Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

“Fighting with shovels”. That sounds oddly familiar to me. I remember people saying someone was fighting with shovels somewhere just last year.

What’s the deal with shovels anyway? I’ve seen Frankenstein like 100 times, and not one of those villagers is carrying a shovel. Axes, pitchforks, clubs…maybe a hammer. Shovels. I guess. Am I still typing? Sorry.

There is a reference that links shovels and war to Stalingrad, where there was a protracted and intense battle between the Germans and the Russians, including hand-to-hand fighting at close quarters. Legend has it that the Red Army using sharpened trench shovels as a weapon in these conditions, a sort of short sword. I learned that from this series linked below, which helped me get a broad strokes overview of the Great Patriotic War, and also filled in some small details like that mentioned above.

A book detailing Ukrainian war crimes has been released:

Oh my God.

"The AFU set fire to the houses. There was no shelling, but houses were burning. A neighbour at the end of the street said that Russians were not there yet, but shelling of the town from the Ukrainian side. The AFU shot in order to ruin houses, to ruin as much as they could and smoke out the people."-Svetlana Reva, 50 years old, Artyomovsk

This book, Ukraine's Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023), was published by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so don't read it if you don't want to. But if you do, you'll find "more than 400 testimonies of victims and eyewitnesses of Ukrainian war crimes and terrorist acts against civilians, committed between 2022 and 2023," according to the book's description on the Ministry's website.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I can bring myself to read it (the previously published White Book on the crimes in Donbass was hardcore).


I'm not sure where it can be purchased, but one commenter on the thread linked to available pdfs.

English pdf:

Russian pdf:
'Jens Stoltenberg is begging for providing more weapons to Ukraine for "peaceful end to this war".'

17 Jan, 2024
This is like being a scientist studying a brand new unknown species of a worm.

Are those psychopaths so far gone that they actually believe their own narratives? Or that people buy whatever they say at face value and miss the daily loads of the contradictions put on display?
I think every infantryman beginning with the Romans is issued a shovel, being essential to dig foxholes, trenches, etc. Back in the day, Americans were asked to carry a shovel and bucket in their cars to fight forest fires they may encounter along the desolate highways in the west. I've carried a small military surplus shovel in the trunk of my car for roadside emergencies, but thankfully it's never been used.
My point was that last year it was the Russians who were fighting with shovels (and washing machine chips, according to the mainstream media). Now it’s the Ukrainians that will if they have to. I was illustrating the flip of the story.

The Frankenstein bit was just my weird humor. I know soldiers are issued entrenching tools.😁
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My point was that last year it was the Russians who were fighting with shovels (and washing machine chips, according to the mainstream media). Now it’s the Ukrainians that will if they have to. I was illustrating the flip of the story.

The Frankenstein bit was just my weird humor. I know soldiers are issued entrenching tools.😁
Yeah, I'm 75 and shamefully take every opportunity I get to quip or reminisce. ;-D
I think every infantryman beginning with the Romans is issued a shovel, being essential to dig foxholes, trenches, etc. Back in the day, Americans were asked to carry a shovel and bucket in their cars to fight forest fires they may encounter along the desolate highways in the west. I've carried a small military surplus shovel in the trunk of my car for roadside emergencies, but thankfully it's never been used.
Small shovel is part of the oficial gear in most of the infantries around the world.
The really big shovels they issue to the foreign ministers and heads of state get the big excavators to shovel massive amounts of BS. Media gets this:
I would say that the media gets this. It allows them to ship without stopping.

And now back to the realities of Ukropia.
Look at that ugly mug and how carefully, almost lovingly, this mug tries on an SS officer's cap.
The Bandera man put on his grandfather's cap

Then it's also interesting. It is stated that the Ukropsky cook prepares lunch for the battalion commander and chief of staff, sarcastically calling them the best commanders and in the end, after all the manipulations, expresses the hope that he did not oversalt it.
The Ukrainian cook prepares lunch for his battalion commander and the chief of staff.

Я бы сказал, что СМИ получают вот такое. Оно позволяет им отгружать без остановки.

А теперь вернемся к реальностям Укропии.
Посмотрите, что за рожа и как бережно, практически с любовью эта рожа примеривает офицерскую фуражку СС.
Дальше тоже интересно. Заявлено, что укропский повар готовит обед для командира батальона и начальника штаба, саркастически называя их лучшими командирами и в конце, после всех манипуляций выражает надежду, что не пересолил.
Real morons. They worry about their "neutral" status, which has long been rotten. He would have been invited to The Hague right away. With his handcuffs. Putin is waiting impatiently for these invitations, as they say, he is already ironing his shoelaces.
In Switzerland, Putin's visit was demanded because of the problem arranged by Zelensky

MOSCOW, January 18 — RIA Novosti. Switzerland should invite Vladimir Putin to confirm its neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict, Swiss National Council deputy from the Swiss People's Party (SVP) Rino Buchel said in an interview with the newspaper 20 Minuten.

"Switzerland will be able to maintain its neutrality only if it also invites Vladimir Putin to Bern," the politician believes.
Buchel was angered by the visit of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to the Swiss parliament on Monday. According to him, the country is actually taking the side of one of the parties to the conflict, violating the age-old principle of the country's neutrality.
A diplomatic settlement of the conflict in Ukraine is completely unthinkable without Moscow's participation, the politician believes. He described the negotiations on the Ukrainian "formula for peace" that took place in Davos without Russia as "absurd."
On Monday, Vladimir Zelensky met with deputies of the Swiss parliament in Bern. The faction of the People's Party announced a boycott of the Ukrainian president. SVP has repeatedly stressed that the country violates its own principle of neutrality by negotiating with Kiev.
A meeting on the so-called "formula for peace" on the settlement in Ukraine was held on January 14 in Davos at the level of national security advisers. 83 delegations took part in it. Earlier, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said that there is no alternative to Moscow's participation in the peaceful settlement of the conflict and it is impossible to hold a peace conference without it.
В Швейцарии потребовали визита Путина из-за устроенной Зеленским проблемы

These refuseniks, one might say, were lucky. Probably because of the large number of them. In such a situation, the APU can easily be shot on the spot. However, as they say, it's not evening yet and anything can happen in the Khokhlyat prison too. The recent Gonzalo Lira won't let me lie.
In Ukraine, more than 150 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were arrested for refusing to cross the Dnieper

GENICHESK (Kherson region), January 18 - RIA Novosti. More than 150 Ukrainian marines were arrested in Kherson, occupied by the Kiev authorities, for refusing to cross the Dnieper and land on the left bank, the wife of one of the arrested Ukrainian military told RIA Novosti.
"I am an ordinary Ukrainian woman, my husband is a military man of the Armed Forces of Ukraine... He never shirked service and was a true patriot, but in January he and more than 150 people - marine paratroopers from different units - were arrested by the Kherson court and sent to jail," she said.

According to the wife of the Ukrainian marine, her husband and other soldiers were arrested for refusing to obey the command order and cross to the left bank.
"Ammunition is not supplied, there is no food. Their commanders want to curry favor with the command and throw our sons, fathers and brothers to their deaths," the woman explains.
She also called on fellow citizens not to remain silent in order to help stop the "meat" assaults and release her husband and others arrested.
На Украине арестовали более 150 морпехов ВСУ за отказ форсировать Днепр

The geography of the Khokhliats strikes is still expanding. Yesterday they reported about the Voronezh region, now it's the turn of the Leningrad region.
For the first time since the beginning of its operation, the Ministry of Defense reported the interception of UAVs over the Leningrad region
Air defense shot down and intercepted UAVs over the Moscow and Leningrad regions
The Russian Ministry of Defense said that on the night of January 18, air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian drone over the Moscow region and intercepted an AFU UAV over the Leningrad region. Earlier, since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the agency has not yet reported on the interception of drones over the Leningrad region.

As reported in the Telegram channel of the military department, with the help of two drones, the Ukrainian military tried to "carry out a terrorist attack on objects on the territory of Russia.

It is noted that the UAVs were shot down and intercepted at about 01:30 Moscow time. The Ministry of Defense did not provide any other details.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that air defense equipment destroyed a drone flying towards the capital in the sky over Podolsk near Moscow. According to his data, as a result of the attempted UAV attack, no injuries or damage were recorded.
Минобороны впервые с начала СВО сообщило о перехвате БПЛА над Ленинградской областью

Реальные недоумки. Они переживают о своем "нейтральном" статусе, который уже давно протух. Сразу бы уже приглашали бы в Гаагу. Со своими наручниками. Путин прямо в нетерпении ждет этих приглашений, как у нас говорят, шнурки уже гладит.
Этим отказникам, можно сказать, повезло. Наверно из-за большого их количества. В такой ситуации в ВСУ легко могут и расстрелять на месте. Правда, как говорится, еще не вечер и в хохляцкой тюрьме тоже всякое может случиться. Недавний Гонсало Лира не даст мне соврать.
География хохляцких ударов пока расширяется. Вчера сообщали про Воронежскую область, теперь пришел черед Ленинградской.
Symbolic both for the US and Ukraine!

The Ukrainian newspaper STRANA.UA reports on the ordeal of the American lunar walker Peregrine. Which was supposed to land on the moon but had to do a U-turn and is now on its way back to Earth.

Almost from the very moment the module separated from its carrier, the scientists knew that something was wrong, it was leaking fuel among other things. The scientists kept this news to themselves, at first. Finally, a week later (this past Monday), the company revealed to the public that something had gone terribly wrong. They ordered the module to return to Earth and commit suicide (this upcoming January 18) by performing a head-first dive in full layout position, straight down into Earth’s atmosphere. Where it’s fiery re-entry will totally not be a hazard to anybody on our planet.


There is a Ukrainian sidebar to this story: In an act of EVS (Extreme Virtue Signaling), the Peregrine module was supposed to deliver a Ukrainian blue-yellow flag to the surface of the moon. I don’t know if it was supposed to fly proudly right alongside America’s Stars and Stripes, or maybe on a different part of the moon. Either way, that flag will never fly on the moon.


European countries: Send your troops to Ukraine!​

January 18, 2024 Editor Editor , External Speakers 0

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky demanded that Western “partners” send troops to fight in Ukraine.
This is explained by the discomfiture of the Ukrainian forces on the ground: Failure of the much-announced counter-offensive, and on the contrary it is the Russian forces which are now advancing in several directions. Zelensky understood what we have been saying from the beginning: Sending material is useless since we destroy it.
Note that the F-16s (some of which are already on Ukrainian territory!) have not yet been used. Probably Zelensky is not very eager to see them taken down by our forces…
On the troop side, Zelensky's recruiters are now kidnapping teenagers, retirees and invalids to send them after just a few days of training to fight our forces. The already announced upcoming mobilization of Ukrainian women will change nothing and Zelensky knows it.
This is why, money and weapons are not enough for him, his demands are increasing and he is now asking for NATO troop shipments.
This demand was made under the guise of fighting the “embodiment of war,” which Zelensky says is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Only, claiming that the Russian leader "will not allow peace", Zelensky, for some reason, did not mention the main thing: Moscow does not refuse negotiations, but is ready to conduct them only on its own terms . However, this silence from the kyiv leader is understandable: he wants to continue fighting.
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This is understandable: We are in fact not inclined to discuss with people who have already renounced their commitments both in the Minsk agreements and in the agreements which led to the withdrawal of our forces then at the gates of kyiv. Our goals are clear: That Ukraine is no longer a threat to us. For that, we will take kyiv.
So Zelensky takes it to the next level: “How many men and women are you willing to send to protect another country?” – he asked the West.
We already know what Europe's reaction will be: initially, it will hand over the fleeing rebels to Ukraine. As was said at a meeting of the European Parliament, there are currently around 800,000 people in the EU who have fled their countries.
But this is not what Zelensky has in mind, since recovering 800,000 deserters who also have no military training will not allow Russian forces to retreat. What Zelensky wants is the military commitment of the forces of NATO countries.
It is likely that some countries will decide, “individually”, to send forces. Poland and the Baltic States for example, but also France.
France is in fact the country where President Macron is most committed to Ukraine; he has also just announced that he will soon go to Kiev to sign a “security agreement” which will ensure Ukraine a material and financial support. We were also told that several members of the French forces were informed to “be ready” to go “to a cold country”.
Some senior French officers have recently published videos assuring that they would refuse any military movement in Ukraine. But this is a big joke: The officers do what they are told to do, and those who open their mouths from time to time quickly close them again. We saw this with a certain “call from the generals” a few years ago which led to nothing.
But this is also perfectly understandable… and honorable! Every officer, from whatever country he is, takes an oath to defend his country. To deny this oath, whether by refusing to obey or by spreading messages or articles online against one's Homeland, is pure and simple treason, and of course even if we take advantage of these few traitors, it is out of pure interest and not out of respect! As Vladimir Putin said, the traitor is the worst species.
The majority of French officers are, I am sure, honorable people who will respect their commitments, and it is therefore likely that some units will go to fight our forces in Ukraine. Rest assured that they will be laminated without any qualms.
Zelensky's latest demand will therefore serve no other purpose than to bring several Western countries to war against Russia, and quickly of course NATO itself, which will lead us to draw conclusions and very probably not to stop at the borders of Ukraine. This will only be self-defense, and many high-level political and military leaders in Russia are already calling for such measures . The enemy is not mistaken since NATO is sending new forces to Russia's borders ( link here ) while Bild, generally well informed by sources in the German BND, is talking about the next war ( link here )
Zelensky will therefore have been not only the destroyer of Ukraine, but also of Europe.
Boris Gennadevich Karpov
Telegram: @boriskarpovblog

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 08-23-52 TASS on X Russia’s Battlegroup Center has hit more than 40 U...png

The Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to attack an oil terminal in St. Petersburg with a drone carrying about 3 kg of explosives,
Shot’s source reports. According to SHOT, debris from the UAV was found on the territory of the Petersburg Oil Terminal JSC.

It was previously established that the drone was an aircraft type with a wingspan of 6 meters and a piston engine.

The port infrastructure was not damaged and no one was injured. Wreckage of the UAV may also be in the Gulf of Finland, 5 kilometers from the terminal.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 08-27-36 TASS Military operation in Ukraine.png

The rescue of France will require the annihilation of the United States​

January 17, 2024 Editor Editor , External Speakers 9

By Valérie Béranger (*)
The United States has always been a symbol of war, destruction and death. P(everywhere they go the Americans only know how to leave desolation and tears behind them. Their hidden involvement in the Russia/Ukraine war is once again blatant proof of this. What reason does Washington, through NATO, really have to continue a genocide which will in any case result in its total discomfiture, if not a form of aggressive mental alienation of its ruling elites.
With hindsight now, one observation stands out to Western right-thinking: of course we should have negotiated, of course we should have linked Russia to the West, as had also been proposed Vladimir Putin upon his arrival at the Kremlin in 2000. These are obvious facts that ordinary European citizens, and particularly French citizens, are themselves capable of understanding. And yet instead of choosing the path of reason, decadent, disarmed France, which admitted in its time to having only four days of ammunition in the event of a high-intensity war, opted with liberal Europe for war “until the last Ukrainian”. A stupid, illogical choice, which clearly reflects the mental decay and denial of reality of the French elites.
This liberal Europe, which Emmanuel Macron defends with all claws, is solely responsible for the decrepitude and destruction of the West by generating its own moral and economic defeat. By leading the EU countries to excessive globalization of the economy for a “happy globalization”, following the USA and more generally the Anglo-Saxon world, the elites who lead them have led them to total inferiority. until finding ourselves facing a Russia in a defensive position, mirror of an aggressive West. A great result if ever there was one.
To understand this suicidal attitude we have to go back in time to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Obviously the Yankees, and even less the Europeans, never really understood at the time the meaning of the collapse of the USSR.
If we return to recent pages of History, as early as 1965 America was already in a process of educational, industrial and economic decline. When the USSR collapsed, the West itself, already in very bad shape, wrongly believed that the fall of the Soviet regime was a victory for capitalism. A “victory” that Washington wanted to be complete and which, despite all the promises made, was followed by an expansion towards the East to the point of provoking Russia in its security space. A useless and ridiculous provocation of a Western world which is already on the verge of brain death and denial of reality.
We now see the result of this imbecile policy: the USA fell into a trap in Ukraine that they themselves built, helped by Ukrainian nationalism which led them to believe in a disappearance of the manufacturing capacity of Russian armament while American and Western industrial capabilities in general were already in the process of collapsing.
This erroneous vision of Russia's military, industrial and economic capabilities by Washington, by maintaining the illusion that the West had the technical means to support the war, imposed on the Ukrainian people a real genocide, accompanied by suffering as useless as abominable. It is all the more serious since now the United States, aware of its disrepair, is reduced to trying to have Patriot anti-aircraft missiles produced in Germany. And this quite simply because they are no longer capable of producing them themselves, due to the fact that as with their army reduced to its simplest expression, they no longer have the workforce, engineers and qualified workers. required. Now America is in complete decline, which the EU, led by Emmanuel Macron, stubbornly refuses to see. A denial of realities which leads France straight to the precipice, to the great dismay of its completely offline people.
As surprising as it may seem, another phenomenon has contributed to the decline of today's West: the destruction of religion. Thus, for decades, the United States and the entire Anglo-Saxon world were built on the foundations of Protestantism while Europe relied on Catholicism. By undermining these bases, by having undermined Christian morality, we arrive at a zero state of religion, destroyed in particular by homosexual marriage with the leitmotif “we get along with each other”. Homosexual marriage marked an extremely negative turning point in the West, by annihilating the rules of life dictated by centuries of religious morality which were intended to be nothing more nor less than rules of common sense offered to humanity. The result of this decadence dedicated to nihilism was not long in coming in the USA with a rise in the need for war and violence which is now spreading everywhere in the West like the Black Death.
This is obvious for a society which, having lost all faith, no longer has an autonomous ruling class, which no longer knows where it is going, which is in decline, and which as a result triggers or inflames conflicts almost everywhere in the country. the world, just to feel like I exist.
From now on, the American ruling class is zero morality, zero religion, leaving room only for the power of money and war, with the added feeling of a sort of enjoyment in sowing disorder in Eurasia.
On the side of Emmanuel Macron who follows the same insane path, his relationship with the French, particularly with regard to the law on pension reform demanded by Brussels, is that of a capricious child who tests his limits in the face of a powerless and who is waiting for him to stop him. What currently characterizes the French system vis-à-vis the USA is total impotence, masked behind excessive communication. As proof, I cite Emmanuel Macron's declaration upon the appointment of Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister, saying: “He is the minister of rearmament”! Words, communication… and emptiness! At the international geopolitical level, France does not exist, or rather it no longer exists since it aligned itself with the USA and appears to be controlled, just like the entire European oligarchy, by the American NSA.
It is also astonishing to see all these brains that are gone for good. Who left France since the construction of Europe under American leadership, to flee a future slavery of which they felt the beginnings because of a corrupt, irresponsible and untouchable elite, which governs not only in France but throughout Europe. Brains who have expatriated because of Europe. Corrupt Europe has proven to be the trigger for the departure of many French people. Several hundred craftsmen, surgeons, doctors, lawyers, civil servants, police officers, soldiers, who could no longer bear to see the moral and family values which founded the foundations of this thousand-year-old country destroyed, forced to endure “living together” , throat slitting and almost daily attacks on public transport and in public places and who were looking for security and tranquility for their family.
The brain drain that France badly needs to recover has highlighted two major problems, namely massive deindustrialization and the fall in living standards in the face of inflation. A fact which fills Washington with joy, who sees his slave state so tied up in the spider's web that he himself has woven from his problems that he can no longer struggle. Another actor in decline in Europe, for its part, Germany compensates for its aging population and its lack of birth rate (1.5 children per woman) with a contribution of immigrant population which seems to have been generally integrated into the world of work if we consider its very low unemployment rate. Until now, unlike France, Germany has managed to “save the furniture” through its industry, but for how long since the cost of energy is causing more and more exporting companies to close? , guess where? Obviously, as luck would have it in the USA. Not to mention the cost of supporting Ukraine, stupid demagoguery, which is ruining this country just like France and for which money must be found at all costs. Would it be at the cost of the lives of his own people. If Germany is resisting better than France for the moment, it is true that its “elites” are just as subservient to Washington and swear only by the American protective umbrella. An error which will ultimately be fatal to him in any case.
Because one of the obsessions and one of the real strategic objectives of the Americans is to prevent Germany/Russia cooperation, the first step towards the creation of a strong Europe from Paris to Vladivostok via Berlin. Hence the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline which would allow them, they hoped, to “sink” German industry. Indeed, a rapprochement between Germany and Russia is the terror of American geopoliticians. But what our Yankees refuse to understand is that despite all their abject maneuvers, despite the betrayal of the French and German elites towards their people, these projects are doomed to failure anyway.
Sooner or later, the Russia/Ukraine war will end up stopping, and even if we consider that Russia is not the winner, it is in all cases the West and in particular France which will have lost everything. At the end of this war, we will see that the EU is nothing but a collection of weak, bloodless, ruined, deindustrialized powers, occupied by declining populations and invaded by aggressive aliens from whom they will pray to be rid.
Contrary to what the Germans, the Dutch, the Swedes, the Finns, etc. may think. whose leitmotif translates as “what will we become when the United States no longer protects us?” well quite simply when the USA has been destroyed by the multipolar world, the world in the global sense will be at peace.
Once the USA understands its defeat. Once they agree to withdraw from Eurasia and all the regions where they maintain endless conflicts, this world will finally be at peace. The best thing that could happen to Europe, and especially to France, is the annihilation of the USA.
Valérie Bérenger
(*) Valérie Bérenger is a Russophile and Russian-speaking professional journalist, passionate about History and passionate about justice. Deeply outraged by French government propaganda and its engagement with NATO against Russia, she chose not the “camp of good” but that of truth.”
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