Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine


Tucker Carlson had this on his show last night - unbelievable! Yes, we should all shoulder grossly higher fuel cost and the resultant higher cost of food and products because . . . Ukraine! And really, those Nazi values are at the core of what makes America great!
Well, you could say that I'm practically jumping for joy that the other shoe has finally dropped after over 20 years of waiting. Obviously, the suspense has been more acute since 2014, but let's face it, everything was leading to this face down with the US/EU hegemons for a very long time. I sure hope this is the beginning of more justice arriving on the planet.
The tarot card which I pulled this morning was, Justice. Seems very fitting.
This guy on Twitter has some videos. Just scroll...

He says:
My argument regarding Russia's behavior: 1) Moscow switched from deterrence to compellence 2) The key issue is Moscow believes Kyiv will remain hostile and is increasing its defensive capabilities 3) the costs of inaction are greater than an escalation

And links to:

Ruptly has videos and regular updates:

Sorry for the noise! I just learn that it was probably a training drop.
They're not going to make a big show of landing by air. However, there are reports about Russian soldiers in the Odessa and Kherson regions.

This is from a reliable source in Donbass:

Kherson is the Ukrainian region just north of Crimea.
Interesting perspective:

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Zelensky is a puppet, but he's not Putin's puppet. Ukraine is controlled by Organized Crime/Western Intelligence. The last thing Zelensky announced before this move by Russia was that he wanted to rip up the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 so that Ukraine could acquire nukes. That announcement was likely ringing in Putin's ears when he made his move.

The bigger picture to all this is that the US/West installed a weak client regime in Kiev, loaded it with nutjobs and weapons, goaded it into baiting Russia to intervene, and now the empire has its 'plausible lie' for why supply chain crunches, food & energy shortages and bank runs are kicking in the world over: "it's all Putin's fault! He alone destroyed our beautiful rules-based international order..."
The first reaction from Trump

Note that Laura called him President Trump and also it is also written on the screen.
Is that normal in US to address ex-president as president Trump and not Mr. Trump?

About whether this would have happened under Trump: I don't see why not. Trump signed off on significantly increasing weapons flows to the Ukies. He may of course have found a creative workaround whereby Russia got something of what it wanted while the situation in eastern Ukraine didn't at least worsen. Think of his Soleimani intervention, or his limited airstrikes in Syria. However, the historical trajectory leading to this outcome precedes Trump.
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