kills from left and right..so I don't know, I just like to keep things in perspective because I know somebody out there is laughing at us as we speak.
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