Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Pretty obvious assessment to anyone paying attention, but it looks like the mainstream media could be shifting their narrative after weeks of stories about how 'successful' the Ukrainian counteroffensive has been.
Ukraine's counteroffensive will ultimately fail, according to a bleak assessment by the US intelligence community.

Ukrainian forces have made recapturing the southeastern city of Melitopol the key objective in their counteroffensive as they attempt to pierce through the 1,000-kilometer front line.

The seizure of Melitopol near the Sea of Azov would be a major success for Ukraine, which hopes to punch through the land corridor between Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, illegally annexed by Moscow in 2014.

That could split Russian forces into two and cut supply lines to units farther west. Russia currently controls the whole Sea of Azov coast.

However, this objective will fail as the Russian army has set up vast minefields and heavily dug-in trenches to stymie Ukrainian advances.

That's the dire assessment made by those familiar with the classified intel.

The insiders told The Washington Post that Ukraine’s forces, which are pushing toward Melitopol from the town of Robotyne more than 50 miles away, will fail to get within touching distance of the occupied city.

The Western and Ukrainian government officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military operations.
I wonder if this is another part of a slowly shifting narrative, attempting to soften the blow of what appears to be inevitable defeat and/or frame it as some sort of victory. After Stoltenberg's recent comments that he had to walk back about Ukraine giving up some territory to Russia I'm starting to get the impression that this may be the case.
Pretty obvious assessment to anyone paying attention, but it looks like the mainstream media could be shifting their narrative after weeks of stories about how 'successful' the Ukrainian counteroffensive has been.

I wonder if this is another part of a slowly shifting narrative, attempting to soften the blow of what appears to be inevitable defeat and/or frame it as some sort of victory. After Stoltenberg's recent comments that he had to walk back about Ukraine giving up some territory to Russia I'm starting to get the impression that this may be the case.

There is also this, is a response to an article in the New York Times in which they say that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is failing because the troops are returning to their battle tactics with Soviet doctrines, obviously apparently the latter must be giving them a better result than NATO strategies:

Why U.S. War Tactics Are Failing in Ukraine

New NATO tactics quickly drilled into Ukrainian troops are failing because Ukraine doesn't dominate the skies, analysts have said, as Kyiv's troops appear to be revisiting familiar doctrine to press through dug-in Russian defenses
"Ukraine's army has for now set aside U.S. fighting methods and reverted to tactics it knows best," the Times wrote.

Head of the State Duma Committee on Defense Kartapolov: Russia is preparing the conditions for going on the offensive:

Russia will go on the offensive in Ukraine, at the moment all the necessary conditions are being created for this. This was stated by the head of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrei Kartapolov.
Russia has launched the process of creating conditions for the offensive of the Russian army in the special operation zone, preparations are currently underway, followed by a strike on the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, Kartapolov did not name any details, especially the timing, confining himself to a small statement about what was happening.

"As for the offensive, it is necessary to create conditions. This process is going"

he said in an interview with journalists of the publication URA.RU.
Thus, the head of the State Duma Committee confirmed that the plans of the Russian command include an offensive operation, since the war cannot be won by sitting on the defensive. The front is also talking about an imminent offensive, but for this, it is first necessary to repulse the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which began in early June. At the moment, Ukraine still has the strength to attack, they need to be ground and only after that proceed to its own offensive operation. As previously reported, significant forces are concentrated in our rear areas, not yet committed to battle.
About this post: This is mostly comments on some observations in Danish media, but it may have applications to other countries too. In Denmark, FB is very dominant, but the amount of discussion on the media pages vary from outlet to outlet, the quality too, but I found it interesting to follow the discussion a bit and get an idea of what the understanding is among those that even read news and care to comment on them.

A Danish media, TV2, and its FB audience about the war in Ukraine
In Southern Scandinavia, there was:
TV 2 is back in Russia – on the surface everything is normal, but one thing tells otherwise
TV 2 er tilbage i Rusland – på overfladen er alt normalt, men én ting fortæller noget andet

They somehow were not able to confirm all the expectations
One FB comment from one who shared, read if translated:
[...]Finally, an attempt to get closer to a realistic coverage. The funny thing is that the times I watched the news this morning, the live report from Moscow was always accompanied by an analysis from an 'expert' in Copenhagen, who could tell that it was in fact not like the live report at all said. Ha ha. People still need to be kept on the right path: everything in Russia is bad, lying, poor, even if it doesn't look like that.
There has been a minor scandal about the station having returned to Russia. Many people consider it a complete disgrace that they would lower themselves to such an extent and become mouthpieces for Russian propaganda. Such a reaction from just placing a reporting team in Russia!

Another headline from TV2 was:
Russians do not feel the West's sanctions: - I understand why they want to punish us
Russere mærker ikke Vestens sanktioner: - Jeg forstår godt, hvorfor de vil straffe os
The FB link for the article has at the moment 167 comments, 88 reactions, of these 36 Angry, 27 Likes, 18 Laughter, 2 Wow, 2 Love and 1 tear. We don't know what the laughter really means, but a lot of people seem to be very upset and even surprised about the sanctions not having worked. But then, how many in Denmark cares about the war or Ukraine? At least the hit piece of the day was a report about hedgehogs! It has 1800 reaction between like, (FB link) take care and love, 500+ comment, 200+ shares. Amazing, isn't it?
The title was: Hedgehog counting shall ensure the survival of the species
Pindsvineoptælling skal sikre artens overlevelse

That was August 12. Then August 16, TV2 adjusted the balance by reporting from Ukraine and publishing a well illustrated report that might appease their critics of the Russia report:
Fathi from Skive thinks it's cool to shoot Russians - and he does it inside Russia
Fathi fra Skive synes, at det er fedt at skyde russere – og han gør det inde i Rusland
The FB poster from before added this comment, if translated:
TV2 do what they can to cover widely. Today they have a long history and the warrior Fathi from Skive, originally from Chechnya.

Look at the pictures how he shows the Islamist sign with a finger. In the text he says that he is happy to kill Russians. Sweet story, right?

Chechnya is part of Russia, and has rebelled twice since the fall of the wall. The first time it was a desire for independence that was behind it. The second time it was a desire for an Islamic caliphate that was behind it. The West was critical of Russia and believed that the country used too harsh methods. Refugees were allowed to come to the West. Some of them have brought their Islamism with them! And now it may look as if it may turn into a higher unity for Fathi. Support from Denmark to carry out his Islamic revenge!
The link is up on their FB, which has 253 comments, 219 reactions including 142 Likes, 18 Laughter, 6 Loves, 5 Wow, 4 Take care VS: 41 Angry, and 8 Tears if you take a ratio, then it is 49/175 so 7 out of 10 think that is fine! Fortunately, there are also some that realize this guy is like a psychopath, a couple claiming he has been convicted of violence in Denmark.

However, if the 1800 likes for the hedgehog is the top, then many do not engage with the topic of Ukraine. The lives of Danish hedgehogs, are much more important than a war taking place 2000 km away, which they themselves are contributing to with weapons and money (About 4 billion Euro). Now the F-16 planes donations to Ukraine have been authorized in the US, and the responses from many UA-support people are most positive, as many of the so far 315 FB comments show. The information content of many comments is low, with little knowledge and little truth, so how can people grow? Much is like a soccer match, especially from the ardent supporter of the weapon and money aid to Ukraine, since most never had to think to get to where they are, while those that see the nuances have had to endure the ridicule and ostracization from "decent company" for one and half year.

Today there was news about a new COVID variant, and I was wondering if it will make a difference to the public attention given to Ukraine.

New COVID variant, BA 2.86. Will it mean anything for the attention on Ukraine?
Too early to say, but here it is:
A new subvariant of omikron, BA.2.86, has been found in four countries. In Denmark, the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) has just confirmed that three Danes are infected with the new variant.

Normally the virus develops gradually, but in this case it happened suddenly.

'It is unusual for corona to change so significantly and develop 30 new mutations. The last time we saw such a big change was when omikron appeared,' says senior researcher at Statens Serum Institut Morten Rasmussen in a press release.
Very unusual, right, so what could be the reason?!? And what will happen next in this development?
Just saw the US Army are using the port in Aarhus in Denmark for the logistics for a large operation, where now and in the coming weeks several ships will bring 2400 pieces of equipment, with more than 600 being unloaded these days.

Perhaps the event is related to this headline about a decision taken in July:

US Tries to Restrain Russia: Biden Sends 3,000 to Eastern Europe​

01:57 GMT 14.07.2023
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order augmenting Operation Atlantic Resolve in Europe with 3,000 reserve personnel, Joint Staff Director for Operations Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Sims said on Thursday.

"Today, the president signed an Executive Order approving the mobilization of select reserve forces… with no more than 3,000 personnel augmenting the armed forces in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve," Sims said.
Operation Atlantic Resolve, which provides combat-credible forces to Europe, will also be newly designated as a contingency operation, Sims said.

The action reaffirms the United States’ commitment to the defense of NATO’s eastern flank amid Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Sims said.

Designating Operation Atlantic Resolve as a contingency operation unlocks capabilities and authorities that enable the US to provide better support and sustainment for its forces, Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder said during the briefing.

The Defense Department can now call on the 3,000 reserve personnel to support the operation, Ryder said.
The move does not change current US force posture levels in Europe, the US European Command said in a statement.

The authorities ensure the long-term resilience of US European Command’s heightened level of presence and operations, the statement said.
Attached are a couple of screenshots, one about sanctions, the other about the hedgehog.


  • Screenshot 2023-08-17 235323.jpg
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  • Screenshot 2023-08-17 235142.jpg
    Screenshot 2023-08-17 235142.jpg
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From the last post:
'It is unusual for corona to change so significantly and develop 30 new mutations. The last time we saw such a big change was when omikron appeared,' says senior researcher at Statens Serum Institut Morten Rasmussen in a press release.
On SOTT there was:
There was on Washington wants to create biological crises when needed - Moscow -- Sott.net
Some of the slides were published, if you go to this FB page, you can scroll right


So the US wishes to have disease on command capability. They will decide when it is time for an epidemic and will, at least in the western world, from what we know also be able to call the shots when it comes to injections.
Today, for some reason, one solid humor comes across.
In the beginning, the well-known Borrel "blinded the hump" about the gas station. Otherwise, it is impossible to perceive it as humor, because according to some data, Russia is the 5th economy in the world. I remember there was a rather famous character who called Russia a gas station-country, so he has already passed away. Does this one already feel that he is late for those, first?
The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrel, in an interview with Pais called Russia an economic dwarf.

According to the head of European diplomacy, China is a real geopolitical player. At the same time, he compared Russia to a gas station whose owner has an atomic bomb.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the Barrel, speaking about Moscow and the grain deal, is engaged in falsifying facts and putting forward unsubstantiated arguments. According to her, "the world community should call Borrel to account for the lies spread."
Боррель назвал Россию экономическим карликом

And a couple of funny videos.
At the first, until recently, the official voice of Kiev - Arestovich "sculpts humps" about his heroic past. Someone was not too lazy and collected in a minute-long video the statements of this buffoon gorokhovoy about himself. I don't know if subtitles will be available, so I'll translate everything this one said.
I was a scout in the field.
I am a senior lieutenant of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
I'm a pilot myself.
I stole a helicopter.
I was left alone with two dead and two wounded and began evacuation and we passed at least five rows of mine-explosive barriers.
The first 120 days I slept 2-2.5 hours.
I survived the explosion on UZM-72 in 18 year. Professional sappers say that during the whole war there are 2 such people who survived this.
I have 33 combat exits behind the front line.
I specialized in the Middle East back in the early noughties.
I had another option, I immediately calculated, street fights.

That's how it is, no more, no less. Actually, everything is correct, when the team leader is a clown, then the rest should not lag behind.

The second funny video is called "Why did the Ukrainians actually get a "Bradley"
Для чего на самом деле хохлы получили «Бредли»

Сегодня почему то попадается один сплошной юмор.
В начале всем известный Боррель "слепил горбушку" про бензоколонку. Иначе как юмор это воспринимать невозможно т.к. Россия по некоторым данным 5 экономика в мире. Помнится мне был один довольно известный персонаж, называвший Россию страной-бензоколонкой, так он уже преставился. Неужели этот уже чувствует, что опаздывает за тем?
И еще парочка смешных видео.
На первом, еще недавно официальный голос киева- Арестович "лепит горбушки" про свое героическое прошлое. Кто то не поленился и собрал в минутном ролике высказывания этого шута горохового про себя. Не знаю будут ли доступны субтитры, поэтому переведу всё сморозил этот.
Я был разведчиком в поле.
Я старший лейтенант главного управления разведки МО Украины.
Я сам летчик.
Я спер вертолет.
Я остался один с двумя убитыми и двумя ранеными и начал эвакуацию и мы прошли не меньше пяти рядов минно-взрывных заграждений.
Первые 120 дней я спал 2-2,5 часа.
Я пережил подрыв на УЗМ-72 в 18 году. Профессиональные саперы говорят, что за всю войну 2 таких человека, кто пережил это.
У меня 33 боевых выхода за линию фронта.
Я специализировался на Ближнем востоке еще в начале нулевых. Еще один вариант у меня был, я сразу просчитал, уличные бои.
Вот как то так, не больше-не меньше. Вообще то все правильно, когда руководитель команды- клоун, то и остальные не должны отставать.
Второе смешное видео называется "Для чего на самом деле хохлы получили «Бредли»
After humor, life returns to serious things.
Ukies disguised their event badly.
The VKS of the Russian Federation struck a gathering of Ukrainian specialists in combat drones
The aerospace forces of the Russian Federation launched a missile strike on Chernihiv, which fell at the gathering place of specialists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on combat drones under the guise of the festival "Fierce Birds".

According to Ukrainian media, an air alert was announced in Chernihiv and the region, after which explosions thundered in the city center. "In Chernihiv, the gathering place of the command-level AFU personnel was hit. This event was held in compliance with the measures of secrecy. The strike itself fell on an object used by Ukrainian servicemen," a source told RIA Novosti.

He also provided a snapshot of the invitation, from which it follows that the event was specially disguised as a drone festival "Fierce Birds Demo Day": the organizers recommend that participants do not wear military uniforms. The screenshot from the closed mailing list shows recommendations for visiting: "We urge you to come to the event in civilian clothes. If possible, change a military uniform to avoid identifying the event as being involved in the military sphere."

In addition, it indicates that the event will be closed, it presents information sensitive to the country's defense capability (military developments), and most of the participants are active military personnel. Therefore, it is possible to shoot or photograph them only with prior oral consent, the organizers warned.

"It is interesting that the organizers of the drone exhibition at the Chernihiv Drama Theater urged participants to come there in civilian clothes in order to divert suspicion from the event as a military target," the authors of the "Military Informant" noted.

"In general, of course, I will never get tired of being amazed with what intensity Nazi propaganda plays a peaceful and childish card with shelling every time. Hu ***sh such a Petrovka for the tenth year and all such an emotional one because of the Chernihiv exhibition of COMBAT DRONES," noted war correspondent Timofey Ermakov.

"Berlinskaya's comment, she is one of the organizers of today's event in Chernihiv, where the tragedy occurred. If you didn't know who Berlinskaya was, then meet Maria Berlinskaya, the head of the Aeronautical Intelligence Support Center, which specializes in training aeronautical intelligence officers for the front." Conclusion: the event was directly or indirectly military. To hold it in the city center, which is a couple of hundred kilometers away from Russian missile launchers and in a city where there is no air defense, is criminal negligence. And yet, the organizers are functionaries from the Office of the President and Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov, whom they wanted to train for the Prime Minister's chair," the authors of the Ukrainian telegram channel "Legitimate" wrote.
ВКС РФ поразили сходку украинских спецов по боевым дронам

Sadly, however, Russia will probably have to violate the laws of Ukraine. Then they banned negotiations by law, now they want to prohibit capitulation. Well, we'll have to finish them off without capitulation and negotiations.
In Ukraine, they want to legally prohibit capitulation with the loss of territories
Ukrainian parliamentarians have prepared a draft statement stating the inadmissibility of ending the conflict with Russia through any territorial concessions. The document, one of the authors of which is the chairman of the Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk, was registered on August 18, according to the website of the parliament.

"Ending the war by any territorial concessions is unacceptable," the document says. In addition, the deputies declare the need for a complete withdrawal of Russian troops "from the entire territory of Ukraine," and the presence of the Black Sea fleet in Crimea is called impossible. People who work for Russian structures in Crimea face criminal liability, but it is proposed to be released from it on condition of "active assistance in uncovering criminal offenses committed by occupation administrations and structures." In addition, the deputies promise to restore the Ukrainian education system in the "de-occupied territories".

In the draft resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers is recommended to follow the provisions of the statement, but there are no requirements for their mandatory implementation.

On August 15, the director of the NATO Secretary General's personal office, Stian Jenssen, told the Swedish newspaper Verdens Gang that Ukraine could become a member of NATO if it agrees to cede territories that it refuses to recognize as part of Russia. Commenting on this position, the coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, denied the existence of such plans in the US administration.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Norway on August 17 that only Kiev can decide when conditions for negotiations will appear and what will be acceptable to him at the negotiating table. As noted in this regard, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev Stoltenberg actually admitted that peace talks between Russia and Ukraine do not begin precisely because of the position of official Kiev.

The Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that it has never refused to engage in dialogue with Kiev, but the Ukrainian authorities have legally prohibited themselves from entering into any negotiations. At the same time, as the press secretary of the president Dmitry Peskov noted, the situation in Ukraine can move to a peaceful course only if the current situation and new realities are taken into account, and all Moscow's demands are well known.
На Украине хотят законодательно запретить капитуляцию с потерей территорий

It's not the first time I've come across terrible figures of Ukrainian demography, but every time I'm amazed. Not a single country from the former Soviet republics, which at one time chose a European orientation, won either economically or demographically. However, Ukraine has surpassed everyone.
Ukraine is turning into a cemetery
Zelensky's Inadequacy and Dependence Help Russia

"America's proxy war with Russia has turned Ukraine into a cemetery," said Douglas McGregor, a former adviser to the head of the Pentagon.

Satellite images of recently dug graves for the dead Ukrainian military as a result of the failed "counteroffensive" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirm this statement. According to approximate estimates, the total number of deaths during this period is about 123 thousand people! "Ukraine has been destroyed, its population has fallen to 19-20 million people. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amount to about 350-400 thousand people," says Colonel McGregor.

If the real goal of the puppet government of Ukraine is to erase its country from the face of the earth, then it successfully copes with it. The genocide of one's own people in the name of illusions and false values, without having any significant opportunities to defeat Russia on their own, is not even a criminal mistake, it is madness. A little more, and denazification in Ukraine, together with its complete de-Ukrainization, will occur naturally, by creating conditions incompatible with life.

Some statistics. For 32 years of "independence" (from 1991 to 2023), the population of Ukraine has decreased by about half. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the population of the Ukrainian SSR was about 52 million inhabitants. At the beginning of 2014 (before the Crimean spring) — about 48 million inhabitants. In 2022 (without Crimea, the DPR and the LPR), the population of Ukraine "shrunk" to 34 million people. At the moment, they are already operating with figures in the range of 20 million people. And this number is rapidly falling from day to day. If we say the words from the anthem of Ukraine, then she "has not died yet," but it's time to call the priest for absolution for a long time.

Words have power. The words of the anthem charge with their message, project a vision of the future and guide. The anthem of the Ukrainian SSR was aimed at life: "Live, Ukraine, beautiful and strong, / In the Radianskim Union, you should know."/ Mizh ravnimi ravna, mizh vilnimi vilna, / Pid sontsem svobody, yak tsvit, roztsvila" (translation: Live, Ukraine, beautiful and strong, in the Soviet Union you found happiness. Between equals equal, among free free, under the sun of freedom, like a flower, blossomed).

The anthem "Nezalezhnaya" sounds like the death song of a wounded soldier "maybe we'll be lucky": "Ukraine has not died, I glory, I will, / We, brothers of youth, will have a share. / Zginut our vorizhenki, like dew on a dream./ Let's get started, brother, at your side.// We will lay down our soul for our freedom, / We will show you, brothers, a Cossack family" (translation: Ukraine and glory and will have not yet perished,/ Fate will smile on us, young brothers./ Our enemies will perish like dew in the sun./ We, brothers, will also rule on our side.// We will lay down our soul, body for our freedom/ And we will show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack family).

Ukrainians put their soul and body daily in "meat assaults" not only for their freedom, but for someone else's "democracy and European values".

Zelensky, when he came to power, had a real opportunity to preserve most of the country, and eventually bring it to a certain stability. In general, this is exactly what the voter expected from him. Rather, there would be an opportunity if Zelensky were a responsible president of his country, and not a narcissistic star-struck actor.

Rostislav Ishchenko (political scientist and publicist) believes that if Zelensky manages to make peace, he will have to hold elections in which he will certainly lose to any candidate, after which "there will be no place for him in Ukraine — those offended during his presidency will be devoured. Outside of Ukraine, he, as a carrier of confidential information (besides, mentally unstable and prone to spontaneous decisions), poses a danger to an influential part of the Western establishment, which endangers his life."

"Therefore, Zelensky," concludes R. Ishchenko, "in the best style of his predecessors, each of whom leaned head-on against a stone wall, with the more confidence, the less chances he had to break through it with his forehead, demands the impossible and hopes for the incredible."

"Russia, as a rule, is unlucky with the environment — there are a lot of enemies, but quite often (though not always) it is lucky with the enemies themselves — it is easier to defeat stupid scoundrels than smart scoundrels," R. Ishchenko notes.

In this case, Zelensky's inadequacy and dependence on external political players and his stubborn insistence on peace negotiations only on the terms of returning to the borders of 1991 play into Russia's hands. Rather, they untie "our hands" to continue their work until its goals are fully achieved.

"For whosoever hath, to him shall be given and multiplied, and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he hath" (Matthew 13:12).

Maria Ruzanova
Украина превращается в кладбище

После юмора жизнь возвращает к серьезным вещам.
Плоховато укры замаскировали свое мероприятие.
Как это ни печально, однако России видимо придется нарушить законы Украины. То они себе законом запретили переговоры, теперь хотят запретить капитуляцию. Что же, придется добивать их без капитуляции и переговоров.
Страшные цифры украинской демографии попадаются мне не в первый раз, но каждый раз я поражаюсь. Ни одна страна из бывших советских республик, выбравшая в свое время европейскую ориентацию не выиграла ни в экономическом, ни в демографическом аспекте. Однако Украина переплюнула всех.
The Swedes also seem to have decided not to miss the opportunity to warm their hands in unhappy Ukraine. This is the only way to perceive the proposed transfer of 36 aircraft. Since the beginning of its war, Russia has shot down more than 300 Ukrainian planes, so, purely statistically, this number of aircraft will run out in 1.5 months. It is also necessary to take into account who will fly on these planes. If it's ukies, then the planes will run out faster, it's obvious. If it is the Swedes, then the planes will fly a little longer, but they will also end and with the loss of a certain number of pilots and this will probably be sensitive for Sweden.
Ukraine will receive Swedish JAS-39 Gripen fighters earlier than F-16
The transfer of Swedish Gripen fighters to Kiev can be carried out as early as January.

The transfer of Swedish Gripen fighters to Ukraine is at the approval stage. As the deputy head of the office of the Ukrainian President Andriy Sibiga stressed during the telethon, this process requires approval not only from Sweden. An important stage will be coordination with countries such as the United States, which participated in the production of components for these aircraft.

Nevertheless, according to information from Ukrainian sources, the transfer of Gripen fighters can be carried out faster than expected. This could happen as early as January next year. If this information is confirmed, Ukraine will receive Swedish combat aircraft earlier than American F-16 fighters.

Earlier, there was information that Sweden could transfer 12 JAS-39 Gripen fighters to Ukraine for free use, provided that Kiev will acquire a batch of 24 fighters of this type in the future.
Украина получит шведские истребители JAS-39 Gripen раньше чем F-16

With the persistence of a madman, Hochloreich continues to try to nightmare the Russian regions.
The drone attack on the Rostov region was recorded this morning
In the Rostov region, an attempt was made to attack with the use of kamikaze drones, the governor of the region Vasily Golubev said. According to him, the incident occurred in the early morning.

"An attempted terrorist attack using kamikaze drones was launched in our region early this morning. Electronic warfare equipment has been successfully worked out by UAVs. Air defense was not used because of the small size of the target," Golubev stressed.

As a result of the incident, two drones fell on the territory of a military unit located in Kamensk. The third drone was seen falling in an area located about a kilometer north of Novoshakhtinsk.

"Two drones fell on the territory of a military unit in Kamensk, another one - a kilometer north of Novoshakhtinsk," Golubev said.

The governor of the region reassured citizens, saying that no one was injured as a result of the drone crash, and no damage was recorded.

It should be noted that Kursk and Moscow were also attacked tonight.
Атака беспилотников на Ростовскую область зафиксирована сегодня утром

In Kursk, a drone exploded at the railway station
In the city of Kursk, an explosion occurred at the railway station. According to preliminary information transmitted by the head of the Kursk region Starovoit, the cause of this incident was a strike by a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle.

The UAV crashed into the roof of the station building, resulting in a fire. Eyewitnesses from the scene share videos on social networks showing flames billowing over the roof of the station complex and broken window panes.

Fortunately, fatal casualties were avoided, but five citizens were reported to have received minor injuries as a result of the explosion. Rescue services are working on the spot, which assess the scale of the damage and have begun to eliminate the consequences of the emergency.

What exactly caused the attack on the railway station is still unknown, however, a drone attack on Moscow was also carried out tonight, as reported by Avia journalists.about already reported.
В Курске на железнодорожном вокзале взорвался беспилотник

An airplane-type drone tried to launch an attack on Moscow
On August 20, at 04:00 Moscow time, the air defense forces stopped a dangerous attempt to disrupt an attack on Moscow by an unmanned aerial vehicle of an airplane type. The UAV was launched from the territory of Ukraine to carry out an attack on key facilities in Moscow and the suburbs.

The device was discovered by the air defense forces on duty in the area over the territory of the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. His course indicated an intention to head to the metropolitan area.

Thanks to the rapid response and the use of modern electronic warfare, the UAV was suppressed. Having lost control, he fell in a deserted place, excluding possible casualties and destruction.

The type of drone has not yet been named, however, according to Avia sources.For example, the drone was launched from the territory of the Kharkiv region around midnight.
Беспилотник самолётного типа попытался устроить атаку на Москву

Шведы похоже решили тоже не упустить возможность погреть руки на несчастной украине. Только так можно воспринимать предполагаемую передачу 36 самолетов. С начала СВО Россия сбила более 300 украинских самолетов, значит чисто статистически такое количество самолетов иссякнет через 1,5 месяца. Еще необходимо учесть кто будет летать на этих самолетах. Если это будут укры, то самолеты кончатся быстрее, это очевидно. Если это будут шведы, то самолёты пролетают немного дальше, однако кончатся тоже с потерями некоторого количества пилотов и это вероятно будет чувствительно для Швеции.
С упорством сумасшедшего хохляндия продолжает пытаться кошмарить российские регионы.
20 Aug, 2023

20 AUG, 2023

But the plan to train the Ukrainian pilots on US-made F-16s is delayed.

20 Aug, 2023

'So who is lying who?'
An article explaining the current situation in Ukraine by a former CIA member:

More Signs the West is Losing and Reacting Accordingly in Ukraine, Plus Judge Napolitano’s Round Table
Some details on yesterday's strike on Chernihiv. Yes, it was a Drama theater building, but...
Yesterday's message
It's not over yet (TG): In Chernihiv, it was not exactly the same blow to the decision-making centers, which everyone is so anxiously asking for after another attack on the territory of Russia.
It was a blow to the meeting of officers of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO from Poland and the Baltic States before making decisions in Kiev and Warsaw. They were going to work out a general concept of border protection in hybrid attacks.

Across the street from the Drama Theater was the headquarters of the GUR and the reception room of the SBU Department of Counterintelligence. Today, a joint meeting was held there with the Polish and Lithuanian military to protect the border and counter possible attacks by the DRG from Belarus and Russia. There were 23 people with foreign citizenship at the meeting. The same number arrived from Lviv yesterday afternoon in Chernihiv. Of the 23, 9 corpses were found under the rubble, the rest are still missing.

In the Drama Theater, more than 38 fighters and commanders of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been found dead. More than 75 people have already been seriously injured. Two civilians were killed in an unsuccessful launch of Soviet-era air defense missiles. The contrail of the S-300 air defense system is visible on the video. The APU admitted that they unsuccessfully tried to shoot down a rocket of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the city limits.
At this hour, 54 people have already died. 3 civilians. The wounded and injured exceeded 89 people. 11 very bad foreigners (officers from Poland and the Baltic States) were taken by helicopter to Kiev and from there on board to Poland.
20.08.2023 Последние новости: Три сценария окончания войны на Украине. Карта боевых действий сегодня (21 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

It's today
Military correspondent Kotz: "Now the organizers of the military, in fact, exhibition on a day off in the center of Chernihiv and the city authorities are turning arrows on each other - who gave permission to whom for such a potentially dangerous performance, who did not.
There is a surprisingly unanimous opinion in the comments in the Ukrainian public - it was a criminal decision. After all, obviously, if you announce such an event in the open, it will become a goal.
It's as if the Army-2023 exhibition was decided to be held in Belgorod or Kursk. Everything that can fly would fly there. Only after that, according to the necrophilic Ukrainian tradition, the Svidomo ghouls would savor civilian casualties, and a fire show "Belgorod" would be announced in a Kiev nightclub, as it was after the tragedy in Makhachkala."
20.08.2023 Новости с войны. ЦРУ: Без помощи США, Украина исчезнет за 2 недели. Карта боевых действий на этот час (21 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

On impact in Chernihiv.
Apparently, the meeting of the APU drone guides, which was attended by both manufacturers and operators, was struck by the blow. The event was announced by the Ukrainian manufacturers of the Luti Ptashki UAV. According to Turkish military analysts, the building where the event was held could be used as a warehouse for storing Beaver drones, which the APU is trying to use on the territory of Russia. It is also reported that with a difference of a few minutes, an arrival was recorded at the SBU building in Chernihiv. (Military Chronicle of TG)
20.08.2023 Срочные новости с Украины: ВСУ атакуют западнее Работино, окружая село. Карта боевых действий: Бахмут, Времевский выступ (16 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

I don't even know what to say here
Strana.ua: near Kiev, four experts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs sawed a rocket with a grinder and exploded

MOSCOW, Aug 20 — RIA Novosti. Four employees of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine were killed during the detonation of a missile warhead and a fire in a warehouse. This is written by the Ukrainian edition "Country.ua".
"As a result of yesterday's detonation of ammunition on the territory of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kiev, four experts were killed. The detonation of the warhead of the R—27 guided air-to—air missile occurred as a result of a violation of security measures by the center's experts," a law enforcement source told the publication.

According to him, experts sawed the warhead of the rocket with a grinder and hit it with a hammer, after which it detonated.
After extinguishing the fire, work on eliminating the consequences of the explosion was suspended because other ammunition was heated, manipulations with which can also lead to detonation, the source added.
On the eve of "Country.ua" reported an explosion near the ring road in Kiev. Later, Interior Minister Igor Klimenko explained that the explosion occurred in the warehouse of the Forensic Center, which started a fire. According to Klimenko, this happened during the examination of explosive objects.
СМИ: пилившие болгаркой ракету украинские эксперты погибли под Киевом

The words of Lavrov, spoken in a low voice at one of the press conferences, come to mind: morons, f...k!
From TG: Inessa S ️️
NATO provides critical support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine counteroffensive.

Maps show reconnaissance, surveillance, detection aircraft and drones over the Black Sea and Europe between May 20 to August 5, 2023.
Notice how active Sweden has become, and also the activity around Kaliningrad and Belarus

Of course they also have drones over UA, one way or the other.

For planes high up, the horizon is further way. Here is a distance to horizon calculator: Distance to Horizon Calculator If a plane is 12000m up, there are about 350 km to the horizon if this is at sea level. Thus, NATO should be quite capable of surveying what goes on in Crimea, and areas near Russian borders.

Claims that 10,000 people from Poland have died in Ukraine
I find it hard to believe, how would it be possible to hide? I can't find the original, though there are many paraphrased articles.
Mysl Polska: More than 10 thousand Poles were killed in Ukraine during the SVO
Matvey Koporushkin

For a year and a half of special operations in Ukraine, at least 10 thousand Poles were killed, Mysl Polska reports.

As noted in the article, most of the dead are statistically considered as volunteers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or foreign mercenaries, but in reality they continued to remain Polish servicemen and reservists. They were sent to the front line only under the legend of "volunteers".

The publication noted a large number of dead: the total number of the Polish army at the moment is only 160 thousand people, of which 60 thousand fall on the ground forces. 10 thousand dead in Ukraine in a year and a half is serious for the country's defense and may cause "certain socio-political consequences."

Earlier, RG wrote about Warsaw's plans to send soldiers to Ukraine. It was noted that the country's prime minister and other decision-makers would be ready to send Polish soldiers to the Ukrainian front in the name of" protecting the Motherland " from an imaginary Russian threat.
On the other hand, surely many have died. Sputnik quoted Russian sources claiming 5000 foreign troops had been killed About 4,990 Foreign Fighters Killed by Russian Forces Since Beginning of Military Op in Ukraine and most are surely Polish. Here is the story in Polish.

Tucker Carlson visited the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, who see Europe as the greater looser in this war
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Serious, but difficult to implement for many reasons plans
Up to 80 F-16, Gripen and MiG-29 fighters will be transferred to Ukraine
In light of recent events, various European countries have expressed their support for Ukraine, promising to supply fighters: 61 F-16s from the Netherlands and Denmark, an indefinite number of JAS-39 Gripen fighters from Sweden and about a dozen MiG-29 fighters from Poland. This fact means that Ukraine may receive about 80-90 fighters for service during 2024

The key problem is that initially there is a need to train pilots, where the adaptation of infrastructure and maintenance of military equipment in working order will be added later. In addition, the time factor also plays a role, since the integration of new military equipment takes time.

Nevertheless, the situation is quite complicated, since this means that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive more modern fighters that Kiev had before February 2021, and their number will clearly exceed the official information about the Ukrainian Air Force fleet on the same date (according to official reports, at the beginning of 2021, the Ukrainian Air Force was in service 70 fighters).
Украине передадут до 80 истребителей F-16, Gripen и МиГ-29
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