Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I would say that in the phrase of this half-wit, only one word is missing - Yours. If you add it, then everything falls into place completely
“The West now has a unique chance. There are not many nations in the world that would allow themselves to sacrifice so many lives, territories and decades of development for the sake of defeating a sworn enemy, ”he said.
See how it immediately becomes like the truth:
“The West now has a unique chance. There are not many nations in the world that would allow themselves to sacrifice so many lives, territories and decades of development for the sake of defeating yours sworn enemy, ”he said.
Moreover, earlier there was a statement by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov that Ukraine is carrying out a NATO mission while fighting with Russia. Here it's just plain text and without any ambiguity.

A German mercenary fighting for Ukraine turned to his Nazi grandfather
A German mercenary fighting for Ukraine in social networks turned to his grandfather, who fought as part of the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany, <url> reports.

"Grandpa, I'm fighting in the trenches that you built in World War II!" the mercenary wrote.

He also described the fighting in which he was subjected to mortar fire "like a century ago" and published a photo of mortar ammunition from the Great Patriotic War.

"The continuity of generations in the conflict in Ukraine. Only total denazification. Or does anyone else have any questions?!", - Ukraine says in the article.roo.
Воюющий за Украину немецкий наемник обратился к деду-нацисту

Zakharova called Zelensky's decision to deprive 13 priests of the UOC citizenship satanism

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the message that the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, by his decree of December 28, 2022, suspended the citizenship of 13 priests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"Satanism as it is," Zakharova wrote in her Telegram channel.

The decree was not made public officially because it contains personal information. But, as it became known to the Ukrainian media, in particular, Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchinsky and Bratslav was deprived of citizenship. Earlier it was reported that the SBU suspects him of treason. We are also talking about the vicar of the Tulchinsky diocese, Bishop Sergiy Ladyzhinsky. He is a close person to Jonathan.
Захарова назвала сатанизмом решение Зеленского лишить 13 священников УПЦ гражданства

PMCs "Wagner" occupied another village in the suburbs of Artemovsk
The forces of the Wagner PMCs continue to surround Artemovsk, another village in the suburbs is occupied

The forces of the private military company (PMCs) "Wagner" occupied another village in the suburb of Artemovsk (Ukrainian name — Bakhmut). This is reported by the FAN.

PMCs fighters continue to surround the city, occupying another settlement to the east of Artemovsk. The village of Podgorodnoye came under the control of the mercenaries.

Judging by the map published by the publication, as of January 7, the Russian PMCs controls settlements to the south and southeast of Artemovsk, as well as almost all villages to the east of the city.

The owner of the Wagner PMCs, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has repeatedly spoken out about the difficulty of fighting for Artemovsk. So, in early January, he said that the AFU had created "five hundred lines of defense" there, which made the advance of Russian forces difficult, and also compared the battles for this city with the Kulikovo and Borodino battles. In addition, Prigozhin considers Artemovsk to be the central point of the eastern front and a serious logistics center in the conflict in Ukraine.
ЧВК «Вагнер» заняла еще одно село в пригороде Артемовска

Я бы сказал, что во фразе этого полоумного пропущено всего одно слово -Вашего. Если его добавить, то тогда все встает совсем на свои места.
Посмотрите, как сразу становится похожим на правду.
Причем ранее появилось заявление министра обороны Украины Резникова о том, что Украина выполняет миссию НАТО воюя с Россией. Тут уже просто открытым текстом и без всяких обиняков.
Your calculations seem to be totally wrong cause Ternary Maths is not ancient to begin with and not represented by decimal numbers secondly Maybe you are referring to an ancient esoteric systems of calculus Share pls
Pretty creepy. Fortunately, I have not seen such dreams, but there is a video where in 20 seconds about 60 shots from 2 machine guns and a grenade were placed at a distance of about 10 meters and after that a person walks in full height there. This reality looks not less fantastic than any fantasy. Watch from 2.00 to 2.20

Довольно жутко. Я к счастью таких снов не видел, но вот есть видео, где за 20 секунд по месту положили около 60 автоматных выстрелов и гранату на дистанции около 10 метров и после этого там человек ходит в полный рост. Эта реальность выглядит фантастичнее всякой фантастики. Смотреть с 2.00 до 2.20
In reality people keep running some time before fall down. Only blown up people dies imediately, the rest bleed out. No "red cloud" when someone is shot. No blood everywhere. Exsplosions are not with orange smoke and in slow motion. No background music. No heroic facial exspressions and grand slow mo falling on the knees with yelling: go on, avenge me! No heroes. No one is looking cool in uniform. No one is brave. Everyone are all the time shit scared. The war and death are very banal.
Your calculations seem to be totally wrong cause Ternary Maths is not ancient to begin with and not represented by decimal numbers secondly Maybe you are referring to an ancient esoteric systems of calculus Share pls

Hello @Romanempire, welcome to the forum. Since this is your first post, you are invited to write an introduction in the Newbies forum to tell us a little about yourself and how you found your way here.
с Рождеством to @youlik and @f1esk
It is very nice and personal congratulations and in my native language (almost). Thanks!

In reality...
Any "banality" should have a limit. In the video, the density of fire in a limited sector, in my opinion, exclude the non banal behavior of the opponent. It was quite banal that he should have been cut to pieces by bullets and shrapnel. But this is of course subjective. And objectively, during these hostilities, inadequate behavior of the AFU soldiers has been repeatedly noticed. Does "combat chemistry" work here, which is most likely, or "green creatures" like from that dream, which is also possible, who knows?

"In reality", it's a pity that they deleted the video that I would like to cite on this occasion. It was here
ВСУшник заснял собственную СМЕРТЬ НА КАМЕРУ - 17 минут без обрезки: "Я 300! Я 300! АЙ! всё... ааааа!" (Авдеевка, декабрь 2022) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве
and now it seemed to someone that it was not good for us to watch a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces die heroically. I didn't misspoke, this guy is a hero. He got out of hiding to help his own and he caught all the bullets trying to pull out a wounded comrade. I will give a caption to the video and add a little from myself.
AFU soldier filmed his own DEATH ON CAMERA - 17 minutes without trimming: "I'm 300! I'm 300! AY! everything... aaaaa!" (Avdiivka, December 2022)

Video without cropping from the body of a slain AFU soldier. The support of the APU from the rear is stormed by ours. There are continuous cries for help on the radio. There is a heavy shooting battle.
The APU soldier on whom the camera is fixed hears that there are two three hundredths in the landing and the cartridges are running out. He throws a grenade launcher and with an American assault rifle and another soldier runs to help his own, getting out of the trenches to land.
Running and on all fours, they get to two, throw them magazines with cartridges. A machine gun is working on them. He is directed further: "Go save Romchik!". The hero of the video crawls to the wounded Roma 15 meters further. Roma is already dying. On the way, the author of the video catches a bullet, after 5 minutes a couple more, and more. Dying. The video ends with wheezing.
There were a lot of things in this video: both screams of pain and requests to his friends to pull him out, but one phrase that the guy said before the last bullet, in my opinion, is worthy of all the "beauties" that you described. He said: that's the end of my story.
Such a banal non-banality or vice versa not banal banality.

Очень приятно и персональное поздравление и на родном языке (почти). Благодарю!
У любой "банальности" должен быть предел. В видео плотность огня по ограниченному сектору, на мой взгляд, исключала не банальное поведение оппонента. Он вполне банально должен был быть порезан на части пулями и осколками. Но это конечно же субъективно. А объективно то, что в течение этих боевых действий уже неоднократно замечено неадекватное поведение солдат ВСУ. Действует ли тут "боевая химия", что скорее всего, или "зеленые твари" как из того сна, что тоже не исключено, кто знает?
"В реальности" очень жаль, что удалили видео, которое я хотел бы привести по этому поводу. Оно было здесь и теперь кому то показалось, что не годится нам смотреть как героически умирает солдат ВСУ. Я не оговорился, этот парень герой. Он вылез из укрытия на помощь к своим и все пули он поймал пытаясь вытащить раненого товарища.
Я приведу подпись к видео и немного добавлю от себя. В этом видео было много чего: и крики от боли и просьбы к своим вытащить его, но одна фраза, которую сказал парень перед последней пулей, по моему достойна всех красивостей, которые вы описали. Он сказал: вот и конец моей истории.
Такая вот банальная небанальность или наоборот не банальная банальность.
Anyone else heard anything more about Ukro troops using chemical weapons on PMC Wagner fighters in Bakhmut?


"Just now our fighters recieved chemical burns of lungs and were sent to hospital. A quemical weapon was used against us in Bakhmut."

PMC Wagner fighters report that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are using unidentified chemical weapons in the Bakhmut direction.

Before that, a video of the “musicians” cleaning up the building in Soledar appeared. Everything indicates that there is not even a close retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the contrary, our attack aircraft are being held back by all means.

Source: @brussinf

Subscribe to @RussianHead - the real Russian channel, don't waste time with teenage copy cats!
Anyone else heard anything more about Ukro troops using chemical weapons on PMC Wagner fighters in Bakhmut?
Here they wrote about it yesterday. In my opinion, there is some kind of handicraft, it is unlikely that there are chemical warfare agents, but there is no complete clarity yet. So far, no casualties have been reported, they only talked about shortness of breath, sort of.

У нас вчера писали об этом. На мой взгляд там какая то кустарщина, вряд ли боевые отравляющие вещества, но полной ясности пока нет. Пока не сообщали о жертвах, говорили только о затрудненном дыхании, типа того.
Superb and interesting speech by Scott Ritter:

That was a terrific speech, thanks Cosmos.
Could not help notice the paradox (is that the right word?) of seeing the rainbow sign next to him saying 'all are welcome'.
I wonder how they would feel about adding NAZIS to that list? :lol:
Sometimes I just look at a scene like that and feel like two different realities are intersecting.
'Will Nazism be a new religion in Ukraine?'

7 Jan, 2023

'To deter peace negotiations the US must provide heavier weapons to Ukraine.'

7 JAN, 2023

7 Jan, 2023


8 JAN, 2023
Last edited:
This is not the first time. Stability is a sign of mastery
The air Defense of Ukraine mistakenly shot down its own MiG-29 fighter when returning to the airfield
The Ukrainian military shot down its own MiG-29 fighter with friendly fire.

Due to the lack of coordination in the Ukrainian army, the air defense of Ukraine mistakenly shot down their own combat aircraft, which was striking with AGM-88 HARM cruise missiles. As a result of the precise launch of the missile, the combat aircraft was shot down, however, according to preliminary data, the pilot managed to eject, although there is no information about his condition.

According to the data provided by Ukrainian information resources, the Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter launched two cruise anti-radar missiles, however, for unknown reasons, it was forced to return to the airfield by a different route. At that time, Ukrainian air defense means recorded the approach of an unidentified aircraft and opened fire on it, as a result of which the fighter was shot down.

It is known that the Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter was shot down near the locality of Kurakhovo in the Donetsk region, while it is clarified that the fire was opened by the calculation of the Osa air defense system.

Any other circumstances of the incident have not yet been announced by the Ukrainian military, however, the situation that has occurred indicates that coordination between various units of the Ukrainian army is at an extremely low level.
ПВО Украины по ошибке сбило собственный истребитель МиГ-29 при возвращении на аэродром

Something tells me that he shouldn't have said that. It will have a detrimental effect on business
Turkey is able to control all Bayraktar TB2 drone strikes
The developer of the Bayraktar TB2 drones has announced covert control over the strikes of the drones being sold.

Bayraktar TB2 drones have a special vulnerability that allows you to monitor the operation of all Bayraktar TB2 drones through remote access tools, and, in fact, even strike with these drones if necessary. Apparently, the drone control systems are connected to satellites or can be controlled by medium waves. Selchuk Bayraktar, technical director of the Turkish company Baykar Makina, voiced information on this in an interview with journalists.

"We can take control of all the UAVs we have sold to other countries and deploy them in the air against them, they work on our software," Selchuk Bayraktar said.

Previously, such a feature of Turkish drones has never been disclosed, which can seriously affect the interest in Turkish drones, however, which is very noteworthy, it may mean that during the conflict in Ukraine, it was Turkey that could be involved in controlling the strikes of Ukrainian drones, especially those drones that can be controlled via satellite communication channels.
Турция способна контролировать все удары беспилотников Bayraktar TB2
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