Hopefully that clown will do us all a favour and give himself a cocaine-induced aneurysm soon.The tide is turning against Zelenskyy.
Hopefully that clown will do us all a favour and give himself a cocaine-induced aneurysm soon.The tide is turning against Zelenskyy.
What are we talking about? From the Wiki:Google = fake. Any western news outlet = fake. Any western "public estimation, survey or opinion" = fake.
And the meaning of the equality sign, = is according to the Wiki:Fake may refer to:
- Deception, an act or a statement intended to deceive
- Charlatan, a person who practices deception to obtain money or other advantages
- Counterfeit, a reproduction of an item, intended to deceive
- Cover-up, an attempt to conceal wrongdoing, error, or other embarrassing information
- Decoy, a person, device, or event meant as a distraction
- Fake news, a form of news consisting of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional news media or online social media.
- False (disambiguation)
- Falsity, the deceitfulness of one party culminating in damage to another party
- Feint, a maneuver designed to distract or mislead, often in fencing or military tactics
- Forgery, the falsification of a legal instrument with the intent to defraud
- Fraud, or sham, an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual
- Hoax, a falsehood deliberately crafted to deceive
- Illusion, a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.
- Replica, a reproduction of an item, not necessarily intended to deceive
It is from the Wiki, but I doubt any of the definitions will be far removed from that of a dictionary.The equals sign (British English, Unicode[1]) or equal sign (American English), also known as the equality sign, is the mathematical symbol =, which is used to indicate equality in some well-defined sense.[2] In an equation, it is placed between two expressions that have the same value, or for which one studies the conditions under which they have the same value.
Given the equation, RT, quoting any of the Western media, ought to be in the same category.Ukrainian FM downplays importance of ‘counteroffensive’
Dmitry Kuleba has urged that Western military aid continue until Kiev achieves all its goals confronting Russian forces
FILE PHOTO: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba. © Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images
A counteroffensive by Ukraine that has been much-anticipated should not be considered as a make-or-break moment in its conflict with Russia, Kiev's Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has said, urging his country's foreign backers to maintain their support regardless of the outcome of this expected operation.
“We should counter by all means the perception of the counteroffensive as the decisive battle of the war,” he told the Financial Times, as quoted on Wednesday.
He said Kiev was concerned that the operation would not result in Ukrainian troops pushing Russia “100%” out of the territory it wishes to reclaim. However, in this scenario of underachievement, he feared, “some people may say this was the last decisive battle and now we have to think of an alternative scenario.”
The Ukrainian leadership has insisted that the only option it is considering is retaking all land lost by Kiev, including Crimea, before any peace talks can start. The government has also prohibited by law any negotiations with Russia for as long as President Vladimir Putin remains in office.
Zelensky explains why he won’t withdraw from key Donbass city
Kuleba suggested that following a counter-offensive operation like the one anticipated, minority voices “in Washington, in Berlin, in Paris, in London” will try to push for a ceasefire “along the lines of a Minsk III.” He was referring to the two Minsk agreements that were supposed to guide Kiev and its then-breakaway regions to co-operate in a stable peace.
The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics rejected the authorities that came to power in 2014 after an armed coup in Kiev and fought for independence, following which Kiev sent troops to quash them.
Last year, amid the hostilities with Russia, former leaders of Ukraine, France and Germany – the latter two had mediated the Minsk deals – acknowledged that the agreements were really intended to give Kiev time to beef up its military. Moscow said this confirmed that the three parties had negotiated in bad faith, adding that it proved once again that Western politicians were not to be trusted.
During the anticipated counteroffensive, Ukraine is expected to capitalize on freshly-delivered Western weapons, including main battle tanks. Last week, however, Zelensky said his country was not ready to launch one, citing a shortage of armaments.
Surveys can be attacked in many ways: Are the questions loaded, or leading, in what sequence are they asked, who is answering, are they representative of the population, are they honest, etc. However, since December billions of more Euro have been sent to Ukraine, new weapons have been sent, while at the same time, rather few people have showed up to demonstrate and certainly not enough to change the direction of action in any significant way. For the list of weapons, see:EU citizens’ support for Ukraine is solid, Eurobarometer survey finds
Press Releases
14-12-2022 - 10:00
Democracy remains the most important value EU citizens want Parliament to stand up for. 72% of respondents believe their country has benefited from being an EU member.
Democracy, human rights and free speech are paramount to EU citizens as they call on the European Parliament to defend these values on which our Union is founded. These are some of the key insights from the European Parliament’s Autumn 2022 Eurobarometer survey, of which results were published today.
74% of EU citizens approve of the European Union's support for Ukraine following Russia's invasion, according to the survey conducted between 12 October and 7 November 2022. In all EU Member States, a majority of citizens approve of the EU’s support, with highest support levels shown in Sweden (97%), Finland (95%), the Netherlands (93%), Portugal (92%), and Denmark (92%). Ten months into the war in Ukraine, support for the concrete measures taken by the EU – such as sanctions against the Russian government or financial, military or humanitarian support to Ukraine – continues to be equally high at 73%.
Parliament’s latest Eurobarometer survey confirms European citizens’ steadfast commitment not only to supporting Ukraine, but moreover to the values the European Union is built upon. Asked which values the European Parliament should defend as a matter of priority, democracy (36%) is mentioned most frequently, followed by the protection of human rights in the EU and worldwide (29%) and freedom of speech and thought (28%). Citizens want to see these founding values of the EU protected and defended in the EU and abroad. These very same values are defended on a daily basis by Ukrainians since the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops.
Roberta Metsola, welcoming the results of the survey said: “Russian aggression has caused terrible human suffering and massive destruction. The courage and resilience of Ukrainians in the face of terror is impressive. The best response and support we as European Union can give is European solidarity and European unity. Ukrainians can count on the unwavering support of the European Parliament.”
The impact of the Russian war in Ukraine is felt clearly by European citizens. Because of the war and its consequences, close to two thirds of EU citizens believe that their life will change (65%), +4pp compared to April/May 2022.
At the same time, citizens see the real value of being part of the European Union, with 72% of Europeans saying that their country has benefited from being a member of the EU. Asked about the reasons why their country has benefited, respondents most often refer to the EU’s contribution to maintaining peace and strengthening security (36%, +6pp as compared to November/December 2021). The biggest increases are observed in Latvia (+16 pp), Lithuania (+15 pp), Estonia (+12 pp), the Netherlands (+13 pp), Malta (+11 pp) and Poland (+11 pp) - indicating the effect the Russian war against Ukraine might have had. Among the other reasons given, benefitting from cooperation between EU countries (35%, +3 pp) and the EU’s contribution to the country’s economic growth (30%, =) stand out.
A presentation of these results can be found here.
The European Parliament’s Autumn 2022 Eurobarometer was carried out by Kantar between 12 October and 7 November in all 27 EU Member States. The survey was conducted face-to-face (CAVI in Czechia and Denmark). 26.443 interviews were conducted in total. EU results were weighted according to the size of the population in each country.
No. Its just fake. Not real. Lie. Literally everything in all spheres of life that goes public in any way, in USA, UK, Countries of Commowealth and countries of western Europe is a lie. Those countries are under heavy rule by psychopats, nothing they say is normal or true. You can see some grains of truth here and there, but just to be used for all nefarious purposes and contexts' The whole western "civilisation" and modern western world could be described as lie upon lie upon lie upon lie . . . .What are we talking about? From the Wiki:
And the meaning of the equality sign, = is according to the Wiki:
It is from the Wiki, but I doubt any of the definitions will be far removed from that of a dictionary.
Russian news outlet are not Western, as I understand, but RT, will often quote one of the "Any western news outlet = fake" when reporting on an issue? Here is an example where they base their article on the Financial Times:
Given the equation, RT, quoting any of the Western media, ought to be in the same category.
By the way, here is another survey, I looked up, which shows something in the same direction as the Google Trend statistics, but there is more:
Surveys can be attacked in many ways: Are the questions loaded, or leading, in what sequence are they asked, who is answering, are they representative of the population, are they honest, etc. However, since December billions of more Euro have been sent to Ukraine, new weapons have been sent, while at the same time, rather few people have showed up to demonstrate and certainly not enough to change the direction of action in any significant way. For the list of weapons, see:
List of military aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian War
Google is not always accurate, the western media are not always accurate, the surveys will sometimes only show a trend, but they are close enough to show that the support for the war in Ukraine has been really high in many European countries, just as the support for the masks and the medical procedure were.
If we are patient, maybe we will be able to track changes in the attitude to the war, even though it is possible the European Parliament will just stop asking, the media will stop reporting, the politicians and their voters will need to attend to something else. Time will show.
Шведский шаг в пропасть
Швеция официально отказалась от служившей ей верой и правдой на протяжении 200 лет политики неприсоединения к военным союзам – 23 марта с.г. риксдаг, не дождавшись окончательной ратификации своей заявки всеми 30 странами–членами НАТО, проголосовал за вступление в альянс. Из 349 депутатов против были лишь 37, а 43 предпочли не явиться (видимо, не случайно).
При этом центральные шведские СМИ, ведущие политики и так называемые эксперты, активно формируя общественное мнение, усиленно убеждают рядовых шведов в одном и том же: данный шаг – безусловное благо и заветный билет в светлое будущее. Попробуйте только усомниться в рациональности принятого наспех решения!
А все те, кто рискнет публично выступить с противоположной точкой зрения, рискуют ощутить на собственной шкуре, как избирательно работает главная шведская гордость – демократия и свобода слова. Не согласны? Значит, виновны в распространении «российской пропаганды», а поддержка России, как известно, стала здесь восьмым смертным грехом (хотя христианские учения в западных странах трактуются весьма вольно).
Сделав за страну выбор в пользу НАТО, шведские политики отказали своему народу в возможности изъявить свою волю. Видимо, боялись, что результаты референдума могут разойтись с ожиданиями заокеанских «партнеров». Ведь вопреки навязываемому в СМИ нарративу, число сомневающихся растёт: в Посольство поступает всё больше писем от рядовых шведов с осуждением трансатлантических устремлений Стокгольма и солидарностью с Россией. Почему мы их не публикуем, мы уже объяснили.
Русофобия внедрялась в сознание шведских граждан на протяжении десятилетий, если не столетий, а на подсознательном уровне то и дело проступали историческая память и обида за перечёркнутые имперские амбиции. Между тем, пока обывателям старательно прививали иррациональный страх перед русскими, Швецию исподволь шаг за шагом лишали её внешнеполитического суверенитета, готовя к послушному превращению в очередную колонию США.
Хорошо известно, что втягивать страну в Североатлантический альянс начали задолго до начала специальной военной операции России на Украине. Когда же появился формальный повод, то страх перед нашей страной был разбужен и подстёгнут, и логичным завершением стал приказ из Вашингтона: бросайте, мол, изображать независимость, нам нужно, чтобы вся Северная Европа стала «новым фронтом НАТО против России». Именно такую формулировку использует, например, профессор Военной академии, подполковник Х.Эдстрём.
На «сильный Запад под руководством США», который выступит в едином антироссийском порыве, прямо указывают в так любимых шведскими журналистами аналитических центрах (think tanks) (например, эту формулировку использует Европейский совет по международным отношениям (European Council on Foreign Relations).
«Сейчас мы делаем шаг к более безопасной Швеции» – заголовок статьи, опубликованной на странице дебатов в «Свенска Дагбладет» от 22 марта с.г. за авторством министра обороны П.Юнссона и спикеров христианских демократов и Партии либералов М.Оскарссона и А.Старбринк.
Мы бы предложили другое название: «Сейчас Швеция делает шаг в пропасть». Постараемся объяснить, почему это заглавие представляется нам куда более близким к истине и почему аргументы в упомянутом материале построены на откровенной лжи.
Начнём по порядку. «Демократия, правовое государство, уважение прав человека – ничего из этого Россия не хочет видеть развивающимся у себя по соседству». Очевидно, «по соседству» – это про Украину. Все перечисленное там, однако, не только не развивается, а, скорее, деградирует. Демократия? Неоспоримый факт: марионеточный режим пришел к власти в результате незаконного, организованного Западом госпереворота. Правовое государство и уважение прав человека? Вряд ли это можно назвать характеристиками страны, власти которой более восьми лет планомерно уничтожали население Донбасса, запрещают преподавание русского языка, разрешают нацистские шествия в столице и переименовывают улицы в честь бандеровских преступников. Такое «развитие» в соседней стране Россия действительно не желает видеть.
«Россия является и будет являться угрозой для Швеции и остальной Европы». Страна, совершающая теракты и диверсии на энергетической инфраструктуре на территории Европы – вот настоящая угроза. Не будем называть имен, все и так знают, о ком идёт речь. А Стокгольм совместно с Копенгагеном и Берлином, похоже, все это время подчищает улики, которые могли бы указать на исполнителя диверсий.
«В военно–географическом плане шведское и финское членство в НАТО усилит обороноспособность в Северной Европе». Единственное, что усилит шведское и финское членство в военном блоке – это зависимость Швеции и Финляндии от приказов из Вашингтона.
«Швеция будет готова содействовать безопасности НАТО и в других географических регионах». Видимо, мало денег налогоплательщиков потрачено на содействие интересам альянса на Украине (кстати, а кто–нибудь здесь задумывался, на что и кем на Банковой улице тратятся колоссальные деньги?). Теперь Швеция будет обязана как финансово, так и посредством отправки собственных военных обеспечивать обслуживание чужих интересов по всему земному шару.
Спонсирование киевского режима и поддержка антироссийских санкций уже влетела шведам в копеечку: беспрецедентная инфляция, рост цен, обесценивание национальной валюты. Стремительное ухудшение экономической ситуации подаётся исключительно под соусом проделок вездесущей «руки Кремля». Очередная ложь.
Помнится, кстати, как некоторые СМИ советовали всем недовольным отправлять счета за электричество в Москву. Так вот, дорогие шведские граждане, перед вами отнюдь не «путинские», а «евросоюзно–натовские» цены. Так что записывайте адреса:
NATO HQ, Blvd Leopold III, B–1110 Brussels;
European Commission, Rue de la Loi 200, 1040, Brussels.
А политики, между тем, всё твердят об одном и том же: «хорошие новости для безопасности Швеции и Европы». Принять это на веру могут разве что только окончательно утратившие способность думать читатели. Тем же, кто следил за ситуацией в сфере безопасности в Европе последние 30 лет, очевидно: НАТО, заявляя о себе как об «оборонительном альянсе», вместе с тем постоянно расширялась на Восток и подобралась вплотную к российским границам.
Интересно, не смущает ли шведских «сторонников мира», что они вступают в организацию, которая со времен Второй мировой войны осуществила более 200 военных интервенций?
Вспомните, совсем недавно именно Россия предлагала сесть за стол переговоров и обсудить гарантии безопасности. НАТО и ЕС этого не пожелали. Для тех, кто не в курсе: Стокгольм даже не удосужился ответить на предложение российской стороны, трусливо отсидевшись за спиной есовского Брюсселя. Как чуть более года назад, так и сейчас – этот вопрос даже не стоит на повестке. Именно альянс желает дальнейшей эскалации.
После вступления Финляндии и Швеции общая протяженность российско–натовских границ увеличится почти в два раза. Если кому–то до сих пор кажется, что это каким–то образом улучшит защищенность Европы – будьте уверены, новые члены враждебного блока станут легитимной целью для ответных мер со стороны России, в том числе военного характера.
Натовская Британия уже готовится отправить на Украину боеприпасы с обеднённым ураном. Швеция, наплевав на собственную обороноспособность, стремительно наращивает поставки тяжелой наступательной техники, в том числе снимая ее с боевого дежурства. В ряды ВСУ вступают шведские добровольцы, некоторые из которых, по странному стечению обстоятельств, являются действующими военнослужащими национальных ВС.
Не стоит исключать вероятность того, что желание НАТО воевать против России «до последнего украинца» приведёт к тому, что способных сражаться украинцев попросту не останется, и командование блока примет решение полноценно вступить в конфликт. В таком случае, несомненно, будут втянуты и шведы, которых отправят погибать за чужие интересы.
Неужели двухсотлетний период неприсоединения к военным союзам был темной вехой шведской истории? Отнюдь. Понятно, что «очарованные» Вашингтоном шведские политики сознательно ввергают свой народ в натовскую пропасть. Но тем, кто в Швеции молчаливо соглашается с таким губительным выбором, не стоит потом во весь голос обвинять свое правительство, когда станет очевидно, что именно произошло с некогда благополучной страной, чья социально – экономическая модель и независимая внешнеполитическая линия были ориентиром для многих стран.
That is 37 plus 43 which is 80 out of 349 corresponding to 23 %. Of these 23 % how many would merely be against NATO membership, but still in favour of the military efforts of EU/NATO and allies in Ukraine? Do the votes reflect the situation in the population, more or less accurately?Of the 349 deputies, only 37 were against, and 43 preferred not to appear (apparently not by chance).
There was in a news release from the Danish military [https://www_forsvaret.dk/da/nyheder/2023/nordiske-air-chiefs-vi-skal-have-et-samlet-luftforsvar/] reported and commented on the media:"Militarily and geographically, Swedish and Finnish NATO membership will strengthen its defense capability in Northern Europe." The only thing that will strengthen Swedish and Finnish membership in the military bloc is the dependence of Sweden and Finland on orders from Washington.
Nordic air chiefs: We must have one unified air defence
Defense / News / March 24, 2023 - At 10.05
At Ramstein Air Base, the Nordic air chiefs signed the first Nordic Air Commanders' Intent, which will lay the foundation for a unified Nordic air defence.
Finn is cheerful, drank a glass of vodka?
Did you have an experience in your life where you got so seriously disappointed in finding out that something you believed was true turned out to be a lie? As a result, did you come to the conclusion that all that came from that corner of the world was a lie? Well, my experience has been different, there are lies, but above all I think there are many nuances. Sometimes we can learn even from fiction or find truth by deducing from what is mistaken.No. Its just fake. Not real. Lie. Literally everything in all spheres of life that goes public in any way, in USA, UK, Countries of Commowealth and countries of western Europe is a lie. Those countries are under heavy rule by psychopats, nothing they say is normal or true. You can see some grains of truth here and there, but just to be used for all nefarious purposes and contexts' The whole western "civilisation" and modern western world could be described as lie upon lie upon lie upon lie . . . .
What I said was:Do you really believe that they can meddle with data, but they dont do that? And with Google as one of the pillars of modern psychopathic world. Hardly unlikely.
Google can edit the algorithms for a purpose or censor content as they choose, but I don't think they (or the AI algorithms) always need to, always care, or even if they do need and care, always work as intended. Google may influence us, but there are other influences too: See Words that reveal a little about how we are being influenced - [a work in progress] where there are over 200 search items applied to the SOTT.net Supersearch tool with shortcut links and examples of articles where the words are used. No doubt, there are many articles about lies that have been revealed, but there is so much more. Part of the challenge is how we think, how we perceive, and once having perceived how we connect the new impressions to those previously formed.Google is not always accurate, the western media are not always accurate, the surveys will sometimes only show a trend, but they are close enough to show that the support for the war in Ukraine has been really high in many European countries, just as the support for the masks and the medical procedure were.
All residents of the former USSR had this experience and I perfectly remember how it became free to breathe when the "guiding and guiding" ideology disappeared. Unfortunately, what they tried to replace it with turned out to be no better and sobering up from this imposed liberal "freedom" came very quickly. Already during the Yugoslav events, when, under the slogans of "human rights", "democracy", "freedom of speech", etc., the life of an entire country was destroyed, it more or less began to become clear how much all thisDid you have an experience in your life where you got so seriously disappointed in finding out that something you believed was true turned out to be a lie? As a result, did you come to the conclusion that all that came from that corner of the world was a lie? Well, my experience has been different, there are lies, but above all I think there are many nuances. Sometimes we can learn even from fiction or find truth by deducing from what is mistaken.
You write about nuances, and of course they are present, but the most important thing here, it seems to me, is that without looking at any nuances, using total lies, like the fence I wrote about here, terrible things are being done. The iconic figure was given a little higher.The whole western "civilisation" and modern western world could be described as lie upon lie upon lie upon lie . . . .
And there are more candidates in line. The obvious ones are Georgia, Armenia, Moldova - almost everything has already been prepared there.I wonder if Swedish "considers of peace" are embarrassed that they are joining an organization that has carried out more than 200 military interventions since World War II?
from posts below the above post
I must say that I'm trying for my aproach to the lie, to be harsh and straightforward, but I do understand yours. But still prefer mine.Did you have an experience in your life where you got so seriously disappointed in finding out that something you believed was true turned out to be a lie? As a result, did you come to the conclusion that all that came from that corner of the world was a lie? Well, my experience has been different, there are lies, but above all I think there are many nuances. Sometimes we can learn even from fiction or find truth by deducing from what is mistaken.
What I said was:
Google can edit the algorithms for a purpose or censor content as they choose, but I don't think they (or the AI algorithms) always need to, always care, or even if they do need and care, always work as intended. Google may influence us, but there are other influences too: See Words that reveal a little about how we are being influenced - [a work in progress] where there are over 200 search items applied to the SOTT.net Supersearch tool with shortcut links and examples of articles where the words are used. No doubt, there are many articles about lies that have been revealed, but there is so much more. Part of the challenge is how we think, how we perceive, and once having perceived how we connect the new impressions to those previously formed.
They are not hiding that they liquidated the clergy simply for being likely pro-Russian and that they are intent on continuing. Chilling!Podolyak considers the situation around the UOC to be an excellent opportunity to physically "clean up" pro-Russian priests.
In an interview with a Ukrainian TV channel, an adviser to Zelensky’s office said that in the first 3-6 months of the NMD, it was possible to liquidate such people “very quickly and painlessly,” but this does not mean that it is now impossible.
He added that Kyiv must take this path hard and there should be only one canonical Ukrainian church in the country.
I would say that one of the main characteristics of the fascism and nazism (psychopathy) is not being able to discern what is normal and when to shut up your mouth. One trully believes that he is the god given.Regarding the attack on orthodox Russian church in Ukraine, an advisor to Zelensky had this to say:
They are not hiding that they liquidated the clergy simply for being likely pro-Russian and that they are intent on continuing. Chilling!