Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This is how maraders are punished-they take the opportunity to break into empty apartments and houses, and during martial law in Ukraine this is still a mild punishment and I think that fascism has nothing to do with it.
Even so, the green paint would be a sign that they are "Orcs"... that is what certain groups in the Ukraine call to Russians, pro-Russians or whatever... I have seen some of children tied up and with said paint (and being flogged like many) ... in the absence of context of the cases, it is shown that the city lacks law and stability within what is possible.
Even so, the green paint would be a sign that they are "Orcs"... that is what certain groups in the Ukraine call to Russians, pro-Russians or whatever... I have seen some of children tied up and with said paint (and being flogged like many) ... in the absence of context of the cases, it is shown that the city lacks law and stability within what is possible.
No orcs have nothing to do with it. The tradition of pouring brilliant green on various corrupt politicians and other scum in Ukraine is already quite old. Here is a selection of Ukrainian politicians (Poroshenko, Avakov, Vilkul, Lyashko, Dobkin and many other)

No orcs have nothing to do with it. The tradition of pouring brilliant green on various corrupt politicians and other scum in Ukraine is already quite old. Here is a selection of Ukrainian politicians (Poroshenko, Avakov, Vilkul, Lyashko, Dobkin and many other)

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From what I read, it would be an antiseptic and that is partly why its use ( symbolism of removing dirt?) ... but more than that is used because it is difficult to remove even after washing, it can also cause pain and certain types of burns without permanent damage, so there would be no legal problems for the aggressor for damage to certain cases.
From Telegram there was:
How did Ukraine form out of the Russian Empire?

"One thing we will never accept, is if someone utilizes the generous gifts of Russia, to hurt Russia itself." - Putin.
(Inessa S)
[Refers to something Vladimir Putin said in 2014 when Crimea rejoined Russia.]

1654 - Bohdan Hmelnitskiy- Poltava (central, yellow) led an uprising against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth & united these territories under the Treaty of Pereyaslav, with Tsar Alexis of Russia.

1683 - Tsar Alexis - Chernihov + Kyiv (central, yellow)

1795 - Ekaterina II - (orange, west) colonised the territories of Malorossia. In the west, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, was ruled by her former lover King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, which was partitioned, with the Russian Empire gaining the largest share. In the east, Russians became the first Europeans to colonize Alaska.

1918 - V. Lenin - Novorossiya (green, east)

1940 /1945 - J. Stalin - Bessarabia, Bukovina, Galicia, Transcarpathia (green, west)

1954 - N. Kruschev, Transfer of Crimea (purple, south). Did not have sufficient quorum.

1991 - End of era.
The image of the above recent Telegram post is found in an article in Komsomolskaya Pravda from 2017,:
May 18, 2017 04:05 PM
Ukraine consists of gifts from Russian tsars and Soviet general secretaries
Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan unexpectedly announced that Kyiv can regain not only Crimea and Donbass, but also... Kuban


One can only marvel at the appetites of the Ukrainian minister. Perhaps it's time to recall what kind of territories the current Ukraine consists of. Komsomolskaya Pravda listened to the point of view not only from Moscow - Doctor of Historical Sciences Oleg NAZAROV, but also from Kyiv - Academician Petro TOLOCHKO, Director of the Institute of Archeology of Ukraine.

'Okraintsy' and Little Russia

- Petro Poroshenko called Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko the founder of Ukraine.

Tolochko: - I think Pyotr Alekseevich knows history poorly. Vladimir died in 1015. Ukraine appeared after 600 years. And not as a state. None of the Eastern Slavs knew that in hundreds of years they would separate and be different peoples: someone is Ukrainian, someone is Russian, someone is Belarusian.

Nazarov: - Bogdan Khmelnytsky signed an agreement with Moscow in 1654 on behalf of the Zaporizhzhya Army, and not on behalf of Ukraine. It was the Poles who at the beginning of the 17th century began to call the inhabitants of their eastern outskirts 'outskirts'. The word was then transformed into 'Ukrainians'.

[Map from before]

T .: - Then Russia and Little Russia were not united on equal terms. Ukraine became part of the empire as an autonomy. Ukrainian territory occupied several small areas on the left side of the Dnieper. There was also the right bank - the Cherkasy and Volyn regions, but the Poles were in charge there.

N .: - After the Pereyaslav Rada, which approved the entry of the Zaporizhzhya Army into Russia, another Russian-Polish war broke out. As a result, the Muscovite tsar regained the cities lost in the Time of Troubles: Smolensk, Chernigov, Dorogobuzh ... The border between Poland and the Moscow state was established strictly along the Dnieper River. There was a special article - Kyiv. We agreed that it would remain in the possession of Moscow for two years, then it would be transferred to Poland. But then Moscow simply paid compensation for him - 146 thousand rubles in gold. And left behind.

'KP': - How were those lands called under the kings?

T: - Until the destruction of the Hetmanate - by Little Russia. And they began to curtail the hetman's council under Peter I - after the betrayal of Mazepa. Then Catherine II revived it for her favorite Razumovsky. But in 1764 it broke up again. And Little Russia remained a part of Russia as one of the provinces.

New cities and lands

- It turns out that Ukraine has increased its size thanks to the gifts of Russian monarchs?

N .: - This is how we can talk now. Russian tsars perceived this as an increase in the territory of a single state. There was Siberia, the Urals, Little Russia. And the general increase in Russia was not considered gifts to Ukraine, because there was no such country.

'KP': - Under Catherine II, the lands of Novorossia and Crimea were conquered. Who did they belong to before? Why did they leave Ukraine?

T .: - Then Russia and Little Russia were not united on equal terms. Ukraine became part of the empire as an autonomy. Ukrainian territory occupied several small areas on the left side of the Dnieper. There was also the right bank - the Cherkasy and Volyn regions, but the Poles were in charge there.

N .: - After the Pereyaslav Rada, which approved the entry of the Zaporizhzhya Army into Russia, another Russian-Polish war broke out. As a result, the Muscovite tsar regained the cities lost in the Time of Troubles: Smolensk, Chernigov, Dorogobuzh ... The border between Poland and the Moscow state was established strictly along the Dnieper River. There was a special article - Kyiv. We agreed that it would remain in the possession of Moscow for two years, then it would be transferred to Poland. But then Moscow simply paid compensation for him - 146 thousand rubles in gold. And left behind.

'KP': - How were those lands called under the kings?

T: - Until the destruction of the Hetmanate - by Little Russia. And they began to curtail the hetman's council under Peter I - after the betrayal of Mazepa. Then Catherine II revived it for her favorite Razumovsky. But in 1764 it broke up again. And Little Russia remained a part of Russia as one of the provinces.

New cities and lands

'KP': - It turns out that Ukraine has increased its size thanks to the gifts of Russian monarchs?

N .: - This is how we can talk now. Russian tsars perceived this as an increase in the territory of a single state. There was Siberia, the Urals, Little Russia. And the general increase in Russia was not considered gifts to Ukraine, because there was no such country.

'KP': - Under Catherine II, the lands of Novorossia and Crimea were conquered. Who did they belong to before? Why did they leave Ukraine?
T .: - They were owned by the Crimean Khanate and the Nogai Horde. After the conquest of the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, Russia began to develop them. And not only residents of distant Russian provinces, but also the population of central Ukraine, were drawn there.

'KP': - At the same time, the Russian emperors laid the foundations for many of today's Ukrainian cities ...

T .: - Yes, they founded Kirovograd (it was also Elisavetgrad) and Dnepropetrovsk (it was called Yekaterinoslav). And also Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa. All major cities of the lower Dnieper region and the southern part of Ukraine were created in tsarist times.

'KP': - Who and why did it take to invent Ukraine?

N .: - The Russian Empire after the February Revolution of 1917 fell apart in a few months. Everywhere there was a struggle for power. This fuss from Petrograd could not be fully controlled. The Central Rada emerged in Kyiv. At first, she put forward modest demands for autonomy. Here in Kyiv they began to actively use the term 'Ukraine' in defiance of the former 'Little Russia'. We wanted to highlight our uniqueness. The Ukrainian nationalists became impudent, demanding more and more land, and the Provisional Government only weakened. Everything settled down by 1918. The Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed in Kyiv.

'KP': - Who then belonged to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions?

T .: - When the USSR was created, the question arose of separating Ukraine. Lenin decided that it was necessary to slaughter the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic to it, and it was part of Russia. But this, in essence, is the whole of Novorossia, Donetsk and Krivoy Rog.

N .: - Lenin and his associates transferred the industrial regions of Donbass to Ukraine. The inhabitants of Ukraine were mostly peasants, and the Bolsheviks needed proletarians.

KP: - It turns out that Lenin gave Ukraine the east and south, and Stalin also gave the west on the eve of the Great Patriotic War?

T: Yes, that's right. According to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Galicia went to us. It has always been part of Kievan Rus. And when, after the war, Khrushchev also annexed Crimea, the very Ukraine that we knew before the collapse of the USSR was formed.

Peninsula of Discord

- When Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine, he clearly did not expect that this land would become a bone of contention ...

T .: - The Secretary General made the royal semi-gift for economic reasons. Who knew that the Union would fall apart? But the Crimeans themselves were not delighted, they remained nostalgic for Russia. And when an opportunity turned up - there was a coup in Kyiv - they took advantage of it and voted for Russia. We must blame ourselves for the fact that Crimea has moved away from us. We pushed him away.

'KP': - And why else in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, when the USSR was falling apart, Yeltsin did not return Crimea to Russia?

N .: - Yeltsin, when he became President of the RSFSR, thought purely about his own interests. Formally, the allied center remained above it in 1991. Gorbachev was there. And Yeltsin just wanted to get rid of the influence of the union center. Shushkevich in Minsk and Kravchuk in Kyiv were just as hungry for power. The trio quickly found a common language. After all, everyone got the opportunity to rule uncontrollably in their republic. The stakes were high. Yeltsin was not up to the Crimea.

Kyiv wants to cut itself off from Russia

'KP': - Why are the monuments to Lenin being demolished in Ukraine today, if he actually founded their country? And gave her so much land?

T .: - We are now rewriting history. The goal is to cut yourself off from Russia. Leave for Europe. Nationalists are running the show. They proclaim Ukrainians as a special people, not related to the Russian.

N .: - Ukrainian politicians simply do not have a sense of gratitude. From the Soviet Union they got a powerful country, in terms of industrial potential approximately equal to Germany. But for the last quarter of a century they have been plundering and destroying everything. Under the Soviet rulers - under the same Brezhnev, for example, in Ukraine there was a good life. And the current leaders in Kyiv such reminders as a bone in the throat. They erase from the memory of people everything positive that was at that time.

'KP': - If Ukraine begins to crumble as a failed state, which countries can claim its territory?

N.: - All the neighbors of Ukraine along the perimeter of its borders. You can talk about Poland, Hungary, Romania. Whether they do so, time will tell. And we can claim. But the Ukrainians must gather another Pereyaslav Rada and decide to whom they want to go into citizenship. That will be more honest.


And what about the Kuban?

How justified are the claims of the Ukrainian Minister Omelyan to the Kuban, we asked the historian Yevgeny SPITSIN.

- How can Ukraine claim something that never belonged to it? he wondered. - After the end of the first Russian-Turkish war in 1775, Catherine II issued a manifesto on the liquidation of the Zaporozhian Sich 'in its political ugliness.' She understood perfectly well what the Sich was: the Zaporizhzhya homeless hunted mainly by predatory campaigns. Plus, Catherine was very afraid of a repetition of the new Pugachevshchina, defeated just a few months ago. Part of the Cossacks fled across the Danube, to Turkish possessions, part - to the territory of the already Russian Kuban by that time. At the request of the Cossacks themselves, who were supported by Prince Grigory Potemkin, they were granted land there. The first forty kurens were resettled there, they made up the so-called Black Sea linear (border) army. So all these fantasies of Ukrainians about the Kuban are utter nonsense.

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What brilliant plan do they have to stop the hypersonic missiles?
The US talked a couple of weeks ago about a super weapon they possess. Through my super secret anonymous intel sources I have been told that the weapon is called "Operation Denial". The plan is to launch denial very soon specifically against the hypersonic weapons, which don't exist. The launch will be through the media and in certain areas also with the use of rooftops with hypersonic megaphones, the size of which no man has seen before. This media 'shock and awe' will finish off any weapons and a victory will be declared, within the hour of launch.
Should any aircraft carriers disappear, then 'operation denial 2.0' will start which will deny that the aircraft carriers ever existed in the first place and that any such talk is just Russian propaganda. Wikipedia will be revised again along with a host of other websites and mission complete.
The above is as mentioned from a super highly placed source which is super reliable and anyone saying otherwise will be censored by the same source. :-P
And in this generation's minds programming was the most succesful unfortunately, generation that supposed to be the future. Most of them is left-sided, watching tvn (polish biggest mainstream media). They recently defended tvn so hard on protests... I noticed that this generation wants war the most. They want to "beat the moscals", "we should fight Russia alongside with NATO" etc. I heard statements like that a lot. Lost generation, I'd say. It's saddening for me mostly because I belong to this generation.
This generation wants war because they do not know what the war is. They think that someone will be fighting for them. If they will be sent itself to front then they will think twice. Like someone has told... NATO will be fighting till last polish soldier and last polish zloty. We can obviously see this by Ukrainian example.

Rusophobia, even pure hatred to Russia completely blinds our nation. Completely. Please note that propaganda right now is targeting also Germany as collaborator with Russia which perfectly fit to the memory and nation's experience of last war. Everyone in Poland knows that communism came from Russia. Most of our cultural weak points is used to extract last experiences and to use to legitimate every action. Many still cannot leave that behind and look on facts without strong feelings/beliefs etc. That trauma is still not worked out by our nation.

Btw... Media in Poland are generally corrupted. The case with tvn was controversial. I hoped that new legislation would target all media in general, to cancel disproportion, but this was not a case unfortunately.
I can see the Kremlin site again but it's really slow. For a country that is as evil and broken as Russia, it sure looks like it's economy is, maybe not quite vibrant, but sturdy. Unless it's all Russian propaganda. 😉

Meeting of State Council Commission on Agriculture

Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Altai Territory Governor Viktor Tomenko co-chaired a meeting of the State Council Commission on Agriculture, via videoconference.

March 21, 2022

This meeting was attended by Lipetsk Region Governor Igor Artamonov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Vladimir Kashin, ASI Director General Svetlana Chupsheva, deputy regional governors, representatives of related federal ministries and agencies, sectoral unions, expert organisations, and development institutions.

The participants discussed the preparations for spring field work in 2022 and plans for 2023 and 2024, as well as ways to ensure the sustainable development of the agricultural and agro-industrial sector under the sanctions and other external pressures. Deputy ministers of agriculture Andrei Razin and Yelena Fastova presented their reports.

Igor Levitin emphasised the importance of saturating the domestic market with affordable and quality food, restructuring logistics and production chains, preserving jobs, and making the agro-industrial sector independent of imports.

Proposals were presented by President of the Russian Grain Union Arkady Zlochevsky, General Director of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko) Artyom Belov, Executive Director of the Fat-and-Oil Union of Russia Mikhail Maltsev, President of the Russian Union of Flour and Cereal Companies Igor Sviridenko, and Director of the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers Mikhail Glushkov.

The Government of the Russian Federation will review the recommendations made at the meeting.

Meeting with Novgorod Region Governor Andrei Nikitin

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Novgorod Region Governor Andrei Nikitin, who updated the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

March 22, 2022

The President noted that industrial production and construction were growing in the region, that the unemployment rate was below the average for the country as a whole, and the budget situation had normalised. However, there were issues that required attention.

The Governor said that the people’s real disposable incomes were growing for the first time in years. The region reported a surplus budget, mostly thanks to exports, and the year was very good in terms of exports by leading manufacturers. The authorities are introducing a social contract mechanism. Over the past two years, some 12,000 social contracts have been signed, and 80 percent of them are seen as effective, that is, they have helped increase families’ incomes. This exceeds the national average and is a major step towards improving people’s quality of life.

Andrei Nikitin, who was appointed Novgorod Region Governor in 2017, added that the number of students at Novgorod State University had increased from 7,000 to nearly 13,000, and this figure included not only local residents but also young people from other regions. The number of students at vocational training schools had increased from 8,000 to 15,000. In the past, only local residents studied at these higher educational institutions, but today they attract students from 30 regions. The Governor pointed out that this makes it possible to envisage the development of modern industries and that the authorities are already preparing to meet the challenge of providing housing for young people.

According to the Governor, the region has risen from 41st place to 8th in the Education Ministry’s ranking of the quality of education. The region’s colleges have risen from 42nd to 13th place in the WorldSkills ranking. As for Olympiads, the region’s representatives started from scratch and today, some 1,500–2,000 Novgorodians take part in various Olympiads. This creates a foundation for the future, for growth and development.

The governor thanked the President for supporting the development of a special economic zone and an innovative valley. The economic zone was launched last August. Eight investors are already starting to build their production facilities.

The governor and the President also discussed the general quality of life and the effectiveness of improvements. The share of well-maintained roads in the region has increased from 28 to almost 50 percent. The governor said that road maintenance had been a long-term issue for the Novgorod Region. It is not completely resolved but local residents are already noticing changes. As a result of all these general improvements, Andrei Nikitin believes that, for the first time in decades, people have actually started moving to the region, especially young people, students and young professionals.

Healthcare remains a complicated issue that requires serious efforts. The Novgorod Region has always lagged behind many other regions when it comes to public healthcare. Some progress was achieved but the Covid-19 pandemic substantially worsened the picture. However, the mortality rate among the able-bodied population in the region has decreased and continues to decline. Primary care development efforts should also have a certain impact.

Andrei Nikitin reported on efforts to preserve historical memory, specifically, in connection with the federal programme aimed at restoring military graves. The number of school students involved in patriotic projects has doubled. There are patriotic groups in every school. A memorial called Zhestyanaya Gorka was built as per the President’s instruction. It is the first memorial to the civilians killed by Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. The first trial that recognised the act of genocide against the peoples of the Soviet Union was held in the Batetsky District of the Novgorod Region.

The governor also reported that, in accordance with his earlier promise to the President, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity had been restored in Sopiny. The construction of the church was funded by the outstanding 18th century Russian military commander Alexander Suvorov. The church was finished after Suvorov’s death. For many years, the church was dilapidated but today it is once again a fine and beautiful place of worship.

Meeting of State Council commission on small and medium-sized businesses

Presidential Aide and Secretary of the State Council Igor Levitin and Kaliningrad Region Governor Anton Alikhanov co-chaired a meeting of the State Council commission on small and medium-sized businesses via videoconference.

March 22, 2022

The meeting was attended by Governor Natalya Komarova of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area Ugra, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Boris Titov, representatives of relevant federal executive bodies, regions of the Russian Federation, state corporations, public organisations, development institutions for small and medium-sized business and the business community.

Opening the meeting, Igor Levitin noted that the Government has made a number of prompt decisions to support businesses and emphasised the importance of intensive efforts by the regional governors in this area in the current socio-economic and foreign policy situation.

Anton Alikhanov spoke about the commission’s initiatives to maintain jobs and encourage new manufacturing capacity, in part, to support import substitution.

Other speakers included representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Opora Rossii, a national public organisation for small and medium-sized businesses.

The proposals approved at the meeting will be submitted to the State Council working group on economic issues and щт countering the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). It will study them in cooperation with the government commission on enhancing the sustainability of the Russian economy in conditions of the sanctions.

Telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron at the latter’s initiative.

March 22, 2022

The presidents continued a detailed exchange of views on the situation around Ukraine, including the current talks between Russian and Ukrainian representatives.
More street justice or injustice in Ukraine. Some comments say they are gypsies/Roma People. Note the soldiers around them.
Here is a telegram channel where there are lot of video's like this - harrasing victory day parade, nazi's destroying the properties, street justice( aka harrassment), interviews with victims who are used as human shield, uki soliders that were abandoned by their commanders and so on. Twitter banned this guy ( Juan Sienmiedo) from its media.

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