Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

The same cooler minds that brought us the covid pandemic and "mandated" mRNA jabs?

Sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying. I meant to say that we on the forum should refrain from repeating Cold War rhetoric, sharing "nuclear location" maps or talking about the topic seriously, as if this is actually a possibility that Putin will send nukes to populated areas in the US.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying. I meant to say that we on the forum should refrain from repeating Cold War rhetoric, sharing "nuclear location" maps or talking about the topic seriously, as if this is actually a possibility that Putin will send nukes to populated areas in the US.
Ah, I thought you meant cooler minds will prevail in de-escalating the conflict out there in the world. Whilst I have faith in Putin to do only what's necessary and not go any further than he has to, my faith in the Western a.k.a WEF leaders is low in this current moment in time.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying. I meant to say that we on the forum should refrain from repeating Cold War rhetoric, sharing "nuclear location" maps or talking about the topic seriously, as if this is actually a possibility that Putin will send nukes to populated areas in the US.
Apologies! To be clear: I think if the US or NATO was going to do anything it would have happened already, but instead they're just huffing and puffing about sanctions, in the process looking increasingly pathetic in comparison to the beating their chests and screaming war. Aka actions and words don't match up, so the strongman rhetoric has all been a big bluff. So either it's as you speculated, that this was a back channel arrangement, or it means that US and NATO simply realize they have no cards to play, or both.
I can't now track it down in my files (perhaps someone else here can?), but I think it was about 3-4 years ago that Putin either made a speech or gave an interview in which he stated emphatically that whilst Russia would do everything it could to achieve peace and co-operation via diplomacy and negotiation, if the time came when it was clear these processes could no longer reap benefit and that in fact they were being used as cover for an existential, fait accompli threat to Russia, then the great bear would not wait for such a fatal blow to land before it reacted: rather Russia would take its own destiny into its own hands and dictate the terms of its own survival come what may via preemptive direct action.

It seems that moment has come.

He has no intention of giving the US its desired Afghanistan 1979 2.0 and will clear the den of CIA Nazi vipers quicker that anyone can say Vladivostok, but I would say this has been primarily driven by unequivocal intelligence that what was imminent in Ukraine courtesy of the Brits/US by way of the worst kind of genocidal dirty tricks was that moment. Did they learn nothing from Syria? Seems not as they bathed in the pit of their own lies, delusions and propaganda. Well now they know. Game over. 90 years of US tyranny/hegemony in Europe officially declared moribund as of today. Glory be to Russia. Hail Caesar!
3 min vid on Fox News - Biden has spoken to Zelensky - says will not be sending American soldiers to Ukraine to fight Russians:

Are you talking about a nuclear strike? 😅 While Putin is very determant and talks business, this kind of talk and sharing US map with possible nuclear targets is straight Cold War scare talk. ;-):rolleyes: Not talking specifically about your reply. Just what I see on the thread.
Black humor Keit - Nuclear Map posted originally in coronavirus thread a while back.
I think that cooler minds and reasoning must prevail.
Sure, but who would have thought what has happened in the last two years was possible to happen? Governments forcing a genetic experimental injection if you want to travel/work/eat?!! Even on kids?!! Hauling people away to quarantine camps?!!

It's Mad, Mad, Mad World! But I think Putin will exercise restraint no matter what. It's the lunatic West I worry about although I don't think they will pull the nuclear trigger either. The real danger is Israel - the Samson option:

The following quote is from remarks made in January, 2003 and published in the prominent Dutch publication 'Elsevier' Magazine. Much has progressed for the Israeli military since 2003 and the subject of its Bioweapons capability is not even addressed directly. (Prof Creveld) "Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen, before Israel goes under."
The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון, b'rerat shimshon) is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel.[1]
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Just thinking out loud again. It's actually amazing when I think about it, how the US can do nothing but sit and watch this unfold. Biden is damned if he does anything and damned if he doesn't.

To some war hawks, sanctions won't be enough, he'll look weak, and they'll call for his ouster. If he sends in troops, (which he already said he would not), he will lose the support of those that realize he'd be sending our troops to slaughter.

I don't know how he did it, but this is a brilliant move by Putin. Not only brilliant, but it's the first time in longer than I can remember, that a sense of real justice being served is happening.
Epic, russian soldiers with the bilboard that says: Ukraine - NATO - Europe in Harkov.

IMG_20220224_092247.pngI think that it is more or less over now. Russia will not go for a whole of Ukraine. No need, they will come to Russia.

NATO will do nothing and sanctions would be forgotten in a couple of months.
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