Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Hostility against people with Russian roots is on the rise
Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, the Federal Criminal Police Office has counted more than 300 criminally relevant events. Clubs and organisations are also affected.
People from Russia or with Russian roots have apparently often faced hostility in Germany since the Russian attack on Ukraine. This is reported by the "Spiegel" at the weekend with reference to figures from the Federal Criminal Police Office.

Accordingly, the investigators registered 318 criminally relevant events in connection with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This involves damage to property and insults to threats on the Internet and on the street.

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Since February 24, the Berlin police have so far become aware of 86 facts, as it was said. "We are all constantly lumped together, equated with Putin and his atrocities, just because we once lived in the Soviet Union," Dietmar Schulmeister, who stands up for the interests of Russian-Germans in North Rhine-Westphalia, told the magazine. The majority is certainly not on the side of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Many german-Russian associations and organizations had fallen into an existential crisis as a result of the war, it was said. "We are facing the ruins of our work," said Martin Hoffmann, executive director of the German-Russian Forum in Berlin.

More about the Ukraine war at Tagesspiegel Plus:
The Forum has often defended the Kremlin's policies in the past. Now, according to Hoffmann, Putin has crossed a red line. "We are very shocked that everything we believed in has now been called into question."

For Karin von Bismarck, chairman of the board of the Russian Business Club, the war has fundamentally changed volunteer work. According to its own statements, the association has been committed to better economic and civil society cooperation with Russia since 2010. The focus must now be solely on civil society aid, said von Bismarck: "It is important to us that no absolute enemy image against Russians develops now." (CBA)


Polish authorities seek to confiscate Russian property, assets — Prime Minister
Polish authorities plan to have a meeting with the opposition, during which they will raise a question on how to freeze and confiscate Russian property in the country, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said
WARSAW, March 21. /TASS/. The government of Poland intend to confiscate Russian property and assets in the republic, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in an interview Sunday.

According to the Prime Minister, Polish authorities plan to have a meeting with the opposition Monday, during which they will "raise a question on how to freeze and confiscate Russian property in the country."

"We have a bit of such property. On the one hand, there are constitutional restrictions for such actions, connected to the right of property; on the other hand, more and more Polish people fail to understand why we can’t have such action in our country, if the Italians confiscate yachts of Russian oligarchs," Morawiecki said.

"We want to take it thought the Sejm [the lower house of the parliament - TASS], and we decided that the opposition must be involved in this process," he explained.

He underscored that, although there are no Russian yachts in Poland, "there is some real estate and financial assets, shares of companies."

"In any case, our authority camp firmly supports this," the Prime Minister said.
Two girls who shocked me. Unfortunately, for the same reason, in the broad sense of the word, but from completely different sides.
The first is another test attempt to break through the bottom in the degree of brutalization. A well-known Ukrainian TV journalist (I don't want to mention her name) addresses Russian women, wives and brides of Russian military pilots. She urges them to stock up on black mourning shawls in advance and promises that all of them, including children, will be found and killed.
The second is a young girl from Staraya Russa, who wrote down response to Schwartz to his famous appeal to Russian people. A little about her. Mariana Naumova. Athlete since 2009. In 2015, she became the world champion in powerlifting and there she met and communicated with Schwarzenegger at the award ceremony. After the beginning of the conflict in the Donbas, she visited the DPR many times, engaged in humanitarian activities. For this activity, she was subsequently stripped of many of her sports awards, titles and contracts. In a recent TV interview, she was asked if she understood how this activity would turn out for her. I was very impressed with her answer. She said that everything she lost is not important compared to what she did for the children of Donbass. A very young girl and such a rod inside.

Яндекс — поиск по видео

Две девушки, которые потрясли меня . К сожалению по одному и тому же поводу, в широком смысле слова, но совершенно с разных сторон.
Первая это очередная зачетная попытка пробить дно в степени озверения. Известная украинская тележурналистка (не хочу называть ее имя) обращается к российским женщинам, женам и невестам российских военных летчиков. Призывает их заранее запастись черными, траурными платками и обещает, что всех их, в том числе детей, найдут и убьют.
Вторая это молодая девушка родом из Старой Руссы, записавшая ответ Шварцу на его известное обращение к русским людям. Немного про нее. Марьяна Наумова. Спортсменка с 2009 года. В 2015 году она стала чемпионкой мира по пауэрлифтингу и там же на награждении она встречалась и общалась с Шварценеггером. После начала конфликта на Донбассе она много раз бывала в ДНР, занималась гуманитарной деятельностью. За эту деятельность она была впоследствии лишена многих своих спортивных наград, званий и контрактов. В недавнем телеинтервью ее спросили понимала ли она, чем для нее обернется эта деятельность. ЕЕ ответ меня очень впечатлил. Она сказала, что все что она потеряла совсем не важно по сравнению с тем, что она делала для детей Донбасса. Совсем молодая девушка и такой стержень внутри.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the situation on the evening of March 21:

⭐️ On March 21, the Russian military destroyed a battery of Ukrainian MLRS in a non-functioning shopping center in Kyiv with high-precision weapons;

⭐️ high-precision strikes are delivered on military infrastructure, in no case on civilian targets in Ukraine;

⭐️ The Kinzhal, which destroyed an underground arsenal in Ukraine, was launched from a range of more than 1,000 km, the flight time was less than 10 minutes;

⭐️ the underground arsenal destroyed by the "Kinzhal" in Ukraine was built in the mountainous area back in Soviet times for special ammunition and missiles;

⭐️ The combat use of the "Kinzhal" complex has confirmed its effectiveness in destroying highly protected objects.
Fighting for Democracy takes on different forms depending on who you are in Ukraine.

The there is the Azov head medic in Mariupol, who tried to leave the city disguized as a civilian.
I take that as a signal "It's Over Boys"

I have seen in several tweets that supposedly she said the following but was not able to verify.
In Mariupol, Russian troops captured a Nazi paramedic Yulia Paevskaya, nicknamed "Taira" from the Azov battalion, People's Hero of Ukraine (the highest rank of the country). Tyra shocked the Russian public by suggesting that the children of Donbass should be used for organ donation. Neon


Another hero but in this case it is not certain when this guy was in Poland. It is suggested that he this happened recently.

However mayor of Kiev Klitschko is on the frontlines


That is, the remnants of the Azov Battalion are already in Poland, i.e. those whom the Russian bombs did not reach and like rats escaped to Poland. In the near future, will the war theater move from Ukraine to Poland, where there will be assassinations, shootings, innocent civilians will die?
This guy is better armed than the entire corps of Polish police, you don't know what city he is in, and Poland may face the same fate as the civilians in Donetsk, Lugansk and Kiev. The credo of these psychopaths is to kill Russians first, then Poles, Jews, gypsies and Hungarians, in fact they like to shoot everything that moves and is human. Polish-language media reported today that over 2 million Ukrainians have already crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border since the war began. There were already between 3-4 million workers from Ukraine working in Poland before the war and many of them did not return to Ukraine to fight the Russian army and there are many indications that the first wave of refugees from Ukraine are women and children of those who were already working and living in Poland. Average Poles have started to take in Ukrainians en masse into their homes, day care centers, schools, hostels, etc. at their own expense believing that these are their Slavic brothers, but they don't realize who they are really taking under their roof. Many of these refugees really need help, but in my city I first noticed many luxury cars with Ukrainian license plates and they were mostly men of conscription age. How am I supposed to distinguish if it's a Ukrainian neo-Nazi, a bandit, or a friendly, ordinary person just like me? How can I know what's in his head and what he thinks of me, Poland and Poles and what his plans are. Within a few years the Zionist authorities in Poland secretly (Kaczynski, Morawiecki and a lot of people in the government, politics, media, diplomacy, art of Poland are Jews by descent just like Zelensky and do not represent the interest of Poland and Poles in the international arena) in agreement with the USA and Israel sent a few million Poles for economic emigration to England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, France, and now Ukrainians are coming in masses in this place. This threatens in the near future a humanitarian crisis, because the EU will turn off the tap of money for Poland and Poles will be left with the problem of refugees completely alone.

Local press reported that this weekend in southeastern Poland near the Polish-Slovak border, border police stopped a car with Ukrainian plates and found that the Ukrainian woman was carrying weapons without a permit.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

That is, the remnants of the Azov Battalion are already in Poland, i.e. those whom the Russian bombs did not reach and like rats escaped to Poland. In the near future, will the war theater move from Ukraine to Poland, where there will be assassinations, shootings, innocent civilians will die?
This guy is better armed than the entire corps of Polish police, you don't know what city he is in, and Poland may face the same fate as the civilians in Donetsk, Lugansk and Kiev. The credo of these psychopaths is to kill Russians first, then Poles, Jews, gypsies and Hungarians, in fact they like to shoot everything that moves and is human. Polish-language media reported today that over 2 million Ukrainians have already crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border since the war began. There were already between 3-4 million workers from Ukraine working in Poland before the war and many of them did not return to Ukraine to fight the Russian army and there are many indications that the first wave of refugees from Ukraine are women and children of those who were already working and living in Poland. Average Poles have started to take in Ukrainians en masse into their homes, day care centers, schools, hostels, etc. at their own expense believing that these are their Slavic brothers, but they don't realize who they are really taking under their roof. Many of these refugees really need help, but in my city I first noticed many luxury cars with Ukrainian license plates and they were mostly men of conscription age. How am I supposed to distinguish if it's a Ukrainian neo-Nazi, a bandit, or a friendly, ordinary person just like me? How can I know what's in his head and what he thinks of me, Poland and Poles and what his plans are. Within a few years the Zionist authorities in Poland secretly (Kaczynski, Morawiecki and a lot of people in the government, politics, media, diplomacy, art of Poland are Jews by descent just like Zelensky and do not represent the interest of Poland and Poles in the international arena) in agreement with the USA and Israel sent a few million Poles for economic emigration to England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, France, and now Ukrainians are coming in masses in this place. This threatens in the near future a humanitarian crisis, because the EU will turn off the tap of money for Poland and Poles will be left with the problem of refugees completely alone.

Local press reported that this weekend in southeastern Poland near the Polish-Slovak border, border police stopped a car with Ukrainian plates and found that the Ukrainian woman was carrying weapons without a permit.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I think your reading of the "tea leaves" is fairly logical considering what happened in the past between Poland and the Galician elements of Ukraine.
How funny that the Russian Embassy is bringing this up !!!!

I did a seach on Twitter and found this 2018 tweet from this Polish lady.

Now read what tweets she has in 2022.
Stefan Tompson

Mar 19

One of my biggest disappointments of the last few weeks has been to discover how thoroughly the Russians have managed to infiltrate their narratives into the thinking of mainstream, Western conservative thought leaders.
What !!!!!! On which planet ?
"Your prime minister, I don't think it's overstating it to say, he put his life at risk by traveling to Kyiv this week."
asks the Polish Ambassador to the US about the message his country's leader hopes to send by visiting Ukraine. #CNNSOTU
Oh sure, they all went on that 7 hr. train ride to Kiev !!!! Can I sell someone the White House for just 2 pennies ?

There was a good map in one tweet that explains some historical details about Poland's difficult history.


US loves Nazi lovers. The problem is that the Public does not know this.

Guess the Globalists couldn't resist a chance at lowering the health of its enemies...and making a profit at the same time. If I were a Russian I'd stick with borscht and grass-fed butter.
I'm Russian, we cook everything ourselves - McDonald's is a dump in every sense!


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It is hard to hide in today's eyes everywhere world. In the video from the Russian Defense Ministry we are shown how they track the resupply vehicle. Thanks to this information they find the storage place, Shopping Mall.

Ha ha ha ... so now Russia is releasing more war documents showing how Bandera cooperated with the Nazis.

I agree with some of the comments to this tweet, "Why only now ???? Would showing more documents show unwanted facts about what was going on back then ??? "
From the Kremlin:

Telephone conversation with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev

At the initiative of the Uzbek side, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

March 21, 2022

The presidents discussed current issues of bilateral cooperation, including the implementation of agreements reached following the visit by the President of Uzbekistan to Russia in November 2021. The heads of state exchanged congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The parties confirmed interest in further strengthening the strategic partnership and alliance between the two countries and expanding mutually beneficial ties in the political, trade, economic, and humanitarian spheres, as well as others.

Vladimir Putin informed his counterpart about the course of the special military operation to protect the republics of Donbass. The President of Uzbekistan spoke with understanding about the position and actions of the Russian side.

It was agreed to continue contacts at various levels.

Meeting with Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Dmitry Artyukhov

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Dmitry Artyukhov.

March 21, 2022

The Kremlin, Moscow

The discussion covered a broad range of issues linked with the region’s economic development. Vladimir Putin noted that the region is one of the national leaders. Its GRP increased by over 10 percent last year, with industrial production also on the rise. Agriculture went up by over 9 percent despite tough climate conditions, and the construction sector grew by 60 percent. The President emphasised that there are still issues that require more attention, such as the large amount of dilapidated housing and environmental problems.

The Governor started his report with a coronavirus update. He said the healthcare system is generally coping. Everything necessary, such as medications and protective gear, is available. The region ranks first in testing. Two infectious disease hospitals were built in Novy Urengoi and Salekhard based on the Defence Ministry’s designs. Mobile diagnostic centres based on the Kamaz truck are available for remote areas. People can receive a full screening there: ECG, fluorography and whatever else is required.

As for economic figures, all the region’s indicators are in the black for energy, the main economic sector: production of gas, oil and gas condensate. Industrial production has increased by 17 percent, while investment exceeds a trillion rubles. This affects the social indicators. The region is in the lead in key areas. It has low poverty and unemployment rates and high revenues. All this is very important for demographics. The region comes one of the first in Russia in natural population increase.

The Governor told the President how he managed to reduce infant mortality to the national average and how the region launched a pilot project last year, offering free prenatal genetic tests to all those who needed them. Vladimir Putin said that this practice is very important, and that all Russian regions should follow this example.

The discussion also touched upon the progress of the national renovation projects focusing on relocation from dilapidated housing, creating a comfortable urban environment, construction of kindergartens and schools, as well as the opening of an airport in Novy Urengoi this year.

Dmitry Artyukhov reported an increase in the populations of the indigenous peoples of the North and those who are involved in traditional communities. Reindeer breeding – one of the traditional trades – is showing an upward trend.

The governor also spoke about the Snezhinka research station in the Arctic, which is a joint project with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. There is progress in designing the unmanned postal delivery system and the use of drones at gas production fields.

Dmitry Artyukhov also spoke about the wages of public sector employees in the Arctic. After reaching a certain service record, they become eligible for “northern” wage premiums. Many organisations are experiencing a shortage of workers. There would be more flexibility in resolving this issue if northern wage premiums were paid to workers from day one.

The governor explained that the northern wage premiums are accumulated and can reach 80 percent. But young professionals receive zero unless they have lived in the North for a certain period of time. The governor believes that this may be an impediment for younger professionals to move to the North, be it law enforcement, security, tax or other specialists in under-staffed sectors and industries. Resolving this problem could help reinforce federal agency work staff.

Vladimir Putin found this proposal fair and promised to instruct the Government to make appropriate proposals as soon as possible.

Condolences to PRC President Xi Jinping

Vladimir Putin conveyed his condolences to President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping over the death of passengers and crew on a flight from Kunming to Guangzhou.

March 21, 2022

“The people of Russia share the grief of those who lost family members and friends in this tragedy,” reads the message of condolence from the President of Russia.

I would suggest that you reread this thread. Looks like you have missed quite a number of details and facts, with the consequence that your "analysis" is less than accurate (to put it mildly).

Here is just a short summary of some of the facts:

"Fact" number one, that Americans are planning the false flag operation or chemical weapon attack is not really the fact but rather speculation, but if that is fact for you, than okay.

Fact number two, is fact - that Russians are winning, and that is obvious, but it is quite slow in the last days.

Beside this I like this guy and his analysis.

It is a justified defensive war that has two primary goals: demilitarize Ukraine and denazify it.

Defensive war is when country is attacked and defend itself, offensive one is when country attacks I guess, I say this regardless of who is right or wrong in this particular war.

So to compare it to something like the Americans and their allies do is already the first big mistake in your "analysis".

Where did I compare it "to something like the Americans and their allies do " ?

Further, the primary concern behind that war is not to kill or injure civilians or infrastructure, quite the contrary: the Russians get out of their way to reduce that as best as possible. Right in those points, you have one of the biggest reasons for the "slowness" of the Russians.

Okay, maybe, likely.

Right in those points, you have one of the biggest reasons for the "slowness" of the Russians. Also, as pointed out here, the idea that what the russians accomplished so far doesn't look impressive on the map is naive...
I just said it is starting to be very slow advance for Russians, and when taking into account how much time they needed to take certain parts of the Mariupol city, which by the way still isn't taken completely, than you can only imagine how much time they will need to take cities like Kyiv or Kharkov or Odessa which all have around or more than one million of people.
However it they take Ukraine or majority of the country in the couple of months or one year it will still be relatively fast if you compare it to the Vietnam or Syrian or Yemeni wars.

I don't know if you noticed, but Kiev (the capital) and other major cities were apparently already overwhelmingly surrounded by the Russians and de facto "taken" in the first ....
They are de facto not taken, still, nor they are surrounded, at least not completely, look at the map.

I don't think you make much sense here. Again, this is not an American war. Secondly, that it "is highly likely that Ukrainian army was much less prepared than it is now" is quite nonsensical. Quite the opposite is the case. Remember that the whole air power from the Ukrainians was practically destroyed/useless in the first couple of hours, among many other facts mentioned in this thread.

I am interested how I do make much sense. I think it is logical that Ukrainian army poured much more soldiers and weapons into Kyiv, from the start of the conflict than it was there at the start of the invasion. I guess they are not stupid and they know that if the lose capital it is pretty much over, while as long as they hold it, they can prolong war a bit more. Yes, their air power was maybe destroyed but it did not play any vital role because of Russian domination in that segment, nor it could play a vital role in defense of the capital versus someone like Russia.

Also, I apologize for late reply.
This is worrying sign about the extent that Europe will go to quell dissent.
A blogger in Latvia has been arrested for treason for having a Youtube channel with pro-Russian content Intel Slava Z

The author of one of the main Russian-language YouTube channels on military topics was arrested in Riga. European authorities want to accuse him of treason because of the pro-Russian orientation of his videos

The History of Weapons YouTube channel has become one of the main patriotic amateur sites on YouTube in recent weeks. Its author, Kirill Fedorov, published in it analyzes of hostilities and did not hide his pro-Russian positions. The videos went into trends and gained millions of views, which the EU authorities did not like very much.

Permanently residing in Latvia, Kirill decided to emigrate to Russia, seeing how the foreign policy situation was deteriorating. Moreover, from the very beginning of the military operation, the blogger began to receive regular threats - he was obsessively offered to change the direction of his videos to anti-Russian, promising otherwise serious problems with the authorities. But on March 17, just before his departure, right in his parents' apartment, he was detained by state security agencies without explanation. After the 48 hours required by European law, he was not released, and his relatives and lawyer were threatened with problems if they spoke to the Russian press. As Readovka managed to find out, Fedorov was detained upon appeal to Latvia by the European authorities - he is accused of cooperation with Russia and will be charged with treason. In particular, he is charged with cooperation with Russian intelligence.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Fedorov is a citizen of Latvia, and that pressure is being exerted on his relatives, who are currently in Riga - people are extremely intimidated and afraid to talk to anyone. It is obvious that the European authorities will use this case to put pressure on everyone who provides at least some media support to Russia. In modern Europe, there can no longer be two opinions on the issue of our country.
Terminator says no nazis in Ukraine, Putin must be terminated "hasta la vista baby"


From Sputniknews:

'World's Strongest Girl' Responds to Schwarzenegger's Message to Russian People About Ukraine​

Mar. 21, 2022

American actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger earlier filmed a video message addressed to the Russian people, saying that he loves them and "that is why I have to tell you the truth" about the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine.

Maryana Naumova, a former Arnold Classic powerlifting champion, recorded a response to Arnold Schwarzenegger's message to the Russian people, accusing the "Terminator" star of breaking his promise to Donbass children and promoting an "invented reality".

Naumova recalls her time at the US Arnold Classic championship in 2015, when she won and met Schwarzenegger, whom she called her "idol". She said she handed him letters from children in Donbass that the kids gave her when she was visiting the region on a humanitarian sports mission. At the time, according the powerlifting champion, Schwarzenegger said that he would "work on" the letters, before handing the envelope to his assistant.

"Obviously, you didn't work on the letters I gave you, even though you promised", Naumova said. "Arnold, sometimes it is very difficult to understand, being thousands and thousands of kilometres away from us, but you still have those letters and photos from 2015, don't you? In fact, you could just come and see everything in person – you are a brave man".

The athlete drew Schwarzenegger's attention to a gloomy memorial in Donetsk known as the Alley of Angels, established in memory of children "killed by bullets and bombs of the Ukrainian army".

"Your message is based on some other invented reality. The reality is, Arnold, that your 'Terminator' not only did not protect, but did not help, did not save the children of Donbass, did not read their letters and try to understand the situation", Naumova said.

"⚡️ Maryana Naumova's response to @Schwarzenegger

💬 Please, find and reread the letters, that the children of #Donbass wrote to you back in 2015.

I invite you to see everything with your own eyes.

Don’t side with Skynet, Terminator!

👉 In full: Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link pic.twitter.com/eggULaadTE
— MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) March 21, 2022"

Her response comes days after the former California governor released his own message addressed to the Russian people. In a nine-minute-long video posted on his social media, Schwarzenegger assured Russians that he "loves" them and told viewers about his own Russian icon, powerlifting champion Yuri Vlasov.

The "Terminator" star said he wanted to spread the "truth" about the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, which he described as an "illegal war" that he believed was not launched in the name of the Russian people.

He then recalled the Nazi past of his father, who "did not like Russians" after his experience during World War II. Drawing a parallel between his father's time in the Nazi army and Russian soldiers, Schwarzenegger addressed the latter, noting that his father was traumatised by war wounds and a sense of guilt.

"I don't want you to be broken like my father", Schwarzenegger said. "This is not the war to defend Russia that you grandfathers and grand grandfathers fought".

"I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth. Please watch and share. pic.twitter.com/6gyVRhgpFV
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) March 17, 2022"

The military operation in Ukraine, which has been ongoing for over 20 days, was launched by the Kremlin in late February with the goal to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" the neighbouring country. Moscow said it had no plans to occupy Ukraine or harm civilians, underlining that Russian troops only target military infrastructure.

Western countries, however, have condemned the military operation and called it an invasion, imposing a slew of harsh anti-Russian sanctions that have targeted the Russian economy, media, culture, sports, and many other spheres.
Listened to the following podcast: Podcast Episode #100 — Alistair Crooke and Russia’s Real War for Independence

Crooke says that what's going on, apart from the geopolitical standoff, is a civilizational/cultural war, meaning that Russia is also opposing the Western nihilistic, woke conception of the world, where the value of the individual is negated, religion is discarded, all higher values are thrown out and so on. I guess most of us here are aware of that, but many podcasts out there usually focus more on the geopolitical angle, so this was a refreshing take on the situation. He says that the West has even managed to infiltrate the churches in Ukraine with the woke nonsense, and he talks about how disconnected the elites in the West are from the reality on the ground and the people they are supposed to be representing. Overall some good insights, so it's worth to listen, IMO.
This is worrying sign about the extent that Europe will go to quell dissent.
A blogger in Latvia has been arrested for treason for having a Youtube channel with pro-Russian content Intel Slava Z
I think the PTB are already really desperate to the point that they hate other people telling the truth, publishing anything that conflicts with their ideas that have nothing to do with reality, and suppressing, at all costs, the expression of their will and opinions by ordinary people. They create lies, believe in them, consider them as reality by forcing others to believe in their phantasmagorias. PTB are quite similar to lizards cold, cold, calculating, lacking empathy, compassion for other people - in other words Love, but in the end psychopaths are by Lizzard creating simillar entities.

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