Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Monsters down the rabbit hole in action.

"Dear comrades! Please, help us to share this call of solidarity support!

The Ukrainian authorities, being in a state of shock and fearing for their fate, organized a widespread witch hunt. Every day in the territories controlled by Kiev, there are detentions, abductions and torture of political activists and civilians who disagree with the policies of the central government.

People simply disappear and only a few days later, after relatives or friends start sounding the alarm, it becomes clear that something has happened to them. Political activists and public figures who opposed the Ukrainian authorities are now recording uncharacteristic video messages to the Russian authorities and Russian society.

This is how it became known that Kiev political scientist Dmitry Dzhangirov was kidnapped a few days ago. Thousands of Dmitry's subscribers noticed that an anti-Russian statement was broadcast on the air of his YouTube channel "Capital," which makes us all think that Dmitry Dzhangirov is alive, but held captive by nationalists or Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) officers.
Военная спецоперация ВС РФ в Украине: обстановка на сегодня, 9 марта 2022

The well-known Kiev political activist Dmitry Skvortsov stated on his Facebook page that SBU officers were breaking into his apartment. He wasn’t heard from again.
Юрий Ткачёв

A few days ago, the head of the Leninist Communist Youth League of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his twin brother, head of the anti-fascist union, Alexander Kononovich, were kidnapped in Kiev.

On March 3, armed men broke into the apartment of Alexander and Maria Matyushenko, communists from the organization “Livitsa” in Dnipropetrovsk. They mocked our comrades, beat them severely, and cut off Maria's hair with a knife. They were taken to the pre-trial detention center with bags over their heads. Maria managed to get out, but Alexander is accused of high treason and continues to be held in the dungeons of the SBU.
Червона Взаємодопомога🔻Красная Взаимопомощь

On March 4, militants of the territorial defense of Kiev detained an opposition politician and parliamentarian, Nestor Shufrich. Shocking footage of the illegal interrogation spread around the world, but this did not stop the punishers.
Нетленка; Бойцы теробороны Украины задержали депутата Рады от партии Медведчука

On March 7, in Odessa, armed Ukrainian militants burst into the apartment of the parents of well-known journalist Alexander Voskoboynikov. They demanded that the door be opened for them or they would knock it down. When the parents opened it, the nationalists went in with weapons in their hands.
Одесское Общественное Телевидение Z

We have all witnessed horrific footage of the torture of prisoners of war, including a military pilot. When he was wounded and captured by the Ukrainian Nazis, they called his wife from his phone and told her to look for a new husband, hinting that they would kill him.
Политика Страны

It is impossible to watch without tears the video in which Ukrainian emergency doctors, instead of providing medical care, mock patients by exerting moral pressure on them and filming it on cameras.
Политика Страны

All these egregious facts testify to the widespread and gross violation of basic human rights. All these facts testify to the violation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, adopted on August 12, 1949.

We believe that the European community needs to know who their governments support. The people of Europe should know that their taxes are spent on torture and abuse, on the maintenance of neo-Nazi organizations, which in many countries, including Russia, are considered illegal.

We urge you to go to the consulates and embassies of Ukraine and demand the release of illegally detained politicians and activists. Demand an end to the witch hunt. Demand respect for human rights and the Geneva Conventions!

They can still be saved!"
This may, or may not be (directly) related to my previous post, but it's worth to be put in this thread anyway, IMO.


About the Influence of the Russian-Ukrainian Oligarchy on the Course of the Special Military Operation​

April 17, 2022

Rear Admiral John Kirby, the official representative of the Pentagon, said that contrary to the logic of military operations, US intelligence did not record from the end of February to mid-April any attempt by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and L/DPR by any means to block the flow of American and European weapons coming to the disposal of the front-line units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. “Flights to transshipment points are still being carried out, there is a ground movement of security assistance, weapons, equipment every day. We will continue to do this as quickly as possible and in maximum volumes” – Kirby.

The main (90%) volume of Western military and material assistance to the Kiev regime, which lost over 70% of the weapons available on February 24, comes by rail from western Ukraine (Lvov), bordering Poland and Slovakia. Vulnerabilities are three bridge crossings within the range of tactical missiles and the Russian Aerospace Forces, which can be destroyed by three pinpoint strikes at known coordinates. In this case, the communications supporting the viability and military stability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the regime as a whole will be destroyed with the prospect of restoration for at least a month or two. Alternative cargo transportation by road does not compensate for the logistical disaster. However, this does not happen, as well as many enterprises of the basic economic and defense structure controlled by Kiev avoid missile and bomb attacks.

An analysis of the reasons for such selectivity in the choice of targets allows us to conclude that objects that are directly related to the material interests of Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs remain outside the attention of the planners-operators of the bomb-assault and missile strikes. This suggests that in one way or another they influence the decision-making of competent persons, determining the course and nature of the special military operation. Export goods and products produced at the enterprises of Ukrainian oligarchs and partly their Russian partners are also exported along the mentioned railway routes in the opposite direction, to the west. With the blockade of air traffic, sea transportation and international motor transport, the railway, removed from the sanctions, remained the only logistics export-import communicator.

Among the Ukrainian oligarchs who have contact with Russian partners and are interested in the selectivity of hostilities, one can distinguish:

Firtash — controls the extraction and transportation of gas, as well as the export of titanium, iron ore and grain. In Russia, he has contact with Gazprom’s top management, as well as with personnel promoted at one time by Surkov, with whom he was in close contact when the latter was the curator of the “Ukrainian direction” in the Presidential Administration. He situationally acts together with Levochkin, who also has lobbying capabilities since the time when he headed the Yanukovych administration.

Kolomoisky — exports of iron ore, coal, petroleum products, fertilisers, food, has contacts in Russia through Abramovich (despite the scandal in 2014 around the Southern Mining and Processing Plant, relations were restored), the “Privat” Group became part of Abramovich’s “EVRAZ” metallurgical holding in 2007, and despite the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, retains technological and production ties and cooperation. It is also possible to use the connections in Russia of Viktor Medvedchuk, who was arrested by the SBU, his partner in energy (a number of regional power companies), metallurgy (Dneprospetsstal, a ferroalloy plant in Zaporozhye) and logistics (a port complex in Odessa). Kolomoisky’s interests in Moscow are represented by the “pseudo-oligarch” Kurchenko, who, after February 24, claims to be a “decider” for all interested Ukrainian oligarchs (excluding Akhmetov), talking about his connections in the power structures and the government of the Russian Federation.

Pinchuk – metal products, pipes, rolled products, son-in-law of ex-President Kuchma, use the remnants of his contacts. He also interacted (together with his business partner Akhmetov) with Surkov, “optimising” the distribution of coal flows in Donbass.

Russian oligarchs:

– “EVRAZ” group supplies steel products and coal to Europe via the most economical Ukrainian route. Abramovich is one of the most influential “shadow” lobbyists, the “frontman” of the group of “Yeltsin first liberals” (Voloshin, Chubais [*], Kudrin, Yumashev, Mau, Shuvalov, Dvorkovich, etc.). A number of experts explain these circumstances by his participation in the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations as an agreed representative of the Russian-Ukrainian oligarchy, accepted, unlike the heads of official delegations, by President Erdogan on the eve of the meeting of representatives of Moscow and Kiev.

Deripaska — participation in the Nikolaev Alumina Plant, a supplier (one of two in the world) of raw materials for aluminium production at Rusal, the Zaporozhye Aluminium Plant, In addition to its own lobbying potential, can act through Voloshin, Shuvalov, Siluanov.

Potanin-Prokhorov promotes the interests of Norilsk Nickel in terms of the export of nickel, cobalt, non-ferrous metals, contacts in power — Shuvalov, Kudrin.

Lisin – represents a powerful lobbying group of exporters of metal products and hardware, acts through Shuvalov, Voloshin, Kudrin, Shokhin, top management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Lobbying opportunities combined with assets totalling at least $70 billion represent a powerful force, the potential of which allows to adjust almost any government decisions at the grassroots and middle level, subordinating them to corporate interests.

[end of the article; that's an English version of Telegram posts of April 17 by НЕЗЫГАРЬ (p.1 and p.2, in Russian)]

[*]BTW Chubais, the main architect of the infamous Russian privatisation of 1990's resigned recently from the post of special presidential envoy for sustainable development and relations with international organizations and soon after left for Istanbul with his family. Peskov, answering press questions, confirmed that Chubais resigned on his own will and that his leaving Russia was his business and no one else's. The twist seems to be that the Western media presented it as a result of Chubais's disagreement with Putin's decision to carry out the Special Operation, but much more likely there was a different reason. The current head of the Rosnano corporation, Sergey Kulikov, turned to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov with a request to check the work of the company during the period when it was headed by Chubais. Information about the upcoming persecution became known after he resigned from his post -- known to the public, I'd guess, but Chubais was warned a week or two earlier, OSIT.

A deep, deep rabbit hole it is.
Also, so far, Russian gas has flowed uninterrupted through Ukrainian pipelines to Europe. This 'pan-European trade arrangement' is out-of-bounds even for crazed Ukrainian Nazis.

Another way of thinking about this is, if Russia bombs 'the resources/trade of these oligarchs', millions of Ukrainians will starve. 'Oligarchs' are not just self-interested business magnates. If you think of them as feudal lords, then very many people are dependent on them. Be careful wishing for Putin to bomb their business networks.
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'No pause for peeing Nazism.'

Ukraine sends mixed messages on ‘Easter truce’

20 Apr, 2022
Kiev agrees with UN secretary-general’s call for a pause in fighting ahead of the Orthodox Easter

The foreign ministry of Ukraine said on Wednesday that Kiev is in favor of a four-day “Easter ceasefire” proposed by the UN secretary general, and remains committed to resolving the conflict with Russia peacefully and through diplomacy.

However, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, had a day earlier, contradicted this stance by telling French media the solution could be found only on the battlefield.

“We fully share the opinion that a humanitarian pause is necessary for the safe evacuation of thousands of civilians wishing to leave the dangerous zones of ongoing and possible hostilities, primarily from the long-suffering Mariupol,” the ministry said on Wednesday.

“We confirmed our agreement with the proposal for a humanitarian ceasefire, forwarded by the deputy secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief, Martin Griffiths,” the ministry said, adding that Ukraine “always has been and remains committed to solving the conflict by peaceful and diplomatic means.”

On Tuesday evening, however, Kuleba said something entirely different.

“The question of ending the war with Russia will be resolved on the battlefield, not at the negotiating table,” Kuleba told the French news channel France 24. “This is not a question we intend to resolve through diplomacy.”

Earlier on Tuesday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called on Russia to accept a four-day Easter ceasefire in Ukraine, starting on Thursday. Most Russians and Ukrainians belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church, which celebrates Easter on April 24 this year.

“Inspired by the Holy Week, I urge all parties, and all champions of peace around the world, to join my Easter appeal,” Guterres said in New York. “Save lives. Stop the bloodshed and destruction.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry has not officially responded to this initiative. Moscow’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, told the Security Council on Tuesday that Ukraine has repeatedly misused or refused to use humanitarian corridors Russia has offered for evacuation of civilians, and that he saw no point in “playing games” with Kiev on the issue.

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, pointed out that within an hour of Guterres calling for a humanitarian truce, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for the West to send more heavy weapons to Ukraine, to “ensure Russia does not win the war.”

“A very consistent position of the international community,”
Medvedev commented.

Russia attacked its neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

Russia to end special operation after removing threats due to Ukraine capturing by NATO

21 APR, 2022
The special military operation will end when its tasks are fulfilled, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's second CIS department Alexey Polishchuk said

MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. Russia’s special military operation will end when threats related to Ukraine's capturing by NATO are eliminated, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's second CIS department Alexey Polishchuk said in an interview with TASS.

"The special military operation will end when its tasks are fulfilled. Among them are the protection of the peaceful population of Donbass, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as the elimination of threats to Russia coming from the Ukrainian territory due to its capturing by NATO countries," the diplomat said.

The special operation is running as planned, he added. "All its goals will be reached," Polishchuk stressed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans to occupy Ukrainian territories and the goal was to demilitarize and denazify the country.
Can we be sure this is real? Why doesn't he just post this on his Telegram page? Like he usually does? And not on a new Twitter account.


I guess we have to wait and see what is really happening here. I hope it's not a troll, but these things sadly happen.

I don't know what to make of it either. I hope it's him. He apparently created this new Twitter account and has been posting since last night (anyone can tell what that image is about?):

Joined April 2022
58 Following


SBU, CIA, the usual suspects would love for me to take a photo holding up a newspaper or go live. Because obviously I wouldn’t be going live or holding up a Ukrainian newspaper. Ukraine is no longer save for someone like me. To do so would expose my current location.


From what I’ve been told and I’ll say this much because it’s vitally important: The CIA wanted me gone. So did Zelensky and Kolomoisky but the boys and girls at Langley more so. Why: BioLabs / Hunter Biden


They may shut this down. But if you hear nothing else. If they finally get to me. Or I go off the grid remember this: Zelensky is a puppet of Kolomoisky who is a puppet himself. Those two subjects: BioLabs / Hunter Biden (many a death can be attributed to these truths)




Hey everyone. It’s been a wild last few days but I’m alright. Thank you for your concern. Just starting to get my bearings. Hopefully I can share more soon. But I am safe. GL.


I’ve started this new acct. will explain more later. Looking forward to telling you all what’s really been going on. #UkraineTruth #YouMissedMeMFer
They may have enough food for a month, maybe 2. But eventually, the rats will come out.

More than 2000 militants are "securely blocked" on the territory of Azovstal.

Putin ordered to cancel the assault on Azovstal in order to save the lives of Russian military personnel, as well as completely block the enterprise.

"There is no need to climb into the catacombs, it is necessary to block the industrial zone in Azovstal so that the fly does not fly"
So they still don't know anything. Just speculating

There's no hard evidence yet.

Yeah, I saw that. His first post sounded like he knew of reports not available to the rest of us - but apparently he was just refering to the claims of neonazis we already know about.

Yes, as far as I can see, there is no hard evidence that they got Gonzalo and did what is claimed. As said earlier there, are a lot of false information floating around and Ritter probably referred to some of those claims by evil trolls and/or Azov types. Somebody suggested that the fact that there is no video or other hard evidence of Gonzalo‘s „capture or murder“ floating around might actually be a „good sign“ because those Azov (and similar) types are known to film their cruel machinations and then brag about it on the internet. IMO that fact alone doesn’t necessarily have to point to something not bad or less bad to have befallen Gonzalo, but it could. There is also still the chance that something not really bad happened. Having said that, as pointed out earlier, I wouldn’t put it past some of those monsters to have Gonzalo disappeared forever on purpose with no hard evidence ever emerging about his whereabouts. It is also a fact that Azov types would have ample reason to claim „they gave captured/killed Gonzalo“ while in reality they are lying.
And I agree with the Supreme Commander-in-Chief that there is nothing to climb the catacombs losing people, but you can't let them out of there. The most vicious creatures are concentrated there and they will do a lot more nasty things if they are allowed to get out of there.

Shoigu reported to Putin on the liberation of Mariupol

Mariupol has been taken under control by the Russian army. This was stated by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at a meeting with the President of Russia in the Kremlin, RIA Novosti reports.

According to Shoigu, Mariupol was the capital of the nationalist "Azov". The city itself has been liberated, but "more than 2 thousand militants" continue to be at the Azovstal enterprise. According to him, the territory of the plant is "securely blocked."

"More than two thousand militants are now blocked in Azovstal, 1,478 have already surrendered," Shoigu said.

The Minister also said that at the time of the encirclement of Mariupol, the number of Ukrainian military units in the city was more than 8 thousand people.

Putin ordered to cancel the storming of the Azovstal industrial zone

According to Shoigu, it will take three to four days to complete the operation to capture Azovstal.

Шойгу доложил Путину об освобождении Мариуполя

Putin declared the inexpediency of storming Azovstal in Mariupol

Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was impractical to storm the Azovstal industrial zone in Mariupol and called for it to be blocked. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

"I consider the proposed assault on the industrial zone impractical. I order to cancel. There is no need to climb into the catacombs, it is necessary to block the industrial zone in Azovstal so that the fly does not fly," Putin said.

According to TASS, the president explained the refusal of the assault by the desire to save the lives of the Russian military.

On April 21, Putin held a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who said that Mariupol is under the control of the Russian military and the DPR and LPR.

The Minister said that at first there were more than eight thousand Ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries in Mariupol. Now more than two thousand of them are blocked on the territory of Azovstal, Shoigu said.

Putin called the reason for the special operation in Ukraine

According to the Ministry of Defense, more than 142 thousand residents were evacuated from the city.

Putin called the actions of the Russian forces in Mariupol successful and instructed to present the military to state awards.

"Приказываю отменить": Путин о штурме промзоны "Азовстали"

А я согласен с Верховным Главнокомандующим в том, что нечего лазить по катакомбам теряя людей, но и выпускать их оттуда нельзя. Там сконцентрировались наиболее злобные твари и они натворят еще немало гадостей, если им дать выйти оттуда.
It's probably a fake account. It's too suspicious that he didn't post on his telegram account or didn't record any short video for people to reassure them. A video of his face alone wouldn't expose his location more than adding text posts (in both cases his device can be tracked). Also he isn't giving people any evidences of him being really him after they ask him to do so. And apparently is blocking everyone who is asking.

I'm quite sure that if he only had a possibility to post things online, he would post a short video. He isn't the one to play with people's minds and feelings.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that this thread details most or all of those aspects.
In the Ukrainian events, which Vanessa Beeley quite rightly says has global ramifications, I just wished to acknowledge on our thread the underlying evil that pervades everything on our planet thanks to the planet overlords. This Laura has superlatively demonstrated in her many in-depth books, as well as the spectacular recommended reading list compiled for us, and naturally encouraged to understand.
For this info I will forever be in gratitude. Plus without this foundational and vital knowledge I was not even aware of this evil that pervades our world, the the necessity of studying everything on evil and ponorology that I am pleased I persevered with.
Few in the West are still even aware of the Zionist connections, and hopefully the lies and collossal propaganda will eventually fail as events and economic suffering etc prove otherwise. Only time will tell.
I found the 3 videos quite interesting albeit with the necessary discernment.
But I also wish to mention that I look forward each week to your Newsreel with Niall and Scotty, which is very enjoyable and to the point, covering the subjects we all wish more in depth info on. So thank you all for the hard work that goes into the excellent broadcasts, and hopefully remain online for more people to find, so long as they don't pull the plug on the internet - which seems to be the latest idea being bandied about.
I still keep posting and sharing info, however with all the latest examples of death squads and treason sentences happening, I hope that DCM helps us keep the positive energy and light shining during these important times. :-)
Can we be sure this is real? Why doesn't he just post this on his Telegram page? Like he usually does? And not on a new Twitter account.


I guess we have to wait and see what is really happening here. I hope it's not a troll, but these things sadly happen.

Given that his bio pic is an old photo from the web, and the only other two photos he posted are both available on the web, I'd say this twitter profile is fake. If he were in a position to confirm that he is still free, I think he'd have time for a short video.
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