Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Vladimir Putin's statement on the plane crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin:
▪️ What happened is a tragedy. The Wagner employees who died on the plane are people who made a significant contribution to the fight against the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine. This is remembered and will not be forgotten.

▪️Evgeny Prigogine is a man of difficult fate, who had serious mistakes in life. He achieved the desired results both for himself and for the common cause.

▪️Prigozhin was a talented person and businessman who worked not only in Russia, but also abroad, in particular in Africa. He dealt with oil, gas, precious metals and stones.

▪️Preliminary investigation of the plane crash has begun. It will, no doubt, be carried out in full and to the end. Now there are technical and genetic examinations, which require a certain amount of time.
'Or maybe France flirting with Russia to become member of BRICS?'

24 AUG, 2023
Well, that's probably how it is in most cases.
We bring misery upon ourselves.
I don't know why but somehow I feel that Prig is alive.
Wow! We have a new "Elvis" who is not dead, or an eternally living Lenin, who likes who more. Well, that's actually the case. Here is a video in which Prigozhin and Utkin tell the military correspondent Pegov about their prospects in this sense. Utkin (in the video he is behind the scenes) says that death is not the end, but the beginning of something new. Prigozhin says: we will all go to hell, but we will be the best there (this is an obvious reference to the recently released film "The Best in Hell"). Utkin exclaims: absolutely!

Вот это да! У нас новый "Элвис", который не умер или вечно живой Ленин, кому кто больше нравится. Ну что же, это фактически так. Приведу видео, на котором Пригожин и Уткин говорят военному корреспонденту Пегову о своих перспективах именно в этом смысле. Уткин (в ролике он за кадром) говорит, что смерть это не конец, а начало чего то нового. Пригожин говорит: мы все отправимся в ад, но мы будем там лучшими (это явная отсылка к недавно выпущенному фильму "Лучшие в аду"). Уткин восклицает: абсолютно!

Wagner boss Prigozhin Presumed Killed in Plane Crash w/Scott Ritter​

From the interview with Judge Napolitano, Ritter said:

Vladimir Putin made the decision that he, for the greater good of Russia and the Russian people, was going to avoid the circumstances that would create a civil war but he was strict, he said I will pardon you for these acts but the condition of the pardon are you to go to Belarus, you're done here, Prigozhin violated the terms of his parole and um one would think that that might play into what happened here because I'll tell you this, the way the plane went down um it lost a wing you don't lose a wing generally speaking from an internal explosion say a bomb inside the aircraft that would lead to a rapid decompression of the aircraft but the aircraft would retain a semblance of aerodynamics and move forward when you lose a wing that's generally because you've been hit by a surface to air missile and you've now lost aerodynamics and you're pancaking in which is what that plane was doing you know again that's just a brief examination of the uh of the evidence
Interesting when Putin says that Prig was in the business (traffic?) of precious metals, gas, oil... Is he insinuating something by telling us about Prig's business in Africa? Why is Putin telling us this?

Good point. I think that might have something to do with his demise. Prigozhin, being the consummate "businessman" was likely eyeing the wealth in the African countries that Wagner was attempting to gain a foothold in. As I've been saying, Prigozhin was not a trustworthy character, and removing him from the scene was a necessary 'evil'.
Good point. I think that might have something to do with his demise. Prigozhin, being the consummate "businessman" was likely eyeing the wealth in the African countries that Wagner was attempting to gain a foothold in. As I've been saying, Prigozhin was not a trustworthy character, and removing him from the scene was a necessary 'evil'.
True, also being in the "business", creates a lot of enemies and more people than Putin must have had designs on him. Maybe the FSB simply didn't stop what was coming his way, if they were to have noticed it that is.

I suppose we can't rule out an actual accident, due to negligent maintenance, although that does seem to be the narrative that will take hold in Russia at least.

Either way, it seems like Prigozhin got what was coming to him one way or another. Whether it was his betrayal of Russia, or his betrayal of whoever was banking on him having a lot more power in betraying Russia. Or an accident, divine justice for his hubris, flew too close to the sun and came down in flames.
Good point. I think that might have something to do with his demise. Prigozhin, being the consummate "businessman" was likely eyeing the wealth in the African countries that Wagner was attempting to gain a foothold in. As I've been saying, Prigozhin was not a trustworthy character, and removing him from the scene was a necessary 'evil'.

Slept on it, weighed up all known issues once again and despite your strong instincts Joe - which of course may well be fully correct - I find I'm personally still leaning more towards non state actors such as embittered forces involved with Wagner and/or those 5th columnists involved in the coup knowing that they remained exposed as long as he lived so cleaning house (whilst also having the comfort of knowing the Russian Government unlikely to make a huge deal of his death at this stage or put any effort into hunting down the perpetrators). Anyway, I still doubt the choice of method (crass and indiscriminate) and most particularly it coinciding directly with the BRICS conference. Putin may be mad as hell with Prigozhin's treachery and betrayal, but the cautious and calculating nature of his legal mind doesn't sit with me as one that would move in this publicly dramatic way at this politically vital time, especially with matters in Africa being so central and delicately poised. So timing more likely to embarrass Putin than strengthen him to my mind. Of course, this is but futile conjecture - and Prigozhin lived such a brutal, devious life, his list of potential enemies would be long enough to take your pick; other than from the C's, I doubt we will ever get to know the truth of the matter.
Absent from Putin's comments on the downing of the plane is any mention of, or even allusion to, it being a deliberate act and the perps being brought to justice.
Upon rewatching Putin's comments on the plane's downing with regards to Prigozhin's history with ties to Kremlin, Africa business deals (who goes to Africa to mine diamonds, gold, oil, etc without some practical safety, protection guarantees from your gov?), the rise to power, political influence and then the subsequent mistakes he had allegedly made over the course of his business and private life (but who doesn't make those), I could say that he had stepped over his own authority in a typical 3D STS fashion a lot of people fall victim to, the more some people are allowed to receive and gain in terms of power, control etc, the more they feel like they can get more out of it, so their persona or delusional personal desires doesnt correlate or allign no more with those who've been actually providing assistance and protection up until the breaking point of that long term trust. It is like watching the rerun of some good old fashioned mafia movies, people just disappear, or die from unknown circumstances, car crashes, bombs go off here and there and then the mobs all act innocent at attending funerals to those they had killed but probably reality is far worse than whats been depicting in the news outlets or the movies...

I think there are many people in the know who are very aware of what's been happening over at Kremlin, this seems like sending a message to those who dare to step out of their authority as I am sure there are many vultures rising in numbers to take over Putin's legacy to long term gov, political and business positions, let's say, at least to me what happened was ironing out some internal disturbances amidst the hierarchy of the Russian super power system that doesn't really affect the world. It is just that some rich dude got killed, however involved in the Ukraine conflict, he was clearly driven by greed and probably broken promises from Kremlin as I think this conflict had grown beyond the boundaries of anything that's been expected or predicted initially. That's my opinion. Also Putin doesn't even look at the camera, shies from it, he clearly knows what's going on but he doesn't want to say it like it is, understandably so. Don't give food to the vultures but scare them with hidden messages.
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