It's largely because of the saturation coverage of 'It's All The Joos' in the alt-infosphere. We're all sick of hearing about it! Sure, new specific information is interesting, but large brushes of 'Them Joos At It Again!'? I'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard.Sorry folks but very early on in this thread I posted about the Kazarian interests in Ukraine, and it was totally ignored. I have no ideas as to why. But, for that reason, I would welcome comments as to why it does not seem appropriate in anything regarding Ukraine. To me it is the huge elephant in the room, yet nothing has been mentioned since my post. I truly believe it is a huge part of the equation and cannot understand the omission in any of the comments since, bearing in mind their history and global intentions and why Ukraine is so important to them.
The new 'elephant in the room', for me anyway, is the extent of British involvement in some of the seedier reports coming from Ukraine. If Lukashenko (and Putin, who was standing next to him when he said it, and did NOT contradict him) is correct, British intel officers posing as journalists are dragging corpses of pro-Russia sympathizers out into streets to frame the Russian military. See for example, 'the Bucha Massacre'.
I think you misunderstood the point of our interest in all those things. We didn't think they were accurate because they described covert Jewish designs; we thought they were accurate because they exposed the covert designs of psychopaths, who are represented in every population and are particularly concentrated - at this time in history - in Israel itself, of course, but also anglophone countries.For those that maybe focused elsewhere, I will post recent videos from Veteran's Today, that do not always present reality, yet i this particular case IMO are spot on.
Can peeps please let me know why this has been ignored, when we objectively know their global intentions? Especially when they have been behind nearly every other global domination scenario. Is there a fear of exposing them here? For those that have studied The Controversy of Zion, even The controversial Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or even Laura's latest publication From Mark to Paul, would it not strike you as obvious? Or is there a strategic enclosure we have not been told about?
Either way, I cannot live a lie, and will happily accept the consequences, true to my higher Self and the Universe, of sharing the brave truth that Veteran's Today also believe to be the true crux behind the whole Ukraine 'raison de etre'.
Going by the whole history of our world, the 9/11 event and much much more, why has this topic not been mentioned in 3990 posts? And totally overlooked, when I posted this idea much earlier. Especially when I quote this forum for those seeking truths for our current situation, who are so totally BBC obsessed but finally agree to track our threads.
We have to understand our past history to know our future/present conditions. The Bolsheviks played ahuge role in Russia, and the Zionist ambitions have never been assuaged to this day. So why, even with their historical Nazi sponsorship....
happyliza, Veterans Today is really bad for one's health. Its chief editor is on record as admitting that most of what he writes is made-up. Anyone who tells you that all the world's problems are caused by one specific ethnic subset of people is selling you make-believe, and can lead you to endanger yourself or others. And, like I said, it's not just an ethical issue, or one of 'strategic enclosure'. It's simply not true that the single common denominator of the world's problems is Jewish people. I thought we'd ironed this out - especially to long-time forum members like yourself - years and years ago.