Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I don't know i may be wayyyyy off here but I get the feeling from all this that TPTB really wanted to push Russia over the edge in order to get her to start a conflict with Ukraine thus they'll have the perfect "reasonable" reason (for the plebs) to impose serious sanctions against Russia, who knows even cutting off Russia from the SWIFT system, add to that other economic and political factors and thus it may lead to a domino effect where the final result is the desired economic collapse at least in the Western part of the World.

Thus they basically will be able proceed ahead with their Great Reset plan wishfully thinking that they got this and will be able to have a controlled economic collapse, afterwards imposing worldwide a technocratic dystopic society.

Which is pure hubris from their part considering the fact that there are many factors and forces at play on different levels that will certainly have a great role in this drama.

Just a thought...
I don't know i may be wayyyyy off here but I get the feeling from all this that TPTB really wanted to push Russia over the edge in order to get her to start a conflict with Ukraine thus they'll have the perfect "reasonable" reason (for the plebs) to impose serious sanctions against Russia, who knows even cutting off Russia from the SWIFT system, add to that other economic and political factors and thus it may lead to a domino effect where the final result is the desired economic collapse at least in the Western part of the World.

Thus they basically will be able proceed ahead with their Great Reset plan wishfully thinking that they got this and will be able to have a controlled economic collapse, afterwards imposing worldwide a technocratic dystopic society.

Which is pure hubris from their part considering the fact that there many factors and forces at play on different levels that will certainly have a great role in this drama.

Just a thought...

I suspect the same.
Not so sure. It might get very complex since Russia is striking over the whole Ukraine, including very close to the Polish border, troops will likely be mobilized on that side. Russia has to conduct a clean operation before it drags everyone into a mess.
Not quite my assessment, listening to a black pigeon speaks/felix rex livestream with a guest, I think they provide a great assessment as the info comes in:
That is why you achieve air superiority and can do what you want because all those ground units will be put out of use from air when it comes to conventional warfare, but guerilla war is something altogether different and there will probobaly be no occupation, not in the long run because they have experience with it and what it entails.
There is a possibility, among many other reasons, that Putin made the final decision to begin this operation because there was info (including words from Zelensky) that Ukraine will work on having or using nuclear weapons. Ukraine also decided to cease from the Budapest Memorandum.

This is a full stop and a very solid reason to go in and put a total and final stop to whatever goes on in Ukraine. Otherwise it would pose a grave danger to Russia.
Yes, see this article on RT by Scott Ritter:

There are still questions if Biden and Putin had prior agreement, as was explained by Khazin (in order to distract from the upcoming economic chaos in US). It's quite possible that this is the case. But it really doesn't matter. Either way it's clear that the West will impose "further serious sanctions" on Russia.
Yep, that was always the plan. Russia has called their bluff though.

Well, as you may have heard from Putin, he and others from his team don't care about that at all. Khazin also said that right now no sanctions are going to have any real or serious effects on Russia. I mean, sure, they will to a degree, but Russia will be able to bounce back. The West will only hurt itself.
In a big way, from the looks of it. NATO will only look on powerlessly while Ukraine is completely removed from their influence and Europe is going to have to eat their words in a big way or risk their industrial productive capacity, which requires access to low cost, abundant Russian energy.

Ironic that a few days ago, NATO could have maintained its influence if it had ceased its provocations. Now, it's lost everything.
Hello, bjorn! I'll write what I think.
First of all, I will say right away that Ukraine is not a stranger to me personally. I was born and grew up in Moscow, but I had to visit Ukraine many times, in particular, while still studying at school, I was in a "labor camp", as it was then called, in a village near Dneprodzerzhinsk for 2 months, I was in the Crimea several times, while serving in the army I was near Odessa for six months, in 2006-2008 for work I practically lived in Ukraine. At that time, I traveled almost all of this country, with the exception of the west itself. At the same time, I must say that my wife's relatives now live and are in Stakhanov, this is the LPR, at a distance of 10 km from the contact line. When as a child we went on vacation to the Crimea, then where we were, and this is mainly the resort coast, it was impossible to hear Ukrainian speech at all. Absolutely everyone spoke Russian.
When I was near Dneprodzerzhinsk, in the village, there were people speaking pseudo-Ukrainian. We call this dialect "surjik".
When I was near Odessa, this is the north of the Odessa region, historically Moldovan lands, there were more people speaking Ukrainian and Moldovan, but absolutely everyone understood and could explain themselves in Russian.
When I worked in Ukraine, I spent most of my time in Kiev and it was an absolutely Russian-speaking city. In transport, shops, on the streets, the Ukrainian language could be heard once a week at best. There is nothing to say about the territories east of Kiev. I have been to Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Donetsk, Luhansk and many small settlements. All these are Russian-speaking territories. At that time, there was no such language madness that came after 2014, but what really shocked me at that time and led to bad expectations was advertising. Outdoor and television advertising. At that time, NATO was already advertised in full, as we advertise toothpaste and diapers. The people were actively fooled.
Of course, in most of the territory of Ukraine, the population is Russian-speaking, but over the past 8 years there has been a superactive Ukrainization and during this time a whole generation of young people has grown up. In general, I think that firstly, the Ukrainian army will not fight seriously, because there is nothing to fight for, and the population will certainly meet the Russian forces as liberators, but Nazi groups such as Azov, the National Corps, and the right sector may try to organize some kind of guerrilla war. Historically, this is not new for Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, the entire territory of Ukraine was under German occupation for more than one year and quite a lot of residents cooperated with the occupiers and served in the police and military units of the occupiers. I personally saw one of them when I was in the "labor camp". Local guys showed us an old man who served in the German police during the war. After the war, he was convicted of cooperation and after serving his sentence returned to his native village.
I apologize for some confusion, but you can't write about it in a nutshell, but I really want to be understandable to as many readers as possible.

Привет, bjorn! Напишу, что я думаю. Во первых сразу скажу, что Украина для меня лично не чужая. я Родился и вырос в Москве, однако мне много раз приходилось бывать на Украине, в частности еще учась в школе я был в " трудовом лагере", как это тогда у нас называлось, в деревне под Днепродзержинском на протяжении 2 месяцев, несколько раз был в Крыму, во время службы в армии я был под Одессой полгода, в 2006-2008 по работе я практически жил на Украине. В это время я объездил почти всю эту страну, за исключением самого запада. Вместе с этим надо сказать, что родственники моей жены сейчас живут и находятся в Стаханове, это ЛНР, на расстоянии 10км от линии соприкосновения. Когда в детстве мы ездили отдыхать в Крым, то там где мы были, а это в основном курортное побережье, украинскую речь вообще услышать было нельзя. Абсолютно все говорили по русски. Когда я был под Днепродзержинском, в деревне, то там были люди говорящие на псевдоукраинском. У нас этот диалект называют "суржиком". Когда я был под Одессой, это север Одесской области, исторически молдавские земли, там было больше гворящих на украинском и молдавском, однако абсолютно все понимали и могли объясняться на русском. Когда я работал на Украине, большинство времени я проводил в Киеве и это был абсолютно русскоязычный город. В транспорте, магазинах, на улицах украинский язык можно было услышать раз в неделю в лучшем случае. Про территории восточнее Киева и говорить нечего. Я был в Харькове, Днепропетровске, Николаеве, Сумах, Донецке, Луганске и во множестве мелких населенных пунктах. Всё это русскоязычные территории. В то время такого языкового сумасшествия, которое наступило после 2014 года еще не было, однако что меня тогда сильно потрясло и наводило на нехорошие ожидания, это реклама. Наружная и телевизионная реклама. Тогда уже во всю рекламировалось НАТО, так как у нас рекламируют зубную пасту и памперсы. Народ активно оболванивали. Конечно на большей части территории Украины население русскоязычное, однако последние 8 лет присходило суперактивная украинизация и за это время подросло целое поколение молодежи. В целом я думаю, что во первых, украинская армия не будет серьезно воевать, потому что воевать не за что, а население конечно будет встречать российские силы, как освбодителей, однако нацистские группировки типа "азов", "национальный корпус", "правый сектор" могут попытаться организовать некое подобие партизанской войны. Исторически для Украины это не ново. Во время Великой Отечественной Войны вся территория украины находилась пол немецкой оккупацией не один год и довольно много жителей сотрудничали с оккупантами и служили в полицейских и военных частях оккупантов. Я лично видел одного такого, когда был в "трудовом лагере". Местные ребята нам показывали старичка, который во время войны служил в немецкой полиции. После войны был осужден за сотрудничество и отсидев свой срок вернулся в родную деревню. Я прошу прощения за некий сумбур, но в двух словах об этом всем не напишешь, однако очень хочется быть понятным максимально большому количеству читателей.
As the Covid replaced the armed conflict in Syria, so the armed conflict in Ukraine is displacing Covid with the advent of spring of course. I hope no one will be offended and call me insensitive if I believe, that the current Ukraine-22 is nothing but another orchestrated step towards the new World Formula. As per the pattern it will probably be superseded in short succession, I believe 1 year or less by another existential threat or conflict that will affect the entire 'Globe' which will display 'magical' technologies that will be attributed to forces out of our Terran World.
I am sorry, but I reached the point where all the news froth about figures, personalities and 'events' mean nothing else but what animated cartoons would.
It will be interesting which other regions will join the way of DPR and LPR, when the bullying units of the Nazi/nationalist units have been reduced in influence. Knowing that Russia will likely protect them, might make quite a few people in the traditional Russia aligned oblast chose to make themselves be heard. It certainly seems clear at this stage that it was the full Donbass which was recognised and not those reduced parts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions controlled by the people's militias.

This could signal a new era for Ukrainians similar to when the cloak of Nazism was defeated in WW2, though not all Ukrainians will feel happy about it, especially in the Western regions.
Hello, bjorn! I'll write what I think.
First of all, I will say right away that Ukraine is not a stranger to me personally. I was born and grew up in Moscow, but I had to visit Ukraine many times, in particular, while still studying at school, I was in a "labor camp", as it was then called, in a village near Dneprodzerzhinsk for 2 months, I was in the Crimea several times, while serving in the army I was near Odessa for six months, in 2006-2008 for work I practically lived in Ukraine. At that time, I traveled almost all of this country, with the exception of the west itself. At the same time, I must say that my wife's relatives now live and are in Stakhanov, this is the LPR, at a distance of 10 km from the contact line. When as a child we went on vacation to the Crimea, then where we were, and this is mainly the resort coast, it was impossible to hear Ukrainian speech at all. Absolutely everyone spoke Russian.
When I was near Dneprodzerzhinsk, in the village, there were people speaking pseudo-Ukrainian. We call this dialect "surjik".
When I was near Odessa, this is the north of the Odessa region, historically Moldovan lands, there were more people speaking Ukrainian and Moldovan, but absolutely everyone understood and could explain themselves in Russian.
When I worked in Ukraine, I spent most of my time in Kiev and it was an absolutely Russian-speaking city. In transport, shops, on the streets, the Ukrainian language could be heard once a week at best. There is nothing to say about the territories east of Kiev. I have been to Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Donetsk, Luhansk and many small settlements. All these are Russian-speaking territories. At that time, there was no such language madness that came after 2014, but what really shocked me at that time and led to bad expectations was advertising. Outdoor and television advertising. At that time, NATO was already advertised in full, as we advertise toothpaste and diapers. The people were actively fooled.
Of course, in most of the territory of Ukraine, the population is Russian-speaking, but over the past 8 years there has been a superactive Ukrainization and during this time a whole generation of young people has grown up. In general, I think that firstly, the Ukrainian army will not fight seriously, because there is nothing to fight for, and the population will certainly meet the Russian forces as liberators, but Nazi groups such as Azov, the National Corps, and the right sector may try to organize some kind of guerrilla war. Historically, this is not new for Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, the entire territory of Ukraine was under German occupation for more than one year and quite a lot of residents cooperated with the occupiers and served in the police and military units of the occupiers. I personally saw one of them when I was in the "labor camp". Local guys showed us an old man who served in the German police during the war. After the war, he was convicted of cooperation and after serving his sentence returned to his native village.
I apologize for some confusion, but you can't write about it in a nutshell, but I really want to be understandable to as many readers as possible.

Привет, bjorn! Напишу, что я думаю. Во первых сразу скажу, что Украина для меня лично не чужая. я Родился и вырос в Москве, однако мне много раз приходилось бывать на Украине, в частности еще учась в школе я был в " трудовом лагере", как это тогда у нас называлось, в деревне под Днепродзержинском на протяжении 2 месяцев, несколько раз был в Крыму, во время службы в армии я был под Одессой полгода, в 2006-2008 по работе я практически жил на Украине. В это время я объездил почти всю эту страну, за исключением самого запада. Вместе с этим надо сказать, что родственники моей жены сейчас живут и находятся в Стаханове, это ЛНР, на расстоянии 10км от линии соприкосновения. Когда в детстве мы ездили отдыхать в Крым, то там где мы были, а это в основном курортное побережье, украинскую речь вообще услышать было нельзя. Абсолютно все говорили по русски. Когда я был под Днепродзержинском, в деревне, то там были люди говорящие на псевдоукраинском. У нас этот диалект называют "суржиком". Когда я был под Одессой, это север Одесской области, исторически молдавские земли, там было больше гворящих на украинском и молдавском, однако абсолютно все понимали и могли объясняться на русском. Когда я работал на Украине, большинство времени я проводил в Киеве и это был абсолютно русскоязычный город. В транспорте, магазинах, на улицах украинский язык можно было услышать раз в неделю в лучшем случае. Про территории восточнее Киева и говорить нечего. Я был в Харькове, Днепропетровске, Николаеве, Сумах, Донецке, Луганске и во множестве мелких населенных пунктах. Всё это русскоязычные территории. В то время такого языкового сумасшествия, которое наступило после 2014 года еще не было, однако что меня тогда сильно потрясло и наводило на нехорошие ожидания, это реклама. Наружная и телевизионная реклама. Тогда уже во всю рекламировалось НАТО, так как у нас рекламируют зубную пасту и памперсы. Народ активно оболванивали. Конечно на большей части территории Украины население русскоязычное, однако последние 8 лет присходило суперактивная украинизация и за это время подросло целое поколение молодежи. В целом я думаю, что во первых, украинская армия не будет серьезно воевать, потому что воевать не за что, а население конечно будет встречать российские силы, как освбодителей, однако нацистские группировки типа "азов", "национальный корпус", "правый сектор" могут попытаться организовать некое подобие партизанской войны. Исторически для Украины это не ново. Во время Великой Отечественной Войны вся территория украины находилась пол немецкой оккупацией не один год и довольно много жителей сотрудничали с оккупантами и служили в полицейских и военных частях оккупантов. Я лично видел одного такого, когда был в "трудовом лагере". Местные ребята нам показывали старичка, который во время войны служил в немецкой полиции. После войны был осужден за сотрудничество и отсидев свой срок вернулся в родную деревню. Я прошу прощения за некий сумбур, но в двух словах об этом всем не напишешь, однако очень хочется быть понятным максимально большому количеству читателей.

Thank you.

Russia recognition of the LDNR – a few initial thoughts​

I listened to the full Russian Security Council meeting, then to Putin’s address to the nation, then the signing of the the treaties on cooperation and mutual support.

The first thing which I want to point out is that this was a very carefully orchestrated event, and I don’t just mean today’s live meetings and signing. For those of us who follow Russian politics very closely there can be no doubts that all this was prepared long BEFORE the Russian ultimatum to the West.

This is “the plan” which Putin once openly referred to.

Let me make this clear: this recognition should NOT, repeat, NOT, be seen in isolation. It is just ONE PHASE in a PROCESS which began at least a year ago, or more, and there is much more to come.

Next, that must be repeated again, this is NOT about the LDNR, the Donbass or even the Ukraine, this is about a new security architecture on Europe and, therefore, on our entire planet.

This means that Russia expected exactly the reaction she eventually got (western politicians are fantastically predictable, being both ignorant, stupid and arrogant) and that gave her a legal basis to take the current action (call it R2P, or moral duty, or genocide prevention or whatever else you wish).

I want to use this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to President Biden and Chancellor Scholz who both played their role to perfection, especially Scholz with his “laughable genocide talk” comment. More generally, a lot of the credit for what just happened today goes to the leaders of the Empire who played their hand exactly as the Kremlin hoped they would.

Next, I immediately want to mention sanctions. Let it be clearly told: whatever sanctions the West now agrees upon will be what they would have done in any case. I repeat: today’s recognition of the LDNR will have exactly ZERO influence on the West’s maniacal determination to destroy Russia and her people. In other words, the coming sanctions were unavoidable. That means that Russia “lost” exactly *nothing* through that move. In fact, both during the RSC meeting and his speech, Putin hinted that, if anything, western sanctions have been mostly beneficial to the Russian economy (especially the real economy, not just the value of Russian stocks or the Ruble).

Sanctions is a topic which only matters to western politicians (and their 5th and 6th column in Russia). Russians 1) remember that during her history both Russia and the USSR were more or less always under some kind of sanctions anyway and 2) that the goal of the West is not to reach an equilibrium with Russia, but to subjugate and destroy her (Putin himself said so many years ago).

In this context, the endless focus on sanctions (from hell or otherwise) is not only immoral, it is plain stupid.

Next, I want to mention four specific threats made by Putin today (note, since the PR folks at the Kremlin are still working at their usual snail’s pace, I will have to make them by memory, please keep that in mind):

  • Those responsible for the massacre in Odessa will be punished by Russia.
  • Putin is demanding an immediate cessation of the shelling and shooting along the LOC.
  • Russia will physically prevent the Ukraine from US/NATO deploying offensive weapons to threaten Russia.
  • Russia will show Banderastan how to organize a *real* “decommunization” (after indicating that the Ukraine was created by the CPSU).
Again, I will repeat here what I wrote above: this recognition should NOT, repeat, NOT, be seen in isolation. It is just ONE PHASE in a PROCESS which began at least a year ago, or more, and there is much more to come.

Unless the Ukies get it – and they probably won’t – I fully expect Russia to openly extend here “military umbrella” over the LDNR. That does not mean that she will have to move troops in, though that now is also a possibility, but that any future Ukie ground operation will be countered by the full might of the Russian military. Officially this time. The Ukros along the LOC have heard it from Putin’s own mouth: we got a crosshairs on each one of you. While I wouldn’t put *anything* beyond the Ukros, I believe that today’s clear threat will have a strong deterrent effect, whether the Ukies admit it (not gonna happen) or not.

After listening to it all, I still have a few questions to which I did not get a reply yet.

Administrative borders of the DNR vs the LOC

In what exact borders does Russia recognize the LNR and DNR? Along the LOC or along their original administrative borders? (see map).

I strongly suspect that for a while Russia will keep a flou artistique on this topic, but what Putin meant was a recognition of the LDNR in their original administrative borders. If I am correct, this ALSO means that Russia will not liberate the rest of Banderastan, which I also fully approve of: the Ukrainians need to liberate themselves for once, enough of that constant waiting for the Moskals to liberate them from their “western friends”!
  1. Putin mentioned the immense sums of money Russia has poured into the Ukraine even after it turned into Banderastan. Will Russia *finally* impose an economic embargo on that Nazi state?
  2. The DNR/LNR having just been recognized, they are not members of the CSTO. Not only that, but I very much doubt that all the members of the CSTO will recognize the LDNR anytime soon. So if there is the need to launch a “coercion to peace” operation, will Russia act unilaterally, maybe with Belarus, or will she try to get some kind of joint operation with other countries? This just in: the Russian MoD has announced that it received the order to provide/ensure the safety/security of the LDNR! That means a peace enforcement (coercion to peace) has been ordered!
Some will be tempted to focus on what the western politicians will say or do next. I sure have no idea which they might or might not do next, but I would advise them to be extremely careful, because the mood in Russia is determined. If anybody still believes that Putin is bluffing, then wish them good luck because the best they can hope for is a quick, painless, death.

For the US Americans everything is measured in Dollars. For Europeans, everything is measured by Euros. During WWII Russia lost 27 million of her own people, two thirds of them civilians, as for the Chinese, they lost a whopping 35 million. These are countries and nations which will not be broken, or purchased, by Dollars or Euros.

Then there is this: if the West slaps “sanctions from hell” on Russia, what will the leaders of the West do the day AFTER they impose such sanctions? The truth that the West is already “out-sanctioned”. But let’s assume that there will be even more sanctions. From hell, no less. Then what?

Nothing, of course.

Russia has already long turned away from the West, not only culturally but also economically (Mishustin confirmed that today). If the EU wants to commit economic seppuku – that’s fine by Russia. The Kremlin is quite willing to turn up the pain dial, but if western leaders want to increase the pain dial on each other (the US dialing up economic pain for the EU), by all means, Russia won’t object.

As always, I suggest that we not jump to any further conclusions too quickly: let’s wait for the full, official transcripts, then the statements of key politicians (who will be tasked with implementing/interpreting these statements). In this situation, words matter (at least those of Russian officials).

I will conclude by a warning: I fully expect the CIA/MI6 agents in Russia (5th column: liberals; 6th column: emo-Marxists and pseudo-patriots) to unleash a MAJOR PSYOP offensive against Putin personally and this decision. Arguments will include anything and everything in between “not enough” and “too much” including the inevitable “too little too late”. If there is one thing you need to know about both the 5th and 6th columns in Russia is that for them any success by Putin (or even while Putin is in power) is categorically unacceptable and must be denied at all costs. So while they claim to hate each other, they really hate Putin much more. In fact, they hate Putin much, much more than they love Russia. I strongly urge all the readers to always think cui bono when you will hear their endless defeatist wailing!

Okay, I will end it here: let’s see what happens next.

Umm - I lost internet 30 min. ago. Went to bed, but was no longer the least bit sleepy, so decided to check if the net was back on.

"The revolution will not be televised" - and probably the internet won't be working either!

The live youtube is informative - oil already $100 barrel and bitcoin taking a dive.

I had turned on Fox news earlier, but turned off the sound because of their absurd commentary and then just finally turned it off altogether.
The German minister for economy has announced that Nord Stream 2 will not be implemented in the near or middle term. He is from the Green party and against fossil fuels so this is not a surprise. How he can be a minister for the economy is a good question and how German industry will react to being effectively de-industrialised is another question.

On the financial market, Bitcoin is down close to 5%, Gold is up close to 2% and the Ruble has lost 7% of value against the US dollar.

GAME ON: ALL OUT RUSSIAN TAKEOVER OF ALL of Ukraine and possibly more.​

GAME ON: ALL OUT RUSSIAN TAKEOVER OF ALL of Ukraine and possibly more.

Corrections may be made frequently because this is all progressing so rapidly now.


Russia has launched so many cruise missiles that there are many clear videos of them flying by. that takes a LOT of missiles.
A UKRANIAN SU-27, perhaps the only one they managed to get airborne was forced to land in Romania because Russia destroyed every landing strip in Ukraine.

Confirmed: Russian ground vehicles are already crossing into Ukraine (APC's and tanks)

Confirmed: Fox News reporter killed.

Russia is now claiming it completely neutralized Ukraine's entire air force before Ukraine managed to get a single plane off the ground.

Actually cool: Perfectly captured video of a Russian cruise missile flying by A CLASSIC "lucky shot"


Bug out traffic jams in Kiev. Bugging out last minute does not cut it!​

America's doomsday plane has taken off​

Amphibious landing at Odessa UPDATE: Apparently rumor.​

Nato invoking Article 4. This means they are going to have a powow but no decision to react has been reached yet.​

Russia knocked CNN's reporters offline in Kiev​

America has moved the government into bunkers​

One Russian jet shot down​

Ukraine is claiming 5 Russian jets shot down. UPDATE: Russia has stated they have not used airstrikes at all, everything that has exploded so far (three hours into this) has been due to artillery, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. That means Ukraine probably shot down NOTHING.

RUMOR: An hour and a half into the attack, Ukraine's entire navy has been sunk. UPDATE: NOT RUMOR, all ships sunk and Russia is now, less than two hours in, occupying all naval bases.​

Not rumor: Russia has blown up so many ammo depots they can't even be kept up with.​

2.5 hours into the attacks and Russia has declared Ukraine's entire military disabled.​

It appears many Ukranians hate the U.S. "occupation" so badly they did not fight at all. Why would they when U.S. backed groups routinely shelled them?​

Only two hours into this, and Russia is already beginning to capture Ukranian officials​

OBVIOUS: Russia is one-upping "shock and awe" MASSIVELY, to let the West know hands had best be kept off. Shock and awe was not like this, not so fast, and Ukraine was far better equipped than Saddam.​

FACT: Ukraine is getting wiped out like dirt off a windshield.​

Everyone is calling Biden weak, and saying this would never have happened under Trump.​

Biden has promised "tough sanctions" in response to Russia wiping Ukraine's entire military out.​


It took them 45 minutes to shut down several airports including the military airfield in Kiev, a Nato airfield in Boryspil, with live fire and within an hour they took over the airport in Kyiv with boots on the ground, fully occupied. It happened with mind blowing speed. So I put on a pot of coffee, I think I'm doing the late shift.

An hour or so after the initiation of the full on assault, live cams are going down all over Ukraine. I was watching one with 4 different cameras at once and it looked like nothing was going on and blip all 4 went down simultaneously. And other people are reporting more than that down.

Massive explosions in Mariupol

Military base in Chuhuiv was destroyed. Destroyed??? Russia is going ALL OUT.​

It appears Ukraine has been able to return fire to Russia, with explosions reported in the province of Belgorod​

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