Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I can't believe that Putin or any Russian secret service were behind it. It just doesn't make any sense. He was pardoned by Putin just 2 months ago and now killing him in a such spectacular way? It's more likely to have been Ukies or Western agencies to shed bad light on Putin ("See, Putin broke his word and eliminated another enemy.") and to saw more discord between Wagners/their supporters and the Russian military.
TASS published Lukashenko's account on Prigozhin's death. DeepL transl.

Lukashenko says he warned about the preparation of an assassination attempt on Prigozhin at the beginning of the year

According to the Belarusian president, some time later he contacted Yevgeny Prigozhin to clarify whether the information had reached him, to which the founder of "Wagner" said that Vladimir Putin had warned him about the upcoming assassination attempt.

MINSK, 25 August. /TASS/. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that at the beginning of the year he had received information about the preparation of an assassination attempt on the founder of the PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin and passed it to Moscow.

"The last time we flew to the [United Arab] Emirates, I received very serious information from sources, deeper than that, about an [impending] assassination attempt on Yevgeny Prigozhin. Within two hours - I instructed them - they found the Russian ambassador to the Emirates and summoned him to me. I gave him a ciphergram to the Kremlin to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [FSB Director Alexander] Bortnikov about an attempt on Prigozhin," BelTA agency quotes Lukashenko.

According to the Belarusian president, some time later he contacted Prigozhin to clarify whether the information had reached him, to which the founder of Wagner said that the Russian president had warned him about the impending assassination attempt.

Lukashenko was on a visit to the United Arab Emirates from 25 to 30 January, left for Zimbabwe on 30 January, from where he flew back to the UAE capital Abu Dhabi on 1 February.

Versions and accusations

Speaking about the circumstances of the crash of the plane, carrying the founder of "Wagner," the Belarusian president said he couldn't confirm this or that version, because "I wasn't at the crash site. At the same time, he considers unlikely assumptions about a missile hitting the aircraft. "Do you know what "hit by a missile" is? It is only the commander-in-chief who can give a command to the military-space forces to do something. Next they will give a command to a particular unit. And that unit will give a command to a particular calculation.

Do you realise how many people are involved? What kind of idiot would do that? Although I do not deny it: hell knows, maybe some crazy people decided to do it. But I don't believe it," Lukashenko shared his thoughts.

"The fact that [the aircraft's] tail came off has already been definitely confirmed. So, most likely, there was an explosion on board. Who carried it out, I personally don't know. But I said that I, knowing Putin, how meticulous, cautious, careful he is, I don't believe he would do it. And then. For a head of state to do something like this is insane. He's not crazy," said the Belarusian leader.

At the same time Lukashenko believes that in any case in the West Putin will be blamed for Prigozhin's death. "I don't make him white and fluffy, but I know that everything will be piled on him. That's how it turns out. The West started shouting, others started singing along, that 'here, Putin, malicious and vindictive'." Whatever happens, whatever happens, time will tell. Time will pass, we will know everything. It's impossible to hide it in modern times," said the President of Belarus.

Lukashenko noted that there was no sense for the Russian authorities in the assassination attempt on Prigozhin, as the situation around PMC "Wagner" has generally calmed down, the parties have come to agreements and agreed on further steps.

Aslan Nakhushev (most likely a pen name) who by the topics he writes on is associated with the oil and gas sector and special services, and who has very good track records of being correct in his commenting, posted his take on Wagner and Prigozhin yesterday. Haven't checked his facts on Africa projects, not even sure this kind of data can be found in open sources, so take it as you will.

The former "Wagner" since 01 July does not exist. What is now in Belarus has long been not Prirozhin's PMC. They have nothing to do with the new projects of EWP in terms of tasks and subordination.

As of yesterday "Wagner 2.0" Prigozhin, it is a legal entity in the state register of Belarus and 250 people from the top and middle command staff, which EUP continued with great difficulty to pay salaries with the expectation that they will become the backbone of the new Wagner.

Another 4,000 or so are on unpaid leave.

Most of them until yesterday were hoping for a new run in Africa.

100% of the former African business of the old PMC since the end of July are already under the direct management of responsible government agencies of Russia and go their own way. EWP, again with its own money until yesterday kept tiny back-offices with the old brand in the expectation of new projects in Mali and Sudan. Something he was doing well with new/old clients. He even seems to have received an advance.

In the light of recent events, it is almost certain that these new projects will either close without opening or will be taken over by African structures fully controlled by Russian states, just like the entire Belarusian economy of "Wagner 2.0".

All the remaining "big commanders", who have so far held on to the EUP, will individually move either to the Ministry of Defence, or to "Redut" [Shoigu's PMC], or to a quiet life on a hefty pension and benefits of Heroes of Russia, or, using the old brand, to rich private individuals in security.

There is no "Council of Commanders" that sits somewhere there, makes some decisions or official statements. All reports on this matter are either fakes of information hypojournalists or information games of CIPSO.

I am sure that the soldiers and commanders who have gone through the "Wagner" school will still make a significant contribution to the future victory.

The immediate cause of the sabotage was an IED on board the jet.

EWP had a huge number of mortal enemies capable of carrying out such an operation, starting with the special services of Ukraine and ending with a large number of powerful specific individuals in Russia and abroad.

The President of Russia, of course, has not forgiven Prigozhin. Undoubtedly E. Prigozhin deserved a severe punishment for all that he had done. Seven downed aircraft in one day (more than the losses of Russian aviation in the North-Eastern Federal District from May to August) and 12 dead military pilots are worth only!

But if the President had given a command to liquidate him, it would have been executed differently. A hungry lion in Mali, a mushroom poisoning in his office, a domestic accident in Sudan or an ambush by French hirelings somewhere in the Central African Republic.

And it would certainly not have happened yesterday and not before the end of the SWO.

At least, not before the elections in 2024. It is not politically favourable for the Kremlin to kill EWP right now.

The content and execution testifies to someone from his inner circle, recruited by the GUR or SBU of Ukraine
. The latter have already proved their incredible capabilities and professionalism in operations on the territory of Russia, cooler than which only their unrestrained self-piracy. In general, Evgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin naturally ended his life, according to his deeds.
I can't think of any reason why Putin couldn't have simply put him in jail if he had wanted to - I mean, Prigozhin had committed mutiny and Wagner had fired on Russian troops.
Indeed. It's just not Putin's style to blow people on Russian soil.

While Prigozhin is viewed as a traitor here on the forum, it might be more complicated than that. Right before his assassination he met several high officials in Moscow. Why didn't Putin simply forbid any official contacts with Prigozhin after his mutiny? I guess we still to see more to this story.
The President of Russia, of course, has not forgiven Prigozhin. Undoubtedly E. Prigozhin deserved a severe punishment for all that he had done. Seven downed aircraft in one day (more than the losses of Russian aviation in the North-Eastern Federal District from May to August) and 12 dead military pilots are worth only!

I guess that's the crux of the matter, how to reconcile an unforgivable act of treason, involving the killing of 12 Russian pilots, with a very sloppy act of retribution (as mentioned by the Duran and I agree with them). It just doesn't sound right.

What makes more sense, is perhaps to view it as act of omission:

According to the Belarusian president, some time later he contacted Prigozhin to clarify whether the information had reached him, to which the founder of Wagner said that the Russian president had warned him about the impending assassination attempt.

With this background, perhaps the Russian leadership just decided not to protect, inform or otherwise provide Prigo and/or Wagner leadership with intelligence anymore, leaving them on their own, knowing that the risk of assassination would increase considerably, by whoever was after them.
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Gordon Hahn's initial list of options:

I can suggest several versions of Wagner chief Yevgenii Prigozhin’s death along with Wagner comander Dmitrii Utkin on board a plane that crashed in Tver. I exclude an accident aboard the plane as not viable.

(1) Some among the state leadership with or without Putin’s approval shot down the plane with a drone or, less likely, surface-to-air missile. Suspects would be the top military leadership, GRU and/or FSB, etc. Regarding any Putin involvement, recall the interview where he stated the only thing he cannot forgive is “betrayal.”

(2) A Russian ultranationalist group shot down the plane.

(3) A Ukrainian diversionary group shot down the plane. In this regard it should be noted that one day prior to the downing of Prigozhin’s plane a drone attack destroyed one and damaged a second long-range Russian bomber at the Soltsy airfield in Novgorod Oblast, and it is likely given the distance and drone type used that the drone was launched from inside Russia (www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3751422-drone-attack-on-soltsy-airfield-launched-from-russian-soil-british-intelligence-suggests.html). The Soltsy airfield is located less than four hours by car from the area in Tver Oblast where Prigozhin’s plane was destroyed.
I don’t believe Putin is capable of murder. So I’ve been leaning towards it actually being an accident. There’s the info about the plane not having been maintained or serviced for a long time. Well, there’s a reason aircraft have to have so many hours of maintenance per hours of flight time and it’s because if they don’t get it, they fall out of the sky. So I was thinking maybe that was the cause.

But I’ve just watched this Scott Ritter interview with Danny Haiphong. He goes into most of the points that have been raised here about why it may really have been Russia who did it, and why they would.

But then, he gives his opinion, and he believes it was an accident. He says that Prig and/or his men, his ‘security detail’, were carrying arms and probably explosives and that it was probably their own weapons that caused an explosion.

He says the same thing once happened to an aircraft that US marines were travelling in, and taking into account the timing with BRICS etc., and that Putin would want media attention to be on the summit and not on an exploding plane over Moscow, I think it’s a good theory.

I also think that in a way, if this is what happened, it was like Prig’s own actions and choices lead to his death.

As the forum members like to put it - let it be my hunch.
It is not beneficial to Putin. To have such a spectacular ‘show’ almost over his residence.
Prig earlier on scared to ‘death’ russian oligarch ruling class. He reminded that 1937 needs to be repeated (in this thread i posted somewhere last autumn his exact words - yandex/google seem to ‘erase’ them)...💁‍♂️

Here is one of his quite recent interviews:
We are not the 2nd army of the world, and we have no right to celebrate May 9." Prigozhin rebelled again

I watched another big interview with Yevgeny Prigozhin today. Feelings? Optimism, let's say, has not increased. I have already written that the last year has shown the true face of our government and our state. Too many simulacra surfaced. And these simulacra have been created for several decades – in education, culture, economy, and the Armed Forces. And most importantly, the people saw that against the background, as stated, of an existential confrontation with the West, we are still playing some kind of agreements. Gas is being pumped steadily, oil products are being supplied smoothly, the oligarchs are not throwing money off, there are no drones, and our officials are still riding to Vienna for the OSCE meetings that nobody needs. I have already written about this more than once. Actually, all these thoughts were confirmed by Yevgeny Prigozhin. Very emotional. The man just boiled up, rebelled.

When asked if you are not afraid of destabilizing the situation inside the country, Prigozhin replied:

"I'm not afraid. It's time to get together in a bunch. Among whom is it destabilizing? Among Rublevsky inhabitants? Let them go to France already. Russia is on the verge of disaster. And this plane can just crumble in the air. And officials in high offices do not care about it. Everything is fine with them on Rublevka, the mistress is abroad, the wife chooses which yacht to ride. And they really like it when they are told: "Oh great, oh greatest."
A curious remark about the situation on the Frunzenskaya embankment.

"Once in one big office they said. Talented and proactive? No. We need executive ones and it is desirable that they tap with a heel. The main problem there is widespread lies and unwillingness to promote and listen to those who can make decisions on their own and refuse to fawn over their superiors."
And here is an amazing story about Syria.

We've been helping Assad fight terrorists for a long time, but in reality everything looked different.

I'll tell you a story about Syria. ISIS has always been based on the sale of oil. Block this source for them, and they would have crumbled. And so. An interesting person lives on Rublevka. George Hesuani, I think his name is. Here he has been trading oil for a long time. And I bought it, in particular, from ISIS. So why didn't we just lock his house with a key? And they didn't stop him? Traitors are sitting in various echelons of power and waiting for an agreement with the Americans. I'm not even talking about Khodorkovsky's agents. Therefore, either we are going to pile up now, or Russia will simply cease to exist.
And finally, Prigozhin answered the question whether he would attend the celebrations on the occasion of May 9:

"To celebrate May 9 (as a holiday), I think we have no one right. We must pay tribute to those who won thanks to hard work, at the cost of great losses. But going to parades, clanking there with something, riding convertibles.... We don't have such a right. We didn't deserve it. Let the children go with the women as if they were going to a theatrical performance. Unfortunately, we are starting to be funny shelves. And then we have a "Hero Race" and a tank biathlon." We have turned from the second army of the world .... Decide for yourself what.
Yesterday evening, tonight and the day, for obvious reasons, turned out to be difficult. I was completely immersed in the main issue of the agenda and its certain consequences. So far, there are no comments on the fate of the Hero of Russia Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, since the situation is multifaceted, and there are nuances, despite the recent speech of the President. His (speech) should also, so to speak, be watched correctly and read correctly. I proceed now from the principle - not to harm, as well as from the norms of morality.

There was a terrorist attack. The main purpose of the terrorist attack is to kill the Heroes of a special military operation. The reasons are, in general, the "drain" of its own and its main actors within the framework of an international transaction. Who ordered the murder? Those who benefit from speculating on a military conflict and conditional "peace negotiations", who benefit from intra-state and interstate intrigues - those who earn money from this and manage the processes.

Putin is not a customer, personally, such a scenario of last night is absolutely unprofitable for him. The Kiev regime has nothing to do with it either (not their scale). But the customers are inside Russia. For example, Abramovich knows well who they are. Conclusion: the coup d'etat in Russia, started by the internal enemies of our state in order to increase their capitalization and replace the general director (Vladimir Vladimirovich) with a closed meeting of shareholders, is going according to plan. According to their plan.

Who is to blame? For the people, Putin is to blame. For people, he is the personification of power in Russia, but his power is formal. At the same time, he had the opportunity to prevent the lawlessness and mess that has been happening all these years (even with the formal status of his "power") and still has. But he didn't do it, he's not doing it now and, unfortunately, he won't do it anymore.

P.S. The traitors of the Motherland have once again stuck a knife in the back of our people and Russia as a whole. The internal enemy is more dangerous than the external one. I hope our society will finally understand this and come out of hibernation, because it is no longer possible to tolerate these humiliations of our country and our people.

So basically, the main beneficiaries are oligarchs in control in Russia. By what means they organized that spec op-does not matter. Western intel, russian saboteurs, co’oped military, ...🧐

Delyagin mentioned that this version has rights to exist...
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Another one on the subject:

About Russian AF and gen. S. Surovikin.

After RBC reported the removal of Surovikin from his position of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces last Tuesday,

"Army General Sergei Surovikin has been relieved of his post due to a transfer to another job and is at the disposal" (of the Defence Ministry. - RBC), a source familiar with the situation told RBC and a source with knowledge of the personnel decision at the Defence Ministry confirmed it.
"He is currently on short-term leave," one of the sources clarified. ...
According to one of RBC's interlocutors, Surovikin ceased to be the deputy commander of the operation in Ukraine after he was removed as commander of the Aerospace Forces.

the next day, RIA Novosti reported that according to their source, General Afzalov has been appointed acting commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) to replace Surovikin. Chief of the Main Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Afzalov had already been the deputy commander-in-chief of the VKS when Surovikin commanded the Joint Group of Forces in the Special Military Operation Zone. That was just a confirmation of what had been already in place since July when Afzalov took over the duty of (absent) Surovikin.

Yesterday, Izvestia wrote about some further changes within the Army upcoming and some more dismissals/resignations.

(machine transl.)

After the departure from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of Russia Sergei Surovikin, which became known on August 23, the main command is waiting for serious personnel changes, sources in the Russian Defence Ministry told Izvestia. In particular, a new chief of staff, first deputy, and commander of the strongest air army, the 4th Air Force and Air Defence Army, will be appointed. At present, the Commander-in-Chief is headed by Colonel-General Viktor Afzalov. Izvestia's sources reported that he has been in the status of acting commander-in-chief since early July. Experts note that Afzalov already has a wealth of experience and his appointment will serve to strengthen the defence capability. ... Colonel General Viktor Afzalov is the main candidate for the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In any case, serious personnel changes are expected at the main command of the Air Forces in the near future. According to Izvestia's sources, simultaneously with Sergey Surovikin's departure, Colonel-General Andrei Yudin, deputy commander-in-chief of the Air Forces, and General Nikolai Gostev, commander of the 4th Air Force and Air Defence Army (according to media reports, he had been on leave since July), also left their posts. Candidates to fill their positions are now being considered. Besides, if Viktor Afzalov is appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Forces, it will be necessary to find a candidate to fill the post of the Chief of the Main Staff.

The 4th Air Force and Air Defence Army is the most powerful aviation unit in the Russian Air Force. It includes two air defence divisions, three mixed aviation divisions, and individual regiments. The army's units and formations are located in the North Caucasus, Volgograd and Rostov Regions, Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Among the tasks it performs is defence against air attacks on the southern and south-western borders of the country. It was this army that bore the brunt of the special military operation in Ukraine.

...According to Lieutenant General Aitech Bizhev, former deputy chief of the Air Force, Afzalov's appointment would serve to strengthen the country's defence capability and, in particular, to protect the airspace from drones.

A bit of an insight from already quoted in my previous post Aslan Nakhushev (same link as before):
No matter how hard the Supreme Commander-in-Chief tried to ensure that the NGSh (Chief of the General Staff) and the GK VKS (High Command of the Aerospace Forces) came to a common denominator in the choice of methods and methods of actions in the implementation of the approved strategy for conducting the SVO and the operational activities of using the VKS in the SVO, he failed to do so. Over the last month there were two meetings of the President with S. Surovikin in private and another one, which was also attended by the NGSh.

The differences in principle were too great and too fundamental. S. Surovikin is not the kind of person who adjusts himself to other people's opinions just to hold on to a particular position. By the way, V. Gerasimov is also not one of those, to his honour - he does not hold on to his position and does not play games of thrones.

For example, I really hoped that they would come to an agreement, but alas - two bears in one den ...

In early January, two concepts and strategic plans for implementing the strategy in the company for 2023 were presented. From the NGSh and the Commander of the SVO S. Surovikin.

The Supreme Commander chose the option from V. Gerasimov
, which was supported by S. Shoigu and the vast majority of commanders (who would doubt it).

It is the Minister and the NGSh who prepare submissions on the appointments / transfers / dismissals of senior command personnel in the RF Armed Forces. The resignation was formalized as a response to the request of S. Surovikin, with his secondment at the disposal of the Minister of Defense. Now the general is finishing his vacation for both, 2022 and 2023.

He has already received several proposals for further service. From the Ministry of Defense as the Head of the General Staff or Commander in the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). It seems that S. Surovikin has already rejected these proposals.

From the AP (Presidential Administration) they offer the position of the Head of the newly created, temporary (until the end of the SVO) VGA (Military Civil Administration) of new regions of Russia, or to relace Yuri Chaika [he is 72] in the Northwestern Federal District. The question remains open - will the former Commander-in-Chief agree to be seconded / dismissed to the civilian ...

The departure of S. Surovikin from his last post and all the disputes with the Chief of the General Staff and the RF Ministry of Defence have nothing to do with the mutiny and its consequences. Some people in the MoD apparatus tried to play on it immediately after the mutiny, but the Supreme Commander cut these games in the bud in early July.
Gordon Hahn's initial list of options:
... A Ukrainian diversionary group shot down the plane. In this regard it should be noted that one day prior to the downing of Prigozhin’s plane a drone attack destroyed one and damaged a second long-range Russian bomber at the Soltsy airfield in Novgorod Oblast,

That's a big one but not in the context of the EP's plane crash. And it's a bad one. Tsargrad looks deep into the problem.



Another sabotage raid by the Ukrainians resulted in the destruction of a supersonic aircraft. Ukrainian saboteurs managed to deal Russia a really heavy blow. A small drone attacked the Soltsy military airfield in the Novgorod region. Why these aircraft are so important for Russia and what to do to prevent such situations from repeating, read in the material Tsargrad.

The victim of the attack was a long-range supersonic missile carrier-bomber Tu-22M3. The Ministry of Defence of Russia confirmed this information.

The Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack using a copter-type UAV on a military airfield in Novgorod Region. The UAV was detected by the aerodrome's external observation post and was hit with small arms fire. A fire broke out at the aerodrome's aircraft parking area, which was promptly extinguished. One aircraft was damaged, there were no casualties as a result of the terrorist act,
- the report, published by the official Telegram channel of the military department on 19 August, said.

To what extent the wording of the military corresponded to the actual consequences of the strike can be judged on the basis of photos from the scene of the incident.

[TG transl: Presumably a burning Tu-22M3 at the Soltsy airfield in the Novgorod region, which was attacked by a Ukrainian drone yesterday.
The Defence Ministry claimed one aircraft was damaged in the attack. However, the Tu-22M3 appears to have been completely destroyed. There are no shelters or canopies for the missile carrier.

Obviously, as a result of the attack, the Tu-22M3 missile carrier was 99.9 per cent damaged - simply put, destroyed.

From the Ministry of Defence report, which claims that base guards tried to save the unique aircraft by firing at the drone with machine guns, we can assume that there is no anti-drone defence at the facility. But the soldiers should have anti-drone rifles, which are now being supplied en masse to the front by volunteers. Just as there was no passive defence of the missile carrier, which stood in an open top caponier (shelter) formed by an earthen embankment.

Where are the shelters?
Observers, bloggers and war correspondents have been writing about concrete shelters for our combat aircraft - indeed, shouting in their voices - for years.

The urgent need for aircraft shelters first became apparent in Syria during the attacks on the Hmeimim airbase. It became even more urgent with the beginning of the SVO after attempts to hit strategic aviation airfields. How things are with the problem now - you can see in the photo: there is not even a canopy over the aircraft,
- commented on the demise of the missile carrier Telegram channel Rybar, whose author and host Mikhail Zvinchuk is a professional military man.

Oleg Tsarov, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada who did not accept the 2014 Maidan coup, sees the situation in a similar way.

I'm tired of writing about aircraft caponiers. Ukraine, by the way, has them. The whole world has them. On all military airfields of the world. And us? On the cost of one lost aircraft could be built hangars for all military aircraft on all military airfields in Russia. But we continue to lose unique aircraft,
- the politician wrote in his Telegram channel.

It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to develop technologies for creating such shelters. There is also no need to build bushcraft. In the USSR, all the necessary studies have already been carried out, all the necessary calculations have been made and a huge number of shelters have been built. The only problem is that after the collapse of the Soviet Union they remained in the Baltic States and Ukraine.

All you need to do is to take the drawings of the arch shelter of type 2A/13 and repeat it in a simplified form.


The Soviet design can be radically simplified by doing away with such complex and expensive elements as the hangar fuel system or the gas lines that allowed the engines to be started inside the shelter.

It just needs concrete slabs, earth and rubble, plus steel gates. Already this will be more than enough to prevent the means of defeat used by the Ukrainians from reaching our aircraft worth hundreds of millions of roubles.

Last December, analysing the Ukrainian drone attack on the Dyagilevo long-range aviation base on the outskirts of Ryazan and the Engels-2 strategic aviation airfield in the Saratov region, retired Major General Vladimir Popov, an honoured pilot of Russia, told Tsargrad:

Such shelters make it possible to protect the aircraft even from the effects of a nearby nuclear explosion. To destroy a car in such a hangar, it would have to be hit with a concrete-piercing munition, and it is highly likely to be intercepted by the facility's air defence.

It turns out that we have also warned the military that shelters are urgently needed. But...

Iran knows how to do it

Yes, there is a problem of creating protective structures for such giants as the Tu-160 and partly the Tu-22M3. They require hangars so large that concrete slabs will not be able to provide a normal level of protection. Well, in these cases we should turn to the experience of Iran, which has long been protecting all strategically important buildings with grids and nets.


Yuri Lyamin, the expert on armed forces of Islamic Republic, in conversation with Tsargrad noted that such system of defence well proved itself:

Steel and rope nets can be stretched in 10-20 layers over any large aircraft. They will confidently stop any drone. And even if it explodes, the munition will be detonated at a great distance from the winged machine, which will increase its chances of survival by an order of magnitude.

Who's to blame and what to do with them?

Perhaps the most pressing question that is raised after every attack, when Ukrainian saboteurs destroy or damage unique combat vehicles with pennies, is why the situation does not change and who is responsible?

Perhaps the most pressing question that is raised after each attack, when Ukrainian saboteurs destroy or damage unique combat vehicles with a cheap means, is why the situation does not change and who is responsible for it?

There are a lot of culprits, but let's go from the simple. If the plane had been in a tunnel, could a saboteur have blown it up? No, he couldn't. So, direct responsibility, including criminal responsibility, lies with all military officials from top to bottom who, since the explosions in Novofyodorovka (it's been a year - Ed.), have not solved the issue of hiding combat aircraft. They should all be dismissed from the army and tried,
- writes the well-known volunteer and publicist Alexei Zhivov.

That is, a year ago it was clear to everyone how military aircraft should be stored. It's been a year. But no conclusions have been drawn.

In turn, another military volunteer Roman Alyokhin suggests applying the Japanese method of "five why's" to the analysis of the situation, which first establishes the immediate preconditions for an emergency, and then names the persons whose activities (or inactivity) led to their occurrence.

Why has no one thought about the importance of protecting strategic bombers? It is the systematic ignoring of the problem that causes justifiable indignation in the people and the desire to hold officials to account, says Alekhin.

This is the reason why more and more people remember Stalin. Although, no matter how many monuments to Stalin are erected, all more embezzlers and corrupt officials will not stand against the wall,
- the volunteer is sure.

So what?

The fact of the Tu-22M3's demise is really worse for Russia than the damage to the Crimean Bridge. It may seem like an exaggeration, but the attacks on the bridge are terrorist attacks in their purest form, which in the current circumstances have no effect on the supply of troops and are aimed purely at the media effect. But the loss of a missile carrier is a very serious loss.

Firstly, because these vehicles are real workhorses, they play a significant role in the "calibration" of the Ukrainian rear, and the destruction of enemy infrastructure, warehouses and command centres is one of the most important components of Russian military strategy. It is these strikes that make it possible to significantly reduce the combat capability of the AFU even before Ukrainian servicemen come into combat contact with our troops.

Secondly, the problem is that Tu-22M3s have not been produced since 1993 and, unlike the Tu-160, there has been no programme to resume their production in the country. By the beginning of the Strategic Air Defence Forces, the Russian Air and Space Forces had about 60 machines of this type, and about 120 more were mothballed.

In other words, the loss of any of these aircraft is an irreparable loss, which reduces our strike potential both in the fight against the Ukrainian regime and in terms of deterring NATO. Therefore, such an incident should not be left without consequences and organisational conclusions.

That's Russia as I know her (one side of her, of course): going big, ignoring the small but critically important, suffering losses, and not holding anyone accountable because all the ties and connections are too strong and extensive. I think, it's a Minister's job first of all to decide what is desperately needed, plan it, delegate and oversee. But Shoigu must think too big of himself for such trifles. What chance of applause can it provide? Eh.
That's a big one but not in the context of the EP's plane crash. And it's a bad one. Tsargrad looks deep into the problem.



That's Russia as I know her (one side of her, of course): going big, ignoring the small but critically important, suffering losses, and not holding anyone accountable because all the ties and connections are too strong and extensive. I think, it's a Minister's job first of all to decide what is desperately needed, plan it, delegate and oversee. But Shoigu must think too big of himself for such trifles. What chance of applause can it provide? Eh.

The loss of the Tupolyev bomber was significant, and that these trickling losses continue should indeed be upsetting and in need of someone or a few taking personal responsibility, but is there realistically anything that the 1960s Tu-22 was able to do which a brand new replacement Tu-160 would not be able to and do better? I mean, that Tu-22 was likely far closer to the end of its useful airframe life than to its beginning, especially given the sky high usage rate of the last year or two.

I hope no crew were harmed...

Perhaps it can be added that Prig most likely overseas was partly paid in raw materials, something like an informal economy that escaped any control. I think it is possible to imagine that in addition to the extra bonuses also there were different types of "contract." One with the Russian Federation as the contractor, where wagner practiced as a subcontractor (probably a bit too creatively) , another in a private capacity exclusively wagner. this was well before the events of June 23. And it was never an issue. But according to reports a few days ago by Africa Intel, for the past few weeks representatives of the Russian defense minister have been visiting first Syria and then Libya, strongly advocating the phased "silent" withdrawal of support for Wagner. Mediterranean Man also on telegram added that Egypt has strongly urged all states the neighbors in Africa to dispense with foreign armies and mercenaries. Added to the picture is that the next brics 2024 meeting as announced by Putin will have security as its theme. Africa even before, but even more so now, is the battleground. Intelligence, mercenaries of all kinds, Islamist factions mostly in the pay of the first world are intertwined in order to create instability therefore control over the continent on the one hand and obstacles to alien :-) business primarily Chinese on the other. So The wagner substitution was already going on under the radar apparently. I think that in this explosive context, the Russian federation could not rely on a hothead like Prig (who certainly lacked institutional vision). This does not automatically mean that they blew him up. Ihmo
Good point. I think that might have something to do with his demise. Prigozhin, being the consummate "businessman" was likely eyeing the wealth in the African countries that Wagner was attempting to gain a foothold in. As I've been saying, Prigozhin was not a trustworthy character, and removing him from the scene was a necessary 'evil'.
He probably made a deal to get share of a cake from selling that gas, oil, etc... in return from giving wagner service or protection. He was greedy and greed does not boad well when protecting interests of your country because it is always on the first place, you do not want to have that person around you, and not mentioning betrayal and you can not have trust anymore or it takes a long time to build it again and he being egomaniac you get the drift, and there was a video when Putin was asked what he does not forgive and he said betrayal. I would not like to have that kind of person around me.
As a citizen of Russia, I cannot but rejoice that the collective West has made a mistake, but I cannot rejoice in any way at what they see as their mistake. This crazy character continues to persist in his madness. Already observing failures in many areas, he continues to broadcast total lies about some kind of "cooperation in the fight against terrorism", although it has long been clear to everyone not poisoned to the marrow by this lie that they are creating this terrorism all over the world in order to rob entire countries and regions under the guise of "fighting" it. The mistake in understanding this character is not that they did not abandon the strategy of dividing, subjugating, dominating and robbing during the time, but that they simply did not put the squeeze on, did not finish. The saddest thing for me is that this pretzel writes, counting on some kind of audience and it is obvious that this audience exists and it, considering and proclaiming itself a "bright hail on the hill", is for the rest of the world and for my country in particular, a fetid and poisonous tangle of snakes that tirelessly stretches its greedy tentacles in all directions.
In the USA, they told about the fatal mistake of NATO

After the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, the West futilely harbored illusions that it was possible, if not to be friends with Russia, then at least to cooperate, especially on the fight against terrorism, says American military analyst Mark Voiger.

According to him, the Ukrainian conflict has exposed a different reality and the fallacy of NATO's security strategy, Fronda reports.

"After the collapse of the USSR and Moscow's defeat in the Cold War, the collective West made the fatal mistake of believing that large—scale conflicts similar to the two world wars of the 20th century would not happen again," said American military analyst Mark Voiger.

According to him, after the Ukrainian conflict broke out, NATO's strategy changed dramatically. Now, first of all, the alliance does not want to allow the temporary occupation of the territories of the member countries. The expert also drew attention to the illusions that the West had harbored since the end of the last century until the beginning of the conflict itself.

"Unfortunately, after the Cold War, for almost 30 years, since the beginning of the 90s, there was a feeling, especially in America, that we had already won, the West had won. The Soviet Union does not exist.

It is possible, if not to be friends with Russia, then at least to cooperate, especially on the fight against terrorism and other global threats. It was very wrong, very naive. Already now everyone can see that it was a bad direction," he explained.

Mark Voiger recalled that in the United States, especially after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there were illusions that an old-style war was no longer possible, that there would be no such clashes between countries, and the main threat was posed by non-state formations: terrorists, terrorist organizations.

"This doctrine has actually changed the readiness for a big war. No one thought that a big war, such as the First and Second World Wars, is real at such a level, on such a scale," the expert added. At the same time, he pointed out the fallacy of Western expectations in terms of security strategy.

A couple of days ago, Volodin, the head of the State Duma, made a statement about the Polish authorities, but the case is not limited to the authorities, as it will become clear later.
Volodin: Madmen in power are the main problem of Poland

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin called the main problem of modern Poland — and it sounds very unsightly.

"The Polish authorities are trying to save the ratings of the ruling party.

Parliamentary elections will be held in Poland in October this year. The pro—American policy pursued by President Duda had a negative impact on the ratings of the ruling party - Law and Justice. According to the latest poll, only 33% of Poles are ready to vote for her. Next comes Donald Tusk's "Civil Coalition" — 32%. The gap is minimal.

The policy towards Ukraine does not add to the popularity of the ruling party either: voters do not understand how it is possible to support the Nazi Kiev regime promoting the ideology of Bandera, which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of peaceful Poles during World War II.

To save its rating, the Polish leadership is playing the external threat card.

Despite the fact that there is no such threat, about 10 thousand Polish soldiers were pulled to the borders of Belarus.

It is quite obvious that Duda and his party are ready to go to great lengths to preserve their personal power. In this regard, the question arises: do they think about Poland and the consequences of the steps taken to increase tension on the border of Belarus?

From all this, we can conclude that the madmen in power are the biggest problem of today's Poland," stated Volodin.

Here I propose to assess the degree of paranoia of this young lady, who, sitting in a bar, physically feels like "just across the river" many millions of orcs are sharpening their teeth with files, waiting for the right moment to sink their sharpened teeth into her loin parts of the body. And again, this "journalist" writes based on the audience, and the audience is unlikely to consist of only representatives of the authorities.
A Polish journalist was horrified by a message on the border with Russia

A message from a mobile operator in the Estonian city of Narva bordering Russia horrified the journalist of the Polish portal Onet Barbara Kuza-Tarkovska.

According to the girl, she decided to go to Narva, which is often called the "most Russian" city of the European Union.

As stated by Kuza-Tarkovska, arriving at the local observation deck, which overlooks the border between Estonia and Russia, she "expected to feel horror."

"Russia was only a few meters away from me," she said. Instead, she was "greatly relieved" to be standing on Estonian soil, "on the side of the European Union."

However, the journalist experienced a "real moment of horror" when she looked into her phone.

"Because on the screen I saw the message "Welcome to Russia" from a mobile operator," she complained.

At the same time, her companion, who once lived in Narva, simply waved her hand, pointing out that this happens all the time at the border, and advising her to turn on the airplane mode.

As Kuza-Tarkovska continued, before returning to Tallinn, she decided to go to the nearest bar, which is located on the riverbank, where you can drink beer, "looking at Russia."

"Families with children were calmly walking along the newly built boulevard, and the fact that they were separated from Russia only by the river did not seem to interest them at all," the journalist was surprised.

It seems to me that it is not a coincidence that this is happening in Rzeszow. That's what happens when you drag dirt from all over the world to you.
Eight Polish citizens died of legionellosis
August 26, 2023, 11:44

Eight people have died recently in the area of Rzeszow in Poland. The cause of their death was legionellosis, an acute infectious disease. This was reported by the Polish TV channel Polsat.

"It was an elderly patient with a large number of diseases, he was also diagnosed with cancer, but the results of tests confirmed the presence of legionella bacteria in him," the TV channel quotes the doctor's words about the eighth deceased.

Another 113 people in the region were hospitalized with signs of the disease. The authorities have formed a crisis headquarters and are planning to disinfect the water supply network. The first cases of infection and deaths from legionellosis in Rzeszow began to appear in the middle of the week.

Legionellosis was first discovered at the American military base Fort Bragg.

The NATO hub is located near the city of Rzeszow, through which Western weapons are coming towards Ukraine.
Восемь граждан Польши скончались от легионеллеза

Yesterday it was reported that two Ukrainian SU-25s were shot down in different areas of military clashes. This is a war, what can you do, but today's message says that even without a war in the Ukrainian sky, for some reason, planes are cramped. You can only say welcome to the F-16, Fantom and other Tornado with Gripen. How many of them will have time to fight?
Two Ukrainian MiG-29s collided in the Zhytomyr region, — Mass media
26.08.2023 - 11:28

Ukrainian resources reported that on August 25, two MiG-29 aircraft collided in the air in the Zhytomyr region.

One of the planes, presumably, crashed into residential buildings.

Immediately after the publication, Ukrainian censorship worked, and messages about the crash and the alleged victims from among the crew members were removed from public access, but the Internet remembers everything.

It is noteworthy that an hour and a half before that, Ukrainian netizens furiously urged the MiG to fall. They tried to curse the Russian board, but their appeals "worked" on their planes.

Как гражданин России, я не могу не радоваться тому, что коллективный запад совершил ошибку, однако я никак не могу радоваться тому, в чем они видят свою ошибку. Данный сумасшедший персонаж продолжает упорствовать в своем сумасшествии. Уже наблюдая провалы по многим направлениям, он продолжает транслировать тотальную ложь о каком то "сотрудничестве в борьбе с терроризмом", хотя всем не отравленным до мозга костей этой ложью давным давно понятно, что они создают этот терроризм по всему миру для того чтобы прикрываясь "борьбой" с ним грабить целые страны и регионы. Ошибка в понимании этого персонажа не в том, что во время не отказались от стратегии разделять, подчинять, доминировать и грабить, а в том, что просто не дожали, не додавили. Самое печальное для меня то, что этот крендель пишет, рассчитывая на какую то аудиторию и очевидно, что эта аудитория есть и она, считая и провозглашая себя "светлым градом на холме", является для всего остального мира и для моей страны в частности, зловонным и ядовитым клубком змей, который неустанно протягивает свои жадные щупальца во все стороны.
Пару дней назад Володин, руководитель Госдумы, сделал заявление о властях Польши, однако властями дело не ограничивается, как станет понятно далее.
Вот здесь я предлагаю оценить степень паранойи данной барышни, которая сидя в баре, физически ощущает как "всего лишь за рекой" много миллионов орков точат зубы напильниками, ожидая удобного момента, вонзить свои заточенные зубы в ее филейные части тела. И опять же, эта "журналистка" пишет в расчете на аудиторию, а аудитория вряд ли состоит из одних лишь представителей власти.
Мне думается, что это не совпадение в том, что это происходит именно в Жешуве. Вот что случается, когда тащишь к себе грязь со всего мира.
Вчера сообщали о сбитии двух украинских СУ-25 в разных районах боевых столкновений. Это война, что поделаешь, однако сегодняшнее сообщение говорит о том, что и без войны в украинском небе самолётам почему то тесновато. Можно только сказать добро пожаловать F-16, Fantom и прочие Tornado с Gripen. Много ли из них успеют повоевать?
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