Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Yes, and when did this really begin?

A time when it really became clear was probably in 2014, because it was obvious already then that the coup in Ukraine was orchestrated. But the traces go back even further. What attitude helped to allow military action in Syria in 2014, the bombing of Libya in 2011, Iraq in 2003, Afghanistan from 2001, and Yugoslavia in 1999?
In any case, the infiltration to destabilize countries and then bomb them may also be related to their merely pathocratic attitude instead of being a better orchestrated larger plan... it's hard to tell anyway... but I see it feasible that they intentionally sabotage in some level the economy of the West more than with the covid to be able to implement the new models in post-survival... although Russia has not yet finished playing its cards and surely many more will "wake up"... which could make the implementation of the new model is even more chaotic, but I don't get my hopes up either, after all it was said that the "programming is complete".
Well, they have that diia app, so I guess the functionality could be easily extended
Things are going quickly... Polish digital identity application mObywatel is now supporting the Ukrainian equivalent in the context of identity verification:
After assigning a PESEL number, persons with Ukrainian citizenship can use the digital identity document Diia.pl (Дія пл) in the mObywatel application. It allows for identification for the needs of reimbursed medical services or when concluding an employment contract - informs the Scientific and Academic Computer Network.

Looking at how the applications are similar, there is a need for the small crisis in Poland to introduce a digital wallet functionality with "programmable money" aka vouchers. The infrastructure is already here. There are different brands of apps, but as we see, it's the same system of tying the herd to digital certificates.
I hope it won't escalate... our government is making everything to drag us into this war, but I hope Russians will just treat them as annoying bugs and ignore the buzzing.
I think that especially the Russians know, that this is not our government, exactly as it was during Communism. All long-term strategies were dictated by Moscow, Warsaw had only space for short-term ones. We've just changed our Masters in 1989 :) I'm also more than sure, that a lot of people will be doing everything to not participate in any conflict because they don't identify with the Polish government, and value their families more than the place they live. Maybe except the younger Reddit-era generation, formatted by the Avengers and computer games...
Maybe except the younger Reddit-era generation, formatted by the Avengers and computer games...
And in this generation's minds programming was the most succesful unfortunately, generation that supposed to be the future. Most of them is left-sided, watching tvn (polish biggest mainstream media). They recently defended tvn so hard on protests... I noticed that this generation wants war the most. They want to "beat the moscals", "we should fight Russia alongside with NATO" etc. I heard statements like that a lot. Lost generation, I'd say. It's saddening for me mostly because I belong to this generation.
'Biden will visit Brussels to discuss a no-fly zone over the Ukraine with the European allies.'

US Navy Deploys Carrier Strike Group in Med to Implement Ukraine No-Fly Zone If Biden Gives Order

By Ilya Tsukanov - 4 hours ago
The United States operates 11 carrier strike groups, and has deployed them repeatedly across the globe over the decades in a show of force against mostly smaller, militarily weaker nations. US forces in the Mediterranean operate under the Sixth Fleet – headquartered in Naples, Italy, and have a combined strength of up to 40 ships and 175 aircraft.

The USS Truman carrier strike group has been deployed to the Mediterranean, with Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro saying its mission includes “deterring” Russia and implementing a potential no-fly zone over Ukraine, should President Biden give the order to establish one.

“There are numerous Russian ships and subs in the Mediterranean today and that’s why it’s important for NATO to have an equal presence, to deter them. The only thing that Putin understands is strength”, Del Toro said, speaking to Politico.

“The role of Truman, with other allies, is to deter Russians from further aggression and to be on constant standby for orders that might be given from our president or from other leaders around the world for the protection of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine”, the commander added.

The Nimitz-class carrier and its escorts are currently stationed in the Ionian Sea, the body of water directly southeast of the Italian "boot" and the western coast of Greece. Its aircraft are said to have carried out over 75 patrol missions along NATO’s eastern flank, including near the Ukrainian border, over the past month. The Truman has been used repeatedly in US wars of aggression, with its aircraft flying over 1,200 combat sorties during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and assisting coalition forces during fighting against the Taliban* insurgency in Afghanistan in the 2010s.

The current tensions between Russia and NATO over Ukraine aren’t the first time the US has deployed a carrier strike group in the Med as a show of force against Moscow. In the spring of 2014, in the wake of the victory of the US and EU-backed Maidan coup in Kiev and tensions between Russia and NATO over the fate of Crimea, Washington deployed another Nimitz-class carrier, the George H.W. Bush, near the peninsula off southern Turkey.

A growing number of US lawmakers has called for the introduction of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, notwithstanding the danger of provoking a direct military confrontation with Russia.

The US and its allies have experience implementing no-fly zones over mostly small and militarily overmatched countries, including Iraq, Bosnia, and Libya. Between 1991 and 2011, NATO used no-fly zones against these countries not only to stop the operation of aircraft over designated areas, but to themselves engage in the bombing of ground targets. In Iraq, authorities estimate that up to 1,400 civilians were killed in US and UK-enforced no-fly zones between 1991 and 2003. In Bosnia between 1993 and 1995, NATO jets bombed civilian infrastructure and killed over 150 civilians, and polluted the country with cancer-causing depleted uranium shells. The no-fly zone instituted over Libya in 2011 played a crucial role in overthrowing the Gaddafi government and turning the country into a failed state with open-air slave markets.
The goal is not the puppet regime in Kiev. The US would replace it with another puppet within a few days. The goal is to neutralize the neo-nazi military capacities that are dispersed all across Ukraine. If it were a blind carpet-bombing of the country, US-style, of course it would take only a week or so, but that's not the case. Just like for anything else in life, doing the right thing is difficult and long.
Why do you think that it is not the goal to remove the regime in Kyiv if they are supporting Nazi stuff, or at least closing their eyes on that ? If you remove them it would be harder for Nazis
or those to sympathize them to act, especially to act openly. And how would "US" replace them with new puppet regime, especially "within a few days" if Russians would take Kyiv and overthrow the regime ?

Maybe if Russians would immediately leave the Ukraine, after taking capital and forget about all that happened.
I don't understand what is there to be happy about. Ukrainian Nazis take women and children (Ukrainians!) hostage, mine hospitals (with patients inside!), schools and kindergartens.
What tactics would you use against such scumbags? Carpet bombing like in Yugoslavia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? This is not America, bro. Russian troops do not kill civilians, Russians are not Americans. You should understand this.
I am not sure if I said that I am happy about something, I just put that emoji because he wrote this
"I'll trust the Russians that everything is going more or less according to plan."
He is laughing that massacres are already taking place contrary to what I said, but he is not laughing at the deaths or the suffering.

If things go wrong for the Russians, why haven't they made major changes already?

I was not laughing about massacres, I just put that emoji because you wrote this : I'll trust the Russians that everything is going more or less according to plan.
It is not that things really go wrong but they may have changed their tactic a bit and focused much more on the south of the country as we can see on the map.

I also apologize to you guys because of the late reply.
I work for a Polish company creating recruitment campaigns for big companies. Guess for what target and in what language I've been creating campaigns in the last couple of days? Yes. For Ukrainians. I thought that I live in Poland but now I started to doubt it. Maybe we are in Ukraine now? Look, even our flag changed - UN flag appears in media, next to the logos of government organizations, on buildings such as POLISH UNIVERSITIES (for example 3 UN flags on a building of my art university in Katowice, NO Polish flag). And guess who companies will prefer to employ - Polish employer for whom they must pay a lot of money to employ or Ukrainian citizen for whom they will soon be given extra money?

Polish are becoming second category citizens in their own country and - what's the worst in that - thay are happy about it! Poland is slowly becoming the new Ukraine.
We have someone in our office who's wife is from Poland. Through this connection I learned about this interesting law in Poland.

At the same time, the current requirement that a foreigner’s remuneration cannot be lower than the minimum wage is going to be amended (Article 114 section 1 item 5 of the Act on Foreigners). In result of this specific amendment, the monthly remuneration of a foreigner cannot be lower than the minimum wage, regardless of the working hours or the type of legal relationship constituting the basis for the foreigner’s employment. Therefore, it also applies to cases where a foreigner performs a part-time job.

I don't know what the official "minimum wage" is in Poland, but stipulating that the monthly equivalent needs to be payed regardless of actual hours paid SOUNDS INSANE and favoring the foreigners over Poles. Anyone in Poland know more about this ?

Reading what you say it sure sound like Poles will have a problem in "their own house" as Poland is not a rich country like its western neighboring countries.

More street justice or injustice in Ukraine. Some comments say they are gypsies/Roma People. Note the soldiers around them.
The pictures are said to be from Lvov where there is NO FIGHTING.

More such pictures on this channel

Seeing that many are women is rather disturbing.

Then there are these text books which someone from the pro-Russia side found in a high school in the town of Volnovakha, which is directly north from Mariupol (Azov's base of operation in Ukraine). No idea how widely this is done, but this sure looks like militarization of very young people. NOT GOOD !!!!!

In 2015 Azov didn't worry about showing who they were.
'Biden will visit Brussels to discuss a no-fly zone over the Ukraine with the European allies.'

US Navy Deploys Carrier Strike Group in Med to Implement Ukraine No-Fly Zone If Biden Gives Order

By Ilya Tsukanov - 4 hours ago

A few days ago, Putin have said that if any country tries to do anything on the territory of Ukraine, it will automatically be considered a party to the conflict, regardless of what it is a member of. In addition, it has been repeatedly stated that in the event of a conflict, strikes will be carried out on control centers in the first place. That is, the Pentagon, Brussels (NATO) and other control centers are under attack. And an aircraft carrier is a very easy target.
I'm having trouble getting to the Kremlin site today. It just won't load.

From Sputniknews (emphases mine):

Biden Calls Russia’s Hypersonic Missiles ‘Consequential’, Says They’re ‘Almost Impossible to Stop’

Mar. 22, 2022

Russia became the first country in the world to achieve modern hypersonic capability after putting the Kinzhal (“Dagger”) nuclear-capable air-to-ground missile system into service in late 2017. China followed suit with the DF-ZF hypersonic glide vehicle in October 2019. The US is working on a half-dozen hypersonic weapons, but has yet to field any.

US President Joe Biden has acknowledged the capabilities of Russian hypersonic missiles
and commented on their use in Ukraine.

“If you notice, they’ve just launched their hypersonic missile [in Ukraine], because it’s the only thing that they can get through with absolute certainty. It’s – as you all know, it’s a consequential weapon. And – but – with the same warhead on it as a – as any other launched missile. It doesn’t make that much difference, except it’s almost impossible to stop it. There’s a reason they’re using it”, Biden said, speaking at a business forum in Washington on Monday.

The president’s comments followed a pair of Kinzhal missile strikes Friday and Saturday targeting weapons and fuel depots in western and south-central Ukraine. The first strike targeted a fortified underground missile and ammo depot in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The facility was built in the Soviet period and designed to withstand a nuclear blast. The second strike destroyed a fuel and lubricant base in Konstantinovka, Nikolaev region which the Russian military said served as the main supply base used by Ukrainian ground forces in southern Ukraine.

First introduced into service in December 2017 and carried on board MiG-31K jets or Tu-22 and Tu-160 bombers, the Kinzhal has a range of over 2,000 km and a top speed of up to Mach 12 (14,700 km per hour). It is also said to have the capability to manoeuvre in flight, making it next to impossible to intercept using any currently existing air defences.

The Russian military has reported on the destruction of over 90 percent of Ukraine’s air defence capabilities in the course of its ongoing military operation in the country. The United States and its allies have sought to shore up Kiev’s air defences using S-300s and other Soviet-era systems. On Saturday, Reuters reported that Washington and Ankara discussed the “unlikely possibility” of Turkey handing over its recently acquired S-400 systems to Ukraine.

Kamala Harris’ ‘Significance of Passage of Time’ Speech Sparks Call for Her to Be Hidden From Public

Mar. 22, 2022

The vice president is no stranger to awkward and embarrassing remarks, with examples ranging from her word salad of a speech to the Munich Security Conference last month, to her painful “Ukraine is a country in Europe” explanation of the security crisis between NATO and Russia.

Vice President Kamala Harris has become the subject of renewed scrutiny over her bizarre and cringeworthy comments at an event on the need to provide high-speed Internet to rural America.

Speaking in Sunset, Louisiana on Monday, Harris mentioned “the significance of the passage of time” four times in the space of thirty seconds.

“The governor and I and we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children”, Harris said.

"Kamala Harris blunders her way through a speech. Trips into a new word salad: "there is such great significance to the passage of time" pic.twitter.com/f3nTOJFxGt — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 21, 2022"

Harris’ comments immediately went viral, amassing over 4.5 million views on a GOP-affiliated Twitter account and tens of thousands more on others. Sensing red meat, Republicans had a field day attacking Harris in a series of sarcastic ways.

“Biden really should get her permission to put someone else in charge of border security. There has been too much passage of time with nothing being done”, Georgia Congressman Austin Scott tweeted, referring to the ongoing crisis at the frontier between the US and Mexico and Harris’ status as Biden’s border czar.

Former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich suggested Harris’ appearances in public were a “strong reason” to pray for President Biden’s health, given that she’s just one heartbeat away from the presidency. “She’s not only totally incoherent – you know, he may or may not have cognitive decline problems at this age, but at her age, she’s just dumb”, Gingrich said.

The politician suggested that Harris should be barred from trips abroad, and that she should consider “never leaving the Naval Observatory” – her formal vice presidential residence, to avoid embarrassing the administration.

Former Republican Senate aide Matt Whitlock compared Harris’ performance to HBO’s political cringe comedy show VEEP, suggesting that her comments were “the most VEEP thing we’ve seen in at least a few weeks” and tweeting a clip of the vice president’s comments overlaid with the show’s credits.

“Is she actually drunk?” one podcaster asked. “Kamala Harris Fact: The Passage of Time is Slower When You’re High”, another joker quipped.

The Louisiana speech isn’t the first time that Harris has been called out for her awkward, rambling and incoherent remarks. Last week, she raised eyebrows after laughing uncontrollably at a press conference with the Polish president after being asked a question about the crisis in Ukraine. Before that, when asked to break down the crisis in simple terms on an Atlanta radio show, Harris used her von Clausewitzian wit to explain that “Ukraine is a country in Europe” that “exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically that’s wrong”.

Harris’ gaffes, goofs, and slips have become so commonplace that entire compilations have been created online.

The vice president’s approval rating dropped to a historically unprecedented low of 28 percent in November, behind even that of Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney at their lowest points. Harris has accused the media and Republicans of treating her with excessive scrutiny because of her race and gender.

Biden selected Harris as his running mate in August 2020. Harris herself dropped out of the campaign in December 2019, before any primaries or caucuses were held, and received zero delegates for the Democratic nomination.

US Armament Spree in Ukraine is Last Ditch Effort to Preserve Washington's Dominance, Scholar Says

Mar. 22, 2022

The US has sent billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to Ukraine amid Russia's special operation to demilitarise and de-Nazify the country. Switchblade killer drones are part of an additional $800 million military aid package announced by Washington on 16 March.

Who is benefitting from the armament spree?

"One reason for the continued transfer of weapons from NATO nations to Ukraine is to keep the profits of the military industrial complex flowing", says Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus. "The US will 'replace' these weapons to the particular donor country by either charging them for new military equipment or having the US taxpayers pay the bill. Either way, the weapons industry profits big time".

Western defence and cybersecurity stocks began to climb at the end of February
as Washington and its NATO allies vowed to step up weapons supplies to Ukraine after the beginning of the Russian special operation, according to Gagnon.

The stocks made substantial progress in slightly over a week and are continuing to rally. Thus, between 24 February and 4 March, defence stocks broadly soared, with shares of Raytheon Technologies rising nearly 8%, General Dynamics 12%, Huntington Ingalls Industries 14%, Lockheed Martin 18%, and Northrop Grumman 22%, according to Fortune. Gagnon notes that Lockheed Martin currently tops the list, followed by other corporations like General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and BAE.

However, even before the Russian operation, major US defence contractors started to benefit from Ukraine, with the Biden administration having increased lethal aid to the Eastern European country since the beginning of his presidency. "In his first year in office, Biden approved more military aid to Ukraine — some $650 million — than the US had ever provided", The Intercept remarked on 10 March.

The US weapons supplies to Ukraine soared substantially in the second half of 2021 amid the Ukrainian military buildup along the contact line with the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. On 9 March, the Russian Ministry of Defence released secret documents of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, confirming preparation by Kiev authorities for an offensive operation in Donbass in March 2022.

The US defence contractors are the major beneficiaries of US-NATO warmongering, according to Gagnon.

"All of these weapons corporations have huge numbers of lobbyists who daily walk the halls of Congress", the scholar says. "They also make sure to give Congress members (from both parties) generous campaign donations. So, essentially, the war machine has the political system tightly under their control. During the Iraq War, one Bush administration agent stated during a presentation that the US role under corporate globalisation of the world economy would be 'security export'. That means endless war".

'Overextending and Unbalancing Russia'​

Ukraine has long been in the focus of US politicians and the military industrial complex, according to the scholar. Gagnon cites a 2019 RAND Corporation study entitled "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia", co-authored by ex-State Department and White House adviser James Dobbins and military intelligence branched lieutenant colonel and Iraq War veteran, Raphael Cohen. "Providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability", the study emphasised.

"It appears obvious to me that the US is using Ukraine as a tool to destabilise Russia's borderlands
and thus forcing Moscow to spend more on the military which takes away from domestic priorities", says Gagnon. "Western sanctions being placed on Russia is even more evidence of this US-NATO plan to 'Overextend and Unbalance' Russia. The US-NATO wants regime change in Moscow. Washington and the EU don't give a damn about the people in Ukraine".

According to The Intercept, the Obama administration provided a wide range of "nonlethal military and intelligence assistance" to Ukraine, including training, while under Donald Trump, "Washington began a relatively modest flow of weapons shipments". Under Biden, arms supplies to Ukraine have already become "unprecedented", according to the media outlet.

Furthermore, the US political class and defence contractors have become intertwined through Washington's "revolving door" politics, notes Gagnon.

"The swinging door between the weapons industry and staff positions inside military and foreign policy institutions is strong evidence of this reality", he says. "There is no democracy in the US. WWII Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini defines fascism as 'the wedding of corporations and government'. This is exactly what we have in the US today - and throughout much of Europe as well".

West's 'Achilles Heel'​

Ironically, it is Joe Biden who declared an end to "an era of major military operations to remake other countries" following the US' hasty Afghanistan withdrawal, and stressed that the president’s job is to protect and defend the "fundamental national security interest of the United States of America". According to Gagnon, Washington's Ukraine armament spree is caused by the US' unwillingness to completely lose its fading unipolar leadership.

"The US and NATO fear the coming multi-polar world being led by Russia and China", says the scholar. "Washington, and its puppet allies in Europe, understand that their 'window of opportunity' to destroy Russia and China is closing - thus their desperation. The recent threat by the Biden administration to China (that if Beijing did not renounce Russia it would get sanctioned as well) reveals just how much this new growing economic detachment from Western control is driving US-NATO policy".

However, firm rejection of anti-Russian sanctions by nations throughout the Global South indicates that the West's efforts "will not be successful"
, says the scholar. The Wall Street Journal's recent report saying that Saudi Arabia is considering selling some oil to China using yuan instead of the "petro-dollar" shows the demise of the Western-centric world order, according to Gagnon.

"The West's arrogance, greed and sense of exceptionalism are their Achilles' heel", the scholar concludes.
More street justice or injustice in Ukraine. Some comments say they are gypsies/Roma People. Note the soldiers around them.

The pictures are said to be from Lvov where there is NO FIGHTING.
This is how maraders are punished-they take the opportunity to break into empty apartments and houses, and during martial law in Ukraine this is still a mild punishment and I think that fascism has nothing to do with it.
This is worrying sign about the extent that Europe will go to quell dissent.
A blogger in Latvia has been arrested for treason for having a Youtube channel with pro-Russian content Intel Slava Z
Is it really possible that EU ( I guess that is what was meant by "European authorities") can do this ?
It is crazy to arrest someone like that, I wanted to start making youtube videos about politics and that kind of things, but now I am a bit worried, although I am not in the EU.
Now this address to the Russian people gets about as close to the Truth as one can hope to formulate in so few words, IMHO.

"An award-winning Russian filmmaker, Nikita Mikhalkov, made his own address to the Russian people – a parallel to Zelensky’s address to Congress, perhaps:

Look at us [the Russian people] and remember that they will do the same thing to you when you show weakness … Brothers, remember the fate of Yugoslavia and do not allow them to do the same to you. I am personally convinced that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is not a war between Russia, Europe and America. This is not a war for democracy that our partners want to convince us of. This is a global and perhaps the last attempt of Western civilization to attack the Russian world, Orthodox ethics, on traditional values. He who is brought up on these values will never agree to what they offer us, from same-sex marriages to the legalization of fascism. War is a terrible thing. I don’t know a normal person who thinks war is a good thing. But Ukraine, America and Europe began preparing for this war back in 1991 … There are two ways out of this situation – we will either defend ourselves; or we will cease to exist. In the end, I offer the wise words of a smart man: "It is better to be hanged for loyalty, than to be rewarded for betrayal".


Now where was there a similar level of racism displayed in the Past ?
OK, I'm not thinking Germany. Rather the Democratic loving USA ;-)
Isn't it something how a President gets "bad advice" causing him to make such a "mistake".

Or is there something else operating here ?
The only face missing above is of some Slavs !!! Oh Yes, I am almost certain the artist missed that detail, as it is prevalent in upper classes of the Anglo Society (and their compadores). Only the Slavs fail to appreciate this or be aware of it.;-)

I was not laughing about massacres, I just put that emoji because you wrote this : I'll trust the Russians that everything is going more or less according to plan.
It is not that things really go wrong but they may have changed their tactic a bit and focused much more on the south of the country as we can see on the map.

I also apologize to you guys because of the late reply.
I think I did not make it clear enough, what I said or meant to say is that you laughed that what I said was not true (in relation to the fact that there had been no massacres until now) and no, you were not laughing at the massacres, that It was clear to me from the beginning.
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