Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I saw a video the other day, it was headlined something like - countries are no longer buying US weaponry...

I didn't watch it, but considered the context in which this might be so.

There is a battle in Ukraine, and the weapons are being evaluated in actual battle for all to see. Thus, US weaponry, or strategic uses aren't impressing potential buyers.
It might not be that Eastern weapons are necessarily better, but US weapons are outdated, wasteful, expensive. This war is revealing how outdated its shock and awe methods are. That success in battle is tied to how much you spend. And here we have drone technology undermining this selling point the US has showcased in all its invasions in previous years.

And then there are all those videos which draw attention to Russia using Iranian drones. If true, so what? All modern countries sell arms to other countries. It's a market.

So, all the arms makers have to return to the drawing board in light of battlefield advancements and outcomes of battle, and with the playing field level, the US would loose financially, as its arms market has never been challenged, and to deploy the best solutions is to use far less expensive methods, and that is not good for a profit driven lucrative US arms market.

And what would the US do if not make/sell arms?
Lovely. Just lovely. /s


Building momentum in Headlines:

Chrystia Freeland should be the next secretary general of NATO​

Others have replaced "should" with could. The only thing not determent yet is "will be," or it is just a forgone conclusion and they know it?

At least, if so, it is the devil you know....

09:23 07.11.2022 (updated: 09:36 07.11.2022)

The Russian military believes that the soldiers of the 92nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are going on the attack under psychotropic drugs

KHARKIV REGION, Nov 7 - RIA Novosti. Soldiers of the Ukrainian 92nd brigade are attacking the positions of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances, such an assumption was made by RIA Novosti by a Russian military officer performing tasks in this direction.
Earlier, the artillery corrector of the 6th army of the western group of troops told how the Ukrainian security forces went on the attack in the Kharkiv region in an inadequate state.
"Our battalion is fighting against the 92nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We have repeatedly noticed that when they try to attack our positions, they are under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances," the fighter said.
He said that one of the latest examples that reinforced this opinion was another attempt to break through the Russian defense by the fighters of the specified Ukrainian unit. "A couple of days ago they tried to storm our position, they ran full-length. You put a queue (from a vending machine) into the store, they don't seem to react. Only after a minute does a person realize that he is near death and falls," the agency interlocutor explained.
Солдаты ВСУ воюют под действием психотропов, считают российские бойцы

I have to repent. When on 02/24/2022 I wrote this
Of course, in most of the territory of Ukraine, the population is Russian-speaking, but over the past 8 years there has been a superactive Ukrainization and during this time a whole generation of young people has grown up. In general, I think that firstly, the Ukrainian army will not fight seriously, because there is nothing to fight for, and the population will certainly meet the Russian forces as liberators, but Nazi groups such as Azov, the National Corps, and the right sector may try to organize some kind of guerrilla war.
I was wrong in some way. I was wrong about the scale of phenomena. The processes of fooling the population, crazy Ukrainization were known. The events on the Maidan and in Odessa clearly showed the role of drugs, but I estimated the scale of these phenomena quite incorrectly. Plus, I could not even imagine the incredible brutality with which the Ukrainian authorities are seeking submission. There are mass massacres/shootings of those who refuse to fight and tanks sent to attack with welded hatches and terror of the civilian population. I'm not even talking about the fate of many captured Russian soldiers. All this plus the mistakes of our leadership have led to what we have now. The mistakes of our management, by the way, are similar to my own for me, so I understand them, but anyway, it's still wishful thinking, as C's say.
Everywhere in the news they talk about how much the West has supplied Ukraine with tanks, missiles, shells, etc., but nowhere does they mention a single word about "combat chemistry". And I would be interested in how many wagons or tanks of this stuff have been delivered to Ukraine.

Я должен покаяться. Когда 24.02.2022 я написал это
Я некоторым образом ошибался. Ошибался я в масштабах явлений. Процессы оболванивания населения, сумасшедшей украинизации были известны. События на майдане и в Одессе ярко показывали роль наркотиков, но масштабы этих явлений я оценил совсем неверно. Плюс невероятное зверство, с которым Украинские власти добиваются подчинения, я и представить себе не мог. Тут и массовые расправы/расстрелы отказывающихся воевать и танки, посылаемые в атаку с заваренными люками и террор мирного населения. Я уж и не говорю о судьбе многих пленных российских солдат. Все это плюс ошибки нашего руководства привели к тому, что мы сейчас имеем. Ошибки нашего руководства, кстати, для меня похожи на мои собственные, поэтому я их понимаю, но как ни крути а все же это wishful thinking, как говорят C's.
Везде в новостях говорят о том сколько запад поставил Украине танков, ракет, снарядов и пр., но нигде ни одним словом не упоминают о "боевой химии". А мне было бы интересно сколько вагонов или цистерн этой гадости поставлено на Украину.
Солдаты ВСУ воюют под действием психотропов, считают российские бойцы

I have to repent. When on 02/24/2022 I wrote this

I was wrong in some way. I was wrong about the scale of phenomena. The processes of fooling the population, crazy Ukrainization were known. The events on the Maidan and in Odessa clearly showed the role of drugs, but I estimated the scale of these phenomena quite incorrectly. Plus, I could not even imagine the incredible brutality with which the Ukrainian authorities are seeking submission. There are mass massacres/shootings of those who refuse to fight and tanks sent to attack with welded hatches and terror of the civilian population. I'm not even talking about the fate of many captured Russian soldiers. All this plus the mistakes of our leadership have led to what we have now. The mistakes of our management, by the way, are similar to my own for me, so I understand them, but anyway, it's still wishful thinking, as C's say.
Everywhere in the news they talk about how much the West has supplied Ukraine with tanks, missiles, shells, etc., but nowhere does they mention a single word about "combat chemistry". And I would be interested in how many wagons or tanks of this stuff have been delivered to Ukraine.

Well we have also heard many claims of reluctance and refusal to fight from Ukrainians and mercenaries on their side. For whatever reason, drugs or coercion or just pure ideological possession, there does seem to be a severe lack of self preservation instinct among these forces. It's really apparent at this stage of the conflict, where Russians are on the defensive in many areas and the AFU just keep repeatedly trying the same tactics, ending in failure (throwing away hundreds lives each time).

It's such a large scale of conflict that I expect all these things to be the case, somewhere at some point. There's also the possible influence of things like the portal mentioned in the C's session from February this year.

(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Drugs might also make these people more susceptible to hyperdimensional influences.
'"Negotiations" (testing waters) for escalating the situation in Ukraine.'

7 Nov, 2022
The aim of the talks has been “to guard against the risk of escalation and keep communications channels open” rather than to discuss a peace settlement for the Ukraine conflict, officials told the Wall Street Journal.
'No peace discussion, of course!'

06 November 2022

Building momentum in Headlines:

Chrystia Freeland should be the next secretary general of NATO​

Others have replaced "should" with could. The only thing not determent yet is "will be," or it is just a forgone conclusion and they know it?

At least, if so, it is the devil you know....


Would Freeland as the new figurehead of NATO change anything?

It seems to me that the main discrepancy in the SMO is between Russian military capability versus that of the combined West. Based on what I've read from analysts like Andrei Martyanov, Scott Ritter, Big Serge, Douglas MacGregor and others, the combined West doesn't stand a chance in conventional warfare against the Russians due to three main material facts - types of weaponry, quality and quantity of personnel, and also the ever-important information field of strategic operations planning. Russia is dominant in all three.

I could be wrong, of course, but could her appearance in the spotlight suddenly transform these three material facts into a situation where the combined West, in the midst of economic suicide, pulls up equal to Russia, and brings the Bear suddenly to its knees? I just don't see it.

She may have an effect on the level of the information war in some way, cashing in on her Ukrainian heritage. My best guess is that, as before, the dogs will bark, but the caravan will keep moving on.
I could be wrong, of course, but could her appearance in the spotlight suddenly transform these three material facts into a situation where the combined West, in the midst of economic suicide, pulls up equal to Russia, and brings the Bear suddenly to its knees? I just don't see it.

She may have an effect on the level of the information war in some way, cashing in on her Ukrainian heritage. My best guess is that, as before, the dogs will bark, but the caravan will keep moving on.

Perhaps she would have no real effect (strategy-wize), other than it plants a bonafide western Ukrainian collaborator with a murky Nazi supporting past, at the NATO helm. Indeed, though, information warfare might peak or blow up in their faces. Leaning to the latter, this move might possibly not play out well on the world stage, and I'm sure Russia is loaded for bear with the book on her - Lavrov and Marie might have a field day - not to mention that it is likely an open secret amongst world leaders.

IMO, it would have a positive outcome, reputation-wise, for Canada.. This granddaughter of a nazi collaborator would no longer be involved in Canadian politics. No more of her whispering destructive words of encouragement in Stupid's (Trudeau's) ear.

Not so sure about that outcome (and she may still have her eye on being Canada's PM). Whatever the case, they are all as thick as thieves in or outside of NATO, and her lasting qualities will not go away anytime soon due to sudden job change. For her ego, though, the sky is the limits, and she is certainly driven with friends in high places. Also being a Rhodes gal, and by her actions to date, she seems beholden to a deeper state of play.

You are right about Justin's ear, presently she is on one side and Carney on the other. When she first came to notice it was very remarkable how she was stickhandled into place, how she was maneuvered around old statesmen to become the new political upstart, then shifted into a brand new, never before seen position, as deputy prime minister. What a fairytale story.

This was all backdropped around her Kiev 2014 adventures, likely at her and her sisters apartment overlooking Maidan square - from April 2019 Helmer:

Freeland keeps an apartment with her sister on Maidan Square, in Kiev (undeclared in her parliamentary asset filings). She has led the political effort in Ottawa to deliver more than a half-billion dollars in Canadian government loans and grants, trade subsidies, and military supplies to Poroshenko’s administration. She has also been instrumental in basing a Canadian military group in the Galician region at Starychi, 40 kilometres northwest of Lviv city. The commander of the Canadian base at Starychi, the general commanding the Canadian Army, and the Canadian ambassador in Kiev have all been Galicians; read their details. Ottawa calls the Canadian military programme in Galicia Operation UNIFIER.

Freeland with Petro Poroshenko in Kiev in March 2014, tweeting “Rus invasion has united country”

From a week before Russia came into help the East:

Is this the we-can’t-lose calculation of Blinken, Nuland and Freeland – the three Ukrainians* who have captured the warmaking policy of both states of North America?

[*] Antony Blinken’s family changed the family name from its Ukrainian origin. At the start, the name signified the Jewish village of Blinki which has come under Russian, Soviet, and Ukrainian rule, and is now deserted. The village’s name, a diminutive, refers in Russian to the blin (блин) or pancake; for more detail, click to read this and this. Nudelman, the original family name in Ukraine of Victoria Nuland’s father and his family, identified their occupation as tailors. In English transliteration, nudel meant “needle” in Yiddish (נאָדל). Noodle in Yiddish is לאָקשן – lokshen; it’s well-known in soup but not in the State Department. Here is Nuland’s father’s account of why he changed his name from Nudelman to Nuland. Chrystia Freeland’s maternal family in Canada comes from Michael Chomiak, who was born in Stroniatyn on the outskirts of Lvov, Galicia, in 1905; he died in Edmonton, Alberta, in 1984. His wartime record as a propagandist and spy for the German Army and profiteer from the murder of the Lvov and Cracow Jews can be followed from the German, US Army, Polish police and Canadian files here.

So, the three Ukrainian musketeers, of which one might go to NATO as head of Allied Command. Just great.
"However, the return to power of the longest-serving Israeli Prime Minister comes largely thanks to the rise of the infamous ultra-nationalist Religious Zionism alliance, with which Netanyahu had signed an agreement promising government positions in exchange for support."
One can only hope they will eat each other from the inside. My lord what a mix of devolved and despicable creatures.
Currently the most deadly drone

Russia claims its Lancet loitering munition (or ‘suicide,’ ‘kamikaze’ drone) has a first-of-its-kind anti-laser jamming technology that makes it immune to many anti-drone systems. Russian loitering munitions like Lancet and KYB (or ‘Cuba’ as it has come to be popularly referred to) manufactured by the Russian company Zala have seen significant success.

'Peace in Ukraine is not on US agenda, it's confidential, you know.'

8 Nov, 2022

9 NOV, 2022
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