Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Guess the Globalists couldn't resist a chance at lowering the health of its enemies...and making a profit at the same time. If I were a Russian I'd stick with borscht and grass-fed butter.
According to the vid [3:59], "all the raw materials are produced, grown up here for McDonalds . . . all the raw materials are Russian". I took that to mean that the beef, chicken, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, potatoes, etc. are not of the same contaminated/GMO low quality used in America. Maybe Russian beef is grass fed? Milk from cows the same? I'd be interested to know if beef tallow rather than soybean oil is used for frying as used to be the case originally in America.
According to the vid [3:59], "all the raw materials are produced, grown up here for McDonalds . . . all the raw materials are Russian". I took that to mean that the beef, chicken, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, potatoes, etc. are not of the same contaminated/GMO low quality used in America. Maybe Russian beef is grass fed? Milk from cows the same? I'd be interested to know if beef tallow rather than soybean oil is used for frying as used to be the case originally in America.
Sunflower oil
Eye witness account from Mariupol. Notice how the russian army treats people:


About civilians in Mariupol.

I just got word from a Ukrainian acquaintance.

Her parents and aunt and uncle were living in Mariupol (she was raised there but moved away for university). She tells me that her family were shot at by Ukrainian Armed Forces on multiple occasions, which prevented them from leaving the city. She did not explain the circumstances of them being fired upon, but said that it had been more than once.

However, they said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were losing, and had finally left their residential area, allowing them to flee to the Russians.

The Russians fed them, and put them on transportation to Rostov (she didn’t say what sort of transportation). They said the biggest deal was that the Russians gave them a lot of food, because they had been starving during the siege.

This is actual testimony from a person whom I’ve known for some time, so I know that it’s not propaganda or nonsense—this is as real as it gets.

I won’t editorialize here, I just want to put down the facts as I received them.
According to the Russian MOD, then they took out another training camp last night, apparently killing 100+ special operations operatives and mercenaries.
It appears as if yet another training camp has been hit. This would be the 3rd such camp, in the last week.
It is from the Russian MOD on Telegram:
💥On the night of March 21, high-precision air-launched cruise missiles struck the Training Centre for Foreign Mercenaries and Ukrainian Nationalist Formations at Novaya Lyubomirka combined arms training ground in Rovenskaya region. More than 80 mercenaries and nationalists were killed.
Link to the full reporting: MoD Russia

It looks as if Russia is doing its best to deter foreign mercenaries to go to Ukraine and also to crush the morale of the Ukrainian forces. A surrender by a demoralised Ukrainian army would spare a lot of bloodshed and innocent lives.
It appears as if yet another training camp has been hit. This would be the 3rd such camp, in the last week.
It is from the Russian MOD on Telegram:

Yes just read it in this report on South Front:


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Russia Eliminates 80 More Radicals And Mercenaries In Strike On Ukraine
Captured Ukrainian battle tank
On March 21, the Russian Armed Forces announced that they launched a strike with high-precision air-launched cruise missiles on the training center for foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian nationalist formations at the Novaya Lyubomirka combined-arms training ground in Rivne Region. More than 80 mercenaries and nationalists were reportedly eliminated.
Additionally, a strike with cruise missiles destroyed the ammunition depot and the headquarters of the mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forcesin the area of the village of Selets.
On top of this, a group of Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters destroyed 8 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles and 3 armored personnel carriers during night strikes.
Pro-Kyiv sources also reported the destruction of parts of Shopping Center ‘Retroville’ in Kyiv city. Earlier, reports appeared that this area was used as a weapon depot and troop gathering center by Kyiv’s forces.
Russia Eliminates 80 More Radicals And Mercenaries In Strike On Ukraine
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Russia Eliminates 80 More Radicals And Mercenaries In Strike On Ukraine
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Russia Eliminates 80 More Radicals And Mercenaries In Strike On Ukraine
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Active military operations continue in the region of Donbass.
According to the Russian military, during the night, units of the Russian Armed Forces advanced another 4 kilometers and completely took control of the settlement Sladkoe. Russian forces were eliminating the vestiges of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion “Donbass” in the area.
Clashes around Mariinka:

Troops of the Donetsk People’s Republic are completing the defeat of the remnants of the 53rd Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. DPR forces are developing the offensive in the direction of the settlement Novomikhailovka. Up to 50 Ukrainian fighters, three battle tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, two field artillery guns and 4 off-road vehicles were destroyed.
Meanwhile, DPR units engaged troops of the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and established control of the settlement of Verkhnetoretskoe.
The areaw of Rubezhnoe near the Lysichansk-Severodonetsk agglomeration:
Russia Eliminates 80 More Radicals And Mercenaries In Strike On Ukraine
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Clashes are also ongoing near Kyiv. In the settlement of Nikolaevka in the suburbs of Kyiv, Russian forces took control of a protected buried command post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 61 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered there. About half of them are senior officers.
Also, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that its airborne troops seized a large number of weapons and equipment of the retreating Ukrainian nationalist units in the suburbs of Kyiv. Kyiv’s forces left behind battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, a lot of small arms, anti-tank weapons and ammunition.
The equipment and weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be transferred to the servicemen of the People’s Militia of the DPR and LPR.

According to the Russian military, during the night, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation hit 44 military facilities of Ukraine. This includes four command posts, two installations of multiple launch rocket systems in the areas of the settlements of Nalivaykovka and Zolocheva, six Buk M-1 anti-aircraft missile systems, three Msta-B artillery guns in the Vyshgorod area, four warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons and ammunition, as well as 23 places of gathering of military equipment.
Russian air defense systems shot down two more Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air over the settlements of Chernobaevka and Tsirkuny.
Russia says that since the start of the military operation, its forces have destroyed 216 unmanned aerial vehicles, 180 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,506 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 152 multiple rocket launchers, 592 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 1,284 units of special military vehicles.
The Russians also addressed provocation that took place in the city of Sumy. The Russian of Defense recalled that it officially warned about it a few days ago.
“According to the head of the Sumy regional administration, an ammonia leak occurred at the Sumykhimprom plant. There is no threat to the residents of Sumy, as the air masses were moving “not towards the city.”
Let me remind you that back on March 19, we officially warned about the mining of this enterprise by Ukrainian nationalists in order to commit a provocation with the aim of accusing Russia of allegedly using “chemical weapons”.
I want to emphasize once again that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have not planned and are not inflicting any strikes on Ukrainian facilities for the storage or production of toxic substances,” the statement said.


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Advanced Russian Buk-M3 Air Defense System Spotted In Ukraine (Video)
FILE IMAGE: Sergei Bobylev/TASS
Russia’s advanced Buk-M3 “Viking” medium-ran air-defense system has been spotted in Ukraine for the first time since the begging of the Russian special military operation in the country.
On March 20, Russian sources shared a video showing the system moving in of Ukraine. Some observers speculated that the footage were taken in the southern Kherson Oblast. However, this is yet to be verified.

The Buk-M3 is the latest production version of the Buk family of medium-range air-defense systems, which is developed by Russia’s defense giant Almaz-Antey.
The air-defense system has an effective range of 70 kilometers and a maximum engagement altitude of 35 kilometers. It can track up to 35 aerial targets. The system’s 9А317М TELAR [transporter erector launcher and radar] vehicle can be armed with up to six 9M317M missiles.
The older versions of the Buk system, the M1 and M2, has been already spotted with Russian forces in Ukraine. The M1 version has a range of 35 km kilometers and maximum engagement altitude of 22 kilometers, while the M2 version has a range of 45 kilometers and a top engagement altitude of 25 kilometers.
Advanced Russian Buk-M3 Air Defense System Spotted In Ukraine (Video)
Click to see full-size image.
The Russian military has been relying on mobile short and medium-range air-defense systems to protect its forces in Ukraine from different aerial threats.
According to the most recent briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, at least 364 warplanes and drones have been shot down by the Russian military since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs​

Captured soldiers will die en masse at the hands of his doctors, he warns in an interview
Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs

Gennadiy Druzenko speaks to Ukrainian TV. ©YouTube / Телеканал 1+1

Russian soldiers captured by a Ukrainian volunteer medic unit will all be castrated, its founder and commander declared on national television on Sunday. The combat medic, whose volunteer team has been described as “medical angels” by the Western media, said “cockroaches” don’t deserve the right to procreate.
The shocking confession came from Gennadiy Druzenko, a constitutional lawyer-turned-volunteer frontline medic in Ukraine. Speaking to Ukrainian media in a live interview, he condemned the US for its reluctance to go to war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf, before commenting on the Russian military.
“Trust me, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s military hardware burns well. The corpses of ‘putinoids’ may stink, but they become unthreatening,” he said.
Druzenko said that, during the conflict, he had diverged from the principle that requires an injured enemy combatant to be treated as a regular patient.
I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people.
He further implied that, at the hands of his unit, Russian prisoners of war “will die in very large numbers” so that surviving Russians remembered Ukraine with terror “like the Germans remembered Stalingrad.”
At this point, the host cut the interview short, stating that Russian soldiers would be “held accountable.” Her co-host reminded the audience that Russia was being investigated for alleged war crimes in Ukraine.
TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal
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TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal

On Monday, YouTube blocked the entire livestream segment, which included the interview, after it drew public attention.

Russia has launched a criminal investigation into the threats.
Druzenko heads the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, a unit of civilian medics that has been providing services to Ukrainian troops since 2014, when post-coup authorities in Kiev sent the Ukrainian military to quash a rebellion in eastern Ukraine. He is an acclaimed figure at home and has received numerous awards for his work from the Defense Ministry and the National Security Council.
A darling of the Western media amid the Russian attack on his country, Druzenko is fluent in English and has been readily speaking to the likes of CNN and the New York Post about the work of what these outlets have dubbed the “medical angels.”

Before the conflict, Druzenko undertook several stints at various Western institutions, serving as regional director for a USAID-funded project in Ukraine in the early 2010s, according to his CV. He also worked as a researcher at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, in the US, from 2009 to 2010, and at the Max Planck Institute, in Germany, in 2010.
Ukraine pleads for mass sabotage in Belarus
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Ukraine pleads for mass sabotage in Belarus

During his interview with Ukrainian TV, Druzenko acknowledged that his unit had a “military wing” composed of ex-commandos, and that his team had been jokingly calling themselves the “First Volunteer Mobile Storm Unit” because of it.
“We treat ours and turn theirs into fertilizer. Unwelcome guests have never been loved on this soil,” he said. He claimed Americans had been telling him they were jealous of Ukraine because they were “afraid to fight against the Russians and we are not.”
He also touted his long experience fighting for the Ukrainian cause, saying that, since 2014, “the enemy has not changed and the means of war have not changed.”
Earlier in March, Amnesty International called on the Ukrainian government to protect Russian POWs from public humiliation, as obliged by the Third Geneva Convention. Its statement was released in response to numerous videos of prisoners on social media and to Kiev’s policy of bringing them to press conferences to speak about their roles in the Russian offensive and to plead with their family at home not to support it.
A detachment of the Special Purpose Police from Dagestan is somewhere in the zone of the Special Military Operation.
I remember: Dagestan is Muslim republic in RF. :-)

It seems the Russians are "taking care of their own". The whole of the Russian Federation is chipping in to help in this incursion. My observation is that this is a big contrast in regard to the NATO alliance. NATO is much more "loose", far less cohesive and a coalition of opportunity and fear (of the USA), while on the eastern side, they are much more close / cohesive, a coalition of brotherhood, supporting each other out of shared communality.
Here are two articles published on gazeta.pl, which is one of the biggest internet news outlets in Poland. A caricature of journalism, I just can't believe that people are buying such low-quality copywriting based on the material released by Ukrainian sources.
Vladimir Putin has Parkinson's disease, and his immediate circle plans to remove him from power. This would take place by July, and the power in the Kremlin would be taken over by the head of Russian intelligence, Sergei Naryshkin, said French specialist on Russia, Alexandre Adler, in an interview with RMF FM.

Vladimir Putin is reportedly struggling with Parkinson's disease. - Putin has the best doctors, takes about 10 medications a day, and when he shows up in public, you don't see he's sick. His hands aren't shaking at all. But there are mental changes. He is becoming more and more impulsive - said the historian, political scientist and journalist Alexandre Adler in an interview with RMF FM.

Alexandre Adler: Putin's successor would be Sergei Naryshkin. Putin knows this and that is why he ridiculed him
A French expert said that Americans believe that information about Putin's illness is a leak controlled by the dictator's immediate entourage. Adler pointed out that the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, the defense minister Sergei Shoygu, and the Russian ambassador to the Vatican, Alexander Avdeev, are trying to remove Putin from power.

According to Adler, Naryshkin would become Putin's successor in the Kremlin, and the dictator is aware of all this. The expert pointed out that this could be the reason why Putin ridiculed the head of the intelligence service shortly before the war. Moreover, the Russian president is to plan to liquidate Naryshkin, and even all three of them.

- The solution Putin found was to order the snipers from the Wagner Group - the same snipers who in Ukraine were tasked with killing President Volodymyr Zelensky - to remove Sergei Naryshkin. First of all, Naryshkin, because perhaps this also applies to the other two members of the "troika" that is hostile to Putin, said Alexandre Adler.

The Central Intelligence Agency of the Ukrainian Ministry of National Defense also talks about getting rid of Putin, as planned by the Russian elite. "A group of influential figures in opposition to Vladimir Putin is forming among the Russian business and political elite. Their goal is to remove him from power as soon as possible and restore economic ties with the West destroyed by the war in Ukraine," it was announced.

As already reported, Ukrainian intelligence on Sunday said it was considering three possible scenarios: Putin's poisoning, "sudden illness" or a staged accident. Oligarchs and oppositionists also designate the president's successor, but not Sergei Naryshkin, but Alexander Bortnikov - the current director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB).

At a rally organized on the eighth anniversary of the illegal occupation of Crimea and support for the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin lied about the war and repeated propaganda content. During the speech, however, he disappeared from the television screens for a few minutes.

On Friday, in Moscow, at the Luzhniki Stadium, a rally was held to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the illegal occupation of Crimea. According to the Russian agency RIA Novosti, the rally was attended by over 203,000 people: over 95 thousand at the stadium and more than twice as much in the vicinity of the facility.

The rally began with the national anthem of Russia. According to "Ukrainian Pravda", the Russian Olympians performed on stage with the musicians, there was also a concert of Russian stars. Free hot dogs distributed outside the stadium attracted a lot of attention.

On Twitter of Lubowa Sobol, a lawyer and associate of Alexei Navalny, a recording appeared in which the correspondent asks people gathered in front of the stadium about why they came to the rally. People replied, "They pushed us on the bus and brought us".

A study by a group of independent Russian sociologists made available by Radio Svoboda shows that 71 percent of Russia support aggression in Ukraine.

During his speech, Vladimir Putin mentioned the war in Ukraine (which is called "operation" by Russian propaganda). - We know what needs to be done and at the cost of what. And we will certainly implement our plans - he said.

At the rally, he lied to the audience that there had been an attack and genocide in Donbas. - Penal military operations were organized against them [the inhabitants of Donbas - ed.] Immediately. They were locked up and subjected to systematic cannon fire and air raids. This is called genocide. The purpose of the operation is to save people, he lied during the speech.

On Wednesday, the International Court of Justice, based in The Hague, ruled that Russia's aggression against Ukraine was illegal and called on Moscow to immediately stop hostilities. On February 26 (the second day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine), Ukraine filed a lawsuit against the occupier. Kyiv wanted the Court to find out that Russian claims that Ukraine had committed genocide in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine were slanderous. According to the verdict, Russia's innuendo turned out to be a lie.

The transmission was cut off during Putin's speech. Putin was talking about the fact that the invasion of Ukraine began on the birthday of Russian military Fyodor Ushakov, then suddenly disappeared, and for two minutes you could see people chanting on TV screens. Then another song was played.

Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Interfax that the reason for the interruption was a "technical failure". After that, the speech of the President of Russia was broadcast twice more.
Bulgaria and Romania are taking urgent additional measures to ensure the security of their maritime borders. They are not afraid of a Russian ship, no. Concern was caused by information that the mines recently laid by the Ukrainian Navy near the ports of Odessa, Ochakov, Chernomorsk and Yuzhny are now drifting in the western part of the Black Sea.

They got there after a storm due to cable breaks, as they were delivered in violation of all the rules. The population of Dobrich, Varna and Burgas is asked to be vigilant in connection with the danger of undermining ships. Tourists from Western Europe are already canceling their reservations in Sunny Beach and Varna. And the Greeks were seriously afraid that Ukrainian mines would have to be met near their shores. Since they seem to drift towards the Bosphorus and the Mediterranean Sea.
I'm confused here. Are you trying to give a run-down of the narrative of the PTB media, and how this narrative would affect the 'hearts and minds' of the general population? Or are these your own thoughts on the matter?

At any rate, I'm pretty troubled by the phrasing in this post, as well as the subject matter. The use of language, in particular the repeated use of the word 'you', raises a red flag. I don't know whether you're aware of it or not, but it reads as if you're inviting others to see, think, and feel in a very pessimistic and dark manner, and join you on a doom-and-gloom train to nowhere. At worst, it reads like a case study in fearmongering nudge psychology. But I may be over-interpreting.

It would have been a much, much different post if you were to have used the first person singular pronoun. 'I feel this, I think that, I am concerned about such and such'. Then your post would have come across as a much more genuine attempt to share your own inner turmoil.

From what I've understood, the purpose of shadow work isn't to 'shake off' the shadow. We can't do that emotionally or mentally any more than we shake off our own physical shadow. The purpose of shadow work is to face 'it', to make our darkness conscious, and use it to generate an internal friction in the Work, and as such integrate it in a healthy way. This includes the shadow of our own mortality.

I know that we're living through difficult times, and it can be a shock to see war footage and dead bodies. But that's reality. And Work principles still apply - perhaps now moreso than ever. We can all make the choice to maintain good media boundaries, an attitude of faith, and a reasonable perspective, particularly about death. Or we can let the chaos in and invite it to run amok inside us, which is exactly what the PTB wants.
Interesting take - I was actually the opposite of pessimistic but it's not to say that is how another person would have experienced it. FYI, I spoke in 3rd person as I'm not identified with the feeling or thoughts though I am aware of their presence.

You might be experiencing a different reality but the one I am experiencing is one which to some degree pushes me to at the very least acknowledge the fragility of life. I make decisions which I think are good for my soul but ultimately which mean I have to face up to certain fears e.g. to say no to jabs or the narrative about jabs, to say no to the narrative around Russia and Ukraine and maintain some sort of mental hygiene etc. I am living in a world that isn't necessarily accepting of one holding a different view at this moment in time - perhaps you are living in a different world. 😳

In any case this makes one (at least me) have to confront my fear and in doing so I also acknowledge I am mortal, a human being. I think it depends on how you feel fear - maybe in your body it feels different, who knows 🤷. Anyways in mine it has a distinct feeling in that it makes me want to recede and in order not to do so I have to apply an opposite force, a force that pushes my towards facing the fear. It's a bit funny actually, it's a bit like if someone is pulling you back when you are trying to run forward. You exert a lot of effort and if the effort is greater than that of the person pulling you back you move forward but whilst expending a lot of energy. However, if the person lets go all of a sudden you might find yourself jetting forward all of a sudden and faster than you were expecting and perhaps even end up falling flat on your face 😂. Sometimes that's how it is with this fear thing, at least from my experience. Not sure how you experience it, perhaps you're formidable 💪😜

I hope that's clearer.
SOTTREADER and imathatis, I think you are both expressing similar things with different words, which sometimes lead to misunderstanding, part of life. As long as emotions do not override our capacity to step back and look at the situation calmly and with some sort of a detachment, it's alright. Being surrounded by stupidity and mental illness can be taxing sometimes, and some fortitude mixed with discipline is probably required to stay sane in an insane world.
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