Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I have no idea what you are trying to tell me, sorry. Did the C's say that Russia was winning the war and that Strelkov was not to be trusted?

If not, why did you bother bringing them up?

Me, I'm just a simple war analyst. Please explain things simply to me and try to not use so much jargon if clarity is your goal.
That's what I'm talking about. I am not sure that I am the one who should and can explain these things to you. However, if Cs, collinearity, STO, STS, 3D, 4D, Wave, etc., are all jargonisms with a mysterious meaning for you, then I urge you to look around more closely - what is the basis of this forum. In particular, as a military analyst, it would probably be interesting for you to know that the war in Ukraine, like any other discrete things, is discussed here as part, perhaps not the most important, of a much more global process.

Вот и я о том же самом. Я не уверен, что я именно тот, кто должен и может вам объяснить эти вещи. Однако, если для вас Cs, коллинеарность, STO, STS, 3D, 4D, Волна и пр., все это жаргонизмы с загадочным смыслом, то я призываю вас оглядеться повнимательнее- что лежит в основе этого форума. В частности вам, как военному аналитику, вероятно небезынтересно было бы узнать, что война на Украине, как и любые другие дискретные вещи, обсуждается здесь, как часть, возможно совсем не самая важная, гораздо более глобального процесса.

Consider refreshing your browser. It is now the end of march. Read what he has said since then. Here, I provided a nice summary for you: Prigozhin's Most Explosive Interview Yet Confirms Everything That This Blog Has Been Saying For Months Now
I already wrote that I read several of your articles. Specifically, this one was created for the hype on the conflict between PMCs Wagner of the RF Ministry of Defense.
Wagner isn't fighting in Bakhmut?
So Wagner PMCs are elite units of the Russian army? Or a private military company?
The West is not Nazi. Blood and soil nationalism is banned for all Europeans. The West is neoliberal and run by Jews. You use the term "Nazi" to refer to anything that you do not like. You must be a sovok.
I don't like you, but I haven't called you a Nazi yet. :lol:
Azov came from Kharkov and was created by Russian-speaking Ukrainians who were pan-slavists and who equally hated Kiev and Moscow. Then, Kholomoisky (the most powerful Jewish oligarch of Ukraine) showed up with bags of money and they changed their tune. I cover this all here: The Worrying State of Neocon-Critical Discourse in the Slavlands
And before the appearance of Azov. Didn't Nazi ideology spread in western Ukraine? I ask again, what do you know about the history of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists?
As for Bandera, he was imprisoned by the Nazis. He was only released when the Nazis retreated to cause problems for the Soviets.
And what, the US and Britain stopped supporting the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in Western Ukraine? If so, then it turns out that after the Maidan all these people were brought to Ukraine? For the formation of many nat. battalions, namely Ukrainians. From Europe? Africa? According to my information, during the Cold War, the United States and Britain supported them in every possible way, nurtured them, and promoted their ideology. To fight the USSR.
You seem to know very little about Ukraine, friend. I hope you don't get offended if I point this out. It's OK to admit that you're not an expert on these topics.
You seem to know a lot about Ukraine. The only problem is that you got this knowledge from the CIA manuals. I'm not angry, there are many like you, it's okay.
They will cross the bridges or they will build new pontoon bridges or they will make a crossing. They have been seen preparing and training to do just that. They have successfully done so in the past I might add.
And it makes sense to destroy 20 bridges, then to watch how the tanks slowly cross. Why not destroy the crossing? If they build new bridges, why can't they be destroyed?
Russia is not going to be able to defeat the Ukrainian army in the Donbass. Russia is on the defensive, the last attacks on Ugledar were a complete disaster. It is Ukraine that stands a good chance of defeating Russia in the Donbass. Please read what I write more carefully.
I just really wanted to hear this Strelkov's narrative that without Strelkov the Russian army would lose!:lol:
Ukraine's army is bigger, more equipped and getting more and more NATO supplies. Russia's "demilitarization" strategy failed. Fact.
You are the best war expert in the world, I kneel and I have no more questions on this topic, thank you! :lol:
I've read Political Ponerology and I read Harrison Koehli's blog, and yes, I glanced over them.

My big critique is that psychopaths, as I thought I understood it, have a hard time working together with others. Even with other psychopaths.

However, we can see that the Jews work together to promote their ethnic interests. The neocons are all Jewish intellectuals, descendents of Trotsky, for example. The ADL, the SPLC, AIPAC, Hollywood, the near entirety of Biden's cabinet, the oligarchs running Ukraine, the list just goes on and on and on.

In Ponerology, you'll find that the key details of how a pathocracy develops involves an essential alliance of psychopaths who 'recognize each other' as having a different morality, AKA no conscience. Then they team up to feed on those whom they see as inferior. They do also feed on each other, too.

I don't doubt that, as you say, Jewish oligarchs have worked together for specific aims, and do so today, and will probably continue to do so in the future. But this is where your limited knowledge about pscyhopathy leads to an inability to see beyond your 'Jews work together to promote their ethnic interest' narrative.

We can also see that Jewish oligarchs work individually to promote their own self-interest, and then use their ethnicity as a shield from criticism. Soros is the most glaring example that comes to my mind. He admitted to aiding and abetting the Nazis on his 60 minutes interview. Collaborating with Nazis can hardly be said to be a pro-Jewish move. And yet he is sometimes lionized in the media as a 'Holocaust survivor'.

Another recent example is Netenyahu, who turned Israel into Pfizer's lab during the plandemic (with horrific results), which was also apparently designed to lay some more groundwork for the roll-out of the new gold rush of genetic and personal health information. I don't see this in any way as promoting Jewish interests:

"I don't want to bore you with the detailed plans... but they are detailed in my mind. We came out of covid first. I describe that in my book in my conversation with Albert Bourla, Pfizer - and I persuaded him to give tiny Israel to give us the necessary vaccines to get us out first from the covid. And the reason I could do that is because we have a database - 98% - a medical database - 98% of our population has digitized medical records, it's a little card, and anywhere you go in any hospital in Israel, North, South, it doesn't make any difference - BOOM. You punch it in and you know everything about this patient for the last 20 years.

I said, "We'll use that to tell you whether these vaccines - what do they do to people? Not individual people, not individual identities, but statistically. What does it do to people with meningitis? What does it do to people with high blood pressure? You wanna know that."

So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer. That's how we did it. We got up and we gave that information to the world, published in medical magazines and so on. That's a database we have. I intend to bring on that base, database, of personal medical records for the entire population, a genetic database. Genomes, okay? Give me a saliva sample. Volunteer. But I'm sure most people would do it. Maybe we'll pay them. Now we have a genetic record on a medical record of a robust population that's got - you have to have a diversified population where you have people from a hundred lands. This is a very powerful engine.

Now let pharma companies, let medical companies, let them run algorithms on this database, okay? I'm telling you right away I'll give preference for a few years to Israeli firms, and then to the world. But you can create a bio-technological industry that is unheard of right now. Unheard of - unimagined. And these are just the examples. We can become - stave off Iran - become a light unto the nations - and, uh - groundbreaking!

There are also other examples of Jewish psychopaths terrorizing their own population in Israel, as noted in Niall's article from earlier in this thread that I linked above - and I'd suggest doing more than just 'glance' at it. It's been my view for a while now that Jewish psychopaths are the most anti-Semitic group in the world, in no small part due to reading the book 9/11 - The Ultimate Truth by Laura and Joe, which gives quite the historical run-down of the history of Israel, Jewish psychopathy, and the way in which psychopaths of many ethnicities and religious affiliation work together to promote their interests as psychopaths.
I'm sorry, but if you cannot honestly discuss the role of the Jews in fomenting this war and have to talk about "psychopaths" instead, then your opinion cannot be taken seriously.

All the key players have Jewish names. You can't brush that under the table.

Putin himself said that 85% of the Bolsheviks were Jews. It was actually closer to 90%. Do you think Putin was lying?
It’s impossible to have a discussion with you, you just drag it down to Jews, when the entire topic is much more nuanced, and you seem to be pathological in your resistance to learning about that nuance.

It’s not his opinion, it’s a large body of research by people like Hervey Cleckley, Robert Hare, Martha Stout and others about psychopathy that you aren’t aware of.
I already wrote that I read several of your articles. Specifically, this one was created for the hype on the conflict between PMCs Wagner of the RF Ministry of Defense.

So Wagner PMCs are elite units of the Russian army? Or a private military company?

I don't like you, but I haven't called you a Nazi yet. :lol:

And before the appearance of Azov. Didn't Nazi ideology spread in western Ukraine? I ask again, what do you know about the history of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists?

And what, the US and Britain stopped supporting the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in Western Ukraine? If so, then it turns out that after the Maidan all these people were brought to Ukraine? For the formation of many nat. battalions, namely Ukrainians. From Europe? Africa? According to my information, during the Cold War, the United States and Britain supported them in every possible way, nurtured them, and promoted their ideology. To fight the USSR.

You seem to know a lot about Ukraine. The only problem is that you got this knowledge from the CIA manuals. I'm not angry, there are many like you, it's okay.

And it makes sense to destroy 20 bridges, then to watch how the tanks slowly cross. Why not destroy the crossing? If they build new bridges, why can't they be destroyed?

I just really wanted to hear this Strelkov's narrative that without Strelkov the Russian army would lose!:lol:

You are the best war expert in the world, I kneel and I have no more questions on this topic, thank you! :lol:
Just tell you that I really liked how you have kept calm in your exchange in the discussion.

With calm reasoning and also with a point of humor.

For me the score is in your favor.
Ukraine has probably had 100-120 KIA. Casualties can be guessed by applying the 3 x KIA + KIA rule.

Russia is trailing behind but not by much. I'd say about 70-90k dead. These frontal attacks against fortified enemy positions aren't doing their k/d ratio any favors.

How did you arrive at these figures? The Russian losses are notoriously difficult to pin down but this is far higher than most estimates I've heard (other than from Western propaganda sources).

I see far fewer indications of frontal assaults (Ugledar is a notable example) than I do of more cautious movements.

Either way, in an attritional war, which both sides have openly acknowledged is the best description of what is happening, Russia holds every advantage. Their capacity for supporting this in every element - logistics, manpower, production capacity, and economic resilience - is greater. There are many twists and turns to come, I'm sure, but that is the current situation. If it weren't then Western media would be crowing about Russia's supply issues, rather than quietly lamenting their own.

If more countries become openly involved in the conflict things may change, but not necessarily in their favour.
Strelkov has been proven right again and again.

The reason that you "deduced" that I held a Strelkovite opinion is because I tell people that I am a fan of his analyses and that I agree with his thinking and unabashedly promote him to a Western audience. This is not the epic own of me that you think this is. I have no problems being known as a Strelkovite.

Girkin's partial track record:

The West was upset by the lack of Russia involvement in Maidan and the coup of 2014, provoking her was the main point in that whole affair after all, no? So there you have it, Girkin crosses the border with his fighters, shows up in Slavyansk and takes it over. Who paid for it? The same gang that just put themselves in position of power in Kiev: Yatsenyuk, Turchinov et al. A great excuse to start the bloody war was handed over on a silver platter, so Girking could flee from Donbass leaving its people with the mess he created. Next, already from a comfortable chair in Russia, he started criticising everyone around: Zakharchenko, Russia, Putin, and who not. And he never stopped. Perhaps that's why he is one of the most quoted Russians by Ukrainian MSM? Somehow missed his criticism toward the Nazi part of Ukraine and their conduct. Sounds like 5th column to me.

But it seems he still wasn't satisfied with the result, whatever results he's been expecting, so he went ahead to give an almost 4 hr long interview to no one else but Dmitry Gordon. I guess you're well aware of what kind of ammo it provided and to whom.

Strelkov has never called for a coup against Putin.
What a strawman argument. If he'd called for a coup, he'd be either in prison now or "escaped" to some remote place in the West. Instead, he's been constantly feeding Ukrainian and Western propaganda with his criticism of Putin, Russian army, Donbass army, and what not. Including calling Putin a "rag", envisioning the president's likely future of a trial, assassination or mental hospital as Alzheimer's patient. The list goes on and on and on.
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No. The goal was to take over Ukraine.
The West was upset by the lack of Russia involvement in Maidan and the coup of 2014, provoking her was the main point in that whole affair after all, no?
And they succeeded.

If it weren't for Strelkov, Russia would have lost everything.

Strelkov didn't "flee" he was yanked out by Moscow.

Look, Putin and friends have already admitted that Minsk I and II were mistakes and that they were bamboozled, so there's really no grounds to argue that Moscow had a clever 5D Judo-Chess plan that Strelkov screwed up for them. They let Russians get murdered for 8 years and then launched a half-baked war that they now cannot win.

Meanwhile, NATO got everything that they wanted.
I see far fewer indications of frontal assaults (Ugledar is a notable example) than I do of more cautious movements.
What is Bakhmut if not continual frontal assaults on Ukrainian defensive positions?

I don't know who popularized the attrition war meme, but it makes no sense. Is the plan to kill off the entire male population of Ukraine? What happened to "brotherly slavic nations"? And even it was, killing 100k a year means that Ukraine can fight for years to come.

Luckily, this is not the plan and never was the plan.

Look, literally everyone who has some track record of competency with these analyses on the Russian side from Strelkov to now Prigozhin are saying that the Ukrainians are almost ready for their counter-attack and that Russia better hold on to its butt because it's going to be nasty.

Meanwhile, there have been no large Russian offensives since the summer. It is Ukraine that is on the attack.

Just knowing these details, you should start to ask questions about the narrative you are being fed. If Ukraine is the one thats attacking now, that means they're the ones with more men and equipment. They are on a winning streak right now and there is no reason to indicate that they won't be successful again.
Look, by your own admission you don't believe in what they say and yet you use that argument when it suits you? We don't play games here, Rolo.
You could have fooled me! 5D chess seems to be a favorite game of many of the posters ITT!

But you're right, I don't believe it for a second. Their objective was simple: to shove donbass back kicking and screaming into Ukraine. That was the purpose of Minsk I and II. Whether or not they actually, really thought that Kiev would let these regions live in peace and participate in elections is another question.

I think Lavrov may actually have been deluded enough to believe so, yes. But its also easier to allow yourself to believe in such fantasies when oligarchs with businesses in Ukraine are encouraging you to make a leap of faith and trust in the goodness of the "esteemed western partners" as Lavrov used to unironicly all them.
I don't know who popularized the attrition war meme, but it makes no sense. Is the plan to kill off the entire male population of Ukraine? What happened to "brotherly slavic nations"? And even it was, killing 100k a year means that Ukraine can fight for years to come.

Surovikin, among others.

The plan is to reduce and eventually eliminate the enemy's capacity to engage in large scale warfare. Not to kill all their men, or even all their soldiers.

If you think that only 100k Ukrainians (and associated mercenaries) are now permanently out of the fight I don't know what to say.

You didn't provide any information about the source of your figures for Russian KIA, which if true are by far the most interesting thing you have brought to the discussion. I'm questioning the narrative you are feeding this forum in the same way I question all of them.
For me the score is in your favor.
Cs, collinearity, STO, STS, 3D, 4D, Wave,
The C's are either aliens or time travelers or us from the future, or all the above.

STO = service to others, a strategy of collaboration and cooperation

STS = service to self, a strategy of competition and sabotage

3D = third density

4D = fourth density, where the evil ones lurk

Wave = never got to the wave series

Colinearity = don't know that one.

War is decided by strategy, material and men.
I don't know who popularized the attrition war meme, but it makes no sense. Is the plan to kill off the entire male population of Ukraine?
Putin and Xi discussed this meme the other day. Unfortunately, this is not a meme. But you have every chance to become a meme.
Look, literally everyone who has some track record of competency with these analyses on the Russian side from Strelkov to now Prigozhin are saying that the Ukrainians are almost ready for their counter-attack and that Russia better hold on to its butt because it's going to be nasty.
Everyone knows perfectly well that the Ukrainian army is accumulating forces to seize the Crimea. Counterattack on Zaparozhye. And now Syrsky is taking away these reserves from Zaluzhny to attempt a counterattack in several directions in Bakhmut. This is yelled at from all irons.
We sit and wait for the rains to end and it will finally happen.
Meanwhile, there have been no large Russian offensives since the summer.
You seem to have gone on holiday at the end of the summer and just got back. I will help. During this time, Wagner PMCs captured Soledar. By the way, Zelensky yelled that Soledar would never be taken. By the way, like Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk...
It is Ukraine that is on the attack.
Arestovich's student! The Ukrainian army does not give up its positions in Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Marinka. She holds the position in reverse!
Just knowing these details, you should start to ask questions about the narrative you are being fed. If Ukraine is the one thats attacking now, that means they're the ones with more men and equipment. They are on a winning streak right now and there is no reason to indicate that they won't be successful again.
This means that the Zelensky regime has a lot of unnecessary people and unnecessary equipment.
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