Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Thanks for recommending the article... very interesting indeed.

What is nuclear propulsion and is it for military use? I assume it's newer and not covered in the article i.e., it's not another way to propel a missile to its target?

Yes, but the missile can fly ''indefinity'' as stated by Putin in his 2018 speech.

It uses a mini nuclear reactor. These energy generators also power the laser weapons Russia is developing. These are not the same laser weapons you see on some US warships. Instead of melting/burning the target, they blow you to pieces.
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Okay, so basically Russia has weapons that mean the West can never attack it militarily. So we can see that the West will try to destroy it a different way now. I still do think that Russia's biggest weakness is the fact Putin is getting old - will the next leader be as good? The West could employ a strategy of planting seeds now to reap them when Putin finally retires or dies of old age.

It is clear that the US won't surrender its unipolar standing willingly and so it looks like a direct clash will be inevitable? I can conceivably see a situation where the US decides to blow up the whole planet if it sensed it can no longer enjoy the status it thinks it should have.

@bjorn is there a weapon in development that can stop all the nuclear bombs on the whole planet from exploding? Imagine that...
It is clear that the US won't surrender its unipolar standing willingly and so it looks like a direct clash will be inevitable?

This is what Putin is taking into account and preparing for.

From Naill's article:

'Speaking softly' - Russia wants negotiations, not confrontation

Putin stressed that Russia would not need all these new weapons if its legitimate concerns had not been ignored by the US and its allies. "Nobody wanted to talk with us on the core of the problem. Nobody listened to us. Now you listen!" he said.

He suggested that the US abandon its costly and inefficient hostile plans towards Russia and start negotiating a security arrangement which would take Moscow's interests into account.

"To those who for the last 15 years have been trying to fan an arms race, achieve unilateral advantage against Russia, impose sanctions, which are illegal from the standpoint of international law and are aimed at holding back the development of our country, including in the military area, I have this to say: All the things you were trying to prevent through your policies have already happened. You have failed to hold Russia back," Putin said.

"You now have to acknowledge this reality, confirm that everything I said is no bluff - which it isn't - think for some time,
send into retirement the people stuck in the past and incapable of looking into the future, [and] stop rocking the boat that we all ride in and which is called planet Earth," he said.

@bjorn is there a weapon in development that can stop all the nuclear bombs on the whole planet from exploding? Imagine that...

The S500 and S550 are said to be capable of downing ballistic missiles. Thus, Russia is keen to protect itself from an all-out U.S. nuclear attack.
What article are you referring to?

What other weapons are there like these ones that China and Russia are leading the West in?

Read this article from 2018, penned by Niall.

Okay, so basically Russia has weapons that mean the West can never attack it militarily.

Although not all Western geostrategists will see it, partly because of their pathological wishful thinking, the moment when Russia got hypersonic missiles in its arsenal marked a Sputnik moment.

And given the developments underway in Russia's military-industrial complex, there will be many more SPUTNIK moments in the near future. OSIT.
*heh* Russia might get to Mars first.

Nuclear propulsion. If it works, you could fly to Mars in as little as two weeks.

I want to be clear that I was just making a joke. 🙂

Yes, but it is a program shrouded in secrecy. Nuclear propulsion can have many applications.

That article is from Aug. 13, 2019. Putin revealed nuclear propulsion in his Mar. 1, 2018 speech:

In late 2017, Russia successfully launched its latest nuclear-powered missile at the Central training ground. During its flight, the nuclear-powered engine reached its design capacity and provided the necessary propulsion

Now that the missile launch and ground tests were successful, we can begin developing a completely new type of weapon, a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.

There were these from Nuclear-powered aircraft wiki:

A nuclear-powered aircraft is a concept for an aircraft intended to be powered by nuclear energy. The intention was to produce a jet engine that would heat compressed air with heat from fission, instead of heat from burning fuel.

Russian programs​

In February 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that Russia had developed a new, nuclear-powered cruise missile with nuclear warhead that can evade air and missile defenses and hit any point on the globe.[1] According to the statements its first flight test occurred in 2017. It was claimed to feature "a small-size super-powerful power plant that can be placed inside the hull of a cruise missile and guarantee a range of flight ten times greater than that of other missiles." The video showed the missile evading defense systems over the Atlantic, flying over Cape Horn and finally north towards Hawaii.[18][19][20][21] To date there is no publicly available evidence to verify these statements. The Pentagon stated that it is aware of a Russian test of a nuclear-powered cruise missile but the system is still under development and had crashed in the Arctic in 2017.[22][23][24]

A RAND Corporation researcher specializing in Russia said "My guess is they're not bluffing, that they've flight-tested this thing. But that's incredible."[25] According to a CSIS fellow, such a nuclear-powered missile "has an almost unlimited range -- you could have it flying around for long periods of time before you order it to hit something"[26] Putin's statements and the video showing a concept of the missile in flight suggest that it is not a supersonic ramjet like Project Pluto but a subsonic vehicle with a nuclear-heated turbojet or turbofan engine.[citation needed]

The new cruise missile is named 9M730 Burevestnik (Russian: Буревестник; "Petrel").[27]

I'm thinking the power-plant in these missiles are nuclear-electrical rather than 'nuclear-heated', but it sounds like the propulsion system still needs some atmosphere (air) to produce thrust because of the turbofan... unless they've done away with that all together and then the sky's no longer the limit because it's a completely new propulsion system that doesn't need air. If the MiG-41 can actually get into space and not on the edge of space then that's a total game changer.

Sorry for the noise diversion.
So, I think, you still don't know about another Russian weapon -- Poseidon. Sorry for Google translate.

The article in Russian is here:

The importance of Poseidon for the defense of our country can be evidenced by the fact that for the first time the complex was presented two years ago not by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and not even by the Minister of Defense, but personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Unique engine and the possibilities it provides

Some media have already dubbed the Poseidon the “torpedo of the apocalypse”, although in fact it is not a torpedo, but an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle (AUV). The characteristics of the underwater vehicle are impressive: the speed under water is up to 200 km / h, as for the depth of immersion, it can be up to a kilometer. The Poseidon's "cruising" range will be 10 thousand km, that is, it will be able to reach the coast of virtually any potential enemy.

Unlike Russia, no other maritime power, including the United States, has yet created such a device. One of the main reasons for the lack of analogues is the unique nuclear power plant used on the Poseidon. The Poseidon reactor is more powerful than any existing nuclear submarine, but at the same time a hundred times more compact.

The transition between low-power and high-power modes in the reactor is 200 times faster than in the latest generation of nuclear submarines, while the liquid metal is able to withstand overheating without strong thermal expansion.

The ability to quickly switch the power of the reactor is necessary for the device in order to quickly exit the "sneaking" mode, where low noise plays the main role, into the cruising speed mode. This may be needed when avoiding attacking enemy torpedoes and enemy submarines.

The range will allow you to sneak up to the coast of the United States

The ability to dive to a depth of about 1000 meters makes the Poseidon virtually invulnerable to torpedoes, even if detected. By the way, if we talk about the stealth of an underwater vehicle, then special attention was paid to stealth technologies during its development.

The main factors of the invisibility of the device include, firstly, its small size, which makes it possible to reduce noise from water flow around, and secondly, the presence of a silent cooling system for the LMC reactor. Since there is liquid metal in the circuit in LMC reactors, it is set in motion by a magnetohydrodynamic pump. It has no mechanical parts capable of making noise, so the engine is silent, unlike nuclear submarines, in which the rotating turbine of the cooling circuit acts as a very serious unmasking factor.

The unlimited range makes the Poseidon a threat to coastal cities like New York and Los Angeles. The Russian Department of Defense describes it as a multi-purpose weapon and suggests that it may also be intended for US Navy battle groups,

- writes the American analyst H. Sutton (H.I. Sutton).

The use of Poseidon, according to the expert, can radically change the tactics and strategy of modern submarine warfare.

The absence of torpedoes in the US and British navies capable of hitting the Poseidon renders the latter invulnerable and renders Western fleets virtually defenseless against new Russian weapons.

In an explosion off the east coast of the United States, a nuclear warhead could create a tsunami wave tens of meters high, in addition to the damage caused by the nuclear explosion itself,

- emphasizes The Moscow Times.

It is clear that the United States will inevitably begin to develop means to counter Poseidon, but this will cost a lot of money, says H. Sutton. That is why, with regard to Poseidon, today we can confidently say that it has no analogues in the world, no matter how hackneyed this phrase may be.
From the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

▪️Russia opens humanitarian corridors from Mariupol in eastern and western directions from 10:00 Moscow time on March 21;

▪️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation call on the nationalists to lay down their arms and leave Mariupol for areas controlled by Kiev, guaranteeing their lives;

▪️More than 59 thousand people managed to be evacuated from Mariupol to the Russian Federation over the past three days, including 139 foreigners;

▪️The nationalists, abandoned by Kiev in Mariupol, staged a mass terror in those quarters of the city that are still under their control;

▪️The RF Armed Forces will allow nationalists to leave Mariupol without weapons from 10:00 to 12:00 Moscow time on March 21;

▪️About 130,000 civilians and 184 foreign citizens from six countries remain held hostage by nationalists in Mariupol;

▪️The Russian side delivered 3,799 tons of cargo to the settlements of five regions of Ukraine, as well as the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics;

▪️6,838 foreign citizens from 18 states continue to be held by Ukrainian neo-Nazis;

▪️Every day, from 80 to 235 civilians die in Mariupol;

▪️A terrible humanitarian catastrophe has developed in Mariupol as a result of lawlessness arranged by Ukrainian nationalists;

▪️Ukrainian neo-Nazis continue to hold over 4.5 million civilians as human shields;

▪️Over the past 24 hours, more than 16.4 thousand people have been evacuated to Russia from dangerous regions of Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR;

▪️The RF Armed Forces invite representatives of the UN, OSCE and ICRC to accompany the humanitarian operation in Mariupol in the columns of the Russian and Ukrainian sides;

▪️Russia will wait for a response from Kyiv on the proposed measures for the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol until 05:00 Moscow time on March 21.
The bodies you see evoke feelings of fear, sadness and perhaps humility in the recognition that we can lose all of what we are in a moment.

It makes you want to cower and I suppose here is where it can be used as a tool to control.

Putin is touted as this deranged person where the fear is that he'll ultimately bring you death and the Nazis are these people who terrorise captive populations by keeping them in a state of perpetual fear by acts of violence, psychological terror and getting them to witness the fragility of life by constantly and haphazardly killing people.

Despite its singular and absolute total nature the drag it has on your mind is immeasurable to the extent you will die many times over before you actually meet the real death.

You will be controlled and ruled by the people and forces who seek to use the forces it evokes in your mind to do (or not do) things that are ultimately bad for you in the hopes that you can bargain but ultimately it may all just mean you arrive at your final resting place totally worn out and in fact having long departed in all but body years or decades prior.

I'm confused here. Are you trying to give a run-down of the narrative of the PTB media, and how this narrative would affect the 'hearts and minds' of the general population? Or are these your own thoughts on the matter?

At any rate, I'm pretty troubled by the phrasing in this post, as well as the subject matter. The use of language, in particular the repeated use of the word 'you', raises a red flag. I don't know whether you're aware of it or not, but it reads as if you're inviting others to see, think, and feel in a very pessimistic and dark manner, and join you on a doom-and-gloom train to nowhere. At worst, it reads like a case study in fearmongering nudge psychology. But I may be over-interpreting.

It would have been a much, much different post if you were to have used the first person singular pronoun. 'I feel this, I think that, I am concerned about such and such'. Then your post would have come across as a much more genuine attempt to share your own inner turmoil.

Anyways that's a bit random but seeing all these warring, hearing about all these weapons and how supposedly "awesome" they are, having to face up to a certain future in the West, being terrorised by disease and government tyranny etc etc all can't help but get you thinking about this subject and what it means to you, how you can live whilst being aware of its presence stalking you like a shadow you can't shake off.

From what I've understood, the purpose of shadow work isn't to 'shake off' the shadow. We can't do that emotionally or mentally any more than we shake off our own physical shadow. The purpose of shadow work is to face 'it', to make our darkness conscious, and use it to generate an internal friction in the Work, and as such integrate it in a healthy way. This includes the shadow of our own mortality.

I know that we're living through difficult times, and it can be a shock to see war footage and dead bodies. But that's reality. And Work principles still apply - perhaps now moreso than ever. We can all make the choice to maintain good media boundaries, an attitude of faith, and a reasonable perspective, particularly about death. Or we can let the chaos in and invite it to run amok inside us, which is exactly what the PTB wants.
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