4d candidate
Idk if there would be protests at all. They would probably just blame Putin and war for all of this and the majority would swallow it and even be happy about it ("yeah, -flick- Putin, we will suffer for Ukraine together!"). But there's a chance that the truth will break into people's minds by then.
Anyway I don't think the rest of Europe is going to follow Poland's footsteps. I guess Polish government is seriously blackmailed by their owners and is their doggie on the leash, idk if they have less or more power in countries like Germany, France, UK etc. Maybe those countries are now trying to figure out a way to break free from those psychos. I can only imagine what crazy things are now happening behind the scenes. How they all are just in a rush, freaking out.
I guess one of psychos' goal is to completely cut off the west EU countries from Eurasia and Asia. And today's Morawiecki's speech is another step.
I have no doubt about the authenticity of this document. Mr. Albin Siwak at the end of 1980s took the document out of the building of Polish United Workers' Party and published it in his book ,,Without Fear" Volume II. For almost 50 years, the Poles had no idea that a huge group of people was acting with ruthless, iron discipline against the nation and the country in order to gain and cement their power for ever. Anyone who lived in Poland during those years can confirm that the scenario outlined by Berman in 1947 at the inspiration of Beria was implemented at every point and with astonishing precision. No one can estimate the scale of the phenomenon of the mass change of surnames from Jewish to Polish-sounding, while various conservative estimates speak of at least a few tens of thousands, and others of hundreds of thousands. Hannah Arendt also writes about it in her book "Eichman in Jerusalem", where name changes took place not only in many cities in Poland, but also in Moscow, where in appropriate offices the matter was obviously supervised by Jewish officials. These people had their children and grandchildren, and now Poland is ruled by the third generation of "Eskimos" Innuits, as we in Poland call the roots.
So I ask Western readers not to attach importance to Polish names of politicians and officials like Morawiecki, Kaczynski, Tusk, Michnik, Boni, Czarnecki etc., because it really doesn't make sense, it confuses the whole matter and attributes to the whole Polish people something they didn't and don't have any influence on, because they are simply not aware of it enough in their mass.
My goal is not to accuse and stigmatize any religious group or country, but to show how psychopathy works on the example of Poland, because maybe in your countries there are similar hydras, which your fellow citizens are not aware of.
A transcript from a secret lecture given by communist Jakub Berman at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Jewish Committee in April 1945.
CONFIDENTIAL Instruction Nk/003/47
Jewish scenario for enslaving states and nations. Moscow governors had to obey it on pain of immediate summons to Moscow or gulag banishment. A copy of this script was in the Belvedere, for the information of Bierut, Berman and their closest Jewish clique. That is where it died!...
We have a copy of this unique top secret Jewish document.
Let's go to the reading of this document
A faithful translation from the original Russian
Strictly secret Moscow 2 June 1947.
Instruction Nk/003/47
The Jews have the opportunity to take the whole of state life in Poland into their own hands and to extend their control over it. Do not push for representative posts. Create a so-called "second suit" in ministries and offices. Take Polish surnames. conceal their Jewish origins. To create and spread among the people the opinion, and to strengthen them in the conviction, that the Poles are the most prominent rulers, and the Jews do not play any role in the state.
In order to shape the opinion and outlook of the Polish people in the direction desired for us, propaganda with its most important departments - press, film and radio - must be in our hands first and foremost. To fill political, social, economic and intelligence positions in the army. We should firmly establish ourselves in the national economy. In the ministries, Jews should be the first to be appointed: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Treasury, Industry, Foreign Trade, Justice. The central institutions should include the trade centers and the cooperative movement. Within the framework of private initiative, maintain a strong position in the field of trade during the transition period. Apply a similar method in the party - to sit behind the backs of the Poles, but to direct everything.
The settlement of the Jews should be carried out with a certain plan and for the benefit of Jewish society. In my opinion, it should be settled in larger concentrations, such as: Warsaw, Cracow; in the center of economic and commercial life: Katowice, Wrocław, Szczecin, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Łódź, Bielsko. We should also create typical industrial and agricultural centers, mainly in the recovered lands, not stopping at Walbrzych and Rychbach - now Dzierzoniow. In these centers we can adapt our future cadres in those professions with which we would be poorly acquainted.
To recognize anti-Semitism as the main treason and to exterminate it at every step. If it is ascertained that a Pole is an anti-Semite, immediately liquidate him with the help of the security authorities or PPR militia, as a fascist, without explaining to the executive authorities the crux of the matter.
The Jews must work for their own victory, while at the same time working for the victory and priming of communism in the world, because only then and with such a system will the Jewish people achieve the highest prosperity and secure for themselves the strongest position. There is little prospect of war occurring. If America begins to socialize rapidly, then by means of greater or lesser internal upheavals communism must prevail there too. Then the Jewish reaction, which today is in lockstep with the international reaction, will betray it and recognise that the Jews on the other side of the barricades were right. A similar case of Jews all over the world coexisting under two different political concepts - communism and capitalism - occurred in the last war. The two major world powers, completely controlled and influenced by the Jews, shook hands.
The toil of the Jews working around Roosevelt led the United States, together with the USSR, to take up arms against central Europe, where was the cradle of a new idea based on hatred of the Jews. The Jews did this because they knew that in the event of a victory by the Axis, and mainly by Hitler's Germany, which had perfectly seen through the plans of Jewish policy, the danger of racism would become an accomplished fact in the USA and the Jews would disappear from the face of the world. Therefore, the Soviet Jews sacrificed the blood of the Russian people for this purpose, and the American Jews committed their capitals.
A further influx of Jews into Poland is to be expected, since there are still many Jews in Russia. Before the invasion of the Germans, there were several concentrations of Polish Jews in the various cities of the USSR: Kharkov - 36,200, Kiev - 17,800, Moscow - 53,000, Leningrad - 61,000, in the western republics 184,730. The Jews concentrated in these centers are mostly Jewish intelligentsia and former Jewish merchants. This element is now being trained in the USSR. These are the cadres of the builders of Poland - i.e., according to the Politburo's project, these specialists will fill the most important areas of life in Poland, and the Jews in general will be located mainly in the centers of the country.
The old Jewish policy had failed. We have now adopted a new one which unites the aims of the Jewish people with the policy of the USSR. The basic principle of this policy is the creation of a ruling apparatus composed of representatives of the Jewish population in Poland. Every Jew must be aware that the Soviet Union is a great friend and protector of the Jewish people, that although the number of Jews has decreased enormously in comparison with the pre-war situation, the Jews of today show greater solidarity. Every Jew must have this conviction instilled in him that all others are working side by side with him in the same spirit towards a common goal. The Jewish question will still occupy the minds of Poles, but this will change to our advantage, when we manage to raise at least two Polish generations.
According to the Provincial Jewish Committee, there are now over 40,000 Jews in Upper and Lower Silesia. About 15,000 Jews are to be employed in the settlement. The districts of Rychbach (Dzierżoniów) and Nysa are provided for these purposes. The settlement action is financed by Jewish foreign and state funds. The Jews are deliberately creating a new, albeit temporarily insignificant, concentration of the Jewish element, laying the foundation for the occupation of farmers and industrial workers. This is building the groundwork for broader political goals
1. no field informers recruited from the countryside are to be received in the embassy building. Meetings with these people are arranged by our secret service in public places. Information is received by the embassy through our special services.
(2) Special care must be taken to ensure that there is no contact between our military and the civilian population of the country. It is unacceptable for our officers to make visits to the homes of
the homes of the countrymen by our officer cadres, nor is it permissible for our rank-and-file soldiers to establish contact with local women, the population or the countrymen.
3. to speed up the liquidation of the countrymen connected with the KPP, PPS, Waltherovites, KZMP, AK, BCH and other groups that were created without our inspiration. Use the fact of armed opposition for this purpose.
4. Ensure that soldiers who were in our territory before joining the Kosciuszko Army are sent first to all combat operations. Lead to their complete liquidation.
5. To accelerate the unification of all parties into one organization and to ensure that all key positions are filled by people approved by our
by our secret service.
6. bring about the unification of the entire youth movement into one organization, with positions from the county level upwards filled by people approved by our secret service. By the time of the unification, eliminate known scout leaders.
(7) To cause and see to it that delegates appointed to party conventions do not retain their seats for the term of office of their elected party authorities; under no circumstances may delegates call inter-company meetings. If it is necessary to call such a meeting, people who have been active in putting forward ideas and demands should be eliminated. To elect new candidates for every next congress, only those selected by our special services. 8.
8. pay close attention to people with organizational sense who know how to gain popularity. Such people should be recruited, and if they refuse
not allow them to get higher positions.
9. ensure that state employees (with the exception of the law enforcement agencies and the mining industry) receive low salaries. This applies especially to the health service, the judiciary, education and managers at various levels.
10) Introduce people who cooperate with our special services (without the knowledge of the national authorities) into all bodies of government and major workplaces.
11. special attention should be paid to ensure that the national press does not give aggregate quantities and types of goods sent to the USSR. This cannot be called trade either. Ensure that the national press emphasizes the amount of goods we send to Poland, but mentions that this is within the framework of trade.
12. influence the national authorities so that purchasers of land, land and plots of land do not receive title deeds but only grant deeds.
13. direct the policy towards individual farming so that farming would become unprofitable and productivity as low as possible. The next step should be to collectivise the villages. In case of stronger opposition, the supply of means of production to the countryside should be reduced and the obligations to the state increased. If this does not help, make agriculture insufficient to cover the country's food needs and base food supply on imports. 14.
14. make all legal, economic and organizational regulations and acts (except military ones) imprecise
15. cause several commissions, offices, social institutions to be established for each issue, but none of them should have the right to make the final decision without consulting the others. (This does not apply to the mining industry).
(16) Self-governments in workplaces must not have any influence on the direction of the companies. They may only concern themselves with the manner in which the mandated tasks are carried out.
17. the trade unions must not be able to oppose the instructions of management. Burden the unions with other work, such as organizing holidays, supplies, entertainment and educational activities, excursions and the distribution of attractive goods, confirming the opinions and decisions of political authorities.
(18) Cause to be promoted only those workers who exemplarily carry out the tasks assigned to them and show no inclination to analyze matters not going beyond these activities.
19) Nationals in state and economic party positions should be made to act in ways that will compromise them in the eyes of their subordinates and constituents and close off their return to those circles from which they come.
20. the officer cadre recruited from the nationals can be entrusted with appropriate positions provided that our special services are already there.
Place under special supervision the amount of ammunition for all types of weapons from each arsenal and sharpshooting exercises, conduct a kind of accounting.
22. subject to special surveillance all laboratories and scientific-research institutions.
23. special attention should be paid to the rationalization and invention movement, to develop and support it, but all discoveries should be carefully registered and recorded,
to the headquarters. To allow to be realized only those inventions, which are useful in the mining industry, preliminary processing and specified in a special instruction.
Do not pursue those discoveries that could lead to an increase in production at the expense of a reduction in the extraction of raw materials or the abandonment of prescribed activities. In the case of major discoveries, cause them to be sold abroad. Do not allow publications containing values and descriptions of inventions.
(24) Cause disruption in the punctuality of transports (except for transports specified in instruction NK 552-46).
25. inspire the convening of environmental and problem meetings, collect the motions and proposals put forward there, register the proposers, and carry out the line specified in the instructions.
26. popularize interviews with working people on current production problems, which include criticism of the past or of local disorder, but do not lead to the elimination of the causes of the criticized phenomena.
27. public speeches by national authorities may contain national and historical accents, but must not lead to the unification of the people's spirit.
28. Pay close attention to whether new water intakes independent of the main
water supply system. Old water intakes and street wells should be systematically eliminated.
29. during reconstruction and industry expansion ensure that industrial sewage flows into rivers that can be potable water reservoirs. 30.
30. housing in new settlements and reconstructed cities should not contain additional rooms for keeping livestock or accumulating
The use of the new system is not a problem.
31) Cause private enterprises and craftsmen to receive raw materials and equipment that do not allow the production of good quality articles, and the price of these products should be higher than similar ones produced by the state.
(32) To bring about the maximum expansion of office administration at all levels. Criticism of administrative activity may be permitted, but it must not be allowed to diminish or work efficiently.
(33) All production plans in the extractive industries and in the activities specified by appropriate instructions should be seen to, and the supply of the domestic market must not be allowed to be carried out.
(34) To subject the Church to special scrutiny and to direct educational activities in such a way as to arouse popular revulsion against this institution.
To take under close scrutiny church printing houses, archives, libraries, sermons, carol services (the last example is what Father Jankowski said: the snitches of the Jews trumpeted to the whole world, not that it was true but that it was anti-Semitic), the contents of religious teachings and funeral rites.
In state and vocational education, especially in secondary and higher schools, remove teachers who enjoy popular authority and recognition. Introduce appointed people in their place.
Lead to the breaking of correlation between subjects, to restrictions on the publication of sources, to the removal of Latin, Greek, general philosophy and genetics from secondary schools.
In history, it is forbidden to tell what each ruler wanted to do or did for the country, but it is necessary to show the tyranny of kings and the struggles of the oppressed people. To lead to narrow specialization in vocational education. 36.
36. to inspire the organization of national events related to the struggle of the country's people against the partitioners (with the exception of the Russian partition), especially against Germany and the fight for
(37) In domestic publications, do not allow studies of the nationals who stayed in our country until the revolution and during World War II.
38. in case of the formation of an organization which supports an alliance with our country but aims at controlling the economic activity of the official authorities of the country, it is necessary to take up immediate action (independently of the authorities of the country) charging these organizations with nationalistic and chauvinistic tendencies. Forms of activity :
Demolition of our monuments and cemeteries (currently the Synagogue set on fire), publication of leaflets mocking our nation, our culture, the meaning of the treaties concluded. Engage the country's people in propaganda work and exploit the existing hatred against us.
39) Take care to build and expand bridges, roads and numerous connections so that in the event of a military intervention it will be possible to reach quickly and from any direction a resistance point or a concentration of opposition forces.
40. Ensure that political opponents are arrested. To deal with opponents with authority among the nationalists. Eliminate by so-called situational seizures casuals before they become notorious or arrest them earlier for criminal offenses.
41. Do not allow rehabilitation of persons convicted in political trials. If rehabilitation is necessary, it may be carried out on condition that the case be declared a miscarriage of justice, without initiating an investigation and bringing to trial those guilty of the miscarriage of justice (judges, witnesses, accusers, informers).
Jewish-Bolshevism It is forbidden to bring to trial people in positions of authority staffed by the party who, by their actions, have caused losses or created dissatisfaction among their subordinates. In drastic situations, they should be dismissed from their positions and transferred to equivalent or higher positions in other localities. In extreme situations, place them in management positions and treat them as a personnel reserve for later replacement.
43. make public the trials of people in positions of power (army, minister, chief offices, education) accused of activities against the people, against socialism, and against industrialization. This will cause the vigilance of the working masses.
44. take care of the replacement of people in working positions by allowing people with the lowest qualifications from the promotions to hold such positions (the latest example is BOLEK-WALÊSA, who even received professorial titles from Western Jewry; how do we know that, 40-50 years earlier one could also collect titles and be promoted for praising Stalin).
45. cause an influx into the universities of people from the lowest social groups, who have no professional interests, but only a desire to get a diploma.