Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

France creates coalition to arm Ukraine with long-range weapons

The aim is to enable Kiev to “carry out deep strikes” amid flagging US support, President Emmanuel Macron has said
Medvedev commented on the French president and diagnosed the apparent illness ;)
Dmitry Medvedev could not help but comment on Macron's words:
"People have various ailments. Someone has urinary incontinence. About others who are prone to rash reactions, they say "urine hit the head."But the current president of France, the Supreme Commander of the French armed forces and Prince of Andorra Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron had two problems at once: first, urine probably hit his head, and then speech incontinence occurred.

He said that Europe needs Russia's defeat for security, and therefore it is necessary to send extended-range missiles to the Nazis in Kiev and consider sending troops of individual NATO states into Ukraine. Coupled with the recent desire to share France's nuclear arsenal with all willing Europeans, it seems that Macron's speech incontinence has become a protracted and painful problem. The holder of the Legion of Honor does not take care of himself.

Or it's time to change your diet: oysters and champagne are a good thing, but you're not a boy anymore. Verbal enuresis at his age is dangerous.And others don't like it either. The smell, you know…". https://t.me/vicktop55/21935
Medvedev commented on the French president and diagnosed the apparent illness ;)

And here is Mrs. Maria Zakharova

As for Emmanuel Macron's statements about the possibility of sending NATO military to Ukraine.

We would like to recall that just a month ago, the French Foreign Minister denied that Paris was involved in recruiting mercenaries for the Kiev regime and called direct evidence "crude Russian propaganda".

There is a strong feeling that the French President is not in principle aware of what his subordinates are saying, nor of what he himself is saying.

And now I want to remind Macron of France's history. It has been different.

In April 1945, Berlin was defended by the French SS division Charlemagne and a number of others. They also defended directly the "Führerbunker" - Hitler's bunker. They were among the last to be awarded the Nazi Order of the Knight's Cross in the Third Reich. The French SS members of the Charlemagne were the last defenders of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery.

Emmanuel, did you decide to organize the Charlemagne II (Charlemagne deux) division to defend Zielenski's bunker?
In April 1945, Berlin was defended by the French SS division Charlemagne and a number of others. They also defended directly the "Führerbunker" - Hitler's bunker. They were among the last to be awarded the Nazi Order of the Knight's Cross in the Third Reich. The French SS members of the Charlemagne were the last defenders of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery.
Wow, what an indictment of the Vichy Government, you won't read that in the history books.
Wow, what an indictment of the Vichy Government, you won't read that in the history books.
It depends on which textbooks to read. Here is a clear example of what many people, including Putin, are talking about and what is called rewriting history.

Surprisingly, it turns out that Macron knows that there are rash promises, and when he talked about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, one would think that these matters were not available to this monsieur.
Promising Ukraine a million rounds of ammunition by March was reckless, — Macron

The EU's promise to allocate a million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine by March 2024 was "reckless," French President Emmanuel Macron has admitted.

"I must say that we did not have this million rounds of ammunition. This was undoubtedly a rash commitment.

The reality is that in the very short term, you can only provide the ammunition that you have in stock, or those that you produce on time," Macron explained the significant delay in the supply of ammunition to the Kiev regime during a press conference on February 27.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that Kiev had received only a third of the million promised shells.

There are so many figures who hastened to confirm the rashness of Macron's promises.
EU countries have alternately denied the possibility of sending their troops to Ukraine
The European Union has not made any general decision on the possible dispatch of troops to Ukraine, said Peter Stano, a representative of the EU Foreign policy service.

According to him, this is a decision of individual countries.

"There is no decision at the EU level to send troops to Ukraine. The question of how to support Ukraine militarily is the responsibility of the member states and their sovereign decisions," Stano said, commenting on the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that he does not exclude the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine.

At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that "no one will send Alliance troops to Ukraine" and stressed that there are no such plans.

A number of countries have already stated that they will not send troops to Ukraine:

► Germany (Defense Minister Boris Pistorius);
► Czech Republic (Prime Minister Petr Fiala);
► Hungary (Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto);
► Poland (Prime Minister Donald Tusk);
► Sweden (Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson);
► Slovakia (Prime Minister Robert Fico);
► Greece (Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis);
► Finland (President Sauli Niinisto).

In Shoigu's statements today, he also touched on this problem, although he did not recall Macron.
The Russian army knocked out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Severnoye, Lastochkino and Pobeda were also liberated in a week, Shoigu said

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made a number of statements at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense.

The Russian army knocked out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the settlement of Severny, and Lastochkino and the Victory of the Donetsk People's Republic were also liberated in a week.

► Russian troops are advancing daily along the entire line of contact.

► The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throws the last reserves into battle, trying to stabilize the situation and prevent the collapse of the front. .

Since the beginning of 2024, 327 square kilometers of new territories have been liberated, Ukraine's losses amounted to over 440,000 people.

► Since the beginning of the year, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost an average of more than 800 personnel and 120 weapons every day.

EU and NATO countries will not send their troops to Ukraine.

► RCBZ troops eliminated the bio-threat after the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam.

These freaks keep trying to shit.
FSB special operation: a terrorist attack using toxic substances in the Zaporozhye region was prevented (+VIDEO)

FSB officers conducted a successful special operation, preventing a terrorist attack using toxic substances in the Zaporozhye region.

"The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation suppressed an attempt by Ukrainian special services to commit a terrorist act in the Zaporozhye region using an analog of a military toxic substance according to the NATO classification BZ.

Three Ukrainian citizens were detained.

The seized drugs are used to create chemical weapons of mass destruction and were developed in the United States.

The Investigative Department of the FSB of Russia has initiated and is investigating a criminal case under Article 355 (development, production, accumulation, acquisition or sale of weapons of mass destruction) and Article 205 (terrorist act) The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," the FSB Public Relations Center reported.

Это смотря какие учебники читать. Вот наглядный пример того, о чем у нас многие, в т.ч. Путин, говорят и что называется переписыванием истории.
Удивительно, оказывается Макрон знает, что бывают опрометчивые обещания, а когда он говорил о посылке НАТОвских войск на Украину, можно было подумать, что сии материи не доступны этому месье.
Вон сколько деятелей поспешили подтвердить опрометчивость обещаний Макрона.
В сегодняшних заявлениях Шойгу, он тоже коснулся этой проблемы, правда Макрона он не вспоминал.
Эти уроды продолжают пытаться нагадить.
A number of countries have already stated that they will not send troops to Ukraine:

► Germany (Defense Minister Boris Pistorius);
► Czech Republic (Prime Minister Petr Fiala);
► Hungary (Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto);
► Poland (Prime Minister Donald Tusk);
► Sweden (Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson);
► Slovakia (Prime Minister Robert Fico);
► Greece (Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis);
► Finland (President Sauli Niinist

Well, Petr Fiala said that the Czech government does not consider sending troops to Ukraine.
Where as Robert Fico was very straight in saying Slovakia will not sent troops...a fundamental difference in meaning if you ask me.

Also Czech Republic is considering to extend possibility of military deployment from current age span 18-40 to a larger one 18-60.
So there is that.
NATO and EU countries agreed that they will not send their troops to Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz informed journalists:
Once again, as part of a good discussion, we discussed that what we agreed from the beginning also applies to the future, i.e. that there will be no ground forces or soldiers of European states or NATO on the territory of Ukraine," Scholz said.
At least they agreed on that!
Interesting data on the Abrams shot down yesterday. He was shot down by a kamikaze drone, I already wrote about this and finished him off with an RPG of almost of model 7. If this is indeed the case, it turns out that this miracle of American technology was shot down and destroyed first by a penny drone, and then by a half a century ago weapon , without the use of specialized, high-tech ATGMs.
Now it becomes clear why, according to some reports, Instagram blocks messages about this tank, referring to "protecting the image and business reputation of the company."
In general, what they tried so hard and are trying to avoid, they got in full force.

Интересные данные по подбитому вчера Абрамсу. Подбит он был дроном-камикадзе, об этом я уже писал и добили его из РПГ чуть ли не 7 модели. Если это действительно так, то получается, что это чудо американской техники было подбито и уничтожено сначала копеечным дроном, а потом оружием полувековой давности, без применения специализированных, высокотехнологичных ПТРК.
Теперь становится понятно почему, по некоторым сведениям Инстаграм блокирует сообщения об этом танке, ссылаясь на "защиту имиджа и деловой репутации компании".
В общем, чего они так старались и стараются избежать, то они и получили в полном составе.
Until they change their mind
Yes Nienna, with all those American troops over there in Germany etc, changing uniforms is very easy and my gut feeling is that there will be troops involved, maybe under cloak of false flag.
They are desperate to keep the war machine continuing and their options are all used up. Terror tactics are their go to strategy.
Yes Nienna, with all those American troops over there in Germany etc, changing uniforms is very easy and my gut feeling is that there will be troops involved, maybe under cloak of false flag.
They are desperate to keep the war machine continuing and their options are all used up. Terror tactics are their go to strategy.
I would like to add that the issue of sending troops is no longer worth it as such. NATO troops (or military) have been in Ukraine for a long time and the only question they have is how to achieve a larger-scale use of NATO troops and at the same time not run into a direct conflict with Russia.

February is coming to an end, interim results are being summed up.
First, about Russia's actions.
The Russian army is storming 4 villages beyond Avdiivka, 3 beyond Maryinka, 2 near Artemovsk and 1 in Zaporizhia (MAP)

In the Avdiivka direction, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are storming Tonenke, Pervomaiske, Orlovka and Berdych.

Near Maryinka, Russian troops stormed Georgievka and Krasnogorovka, to the outskirts of which they managed to break through. Closer to Ugledar, our fighters storm Novomikhailovka and finish off the enemy near Victory. Russians had successes up to 200 meters in the area of Novomikhailovka. They have gained a foothold in most of the Victory," Ukrainian military propagandists admit.

Artemovsky. "It is very difficult in Ivanovo. There are a lot of Russians. It is difficult to contain their onslaught," Kiev resources complain. The troops are also moving towards the Chapel, storming the APU strongholds in the fields. And the 200th brigade and the Volunteer Corps are advancing in Bogdanovka and in the landings near it.

Liman-Kremennaya-Kupyansk. Along this front, Russian troops attacked Sinkovka, Ivanovka, Tabaevka and Terny, in total there were 28 assaults on AFU positions. Airstrikes: Sinkovka, Terny.

"There are battles in the Limansky direction in the area of the Kruglaya and Yara Laptev gullies. Russian forces are pressing in the direction of the village of Terny."

On the Zaporozhye front, the situation after the entry of the Southern Military District regiments into Rabocino: there are positional battles, without global changes.

A new record: In February, more than 1,200 planning aerial bombs flew to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
February of this year was marked by a significant increase in the use of planning aerial bombs by the Russian military, reaching a record number of more than 1,200 units from the 1st to the 26th. The particularly intensive use of these munitions was recorded in the middle of the month, when 151 high-explosive aerial bombs were dropped on the positions of Ukrainian formations during the day, of which 94 fell on the Avdiivka area.

The effectiveness of the use of planning aerial bombs has become a significant factor in the course of a special military operation, since the Ukrainian side is having difficulty finding effective means of protection against such attacks. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, dropping up to eight fabs per hour, demonstrate high accuracy of hitting targets, even reaching enemy shelters underground.

Russian high-explosive bombs with planning and correction systems are an analogue of the American JDAM. This allows launches to be carried out at a considerable distance from the target, eliminating the risk of falling into the target area of enemy air defense systems.
Новый рекорд: В феврале по позициям ВСУ прилетело более 1200 планирующих авиабомб

Я хотел бы добавить, что вопрос о посылке войск уже не стоит, как таковой. НАТОвские войска (или военные) уже давно на украине и вопрос у них стоит только в том, как добиться более масштабного использования НАТОвских войск и при этом не наскочить на прямой конфликт с Россией.
Кончается февраль, подводятся промежуточные итоги.
Сначала о действиях России.
Now a little bit about Ukraine's actions.
5 more Abrams were noticed near Avdiivka. This indicates a reduction in Ukrainian reserves, and this is good, because it brings the end of hostilities closer.
At least 5 more Abrams tanks are involved in the Avdiivka area
Against the background of the intensification of hostilities in the Avdiivka direction and the reduction of military assistance from the West, Ukraine was forced to use even previously considered inviolable reserves. This led to the fact that Western armored vehicles were sent to the front line, including American M1A1SA Abrams tanks, previously hidden in the deep rear. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, one of these tanks was shot down in the Berdych area, despite claims by the Polish press about its minor damage.

Igor Kimakovsky, an adviser to the head of the DPR, reported the recorded presence of at least five more Abrams tanks in the Avdiivka area, raising questions about their role and impact on the current operational situation. Despite the impressive characteristics of the Abrams, their presence is unlikely to radically change the situation at the front, especially given the successful actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Data on the presence and participation of Abrams tanks in the fighting near Avdiivka indicate an attempt by the Kiev command to increase the morale of its soldiers against the background of growing losses and retreat. At the same time, the Russian side has already announced the readiness and adaptation of its military to a possible meeting with American armored vehicles, demonstrating confidence in its forces and capabilities to withstand any challenges on the battlefield.
В районе Авдеевки задействованы ещё не менее 5 танков Абрамс

Reality is noticed even from across the ocean when it is profitable for them.
Ukraine is raking the cemetery of its guns to find spare parts — WSJ

Ukraine is raking through the cemetery of its guns to find spare parts and keep shooting, The Wall Street Journal reports.

At a repair base in Ukraine, mechanics repair Western artillery pieces using parts collected from the broken hulls of damaged howitzers.

The need to create such "Frankensteins" arose after two years of armed conflict, as a result of which many of the guns provided by the West were destroyed, damaged or in need of restoration.

These are still puffing up something. There will soon be no one to shoot these guns there, they will have to send crews along with the guns. Although, again, all this is already happening. For example, the Himars, Patriot, Caesar systems (this is just what I remembered) are maintained and managed by non-Ukrainians.
Ukraine will receive 9 newest Czech DITA howitzers
The Dutch Ministry of Defense has announced an order for the latest Czech DITA howitzers for Ukraine, reflecting the growing support for Kiev amid the ongoing conflict.

"Ukraine needs these weapons. That is why the Netherlands recently ordered nine such howitzers for Ukraine," the ministry said in an official statement.

This step highlights the depth of the Netherlands' involvement in military support for Ukraine.

In addition to the DITA howitzers, the Netherlands previously ordered 100 MR-2 anti-aircraft guns from the Czech Republic and, in cooperation with the United States and Denmark, initiated the modernization of 100 T-72 battle tanks, which indicates a large-scale intervention in the conflict. General Onno Eichelsheim, Commander of the Armed Forces of the Netherlands, personally visited the factories for the production of weapons.

In addition to military support, the Netherlands also plans to sign a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine.
Украина получит 9 новейших чешских гаубиц DITA

C's warned us about the activation of UFOs in combat areas. They have become so active that they have already been noticed.
APU notices UFOs in the war zone — Daily Mail (VIDEO)

The Ukrainian military notices UFOs in the war zone, the British tabloid Daily Mail reports, referring to reports from the "horsemen" from the 406th battalion.

An absolutely silent UFO in the shape of a disk was captured on camera by Ukrainian militants.

"What the *** is this? Why isn't he moving?" — we can hear the dialogue of soldiers of the 406th battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine observing a large object hovering over the combat zone.

Although the exact size, shape and height of the object are unknown, the dimensions of the drone indicate that the UFO may be "a large ship located more than 30 miles away," writes DM.

The recording was made by a Mavic 3T drone. The representative of DJI could not explain what kind of object could get into the lens of the Mavica camera.

Теперь немного о действиях Украины. Под Авдеевкой заметили еще 5 Абрамсов. Это говорит сокращении украинских резервов и это хорошо, т.к. приближает окончание боевых действий.
Реальность замечают даже из-за океана, когда им это выгодно.
Эти все еще чего то пыжаться. Там уже скоро их этих пушек стрелять будет некому, придется вместе с пушками отправлять и экипажи. Хотя, опять же, все это уже происходит. Например системы Химарс, Патриот, Цезарь (это только то что я вспомнил) обслуживаются и управляются не украинцами.
C's нас предупреждали об активизации НЛО в районах боевых действий. Они активизировались настолько, что их уже стали замечать.
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