Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

RT has made a short video of how the US funded the Ukraine war, trained its army and used the NED as the vehicle. They even put their name as sponsors of a booklet called "Tutorial for participants in Ukraine-Russia war" republished in 2021 and found at an abandoned headquarter of the Aidar battalion in Lugansk.
Here is the link: Vanessa Beeley
'Buying time while dying slowly: Zelensky is putting life of Ukrainians on referendum.'

Ukraine says any deal with Russia would be put to a referendum

21 Mar, 2022
Any historic agreements reached during negotiations would have to be approved by all Ukrainians, President Zelensky says

While hinting at progress in talks with Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Monday that any “historic” compromises his negotiators agreed upon would be subject to approval by the entire country in a referendum.

“I explained to all the negotiating groups: when you talk about all these changes, and they might be historic, we will not go anywhere, we will come to a referendum,” Zelensky told the Ukrainian public broadcaster in an interview.

“The people will have their say and give their answers to some kind of compromises or another. As to what they will be, that is a matter of our conversations between Ukraine and Russia,” the president added.

Zelensky was answering a question about Russia’s demands for security guarantees for the two Donbass republics and for recognition of Crimea – the peninsula that voted to join Russia in 2014, which Kiev and the West continue to consider Ukrainian territory.

Earlier in the day, Russia rejected Zelensky’s offer of a direct meeting with President Vladimir Putin, saying the talks had made “no significant progress.”

“For us to speak of a meeting between the two presidents, homework has to be done. Talks have to be held and their results agreed upon,”
said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Russia has also rejected calls for a ceasefire, saying such pauses had been used by Kiev to regroup and launch attacks on its troops.

Monday was the first occasion on which Zelensky had raised the idea of a referendum since Moscow sent troops into Ukraine almost a month ago. Back in December, following a call with French President Emmanuel Macron, he said he would “not rule out a referendum” of all Ukrainians regarding the disputed Donbass republics, Crimea, “and maybe, in general, on halting the war” that has been ongoing in the east of the country since 2014.

Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the two republics. German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
'Buying time while dying slowly: Zelensky is putting life of Ukrainians on referendum.'

Ukraine says any deal with Russia would be put to a referendum

21 Mar, 2022
How will they hold a referendum in Ukraine now?
Will they send text messages?
Unless they conduct the vote only in the western part of the country and for example among the refugees in Poland.
So, while the warfare is going on, defacto they want people to make decisions which will influence the future of the country?
How will they hold a referendum in Ukraine now?
Will they send text messages?
Unless they conduct the vote only in the western part of the country and for example among the refugees in Poland.
So, while the warfare is going on, defacto they want people to make decisions which will influence the future of the country?
Well, they have that diia app, so I guess the functionality could be easily extended. What is worth noting is that electronic voting is much easier to become a subject to fraud. Casting votes using the conventional "pen and paper method" is much more difficult to coordinate. Electronic voting could be a great subject to manipulation based on sentiment without time to think. Imagine that some event happens and on the next day you cast a vote through the emotions, without a time needed to think about...

Meanwhile, the power grab is also accelerating in Poland:
The Spaniards confiscate the yachts of the oligarchs, in Italy, he deals with the villas of Russian magnates. In Poland, Russians linked to the Kremlin also invested their assets. The government is talking to the opposition on how the freezing and confiscation of property in our country could be carried out. The Prime Minister proposes a package of three points. Two of them require changes to the Constitution.

I guess that property confiscation law will be introduced with regulatory loopholes. Wrongthink must be punished! The Constitution changes are very alarming, because the Constitution applies to the citizens, not foreign oligarchs...
Well, they have that diia app, so I guess the functionality could be easily extended. What is worth noting is that electronic voting is much easier to become a subject to fraud. Casting votes using the conventional "pen and paper method" is much more difficult to coordinate. Electronic voting could be a great subject to manipulation based on sentiment without time to think. Imagine that some event happens and on the next day you cast a vote through the emotions, without a time needed to think about...

Meanwhile, the power grab is also accelerating in Poland:

I guess that property confiscation law will be introduced with regulatory loopholes. Wrongthink must be punished! The Constitution changes are very alarming, because the Constitution applies to the citizens, not foreign oligarchs...
It gets even more interesting.
From Gonzalo Lira.

Comment from Medvedev regarding "de-Russification of the economy" in Poland:
MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. The so-called "de-Russification of the economy" announced by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will be a costly and senseless gamble, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev forewarned on Monday.
"Morawiecki has unveiled the development of a program to ‘de-Russify the Polish and European economy’ and boldly declared that it may cost a great deal; yet he’s absolutely right, it will be expensive and senseless," Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.
"Poland may no longer care about costs," he pointed out. "Everything it could lose because of its own pathological Russophobia has already been lost. So now, it has nothing to lose after having burnt down the barn, so why not torch the house as well, as their beloved neighbors say," he remarked.
"While Europe is bitterly realizing the scope of damage that anti-Russian sanctions have wreaked, our most favorite European country has tried to outrun a speeding train, literally," Medvedev wrote, citing as an example Morawiecki’s trip where he was joined by Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Czech and Slovenian prime ministers to Kiev ‘onboard a specially guarded train, in a similar vein to [Vladimir] Ilyich [Lenin]’s armored train car bankrolled by German money," Medvedev noted. "They spoke with Zelensky, promised him friendship and assistance. [They] were lying, of course," he added.

"When it comes to Russia, Poland literally squirms in ‘phantom agony.’ Its elites can’t come to grips with the fact that the Times of Troubles nearly 400 years ago ended, when the Polish occupiers got booted from the Kremlin. That the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth failed as an empire later, not because of Russia’s intrigues but because of domestic squabbles, corruption, economic failures, and lost battles. [That lasted for] many centuries," he explained.
"Polish propaganda is the nastiest, most vulgar and shrill critic of Russia," he emphasized.
It gets even more interesting.
From Gonzalo Lira.

They assign pesel numbers to Ukrainians.
Are they supposed to be our fellow citizens?
Is a civil war about to break out in our country and that is why the government has given nato troops on our soil the right to use weapons against citizens?
They assign pesel numbers to Ukrainians.
Are they supposed to be our fellow citizens?
Is a civil war about to break out in our country and that is why the government has given nato troops on our soil the right to use weapons against citizens?
AFAIK, PESEL is needed when someone is staying longer than two months. From the point of view of falling population growth rate, and totally failed (and enormously costly!) policies in that regard, I guess that the reason is purely economical. Spike in population means a spike in GDP. More people competing for jobs means lower wages, and that is desirable to prevent an inflation spiral I guess... Selling our old weapons to Ukraine and giving invoices to the EU is a nice business (and the subject of embezzlement). Image of Poland that is so much helping their neighbors can also frame the dispute about the rule of law in Poland (that is blocking payments from the EU's Reconstruction Fund). NATO troops are needed to play this game because the Polish army's state is pitiful... Many roasts with one stone.
I work for a Polish company creating recruitment campaigns for big companies. Guess for what target and in what language I've been creating campaigns in the last couple of days? Yes. For Ukrainians. I thought that I live in Poland but now I started to doubt it. Maybe we are in Ukraine now? Look, even our flag changed - UN flag appears in media, next to the logos of government organizations, on buildings such as POLISH UNIVERSITIES (for example 3 UN flags on a building of my art university in Katowice, NO Polish flag). And guess who companies will prefer to employ - Polish employer for whom they must pay a lot of money to employ or Ukrainian citizen for whom they will soon be given extra money?

Polish are becoming second category citizens in their own country and - what's the worst in that - thay are happy about it! Poland is slowly becoming the new Ukraine.

I'm an art student and I spend time with artists. Young people here are totally russophobic, just like all the teachers, putting propaganda in their heads all the time instead of teaching. One Ukrainian girl in my class is telling everybody how Russians awfully treat her comrades. She received an info from her grandmother telling her that it's not Russians who kill people - it's Ukrainians who kill ethnic Russians on Ukrainian ground (east part of Ukraine). And that mostly those Russians die because Ukrainian soldiers hide in civilian buildings, take people hostage. She said she wanted to convince her grandmother otherwise, but quote "old people just don't wanna listen, she just listens Putin's propaganda". Everybody in my class agreed with that statement saying that "old people always fall for propaganda, just like in Poland they fell for ruling party's lies". Wait... really? Her own grandma, a person who saw it, who spoke to people, told her that - and she believes it's a lie. Just like everybody. And if I said anything to those people which isn't anti russian - they would eat me alive, probably I would be expelled of uni.

One guy in my class decided to sculpt... Zelenski's head. Really. In case they start putting his monuments to praise him - he joked.

This shit is getting serious. I'm sensing some big changes of order in our country OR our government will drag us all into this war.

It's hard to bear all of this.
I'm not sure if this was posted before. Appologies if it was. I did a search but found nothing. From Sputniknews:
With the amount of hysteria whipped into this story, it is not surprising. In front of the municipal buildings the Ukrainian flag shows along the Danish. If the story has use, it is that some people will stop up, realize it has gone too far and if they are teachers work with anti-mobbing strategies. At the same time, there are others for whom it will not change, and also it will not be restricted to children only. Some adults may feel isolated too.

Perhaps there will come a time, when the European people will ask Russia for help to denazify the EU ;-), though the leaders of the EU seem quite happy at the moment with their new bedfellows and their shared values.
Yes, and when did this really begin?
But now, they (the waste) are arming and rehabilitating actual third generation Nazis, the same ones Europeans in Stupidstan should be familiar with, and supporting their genocidal ideology and rhetoric. There is no excuse this time around, same thing but in colors rather than black and white. Covid was supposed to be the absolute bottom of insanity but no, psychos can even surpass that.
A time when it really became clear was probably in 2014, because it was obvious already then that the coup in Ukraine was orchestrated. But the traces go back even further. What attitude helped to allow military action in Syria in 2014, the bombing of Libya in 2011, Iraq in 2003, Afghanistan from 2001, and Yugoslavia in 1999?
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