Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Russian greeting of the sensational NATO summit
A hellish day for the enemy: at Orekhov, our American Bradleys were burned en masse (VIDEO)

Our fighters destroyed a lot of enemy equipment near Rabocino.

The footage shows the destruction, defeat and abandoned tanks, at least 5 American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and trawls.

The few surviving fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a hurry run away from the burning armor.

Today, the soldiers of the 42nd division burned a new mountain of enemy equipment in the area of the locality of Rabotino.

Another column of US and NATO armored vehicles burned at Orekhov (VIDEO)

The enemy tried to pass where there was already a cemetery of "Leopards" and Bradley.

Hiding behind previously burned armored vehicles, today our Orekhovsky Spartans burned 8 units of NATO armored vehicles here at once.

This is the third section of the breakthrough between Rabodino and Malaya Tokmachka, where the enemy has lost a lot of equipment these days.

So it is necessary to demolish the Ukrainian ports
Turkey intends to keep the "grain deal" bypassing Russia by sending its warships to escort
Turkey and Ukraine have confirmed that the grain deal, which the Turkish leader intends to extend for another two years, will be preserved even if Russia withdraws from it. According to the Ukrainian edition "Informator", the Turkish Navy will ensure the safety of sea corridors for ships, guaranteeing the uninterrupted supply of grain.

Information on this matter appeared on the eve of the day, however, the Russian side has not yet commented on such information, since in fact, the validity of the previous agreement has not expired yet. Nevertheless, such a step on the part of Erdogan can clearly be called a serious escalation, including with regard to Russia.

It should be noted that on the eve of the day there was a conversation between the Turkish and Russian sides, however, no details and details on this matter have yet been given.

In the case. if Turkish warships really ensure the passage of Ukrainian naval vessels, then this could become a serious problem and escalation in the region.
Турция намерена сохранить "зерновую сделку" в обход России, отправив свои боевые корабли на сопровождение

Российское приветствие нашумевшего саммита НАТО
Значит надо разнести украинские порты
The scale of Polish rearmament is breathtaking, leaving Nato allies such as France, Britain and Germany behind in its wake.Poland is also spending more than $6B on 366 American Abrams tanks.Poland will boast a force of tanks so formidable that it will be unmatched by anyone…

Hard to tell if this is building up to any expected direct contact with Ru forces or if it's just part of the primary motivation for war: money, with Poland as the 'useful idiot' filling the coffers of US defense companies and their US political friends.
'2023 Vilnius summit: Will NATO greenlight Ukraine's request to have heavy weapons to strike deep inside Russia?'

27 Jun, 2023

28 Jun, 2023
'NATO is allowing Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia.'

11 Jul, 2023
Any chance that guy is wrong? 8 min long
Hard to tell if this is building up to any expected direct contact with Ru forces or if it's just part of the primary motivation for war: money, with Poland as the 'useful idiot' filling the coffers of US defense companies and their US political friends.
Already in 2014-2015 it was shown that Poland had been heavily involved with supporting the Maidan coup, but how many predicted then that we would end up in a situation where so much war would take place, or that NATO would be involved to such a degree, and that hundreds of thousands of lives, would be lost

Since 2014, we have had sanction hurting the EU more than Russia or the US, we have had the EU going along with the COVID curfews, mask and injection campaign, green deal, swallowing Nord Stream sabotage, self identification with LBGTQ+, Ukrainian aid efforts. For some the motivation is money, for others it is power, for others ideology, together they help along the chaos, suffering, and weakening, that a different level is interested in.

In 2017 there was from the Cs:
A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!
The context was Session 13 May 2017
(Pierre) What were the results of the first round of the French election? They want to know about Asselineau on the forum.

(Joe) How much did Asselineau get in the first round? He got less than 1% officially, but unofficially?

A: 29

Q: (Pierre) And Le Pen in the first round?

A: 61

Q: [Exclamations of disbelief all around] (Niall) She would have been president automatically!

(Pierre) But together combined it's 90 percent!

(Niall) The two real anti-establishment candidates almost took everything.

(Chu) And she should have been president...

(Pierre) After only the first round! So they moved the figures not by 20% like with Segolene in 2007, but by 40%! They dropped Le Pen from 61% to 21%...

(Niall) They have a situation now in the country where 90% of the people didn't vote for the guy who just became president.

(Pierre) That's a powder keg.

(Joe) Well, they didn't...

(Chu) How can you have 48% voting Macron when in the beginning she had 61%?

(L) Because they reduced the choices.

(Chu) But she had 61% before...

(Pierre) First round they vote Le Pen, but then in the second round they often vote differently. But just to confirm, Macron got 48% in the second round?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, so it's that. People got scared. That's a documented thing. The first leaks from Macron's servers was those documents from a NATO/CIA-sponsored foundation in France that was pushing for a lot of migration and a lot of mosques and stuff. I was wondering if his main mission is to bring in migrants and stir things up to lead towards a civil war?

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Q: (Joe) That's been the goal for a long time.

(L) That means that Trump is a real thorn in their flesh because he's kind of an isolationist and a nationalist. He wants to go the opposite way, and that's why they wanted to get rid of Le Pen. And anybody else who's a nationalist is basically a "bad guy". The only good guys are the ones who do what the US says. Do they really realize how weak they are? I mean, their own country is falling apart. Their own infrastructure is going to the dogs. The education of their people is deplorable. The health of their people is deplorable. The death rate... They're not paying attention to ANY of those things, and yet they're trying to rule the world? That's not a very good example to set.

A: Psychopaths are "reality blind".

Q: (Joe) The funny thing is that one of the major ways that they attempt to achieve this is through rigging elections. That's basically a really bad idea because eventually they'll push it too far. Even the people who have no clue are gonna go, "Really?!" It happened already in Scotland. The vast majority of Scottish people are highly suspicious about that last referendum. Everyone was saying "Yes independence, yes independence!" and then the result was "NO"?! And then they go around and ask each other, and it's like, "I can't find anybody who voted no..." Eventually, the cat's gonna come out of the bag. You can't keep rigging elections in a way that puts someone in power that NOBODY voted for. You can't do that forever and not expect people to eventually go...

(Niall) They're gonna try the UK next. That's coming up. It'll be interesting. Nobody wants to vote for the Tories.

(Pierre) After the French elections, there was a French journalist who went around to interview who voted for Macron - to understand why. He didn't find anybody!

(L) He couldn't find anybody who voted for him?

(Pierre) How much did Macron get in the first round?

A: 12 percent.

Q: (Joe) Well, it couldn't have been 12 percent...

(Chu) Uh, that's impossible. We already had 90%.

(Pierre) Asselineau 29%, Le Pen 61%, so there's only 10% left...

(PoB) Maybe there were more votes than voting people. It happens.

(Chu) Did they mean 1.2%?

(Pierre) So, let's recapitulate: Asselineau, 29% in the first round?

A: Close

Q: (Pierre) Okay, so these are approximations. So, roughly.

(L) Well, Le Pen could have just got 50%.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's an approximation.

(Pierre) Okay.

Gradually, NATO countries are dragging themselves into the moment of greater clarity about their own role. In the beginning, it was just Ukraine fighting Russia, at the end of last year it became clear to the citizens of NATO countries, that NATO was on board. If one follows the trend, then the decisions and statements from the EU have increasingly become implementations of NATO policies, and now one finds headlines like this from Financial Review:
View attachment 77804
The spirit is to keep up the warmongering:

first no heavy weapons, then heavy weapons,
first no long reaching artillery, then long reaching artillery
first no tanks, then tanks
first no planes, then former Soviet planes,
first no NATO planes, now NATO planes expected
first no depleted uranium, then depleted uranium,
first no cluster ammunition, now cluster ammunition
first no longer distance missiles, then longer distance missiles
I probably missed out a few steps, but where exactly is the limit for this development? There almost does not seem to be any, even if the nuclear total might be avoidable for other reason, it does not prevent some false flag dirty bombs as has already been prevented more than one time, nor does it preclude NATO pushing a country of their own into conflict, but ruling out article 5 on technicalities thus leaving the country in a situation no better than Ukraine.

If one takes a financial angle, if a change comes, they will say sorry, it is not our fault, it is because of ... and we will fix it if you pay us generously for the favour, just as they do now. Many countries pay higher defence bills and have to accept, less health service, reduced support for families with children, later retirement etc.
The same happens in Poland, but they are much closer to the action, than the UK, from where Andrew Neil writing in the Daily Mail like a soccer fan commentator reporting to the audience from the stadium:
The conclusion is: although we are a few steps from the final steps in what Shahid King Bolsen from Middle Nation said on April 6 in the above video, Poland is Honduras, posted on Twitter, we have come a long way. The Syriafication of Europe has begun with Ukraine, where there is no oil to take out, but there is grain, there is land to be bought, there are soldiers to be freely spent. In Germany, there is capital and know-how. Each country, I suspect, will give, according to what the pathocrats of the US Government, the power cliques and their handlers would like to plunder anyway.
I just saw this interview about the Nordstream event:

It is about the possibility that the detonation was from a mini nuke.
What speaks for that:
1) Seismic data.
2) Caesiumisotopes where found that are usual when you detonate a nuke.
3) The clouds in this region showed a pattern like from an underwater detonation of a nuke.
4) The temperature of the seabed rose in everage about 5°C in comparison of last year, what is not normal.
5) There was an unusual underwather flow that hints to a nuke.

The Video is in german language.
I hope I havent forgotten anything.

What do you think about it?

Dr Hans Benjamin Braun

also was interviewed by the Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin - albeit there is unfortunately only the 🇩🇪 German version available. Quite mind boggling, the deeper the details start to sink in. I wonder if this could be a question for the C's, if a thermonuclear weapon actually has been used in Southern Scandinavia / Southern Baltic Sea.

He also mentions for example that due to the geographic formation at 60-80 m at the bottom of the Southern Baltic Sea, outside of Bornholm and the Swedish Coast - which together form a semi-circle, which directs the blast wave towards the east, with the result that the seismic strength was 10x stronger in Kaliningrad compared to what the seismic station in Lund (Southern Sweden) registered.

The heating in water temperature
at the bottom of the Southern Baltic Sea, was a whopping 5°C higher than what is normal (compared to previous year). This lasted through the winter of 2022/23 - and there is no physical explanation for such a major heating event other than what a thermonuclear explosion can accomplish. After all the water temperatures usually don't shift that much at the bottom of the sea...

1h 48 min

Table of Contents & Timestamp:
0:00:00 ▪︎ Welcome by Viviane Fischer, 🇩🇪Deutschland, Attorney & Economist.
0:01:27 ▪︎ Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Benjamin Braun, 🇨🇭Schweiz, physicist, mathematician & geologist, PhD in theoretical physics at ETH Zurich
0:01:48 - About his professional & scientific background

0:10:37 - About the Northstream blasts
0:11:57 - Presentation "Northstream - Dante's explosion - A comprehensive geophysical analysis"
0:14:59 ‼ Summary of results - blast charges.
0:16:34 ‼ 6 independent methods.
0:20:48 - Where does the completely wrong estimate of the explosive charge spread in the press (including scientific journals) come from?
0:22:47 ‼ Overview.

0:24:05 - Geographical and bathymetric overview of the scene of horror.
0:26:41 - I - North Stream seismic signals vs. North Korean nuclear event.
0:28:53 - I - SNSN data
0:30:42 - II - Shock wave directed at Kaliningrad
0:33:15 - II - Shock wave reflections in the southeastern Baltic Sea.
0:34:17 - III - Evaluation of seismic amplitudes
0:38:27 - III - Lower limits for the weight of the explosive charge

0:41:24 - Nuclear explosion under water (US test 1955)
0:43:29 - IV - Aerosol clouds before and after detonation
0:45:42 - V - Underwater current before and after detonation
0:48:52 - VI - Seafloor temperature in the Baltic Sea in 2023 vs. 2022
0:51:54 - VII - Gamma radiation detected in Poland and Switzerland
0:54:25 - Report on the environmental effects of an underwater nuclear explosion (US Wigwam Test 1955; 32kt).

0:56:41 ‼ Unmanned underwater vehicles.
0:57:38 ‼ Baltops 2022 and NATO exercises in 2022.
0:59:17 ‼ Timeline of manuscript distribution.
1:00:10 - The majority of Manhattan Project physicists were opposed to the development of thermonuclear weapons

1:03:00 - Who carried out the attack?
1:04:53 - Consequences - Vandenberg Declaration (1948).

1:06:35 - Epilogue
1:09:08 - End of presentation
1:09:28 - Questions by Viviane Fischer & Wolfgang Wodarg, MD Wolfgang Wodarg
1:47:58 END

Screen captures:

Geographic and bathymetric

overview of the theatre of horror


Seismic signals
of Nord Stream vs North Korean nuclear event


(only collectively available)


Shock wave
directed at Kaliningrad


Shockwave reflections
in the South East Baltic Sea


of seismic amplitudes


Aerosol clouds
before and after detonation


Underwater current
before and after detonation


Seafloor temperature
in Baltic Sea 2023 vs 2022


Seafloor temperature
in Baltic Sea 2023 vs 2022


Gamma ray radiation
detected in Poland & Switzerland


Underwater Vehicles

History does seem to repeat itself.

Underestimate Russia at Your Own Risk: A Comparison of Hubris by Germany During WWII and Today’s Collective West

Despite Russia’s overwhelming upper hand in Ukraine, Western officials and media continue to largely pump sunshine and weave stories of Russian collapse.

This too is reminiscent of the Nazi offensive against the Soviet Union when the failure was hidden from the German public. Adding to the similarities is the fact that both the Third Reich command and today’s officials in the West simultaneously downplay Russia’s military capabilities while endlessly hyping the threat from Moscow.

Hitler, similar to so many Western “experts” and officials today, mocked Russia’s supposed backwardness while also hyping the threat “Slavic Bolshevism” posed to the West. The progression of his comments show him seesawing between a reluctant acceptance and desperate hope as his miscalculations of Russia slowly dawn on him. It’s a path today’s governments in the West are still discovering.
Scott Ritter digs deep into the Zelensky PsyOp.

Agent Zelensky - Part 1

As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens into a bloody war that can only be described as a massacre.

With the help of colleagues and experts with first-hand insights into Zelensky, I have poured over documents and video to produce a film that captures this investigation. This story has so many twists and turns that I had to break it into two parts. In the first episode, presented here, I will answer the question about Zelensky’s improbable rise to power, and how the Ukrainian President accumulated his vast wealth, a sum that has only become larger since the war with Russia began. And, perhaps most importantly, why I decided to call this film “Agent Zelensky.”

The "unified version of the truth" in Western democracy.

There was on the TG channels Underside, if translated to English an introduction to a long article about the work done in Britain to control the populations psychologically. It was introduced during COVID and has since been used in G7 countries

Today the editorial staff of Underside will talk about the British psychological and cognitive project OmniGOV (https://underside.today/2023/07/11/strongomnigov /). The project drew the attention of British investigative journalist Ian Davis, who has worked for a long time in the health and social security sector of the UK Government. After leaving the civil service, he began to reveal to the world the truth about how the UK uses tools of psychological influence in media campaigns on coronavirus, resorting to control and restriction of citizens' freedom through tools of forming social division and fear for non-compliance with government requirements. An example is vaccination, to which people were forced, and the subsequent division of society into two camps.

OmniGOV was engaged in the development of a PR strategy for British officials (Buying a Single Version of the Truth ) the global advertising giant Omnicom. "Aggressive" media campaigns, (https://archive.is/bBZOV ) designed to instill fear in the public consciousness, have become an OmniGOV strategy. The infamous media campaign "Look into my eyes" (
) ("Look into my eyes") is an example of a propaganda information campaign created by order of the British. They wanted to increase the sense of personal threat and use public disapproval to cause public fear to influence people's behavior. (A Deceptive Construction - Why We Must Question The COVID 19 Mortality Statistics)

Omnicom became the developers of the "unified version of the truth" according to the brief of the government of the United Kingdom, not only for the British media, but also for the G7 countries. In 2021, the Minister of Digital Technologies of the United Kingdom, Oliver Dowden, convened a meeting of the ministers of technology of the "Big Seven", who signed an intergovernmental declaration (Wayback Machine ) about the "Principles of Internet Security". The G7 declaration is an agreement that the Seven countries are interested in a trusted news cartel (which includes Omnicom) to form a "unified version of the truth." Almost everything that was told to the citizens of the G7 countries about COVID-19 and the inevitable global economic transformations was imposed by their own "democratic" governments.

Since the pandemic, the information agenda of the UK and other G7 countries has been shaped by a trusted news cartel managed and funded by Omnicom. The mechanisms of intimidation of the population tested on the pandemic are now being used by governments in all areas of the information agenda: the economic and migration crises, Russia, nationally oriented and anti-globalist political forces, and the like. The associated massive data collection and surveillance of people allow companies such as Omnicom to abuse their powers to control actions, thoughts and freedom of expression, turning states into "digital concentration camps".

We once again draw the attention of our readers to how the Foggy Albion with the countries of the collective West only declare their democracy, freedom of speech and pluralism of opinions. In fact, today we are faced with a powerful propaganda machine that has all the means to conduct both informational and psychological warfare. In order not to fall for the media trap of an Englishwoman, it is necessary to check the sources of information and do high-quality fact-checking.

A new investigation begins here (https://underside.today/2023/07/11/strongomnigov /).

I have not fact-checked the above, but is it plausible, does it contradict trends we have not already observed?
"Putin listened to explanations from [Wagner] commanders and offered them further options for employment and further use in combat”, while they reaffirmed their loyalty “and also said that they are ready to continue fighting for the Fatherland.”

This paints a very different picture of the meeting and, more importantly, the structure of Wagner and who really calls the shots in it. The theory that Prigozhin's "coup" was mostly a deranged larp of his own making (along with a small percentage of gullible rank and file members of Wagner) still stands.

The reason Putin hasn't thrown him in jail yet is very likely related to him still having significant clout in Wagner, enjoying the support, to one extent or another, of other members, in particular the rank and file. For Putin to unceremoniously (or ceremoniously) and precipitously throw him in jail would possibly endanger the loyalty of Wagner members to Putin, and thereby threaten the usefulness of Wagner to Putin and the Russian MOD, because they have been, and remain, a very useful and efficient PMC.

Saw this today, it states that Prigo, or more specifically, Wagner, could return soon to the battlefield on Aug 5. Well, that's a surprising plot twist. If this is true, then a question: to where they plan on returning?

After Ukrainian terrorist assassination attacks on Daria Dugina, Vladlen Tatarsky and Zahar Prilepin (survived) carried out on the (internationally recognised) Russian territory, Stanislav Rzhitsky, 42, was gunned down on Monday (yesterday) in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar.

July 11 (Reuters) - A Russian military officer who had commanded a submarine in the Black Sea and appeared on a Ukrainian blacklist of alleged war criminals has been shot dead by an unknown assassin while on his morning run.

Stanislav Rzhitsky, 42, was gunned down early on Monday in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. His address, picture and personal details had appeared on the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets (Peacemaker), a vast unofficial database of people considered to be enemies of Ukraine.

On Tuesday the word "Liquidated", in red letters, had been superimposed on his photograph on the site.

Russia's state Investigative Committee said on Tuesday it had arrested a suspect in his early 60s who was found in possession of a pistol and silencer. It published a short video showing heavily armed security officers storming a house and detaining the man, who was wearing only boxer shorts.

Ukraine's GUR military intelligence agency published details of the killing on its website, without claiming responsibility or saying how it obtained the information.

It said Rzhitsky died on the spot when seven shots were fired at him from a Makarov pistol as he was running in a deserted city park at around six in the morning.

Baza, a Russian Telegram channel with links to the security services, said the killer could have tracked Rzhitsky's movements on an app where he posted details of his regular jogging route in Krasnodar and how long he took to complete it.

Russian state media and war bloggers said Rzhitsky was deputy head of military mobilisation in the city and had previously commanded the "Krasnodar" submarine in the Black Sea.

A Telegram channel used by self-styled pro-Ukraine partisans who have claimed hundreds of sabotage attacks inside Russia said - without stating evidence - that Rzhitsky was suspected of involvement in a submarine-launched cruise missile strike in July 2022 that killed at least 23 people including a 4-year-old girl in the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia.

Baza quoted Rzhitsky's father as saying he had resigned from the military at the end of 2021 and been discharged, after a delay, the following August.

At least two other pro-war Russian figures in the Myrotvorets database have been assassinated inside Russia since Russian forces invaded Ukraine nearly 17 months ago. Bomb attacks killed journalist Darya Dugina last August and war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky in April.

Russia has blamed Ukraine for the attacks. Kyiv has denied involvement, suggesting the attacks are the result of Russian infighting.

Ukrainian GUR posted that on their official website (transl.):

Commander of Krasnodar submarine involved in missile attacks on Ukraine is killed in Krasnodar
11 July 2023.
The commander of the Krasnodar submarine involved in missile attacks on Ukraine is killed in KrasnodarSergey Rzhitsky, the former commander of the Krasnodar submarine of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, was shot dead in Krasnodar, Russia.

On 10 July, the submariner was jogging in Krasnodar's 30th Anniversary of Victory Park. Around six in the morning, he was shot seven times with a Makarov pistol. As a result of the gunshot wounds, Rzhitsky died on the spot.

Due to heavy rain, the park was deserted, so there were no witnesses who could provide details or identify the attacker.

"The Krasnodar is one of six Warshavianka project submarines that are part of the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet. Each of them is capable of carrying up to four Kalibr cruise missiles.

Captain Stanislav Rzhytskyi, 2nd Rank, has lived in Sevastopol since at least 2006. For some time, he was the commander of the Alrosa submarine. After the Alrosa was sent for modernisation, he was appointed commander of the Krasnodar.

A man who is being checked for involvement in the murder of Rzhitsky has been detained in Kuban

MOSCOW, 11 July. /TASS/. Investigators have detained a man in the Krasnodar Region who is being checked for involvement in the murder of Stanislav Rzhitsky, deputy head of the mobilisation department of the Krasnodar administration. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

"In the Krasnodar region investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia together with officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia detained a man born in 1959, who is being checked by the investigation for involvement in the murder of the deputy head of the department for mobilisation work of the administration of Krasnodar Stanislav Rzhitsky", - stated in the message.

"Sergei Denisenko has been detained as a suspect. At detention a pistol with a silencer was found, from which, presumably, the murder was committed," - stated in the message. ....

Mirotvorets (screenshot, browser inbuilt translation)
2023-07-12 01.01.21 myrotvorets.center.png
July 11, 2023 By Jim Garamone, DOD News
NATO leaders agreed to a package that will ultimately make Ukraine a member of the alliance, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a news conference today.
Stoltenberg spoke at the end of the first day's discussions at the Vilnius NATO Summit in Lithuania.

At the meeting, NATO Heads of State and Government welcomed Finland as a full-fledged member of the alliance. Stoltenberg also said the leaders look forward to Sweden joining the alliance in the coming days. Stoltenberg negotiated an agreement with Turkey and Hungary that broke the logjam over the Scandinavian nation joining NATO.

But Ukraine was the focus of the first day. The secretary general said the allies have agreed to a three-element package that will bring Ukraine closer to NATO.

The leaders agreed to a new multi-year assistance program for Ukraine to speed up the transition from Soviet-era doctrines and equipment to NATO standards. The nation was well on its way to ditching the Soviet-era training and equipment even before the second Russian invasion. This new package will "help rebuild Ukraine's security and defense sector, and to cover critical needs like fuel, demining equipment and medical supplies," Stoltenberg said.

The second element is establishing a new NATO-Ukraine Council, which will be a forum for crisis consultations and decision-making. All members will meet as equals, Stoltenberg said. "I look forward to having the inaugural meeting of the Council tomorrow with President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy," he said.

Finally, leaders reaffirmed that Ukraine would become a member of NATO and agreed to remove the requirement for a Membership Action Plan. "This will change Ukraine's membership path from a two-step process to a one-step process," the secretary general said. "We also made it clear that we will issue an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO when allies agree, and conditions are met."

Alliance leaders also approved the most comprehensive defense plans since the end of the Cold War. "These [plans] are designed to counter the two main threats we face: Russia and terrorism," he said.

These plans call for 300,000 alliance troops at high readiness, including substantial air and naval power.

There is also a new defense production action plan, which will accelerate joint procurement, boost interoperability and generate investment and production capacity, Stoltenberg said.

The allies agreed to spend at least 2% of gross domestic product on defense. He noted that European defense spending increased by 8.3% this year. "This is the biggest increase in decades," he said. "Since 2014, they will have invested an extra $450 billion in defense."

NATO leaders also addressed China. The secretary general stressed that China is not an adversary, "but Beijing's increasing assertiveness affects our security. China is increasingly challenging the rules-based international order, refusing to condemn Russia's war against Ukraine, threatening Taiwan and carrying out a substantial military build-up."

In addition, China's nuclear modernization is unprecedented in speed and scale, and being carried out with no transparency. "Allies agreed to continue working together to protect against China's coercive behavior," Stoltenberg said.

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 06-09-47 NATO Summit Begins Without Victories On Ukrainian Front.png
Video #DONBASS#FROMTHEFRONT 11.07.2023 -
The Ukrainian military has been suffering the heaviest losses on the southern frontlines, however in spite of this, Kiev forced them to launch new wave of large-scale assaults.

After constant attacks by small infantry groups, called by Russians the “mosquito offensive”, which brought no results on the Zaporozhie front lines, Ukrainian forces finally launched new large-scale ground operations with NATO tanks and armored vehicles in an attempt to break through Russian defenses on the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 06-59-09 T-90M on Twitter.png

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 06-55-43 Velerie on Twitter.png
Premier ministre hongrois Orban : Nous sommes à Vilnius pour un sommet de l’OTAN de deux jours. Le sujet le plus important est la guerre russo-ukrainienne. La position hongroise reste inchangée et nous la représenterons : au lieu d’envoyer des armes à l’Ukraine, nous devons parvenir à la paix. Il est nécessaire de cesser le feu et, au lieu de la guerre, d’entamer au plus vite des négociations de paix. La position de la Hongrie est claire, puisque la guerre se déroule dans notre voisinage, et que des dizaines de milliers de Hongrois sont en danger immédiat, puisque des Hongrois vivent en Transcarpatie. La Hongrie insiste pour que l’OTAN ne change pas sa position antérieure. L’OTAN est une alliance militaro-défensive, elle a été créée pour protéger ses pays membres, et non pour mener des opérations militaires sur le territoire d’autres pays.
Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: We are in Vilnius for a two-day NATO summit. The most important topic is the Russian-Ukrainian war. The Hungarian position remains unchanged and we will represent it: instead of sending arms to Ukraine, we must achieve peace. It is necessary to cease fire and, instead of war, to begin peace negotiations as soon as possible. Hungary's position is clear, since the war is taking place in our neighborhood, and tens of thousands of Hungarians are in immediate danger, since Hungarians live in Transcarpathia. Hungary insists that NATO does not change its previous position. NATO is a military-defensive alliance, it was created to protect its member countries, and not to carry out military operations on the territory of other countries.
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