Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

From RT:

Moscow warns of $500-a-barrel oil

21 Mar, 2022 12:55

Warning comes as EU prepares to consider placing embargo on Russian crude

Oil prices will jump to $300 a barrel if the West abandons Russian oil, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and former energy minister Alexander Novak said on Monday, adding that “some see it possibly reaching $500 a barrel.”

The warning comes as the EU plans to discuss placing an embargo on Russian crude as part of its fifth set of sanctions aimed at putting more pressure on Moscow to stop its military operation in Ukraine.

Novak added that if Western consumers stop buying Russian crude, the country will diversify its supplies and will find buyers elsewhere.

Oil prices have risen by nearly $4 a barrel on Monday, with global benchmark Brent exceeding $112 by midday GMT, on expectations that the European Union might join the United States in banning imports of Russian crude.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, meanwhile, has called such an embargo “unrealistic,” pointing out that EU countries still heavily depend on Russian oil and gas and cannot simply cut themselves off on short notice.

“Too many refineries in the eastern and western part of Europe still completely depend on Russian oil and with gas it’s even worse,” Reuters quoted Rutte on Monday as having said, ahead of the expected debate by EU foreign and defense ministers in Brussels.

German truckers protest rising fuel prices (VIDEO)

21 Mar, 2022 14:19

Hamburg police reported that 250 vehicles took over roads, with banners demanding “fair diesel prices”

A convoy of truckers deliberately blocked traffic in Hamburg, Germany over the weekend, as part of a protest against high fuel prices. Police reported that around 250 vehicles were involved in the demonstration, while the hauliers disputed the figure, claiming up to 350 vehicles took part.

Banners attached to the trucks declared “Systemically relevant truckers need fair diesel prices” and “Diesel rip-off: Without us, this country would be on the ground,” as the truckers moved from Hamburg-Allermohe towards the city center.

The protests created traffic delays for a second weekend in a row, with a protest the previous weekend having seen 500 participants moving through the city to create chaos on the roads.

The German Fishing Association also claimed on Tuesday that the price of marine diesel has doubled in recent weeks. Higher fuel costs have hit truck drivers in Hamburg, causing operational issues for drivers and companies that rely on the vehicles to transport produce across Germany and other nations.

Fuel costs have increased in Germany and in other Western nations in recent weeks following Russia’s military assault on Ukraine. Sanctions imposed on Moscow have impacted the flow of oil and gas from Russia, sending costs in the West spiraling upwards and forcing nations to seek out alternative supply routes to satisfy their dependence on foreign fuel.

The protest on Germany’s roads contrasted with another demonstration in another part of the country, by climate protesters Fridays for Future, who unveiled a 400-square-meter banner calling for a “Climate Strike” on March 25. The group stated that there is an “urgent need” for action to address the impact of climate change, including the levels of fuel usage in various countries.

Russia should consider legalizing crypto mining – deputy PM

21 Mar, 2022 15:16

The activity could be regulated and taxed, Alexander Novak suggested

Legalizing cryptocurrency mining and introducing legislation to make it a business activity in Russia would make sense, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Monday.

My personal opinion is that we should legalize it and introduce it into the tax system. We have capacity for that. It is important to have a legislative framework for it,” he said. Earlier, the Energy Ministry had said that miners should be charged an adequate fee for connection to power and consumption.

Russia’s Finance Ministry in February submitted draft legislation tailored to fill the regulatory gaps in the country’s crypto space. Under the proposed law, the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment would remain prohibited and the digital coins would be regarded mainly as an investment tool. The Bank of Russia suggested earlier this year that cryptocurrency mining should be banned, citing possible risks for the country’s economy.

Sanctions imposed on Russia following its military operation in Ukraine have cut the country off from the Western financial system, frozen its assets abroad, and banned imports of dollar- and euro-denominated currency into the country. This has forced Moscow to find alternative currencies for trade with its partners.

Empty shelves, price hikes, car shortages: Sanctioning Russia proves costly for the West

21 Mar, 2022 16:49

Rising costs lead to hoarding and protests in parts of Europe

The unprecedented sanctions against Russia have pushed energy costs higher in Europe and the US, driving record inflation and making it ever more expensive for farmers and truckers to fuel their machinery, afford fertilizer or keep up with other costs. In Europe, which is dependent on Russian oil and natural gas, the sanctions have worsened an energy supply crunch that has driven up costs for households and businesses. RT looks at what life without Russia is like for the West these days.

High energy costs trigger unrest
People have been protesting across the EU as the cost of diesel and gasoline has become prohibitively expensive. Thousands of truckers began an indefinite strike in Spain last Monday, leading to traffic jams and picketing across the country. A few truck companies in Spain stopped operating due to high costs resulting in job losses for some. In Italy, a liter of gasoline and diesel now cost more than two euros due to sanctions. France has also been hit with protests against soaring fuel prices. Hundreds of protesting farmers blocked traffic in central Athens to demand the government grant them additional concessions to cope with higher energy costs. In the US, consumers now have to pay at least twice as much for gasoline after Washington announced an embargo on energy imports from Russia.

Empty shelves at grocery stores
The trucker strikes have caused supply problems that are impacting the food industries of entire countries. Images of empty shelves at grocery stores are becoming more common in Europe as supplies of basic foodstuffs and products have been affected.

Governments warn against panic buying
Some retailers had to limit the sales of certain products to prevent customers from buying more than “normal household quantities.” Governments insist the supply shortages are a “hoax” and call on people not to panic buy. Experts say that uncertainty in the market is likely to continue, and that the situation could even worsen in the coming weeks.

Skyrocketing food prices
Global food prices, which have already been surging due to the coronavirus pandemic, skyrocketed further amid the crisis in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are critical global suppliers of wheat, as well as sunflower, rapeseed, flaxseed, and soy used for cooking oils and in animal feed. Russia and Belarus, which also faces Western sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine, are key global suppliers of fertilizers. The resulting surge in fertilizer prices means farmers worldwide are facing higher costs to grow crops. In Italy, prices for pasta, flour and vegetables have risen sharply, with sunflower oil prices surging the most, by 19%. Data from the national agriculture trade organization, Coldiretti, shows that the cost of bread has almost doubled since November, to its current €8 per kilo. Some German supermarket shelves have been stripped bare of cooking oil and flour, as they were back in March 2020 when the Covid pandemic started. Most recently, the cost of cooking oil has risen significantly, with a cheaper bottle now costing almost €2, up from less than €1 just a few months ago.

Global auto market in trouble
The Ukraine crisis has added to the pains suffered by automakers, who had been grappling with high prices due to Covid-related disruptions, including semiconductor shortages. This week major car manufacturers announced they will shut down plants in Europe and raise prices further as supply issues mount. In the United States, prices of used vehicles are currently far above historical norms amid a shortage of new cars and trucks. Russia and Ukraine are significant suppliers of critical commodities to the auto industry like neon gas, aluminum, platinum and palladium, and of components like harnesses. Auto market data provider S&P Global Mobility said last week that the Russia-Ukraine conflict and rising prices for commodities will result in five million fewer cars being built over the next two years.

Europe’s anti-crisis calls
The prime ministers of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece met on Friday to call for an urgent European Union-wide response to the energy crisis to come out of the upcoming European Council meeting. The Spanish government says it plans to introduce measures against high energy and fuel prices later this month. The anxiety in Europe is exacerbated by the fear that Russia will eventually respond to Western sanctions by cutting off energy supplies to the continent, sending their economies into recession.
Listened to the following podcast: Podcast Episode #100 — Alistair Crooke and Russia’s Real War for Independence

Crooke says that what's going on, apart from the geopolitical standoff, is a civilizational/cultural war, meaning that Russia is also opposing the Western nihilistic, woke conception of the world, where the value of the individual is negated, religion is discarded, all higher values are thrown out and so on. I guess most of us here are aware of that, but many podcasts out there usually focus more on the geopolitical angle, so this was a refreshing take on the situation. He says that the West has even managed to infiltrate the churches in Ukraine with the woke nonsense, and he talks about how disconnected the elites in the West are from the reality on the ground and the people they are supposed to be representing. Overall some good insights, so it's worth to listen, IMO.

Statement from ASB military news on their Telegram channel :( seems like they are under huge pressure

Worrying indeed. Makes me quite angry, in fact. It looks like they are now starting to do what they did to Assange to people who voice alternative views in terms of Ukraine and Russia. I pray that by some luck some of those people can somehow flee to Russia. Really sad.
So the Azov head medic is reaching out to her Brothers to "Let The People Go".
However note the wording used when saying this,

The captive Nazi "Taira" from "Azov" no longer wants to reach the Kuban and Moscow, but calls on her accomplices from Mariupol to release the hostages.

“I would like to appeal to those on whom it depends. There are a lot of civilians in Mariupol who could not leave for one reason or another. The fighting continues and the situation is getting worse. And this is not a place for women, children, old people.”
What exact "reasons" is she referring to ????\

This video circumstances I do not understand. Is she being interrogated by Russians ? No clue.


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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
The 26th day of the conflict came in the shadow of Russian hypersonic weapons that were for the first time seen in action during the operation in Ukraine.
In particular, on March 21, the Russian Defense Ministry released details on the destruction of the military infrastructure assets of Ukraine with Kinzhal with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles.
Kinzhal strikes destroyed underground storages of Ukrainian aviation and units armed with Tochka-U missile systems in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankovsk Region, as well as large fuel depots in Konstantinovka, Nikolaev Region.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Kinzhal missiles were used from the range of more than 1,000 kilometers.
“The flight time of the hypersonic missile was less than 10 minutes.
Due to hypersonic speed and ultra-high kinetic energy, the warhead of Kinzhal missile complex destroyed a protected underground arsenal located in a mountainous area, built in Soviet times to store special ammunition and missiles.
The destruction of a large fuel depot in Konstantinovka by Kinzhal hypersonic missile was due to its invisibility and invulnerability to any means of enemy air and missile defence.
Combat use of Kynzhal aviation missile system confirmed its effectiveness in destroying highly protected special enemy assets. The strikes on the military infrastructure of Ukraine by this missile system will continue within the special military operation,” the defense ministry said.
The Russian military recalled that hypersonic missiles were used with conventional warheads.
“Although experts are well aware of the capabilities of this weapon, not only in terms of range, but also in terms of the type of charge,” the statement added.
As to the developments on the ground, forces of Russia, DPR and LPR continue their gradual advance on positions of Kyiv’s forces. The most active operation is ongoing in the region of Donbass. The situation in the rest of operation areas remains in the state of ‘tactical pause’. Russian forces avoid storming large cities there. In own turn, Kyiv’s forces use residential areas and civilians as “human shields” to deploy their artillery systems and conduct massive fire on Russian servicemen. The Russians respond with precise artillery and air strikes on Ukrainian units hiding in cities.
Example of such approach was recently seen in Kyiv. On March 21, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video showing a precise strike on the gathering point of military equipment of the Ukrainain Armed Forces in the Vynohradar district of the Kyiv area.
According to the statement, units of Kyiv’s forces were hiding behind civilian buildings and were using multiple rocket launchers against Russian troops. The area of the nearby shopping center was used as a large base for storing rocket-propelled ammunition and reloading multiple launch rocket systems.
On the night of March 21, a battery of Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems and their ammunition storage base in this non-functioning shopping center were destroyed in a strike with high-precision long-range weapons.

“We would like to draw the attention of the Western media once again. We have presented absolute evidence of the criminal use by the Kiev nationalist regime of civilian objects in residential areas of Kiev and other cities of Ukraine, as firing positions of artillery and rocket systems,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a comment on this strike.
Nonetheless, it is hard to expect that MSM will pay any real attention to the provided facts.
Meanwhile, Russian forces are working to expand the blocking of Kyiv city from the eastern and western directions. In the west, Russian units blocked the town of Irpen from the north, west and south and besieged the town of Makariv from 3 sides (also northern, western and eastern directions). The highway ‘E40’ leading from Kyiv city to the west is cut off there.
The next important point capturing of which would allow to block Kyiv from the southwest is the town of Boyarka. Russian forces are advancing on it from the north and northwest.
On the eastern bank of Dnipro River, positional fighting continued near Brovary. Russian forces established full control over the Velika Dmitriivka-Peremoga-Lukashi line.
In the northeastern sector, Chernihiv and Sumi remain fully blocked and the situation is stable there with occasional local operations of Russian forces to neutralize units loyal to Kyiv’s forces.
The situation is same around Kharkiv city. Positional fighting is reported north and east of it. The road from Kharkiv to the southwest, towards Dnipr city, remains not blocked. No significant progress was also achieved by the Russians in the area of Izum in the south of Kharkiv Region.
The most intense military developments are taking place in Donetsk and Lugansk Regions. First of all, all eyes are now on Mariupol city. Fierce street fighting continues there with daily progress by Russian and DPR forces. The grouping of Kyiv’s forces there suffer casualties on daily basis.

As expected, the Kyiv government rejected the proposal of “corridors” for its units that want surrender in Mariupol. The main goal of the Ukrainian leadership is to prolong the fighting with as much civilian casualties as possible (to create useful image for MSM and Western diplomats).
War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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The town of Ugledar mostly fell under control of the DPR and the Russian Armed Forces after a series of clashes here. Nonetheless, smaller settlements in its countryside still have to be secured. The advance towards Kurakhov is slowly ongoing.
The DPR advance on Avdiivka and Maryinka, near Donetsk city, continues without significant achievements of DPR forces. At the same time, the Kyiv government does what it does best – terrorizes civilian population. On March 21, local authorities of Makeevka city (DPR-controlled area) reported that at least two Tochka-U ballistic missiles were launched on the residential areas by Kyiv’s forces. Both missiles were intercepted by DPR air-defense forces. Nonetheless, the vestiges of the missiles fell in the districts of the city. As long as Kyiv troops remain near Donetsk and Lugansk, they will continue to intentionally strike civilian targets there.
Meanwhile, forces of LPR and Russia have been advancing in the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration. After the fall of Rubezhnoe, Kyiv troops focused on the defense of the southern part of Severodonetsk and the center of Lysichansk.
The town of Stepnoe (now it is in the hands of Russian-led forces):
War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come
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In the southern sector, on the western bank of Dnipro River, the grouping of Kyiv’s forces in Mykolaiv city suffers from regular precise strikes on its equipment and gathering sites. Initial ‘victorious statements’ of the local authorities changed with complains that the Russians do not rush to directly attack fortified positions. Instead, Russian units are blocking the city from the south, east and northeast and launch strikes on detected targets.
In general, units of the Russian Armed Forces, DPR and LPR are still working to achieve the declared goal of the full liberation of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Advances in other areas rather play the secondary role in these conditions. As soon as this goal is achieved, and if no diplomatic agreement is reached with Kyiv (what is likely), the time will come for further actions.
Mother Russia as a very good memory and very long arms. This nazi painted a large target on is back.

krainian doctor comments on his ‘castration of POWs’ interview​

The shocking claim was not true and was an emotional outburst, he said, after apparently having received threats
Ukrainian doctor comments on his ‘castration of POWs’ interview

FILE PHOTO. Hennadii Druzenko. ©Olena Khudiakova / Ukrinform / Future Publishing via Getty Images

A Ukrainian doctor who claimed during a live interview that he had ordered his volunteer unit to castrate captured Russian soldiers has stated that his words were not true. In a short post on his Facebook page on Monday, Gennadiy Druzenko said he and his fellow frontline medics do not castrate anyone and have no plans to do so.
“Those were the emotions. I’m sorry. We are saving lives. Period,” the post said.
The doctor added a screenshot to the post, which appeared to be a threat addressed to him. It cited what was presumably his personal data, including phone numbers and an address, and a promise to “come unannounced” and “cut off [his] balls.”
Druzenko, a well-known volunteer medic, had been talking to many Western media outlets about his unit’s work in Ukraine amid the Russian attack on his country, and had made his incendiary claims about Russian POWs in an interview with Ukrainian TV on Sunday.
“I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people,” he had claimed.
Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs
Read more
Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs

The credibility of the threat against Druzenko remains unclear. During the interview, he claimed his home in Kiev was unlivable due to the conflict, and that he was mostly spending his time at bases of the unit he commands.
The swift U-turn echoes that of a Ukrainian TV host who, addressing the Russian people, declared on air that he was adopting the “doctrine” of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and would “do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.” The reasoning cited by Fahruddin Sharafmal, who is of Middle Eastern origin, was that by mass-murdering a nation’s children, one could eliminate the nation itself.
After a public outcry, Sharafmal apologized for having advocated genocide, and said he was sorry if his rant had damaged the reputation of Ukrainian troops. His words had spilled out “due to emotions” stemming from having lost a friend to the conflict, he said. He stated that Ukrainians would “never be inhuman, unlike the Russians.”
Both Sharafmal and Druzenko are being investigated in Russia for possible crimes related to their respective remarks.
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"Fact" number one, that Americans are planning the false flag operation or chemical weapon attack is not really the fact but rather speculation, but if that is fact for you, than okay.

I said:

Here is just a short summary of some of the facts:

...which doesn't mean that all that is said in the video is a fact, just that he brings up some facts, that have been discussed here in this thread before as well while also presenting (well grounded) speculations, such as the likely possibility that they try to use a false flag to blame the Russians. As you will remember, they already attempted a whole host of such false flags in Ukraine that were blamed on the Russians. And most westerners believe it.

Defensive war is when country is attacked and defend itself, offensive one is when country attacks I guess, I say this regardless of who is right or wrong in this particular war.

I hope you know the backstory of how it got to the point that the Russians pretty much had no other choice left than to what they did. If not, you might want to read upon that history again here in this thread and quite a number of other threads where this was discussed in great detail over the years. It is a defensive war.

Where did I compare it "to something like the Americans and their allies do " ?

In your analysis.

Something that the Americans and their allies would do is to take a big city or capital "in the first few days" by essentially leveling the city "with overwhelming force" without taken any care of civilians or infrastructure. In fact, that is pretty much the only way the Russians could have taken Kiev "in the first few days". You suggested that the Russians should have taken Kiev "in the first few days", which can only be done "the American way".

I just said it is starting to be very slow advance for Russians, and when taking into account how much time they needed to take certain parts of the Mariupol city, which by the way still isn't taken completely, than you can only imagine how much time they will need to take cities like Kyiv or Kharkov or Odessa which all have around or more than one million of people.
However it they take Ukraine or majority of the country in the couple of months or one year it will still be relatively fast if you compare it to the Vietnam or Syrian or Yemeni wars.

I don't think the Russians are in a hurry, and they will take as much time as is needed to accomplish their goals. The way the Russians fight that war necessitates patience and cool heads, since they want as little civilian deaths and suffering as possible.

They are de facto not taken, still, nor they are surrounded, at least not completely, look at the map.

As far as I know, pretty much all the major cities have been surrounded by the Russians in a matter of a couple of days. I've put "taken" in quotes for a reason.
Last edited:
I don't think the Russians are in a hurry, and they will take as much time as is needed to accomplish their goals. The way the Russians fight that war necessitates patience and cool heads, since they want as little civilian deaths and suffering as possible.
It is clear that is the Russian's aren't indiscriminately murdering civilians and Ukraine would of been flattened if they'd use the West's tactics such as in Iraq,Libya etc.
Here in the UK news though all we get is civilians been killed. The images are getting more shocking now over the last few weeks.
Out population seem to lap it up. Putin is. Psychopath many of my colleagues have told me. I think most people think or hope he will be killed. I remain silent now after speaking out intially. I believe here in the West in the coming months our populations are in for an extreme re-awakening.
The wave is a big one, change is coming whether anyone likes it or not.
It is clear that is the Russian's aren't indiscriminately murdering civilians and Ukraine would of been flattened if they'd use the West's tactics such as in Iraq,Libya etc.
Here in the UK news though all we get is civilians been killed. The images are getting more shocking now over the last few weeks.
Out population seem to lap it up. Putin is. Psychopath many of my colleagues have told me. I think most people think or hope he will be killed. I remain silent now after speaking out intially. I believe here in the West in the coming months our populations are in for an extreme re-awakening.
The wave is a big one, change is coming whether anyone likes it or not.
I concur that the population is lapping up the propaganda like no one's business here in the UK. It's best to keep quiet and not necessarily draw attention to yourself. Just watch events unfold and hope for the best.
A friend just emailed me the following.
Unbelieveable does not do this justice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will get taken down. Download and save !!!!

View attachment 56852

What I find remarkable (and despicable for that matter), is when a person says ‘I am a humanitarian, but…. hey, we castrate wounded Russians’. Like, in one and the same sentence… How does this even work ?! Is this how people bypass their psyche, doing absurdly bad things, while claiming the trophy of “humanism” ? Well, the big “humanitarian” guys and gals do that all the time at the worlds theatre podium; thinking of B Gates and other psychos… The Plandemic has revealed many ugly, perverted faces. The Ukrainian conflict, does the same... In the big ones, as well in the small ones.
The wave is a big one, change is coming whether anyone likes it or not.
Right now it's pulling everything out to sea, but wait... In this age of 'Mass Media', the psyches of a lot of people are being messed with right now - much potential psychic energy. Much of alternative media that seemed to have at least part of a banana, are pumping the insane Ukraine lies. Upper-level willing minions and lower-level useful idiots, where is the line? It's really a mystery to me. At least some people and media channels have not completely lost it, and perhaps a majority are not required to at least alleviate the situation to some extent.
What I find remarkable (and despicable for that matter), is when a person says ‘I am a humanitarian, but…. hey, we castrate wounded Russians’. Like, in one and the same sentence… How does this even work ?! Is this how people bypass their psyche, doing absurdly bad things, while claiming the trophy of “humanism” ? Well, the big “humanitarian” guys and gals do that all the time at the worlds theatre podium; thinking of B Gates and other psychos… The Plandemic has revealed many ugly, perverted faces. The Ukrainian conflict, does the same... In the big ones, as well in the small ones.
Gonzalo Lira was talking about this (from videotime 17min:12sec specifically). He didn't mention Ponerology or Mass Formation, but its worth to listen, how he describes the thinking of the psychopath pundit who targeted him and similar psychos leading the west. Viewpoint from an outsider, who probably never heard of Andrew M. Lobaczewski.

"National effort": NRW integration minister is considering reception camps in eastern Germany​

21 mar 2022 9:30 p.m

Over 218,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Germany. NRW Integration Minister Joachim Stamp is calling for a total of one million beds to be set up and wants to check whether larger-scale facilities can be built in the "less populated regions in the east".

What's in store for the Germans? With a view to the war in Ukraine, Annalena Baerbock expects eight million refugees in the EU – Die Welt reports on Monday. According to ZDF , there are currently 218,301 refugees in Germany who have entered the country from Ukraine since February 24 .

In an interview with the broadcaster, NRW integration minister and deputy state head Joachim Stamp (FDP) calls for a master plan from the federal, state and local governments. He calls for quick preparations to take in up to a million refugees from Ukraine.

The Coming Collapse: The German Mistress at the U.S. Prince's Burial Place

The Coming Collapse: The German Mistress at the U.S. Prince's Burial Place
Stamp said in this context that "Vladimir Putin's bombing terror aims to displace people and to destabilize our societies - also here in Europe". Therefore, according to the 51-year-old, decisions on the distribution of refugees should be made promptly at national level, but also at an EU summit.

With a view to the past two years and the citizens and municipalities ailing due to the Corona situation, there must now be “a national effort”. It's all about money:

"'And the municipalities must know that they can now also rely on the federal and state governments,' the minister added on ZDF. Financially, the municipalities should not be left out in the rain."
After the experiences of 2015 and the following years, many Germans have security concerns. The FDP man explained that there are always a few criminals who would take advantage of situations like this. Referring to human traffickers, he said:

"But I'm more worried because we now have a lot of women and children that people are trying to steal and abuse them from organized crime."
Therefore, one wants to try to inform these people with an information policy and appropriate measures and to give them good protection through many places. When asked about the distribution of refugees in Germany , Stamp told the world about the East:

"We will try to accommodate a large number of people where there is already a Ukrainian community. But due to the large number of people, we will have to set up squares and use areas and halls all over the country more sparsely populated regions to the east may be able to build larger scale facilities. But first we need to secure the shelter so they can arrive and have a roof over their heads."
The Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) tends in a similar direction. In general, he wanted to relieve urban space:

"I am convinced that it is easier to look after refugees in rural areas than in the anonymity of cities. [...] We should therefore bring as many people as possible to rural areas as quickly as possible."
Big beneficiaries of the Ukraine war: the armaments industry

Big beneficiaries of the Ukraine war: the armaments industry
On the one hand, Ramelow notes that there is a great willingness to help among the population, but on the other hand this does not replace national crisis management: "At the moment we are working too much side by side and on too many levels at the same time," says the 66-year-old.

In neighboring Austria, some refugees from Ukraine are unenthusiastic about shelters in rural areas. According to heute.at , 16 Ukrainian refugees were finally welcomed with a schnitzel meal in Maria Dreieichen, Lower Austria, on Friday. However, when reviewing the accommodations, some of the guests revealed that they don't want to stay there. There is a lack of infrastructure in the village, they want a school, a kindergarten, a hospital, shops and jobs. The desired location would be the larger Baden.

On Friday evening, attempts were made to reach the state of Lower Austria, Caritas or the responsible ministry - without success. Finally, we ate and then we took the bus towards Wiener Neustadt. Shortly before Vienna, however, the driver had to drive back. The refugees were brought back to Maria Dreieichen.

More on the topic - "Foreign Minister, Inside Mother": A Spiegel reporter, Baerbock and patting children's heads
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