Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Both these videos carry a similar message. It's a timely reminder to avoid focusing on tactical minutiae, remain calm and avoid panic when things don't go in one particular direction or another. Part of the information war is intended to demoralise the supporters of Russia in advance of whatever offensive operations might be planned. Don't make it easy for them. I have personally seen all sorts of doom mongering panic among the armchair generals out there. The best advice I have seen is to go for a nice walk or something instead.

Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
The RF Armed Forces repelled the attacks of the battalion tactical group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine south of the village of Krasnoe in the DPR.

As a result of the attack, the nationalists lost about 200 servicemen killed and wounded;

The commander of the 4th motorized rifle brigade, Colonel Vyacheslav Makarov, being at the forefront, personally led the battle;

Two enemy attacks were repelled. The servicemen of the brigade destroyed three tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles and two armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

During the reflection of the third attack, the brigade commander was seriously wounded and died during the evacuation from the battlefield;

Colonel Yevgeny Brovko, deputy commander of the army corps for military-political work, led the actions of the personnel, being in another sector of repelling enemy attacks;

During the battle to repel one of the attacks, Colonel Yevgeny Brovko died heroically, having received multiple shrapnel wounds.
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the east of Bogdanovka (the direction of the Berkhovsky reservoir):
Motorized riflemen of the 3rd battalion of the 200th motorized rifle brigade repelled six attacks east of Bogdanovka, DPR

The attacks involved assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine numbering more than 100 people, seven tanks, 14 infantry fighting vehicles, as well as other military and special equipment;

Seven tanks, 11 infantry fighting vehicles and more than 50 Ukrainian servicemen were destroyed;

In the zone of responsibility of the 6th division, an attack by enemy assault groups was repelled with the support of three tanks and four infantry fighting vehicles;

Enemy losses amounted to over 30 Ukrainian servicemen, two tanks and three infantry fighting vehicles.
Supposed remains of the storm shadow missile were found during the attack on a polymer factory in Luhansk on May 12... it is possible that it is this or something else given the distance (130 km) if they were launched from Kramatorsk.


The Strom Shadown has the ability to fly low between 40 and 60 meters, but what is interesting is that an ADM-160B MALD missile that works as a decoy that has among its characteristics imitating the radar signature would have also been found among the remains. of other things, like pretending to be a fighter or a cruise missile , it is a weapon that entered service in 2015 in the United States and has not been openly declared in any of the aid packages to Ukraine.
It shouldn't surprise anyone if they try to go over the Kerch bridge again.

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I have personally seen all sorts of doom mongering panic among the armchair generals out there
This is becoming same as our lessons in the 'USA Mass Shootings Phenomenon'™©℗®:
[..]"certain Telegram channels" are "manned" by people who monetize hype and raw emotions, who do it for their own egos, especially having zero serious military education, such as overwhelming majority of "reporters", or being straight up SBU, TZIPSO and NATO supported purveyors of BS.
Source: Andrei Martyanov's Blog
Has been going on for a while like a scream of Banshees, instead of birdsong.
Live updates on ALJazeera

Preliminary unofficial results show Erdogan ahead with 56.67 percent of votes compared to Kilicdaroglu with 37.41 percent.

10m ago (16:13 GMT)
‘Very difficult to predict result at this point’: Analyst
Speaking to Al Jazeera in Istanbul, political analyst Ali Carkoglu said “it’s very difficult to make any predictions at this point”.

“The only thing I can [say] at this point is that his [Erdogan’s] votes are most likely going to go down, percentage-wise. And most likely, Kilicdaroglu’s votes are going to go up from this point, percentage-wise, but we don’t know yet how much.”

He said that usually results “do not change drastically” when some 50 percent of the votes have been counted


Apparently there is some evidence of a radiation spike following the explosion in Khmelnytsky. This suggests DU shells for the British Challenger tanks may have been stored there. The following was posted on Slavyangrad. Interesting if this is a reliable indicator, I'm not qualified to say either way.

Further Khmelnitsky Depleted Uranium Update.

Excellent research by Gleb Georgievich Gerasimov.

A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.

Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air.

By comparison, the towns of Ternopol, Khmilnik, and Novaya Ushitsa (images 3, 4, and 5) remained at their apparent regular, base levels. This indicates that the Khmelnitsky anomaly is indeed a spike and corroborates the claim that the stockpile in Khmelnitsky contained DU munitions. The map viewed is attached as the sixth image.

This British gift will keep on giving.


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Just 2 conceptual quotes:

The outstanding poet and diplomat of the XIX century Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev formulated the main reason for hatred of our country - "Russia by the very fact of its existence denies the future of the West."

Analysts of the most influential British think-tank, the Royal Institute of International Relations Chatham House, emphasize in their 2021 report Myths and misconceptions in the debate on Russia: "Regardless of who eventually succeeds Putin, Russia's political culture will undoubtedly continue to hinder the development of more constructive relations with the West. The West will not be able to normalize relations with Russia because of the profound difference in goals and values ...".
Live updates on ALJazeera
Possibility of Being,

Imo, there is not going to be a ‘simple’ straight away win...

ANKA News Agency: candidate Kilicdaroglu beat Erdogan in the presidential elections in Turkey.

Opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu beat incumbent leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan by 7.66 percentage points in the presidential elections in Turkey. Such data is provided by the ANKA agency with reference to its calculations of the voting results, TASS reports.

According to the agency, after opening 31.2 percent of the ballot boxes, Kilicdaroglu wins 51.49 percent of the votes, and the incumbent president — 43.83 percent.

The CEC of Turkey stated that according to the results of processing data from 50 percent of the ballot boxes, Erdogan is gaining 52.19 percent of the vote, and his main rival Kilicdaroglu is 41.93 percent.

Erdogan's leadership in the elections was also reported in the ruling party of Turkey. Official representative of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Omer Celik explained that Erdogan has a significant gap from the other candidates.

Henry Kissinger in different years 👇👇👇

2001 - "Of all the former republics of the USSR, there is one that will become a stumbling block in the coming years."

2008 - "I was against Ukraine and Georgia becoming members, (which, in any case, is no longer happening), because the location of Ukraine is extremely 'sensitive' for Russia, so much Russian history is woven into this land."

2012 - "I think we can interact with Russia on the basis of cooperation, as we do with the Islamic world (despite what is happening in Syria), but I would warn against the temptation to interfere in Russia's 'domestic' affairs, as we often do."

2015 - "If the eastern border of NATO territory turns out to be on the eastern border of Ukraine, it will run 200 miles from Stalingrad and 300 miles from Moscow. And taking into account the whole history of Russia, it is quite problematic for them to agree to this. Therefore, in my opinion (perhaps excessively primitive), Ukraine should remain in a status similar to Austria and Finland, that is, not be part of any strategic alliance. It is necessary to start with a detailed analysis of what exactly Russia is and what its interests are, as well as what interests we have, and only after weighing all this can we look for solutions."

2018 - Ukraine has historically always been part of the Russian land, at least for the last 400 years, and on the other hand, Ukraine has ties with Europe in many areas. In my opinion (and this opinion is unpopular, the opinion of a minority today!) "it is extremely unwise to consider the possibility of Ukraine's inclusion in NATO."

Kissinger vs 95th quarter. What kind of society, such are the authorities.

Video of him speaking in TG:
Opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu beat incumbent leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan by 7.66 percentage points in the presidential elections in Turkey. Such data is provided by the ANKA agency with reference to its calculations of the voting results, TASS reports.
Not sure what to think about the above. Latest ALJazeera update shows 50,1 % for Erdogan and 44,1 % for Kilicdaroglu with about 86 % boxes opened.

Let's wait for the official final result.
Apparently there is some evidence of a radiation spike following the explosion in Khmelnytsky. This suggests DU shells for the British Challenger tanks may have been stored there. The following was posted on Slavyangrad. Interesting if this is a reliable indicator, I'm not qualified to say either way.
I'm not qualified either, but it seems to me that a jump from 100 to 150 nSv/h is not much. Here, in France, I can see numbers oscillating between 120-140 nSv/h on a daily basis. Compare it with constant 400-500 nSv/h in Bragin, Belarus, just north of Chernobyl:
Let's wait for the official final result.
From Tass :

"15 May, 04:58Updated at: 05:24

Erdogan gets 49.34% after 99.9% of ballots counted; 44.99% garnered by Kilicdaroglu — TV​

ANKARA, May 15. /TASS/. Turkey’s incumbent leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s lead against his challenger from the opposition, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, in the May 14 presidential election has narrowed to 4.35 percentage points after 99.86% of ballot boxed were counted, state-run TRT television reported on Monday.
Erdogan has 49.34% of the vote, compared to 44.99% garnered by Kilicdaroglu. The third candidate, the leader of the ATA Alliance, Sinan Ogan, has secured the support of 5.23% of voters.
The gap between Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu stood at less than 4.5 percentage points after 99.2% of votes were counted.
The winner in the first round must get 50% plus one vote, otherwise a runoff will take place on May 28.

The general elections were held amid tight security in Turkey on Sunday. More than 53 million people cast their votes."

Parliamentary elections results from wikipedia :


93.2% ballot boxes opened
Justice and Development Party17,974,11235.58268
Republican People's Party12,669,27725.08167
Nationalist Movement Party5,170,76610.2351
Good Party5,002,1789.9044
Party of Greens and the Left Future4,409,7198.7362
New Welfare Party1,440,3162.855
Victory Party1,038,8502.06
Workers' Party of Turkey718,6851.423
Great Unity Party510,2131.01
Homeland Party462,7940.92
Young Party97,4810.19
Justice Party97,3760.19
Left Party66,9510.13
Motherland Party56,8690.11
Communist Party of Turkey54,7680.11
Patriotic Party51,7610.10
Nation Party46,5550.09
Rights and Freedoms Party38,3620.08
Justice Unity Party35,3780.07
People's Liberation Party28,7040.06
Power Union Party26,5460.05
National Road Party15,8230.03
Communist Movement of Turkey15,3400.03
Innovation Party11,0650.02
Registered voters/turnout64,190,651
Source: Haberturk"
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